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  I'm going a couple days early cause I think things are pretty set to roll! below are more detailed descriptions of the pinup! (REMEMBER YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR VOTE IF YOU WANT!)

1. Experimenting with punishments - (this one will take place at the beginning of Helga's sentence) Once a scientist, now a guinea pig, Helga has to spend a week in a lab where she is various forms of punishments to see which is the most effective at preventing naughty behavior. spankings, figgings, enemas, and more have been used, but the image is of the final punishment trial, where Helga is regressed into a diaper and baby clothing, sobbing in the corner with her red padded bottom on display. The scientist notes the effectiveness and approves Helga's "mommy" to start her sentence.

2. From beakers to breastmilk - Helga's 'Mommy' is given a new medication to help her lactate... the treatment is very successful and Helga is now nursed 3-6 times a day! Helga suckles happily at her Mommy's breast as her former colleagues coo at her while writing notes on their clipboards

3. Baboon bottom - Helga is spanked at the zoo for mocking a baboon in it's exhibit, during her corner time the baboons carry her off believing her to be one of them since she's sporting such a red bottom

4. Wear your mittens or sport a red bottom! - Helga's regression sometimes gets the better of her, and after throwing a tantrum for not wanting to wear her mittens, the former scientist is spanked on her front yard much to the delight of the neighbors

5. Helga VS the Red Ants - Helga is so busy burning an anthill with her magnifying glass she does not notice a couple giggling animals pulling back her diaper as a long line of red ants pour in... ready for the attack

6. Helga VS the plantlife - At a special plant show, the scientist are showing off the very first "sentient" plant. As a bystander in the audience Helga goes on about how the scientist wasted time on something so stupid and that plants were a waste of space. Naturally the plant hears what Helga says and recognizes it as the insult it was. So the plant decides to show Helga just how much of a waste of space plants can truly be by stripping her naked and spanking her bare bottom.  



I'd like it if the baboons got so annoyed that THEY wind up spanking her.