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This is an open discussion where you can share your ideas of what you really like to see or what you think is missing in growth comics. Scenes, situations, sequences... whatever you want to say, remembering I don't do "extreme" things.

General rules of how this works:

  • Write a comment
  • Like or answer to a comment
  • The most liked/discussed topic might get priorities
  • Remember that this doesn't mean I'm going to do always the exact thing you ask for and that maybe it also won't be in the upcoming comic but maybe in one of the next ones.
  • I use your comments as ideas and improvements for my comics so that you can enjoy them more.
  • If it's a theme I don't do (example: vore) I'll comment it letting you know.

Noteworthy highlights of what has been said so far:

  • Increasing undersized clothing while girls grow
  • Ripping clothes during growth
  • Keeping the slow pace/minigts size/filling rooms/height comparisons/POV
  • Some height transfer
  • Pen1s (more explicit stuff), with some growth of it (for the girls)



Not much more to say from last time but maybe in the special editions of comics alternative angles on the bigger growth sequences would be cool to see


More hand/foot/leg/arm size and length comparisons. Male growth, something like body shrinks but manhood grows. Thicker girls, where their legs get thicker not necessarily muscle.


I like to see when the girls are tall enough to walk over people, or just don't see them when they walk past them.


Growth / nudity in public. I love it when a girl grows in public and doesn't have clothing to cover herself, or when she is so big that the only clothes that fit are very small / revealing.


compare the height of a man and a super tall girl who tries to appear smaller, and has problems due to her large size (example: kneeling, bending over, etc)


Some muscle, not much.


Nudity and sex. Not too much growth for the girls is better. (his head in the same height as her boobs is best)

Hunter S Creek

Growth to a realistic height: usually no more than the male's eyes level with her breasts. Breast expansion, but not too much bigger than the woman's head. Some muscle growth. As she grows, the Babe could give gentle, good-natured teasing of her male friends and maybe a bit more edginess with male antagonists. I find under-sized clothing to be more fun than nudity -- it seems to better emphasize the process of the female growth, and is not as blatantly sexual. I've always liked the idea of comparing how guys treat a shy, nerdy, short, scrawny girl before and after she becomes a tall, leggy, busty babe. This idea is made even more fun if the female's growth is not permanent -- it wears off, but can then occur again -- like a Jekyll and Hyde character that may or may not have control over when she grows or when she shrinks back. Such a story-line can lead to many potentially humorous situations: especially if she is recognizable to the reader in either body, but not necessarily recognizable to all of the in-universe characters (e.g. Bruce Banner and The Hulk). She might eventually lead a dual life with separate friends, dates, etc. that sometimes clash/overlap if/when she should unexpectedly grow or shrink. As mentioned, such scenarios can be humorous/awkward/sexy.