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Hi guys,

I wanted to give you an update on some changes that we’ll be seeing which may affect some of your pledges. 

If you’re pledging from Europe you can ignore this message, as VAT is already charged.

If you’re pledging from the US or other countries please read.

Due to new laws passing in several countries and US states, Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st. 

Don’t worry, I’m doing my best to save you as much money as possible when it comes to sales tax, as I’m checking with them and their help pages (yes I’m learning a lot about taxes) probably, for The Growth Diary Tier, there will be no change (no additional VAT) for almost all patrons. I’ll give you more details during the next few days.

If you’re one of the few that will see the VAT in its receipt it will be just a few cents ( maybe from 5 to 15 cents). In July I would like your feedback on this so that maybe I will be able to adjust it better.

Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location, and what is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments.

If you’re in a location where sales tax will be required, you should expect to receive an email from Patreon with more information about this very soon.

If you have questions, you should be able to find answers here. If you still have questions, the best place to get an answer is from Patreon’s customer support team, here

Thank you for all of your support.



Tax on a service? This isnt "goods" it's service or periodical, like a newspaper or magazine. No taxes on them why would they be on this?


Follow the links for a better explanation, for what I offer probably there won't be any charge but I don't know all the countries that you guys are from. I'll try to fix everything to be 0 VAT or very close to it for you. Don't worry but let me know if anything is going to change. On my end I'll do the best adjustments possible