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Thank You All for the amazing support! Many of you have joined or upgraded to the Comics Supporter Tier and I’m pleased that you like also my other creations. I hope to do better, to improve and maybe exceed your expectations!

This month we’ll have many things coming:

  • 2 Polls on Rebecca Extra images
  • Poll for an Extra Comic 10 Pics Sequence ($6+ Tier)
  • Poll for the next Comic ($6+ Tier)
  • Rebecca POV Story will feature her father, a cooking session and a surprise!
  • 2 Hours of Dreams Part II, available 19 or 20th of September ($6+ Tier)
  • Issues with Extras of the Growth Diary: December 2019 and January 2020
  • Open discussion on what you like to see in the comics ($6+ Tier)

Remember you're entitle to receive or watch all the things above, if you think you're missing something please don't refrain to contact me. I'll write soon a post with instructions  on how to get everything from my Patreon because I understand it can get confusing sometime.

Poll ideas:  what would you like to see in pictures? which situation? what interactions and which characters? just say what you think and I'll pick your suggestions adding them to the poll along with the suggestions from the previous month. The only rule is: Rebecca and other characters won't change size/appearance. NB: Remember ideas must feature single pictures, then it will be to decide to do a sequence or no, depending on time and creativity. Things that have been suggested in the past month comments, please rewrite them here.
1 idea per person every month.

15% Shop Discount Code for September
(coming soon, check again in a couple of days) I'm moving my main shop from e-junkey to gumroad, I need a few days to do this.

Use the above code in my shop  if you wish to get some more of my stories.

Join the community on Discord! (follow the link below if you need to know how to)




You should write this as a comment in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41202471


I'm sorry I sent by mistake... I wasn't able to delete... Also


rebeca with random cosplay


Would love to see a side comic with Erin at the lab testing out a growth formula and grow bigger than Rebecca. Tried some morph attempts https://postimg.cc/MMFn9qGB https://postimg.cc/8Fvhgc7T


Would love to see a flashback to a comparison with her brother to then see them together now.


Would love to see Rebecca dress up in a Goth outfit that's a bit too small

Tits McGee

What about a dream sequence where the growth formula is ready and all of Rebecca friends plus her mom are as tall as her, then end it with Rebecca taking the formula herself.


Hi, as I said in the rules for ideas I don't change height and the idea should be for a single shot or a before/after easy pic. Then, according to the time and ideas I have I usually add more panels. It pains me to say no to growth ideas but I really want to keep the characters as they are now. We can't change the future but we can play with the past.