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Some story crossing with the main line also showing how's it for our favorite bro life with one of the our favorite Girls. Tomorrow I'll post something in the main storyline and then I'll continue this one. Did you expect Miranda could be so bold sometime?

Update: added the second and last part, it mixes with the main storyline .
I hope you will enjoy his point of view. You got also an archive to download everything on your device.

PS: There is an extra angle image in the end. Enjoy the view!




Love it 😍


Oh wow, that's some imagination there Miranda, and probably not far from the truth! Looks like Steve will have to work growing his trunk somehow if he's to keep up with Miranda!


I do hope Steve can "grow" to the occasion as Miranda keeps getting bigger, from the sound of it she wants to get as big as Rebecca


Wow, amazing job! keep it up dear fella!. But please more of Myranda and lil'bro that's awesome to read and see


Well, I guess if she contracts her glutes at the right moment that can work for real! Hehe!


We will see how these two will manage with an increasing difference in size and what solutions they will adopt. All the options are open, there is Miranda in there!


More than this?They are basically here every month. Also this is just half, more soon :) Also: thank you for your compliemnts :)


I know it probably won't happen but I do hope that Steve can grow to a similar size than Mark to keep pleasing Miranda and not feel as inadequate


I don't know either what will happen but he's not feeling inadequate. Having a small one isn't always a problem. Same as the opposite

bold zaphod

OMG Steve is hidden between Rebecca's legs, unbelievable, he is so so tiny, Miranda looks really tall, in heels 6'5". How quickly she is growing


Does image #9 have some blurry text bubbles?


You know, that actually makes sense and I feel dumb now haha


Do not, please. I believe I could it make it better graphically. All is ok. I hope you liked the pictures


Of course! Love the interaction between Steve, Rebecca and Miranda! Can't wait for more Miranda stories!


the top of the door is not very far with these heels!

bold zaphod

Without heels her in seam length is 5'4", with heels is it 6' or 6'2"? The fact Steve can comfortably stand between those towering strong pillar like legs it must be at least 6'.


Why do I get the feeling that Miranda will force herself on Mark like how Rebecca’s mom did. And also, I bet it will be before the marriage ceremony.(a month or days)


Consider also Steve isn't standing straight. Anyway yes I think she has about 6' inseam with these heels

bold zaphod

sometimes i wonder what goes on Steve's mind. Once upon a time a taller brother now simply overwhelmed his younger sister (sic) so much that he looks so tiny, helpless, in front of her. Not only he admires Rebecca but also is surely mortally afraid of her size, strength. He knows this is not the end of it and she will continue to grow and who knows one day he will be just as tall as length of her arm from her shoulder to her tips.

bold zaphod

year 2012 conversation Steve: You know little one i am so very tall and simply tower over your small body Rebecca: I know i hardly reach anywhere near your height Steve: You are so light i can lift you Rebecca: Please don't i will be off balance if you lift me so high possibly get dizzy Steve: Look at your hands and feet they are so small Rebecca: I know yours are so big and look massive Steve: Don't irritate me and do what i tell you, else I can pin you down with my one hand Rebecca: Please be kind Year 2021 conversation Rebecca: You know little one I am so very tall and simply tower over your small body Steve: I know I hardly reach anywhere near your height Rebecca: You are so light I can lift you Steve: Please don't I will be off balance if you lift me so high possibly get dizzy Rebecca: Look at your hands and feet they are so small Steve: I know, your are so big and massive Rebecca: Don't irritate me and do what i tell you, else I can pin you down with my one hand Steve: Please be kind