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A short notice just to remind or making people aware of that if you keep being my Patrons for September you won't be charged again. As I stated before I'm considering this summer period longer while I try to catch up with work to do. Nonetheless there will be more posts in September and more stuff released.

Also I just published a new picture of the Growth Diary 



I have 1q, if i will take 6$ support, i got growth diary and extra premium or i need to take 2$ and 6$ for those 2


You'll get both of them, I try to make it very convenient for everyone. Growth diary stuff is all accessible, comic is just one each month ( or period)


oki, and another thing :D i saw discord once and cant find in anymore, how i can get your discord ?


You just need to connect your discord account to patreon, everything else will be automatic and you'll have my server listed on your discord. Here is the link with the instructions on how to do: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role


Hi Alex, any news about BluePhone? Chapter 4 was scheduled for the beginning of this month (and 5 for the end of it). How does it look like now? Is there a new schedule?

Tits McGee

Honestly hope his okay been nearly a month of nothing.