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Hey guys,

I’m sorry to have to announce a delay and a slow down in my work releases but the matter is really serious. A close member of my family is now in ICU (not covid). According to how things will go I’m going to have more (or less, but for many reasons I really hope not) time and mood to work. I will update you but if you see me working more it’s a way to say there is good news.
Due to the nature of my work such events seriously compromise my ability to work but I’ll do my best to work when my mind is not so worried about such matters and when I have free time.

For example today I can work a bit, slowly, not full time but I can. Please try to forgive me if you can, I’d really prefer to be workaholic at this moment than to see this happening to a person so dear to me.

I will add a bit more detail but for those of you who are sensitive please avoid reading below.

From the last post of the growth diary I said things were going bad. That wasn’t the worst. Sadly, after a hospitalization in the ER of a young member of my family, to whom I’m really close, during the night there were complications that this family member had to be moved to the ICU. Lungs are seriously compromised and doctors can’t say what will be the outcome. Only time will tell. I had to be close to my family in the past days, going  to the hospital for news, and comforting each other. I can’t describe to you the pain we all are feeling. The healing process if it starts will be long but it will be a good sign



Don't worry health and family come first hope things get better for you


Take as long as you need very understandable stay strong

Liam Strain

Take the time you need for your family. Best wishes for all.


Being productive can take your mind off of things. One thing to love about your work is it does take your mind off of things. However, I can understand how tough things are, considering I lost my father a few months ago. So, if you have trouble getting to this, it's no big deal. While this is a good get away from things, it's also something that requires a good mental state. I'd rather you not work on growth diary and such if you're struggling. Do what you gotta do man! I love your work, but family/friends are all too important, even real close ones.




Take your time I can wait


People react very differently to really stressfull moments, but it is better to be surrounded with family and love ones in tough times. Take your time! All the best and wishing for a speedy recovery.


Family is everything Alex and when someone pass away, it will hurt like fuck! One becomes a wreck and feels miserable. But you know what, that is okay!! Now there is likely a million things you will feel guilty of that you cant do when you are super stressed about this - which will just make everything even worse. I tell you this. Learn to give a fuck! Get through your misery and find yourself again and stop concerning yourself with things that you in your hearth know you cant cope with. Then one day you can come back and you will see we are likely still out there somewhere. These are maybe tough sounding words, but learning to let go is really the only way to learn to deal with stress. I know because i have been all the way down in the mud myself.

Douglas C. Fowler

I am sorry you and your loved are having to go through this at any time of the year. Focus on rapid recovery and we will as well. Health comes first.

Jey Dior

I can wait. Do what you want


You're, Alex, an artist who cares about details. Emotional ones included. Tha's the reason why your works are fully detailed. As sensitive as you are, I can't even imagine how deep and strong are feelings for you at this time Alex. There is no shadow without light; the strongest light (hope) is, the thinest the shadow shrinks. Forza!

Terry Hernandogomez

Hope everything works out okay. Family is important.