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Thank You Again for your impressing growing support. I'm really grateful to all of you and a special thanks goes to the people that increased their support out of generosity believing  in me and liking what I do. I'll try my best this month too!

This month we’ll have:

  • Miranda's POV Story!!! The new character is coming and we'll know what she thinks!
  • Blue Phone  - Day 1, (comic based on Jack Vigilante's story) available 15-20th of October ($6+ Tier)
  • Issues with Extras of the Growth Diary: January 2020, February 2020 and March 2020
  • Open discussion on what you like to see in the comics ($6+ Tier)
  •  2 Polls on Rebecca Extra images
  • Poll for an Extra Comic 10 Pics Sequence ($6+ Tier)
  • Poll for the next Comic ($6+ Tier)

Remember you're entitle to receive or watch all the things above, if you think you're missing something please don't refrain to contact me. I'll write soon a post with instructions  on how to get everything from my Patreon because I understand it can get confusing sometime.

Poll ideas:  what would you like to see in pictures? which situation? what interactions and which characters? just say what you think and I'll pick your suggestions adding them to the poll along with the suggestions from the previous month. The only rule is: Rebecca and other characters won't change size/appearance. NB: Remember ideas must feature single pictures, then it will be to decide to do a sequence or no, depending on time and creativity. Things that have been suggested in the past month comments, please rewrite them here.
1 idea per person every month.

15% Shop Discount Code for September
Use the above code in my shop here https://gumroad.com/alexgts in case you want to get more of my stuff.

Use the above code in my shop  if you wish to get some more of my stories.

Join the community on Discord! (follow the link below if you need to know how to)




How about Rebecca using her height to completely dominate in a sport?


Mark and Rebecca in a sexual role-playing game, where they switch roles, he is taller and Rebecca is small, but she is having trouble now playing her role due to her huge size, for example: https://www.deviantart.com/alex-gts-artist/art/Growth-Diary-March-2016-Page-6-803664279 or https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83936106 I don't know if I could express myself well. XP


A cute photo of Rebecca doing the heart shaped boob challenge. A bit late, but I think it would look nice. ^^


A comparison between small and actual rebecca having sex with her boyfriend


Rebecca The Dark Empress? ;)


something like 6 feet tall ceiling, with rebecca walking over people

George Lopez

I’d love a panel or a series of Mark stumbling onto Rebecca’s oversized clothes (bra, panties, shirts) as he searches for her in their apartment. Like a breadcrumb trail to a giantess 😉


Rebecca dreaming about her boyfriend becoming taller than herself and having sex with him


Rebecca visiting one of her friend's apartment, but it is very cramped for her


Maybe some pics only with mother and people to realize how big she is, because she always looks tiny with rebecca in her side


I can't change size of characters but we could achieve a similar effect with the former Rebecca (before starting to grow)


Could we get a line up of current Rebecca and her previous sizes

Ethan Rouse

How about comparisons between mother / daughter? Like height, legs, feet, hands, etc.