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Update 03/26/2021: 

Issue completed (finally!) You'll be updated soon about my health. I'm working more and more every day (which is good, finally x2). April billing cycle is suspended so if you're already here you won't be charged

Hi guys,
sorry for the long absence.
I'm here, kind of alive, not feeling bad but neither perfectly good. I'm now in a condition I can work regularly each day.  I am happy to have all of you as supporters, it always gives me strenght and joy.

Update on my health condition: I've been feeling bad all the past 30 days with fever during the night, bowel problems and lymph nodes pain. I had to go to specialists because it's hard to diagnose what I have. Still I don't know, I've had part of these problems from a long time now. I'm feeling better now but a bit worried about what can be wrong with me. I will let you know when I'll have more news. It was hard to work like this so please forgive me.

Patreon Status:
Starting from March 1st the billing cycle will be resumed for only 1 month, this means you'll be charged again for the monthly subscription. In April will be paused again. I'm planning to release the  long waited "Blue Phone - Day 1" in about 2 weeks. Why am I going to unpause it if there is still a lot of stuff I need to do? The reason is that due to the long pause already and increasing medical expenses I really need a bit of economical support. In March you'll get all that is promised in regular months (extra mini comic, growth comic, polls and their extra pics/sequence), however it will be delivered after I complete previous missing things.

It was really a great moral support to see many of you, writing me in private or in public during the past weeks, asking about my health and giving me your best wishes.

I will update you as soon results from tests and doctor's new evaluation will come.

For now let's try to go back to normal :)




Im very sorry to hear about ur health. My support will be there when needed on here!


Glad to hear you're feeling a little better, hope everything goes well for you Alex 🙏


Hope the specialist gets you sorted quickly Alex god bless


Biology is deep and fascinating and there is always hope, don't you dare despair


So sorry to hear about your health. It might be an inflammatory bowel disease, like Crohn's disease. I suggest you go to a gastroenterologist rather soon. Hope that specialty helps you find the proper diagnosis and treatment sooner than later. All the best wishes, you're a great artist.


Looks like you're missing page 7