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Thank you guys again for your great support, my work is going steady and the release of bluephone 5 is delayed also because I add scenes here and there, fix this or that. I want to create a good product and something I like myself, I also had and will have a busy RL. I’m happy however, despite this one week delay to be steady and be able to create the amount of stuff I promise each month even if I’m behind schedule with Bluephone issues.

That said, next month will be paused (no charges) because I’m going to visit my parents after a long time and I can’t keep the pace I’m having right now. But worry not because two things will keep happening anyway: bluephone 6 part 1 and 2, issues of growth diary with their extra and maybe (no promises) along with the Brother PoV of this month there can be a Miranda issue if all goes according to plans but depends on the time available. Also I’ll focus a lot on the release of BP6 part 1 to catch up so few things could be published during July (again, no additional costs, just a bit more patience). All in all you’ll have more stuff for the same price.

What does the June-July subscription will bring to you? Here is the list:

Growth Diary Tier:
- 2 issues minimum with extras of the Growth Diary (February and March 2021)
- Brother PoV mini story (10+ panels)
- Share your ideas for a couple of pictures and vote them in a poll
- 2 Growth Diary related pictures chosen by you
- access to 2 years+ posts with hundreds of pictures
- if enough time left: new Miranda’s growth mini story

Growth Comics Tier:

- All the above
- Bluephone 7 Part 2 (granted delivery when available via PM)
- Share your idea for a growth sequence and vote it in a poll
- 10+ growth sequence panels chosen by you
- Open topic/discussion on what you like in comics (yes it’s coming back)
- access to all growth sequences created so far
- For eligible patrons who supported me before during the period 7/2021 to 11/2021: Day 5 Part 2 (in one week from now)
- For eligible patrons who supported me during the period 12/2021 to 4/2022 Day 6 Part 1 and (if all goes as planned) part 2.

News: Starting from august I’ll add an interactive comic tier where it will be you to guide me into the model creation, growth process and story line. You can decide everything while I work and stream everything live. Streams will happen every week and it will be interactive even for those who can’t attend the live streaming. Streams will be recorded and stored for you to rewatch. Renders and text will be added offline and then posted on patreon. More details later.



Its alright take care of yourself, have a great time visiting your parents :)


Sounds like a plan!