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  Oateekay is FULL of regressed women, and there just aren't enough babysitters sometimes (especially when the mommie's need a nice long vacation from taking care of adult diapered brats!). For this suggestion poll, think of a single image scenario of the automated nursery taking care/punishing/humiliating one of the spankingtoons spankees (purple viper may be in the pic, but it can be any other spankee)! Give me a suggestion by friday and I will make a poll!



Ezra Jerome Cook II

How about Ella and Aria making a big fuss about their outfits and even being in the daycare, so they are humiliated by being spanked naked, having their outfits taken away due to their very vocal complaints about them? X)


Would love to see Victoria forced to do apologize to everyone in the office in a humiliating onesie before a diaper and temperature check before bed.


love the idea, but this suggestion poll has to be about the automated nursery (if you click the tag 'automated nursery' you can see others of it! So if you could come up with one around that it would make it into the poll :)


What about a "jailbreak" panel? The spankee in question (let's say Purple Viper, but could be anybody, really) is being dragged back into the play pen by the automated nursery, having just broken out (maybe dropping some tools, like the Rugrat's style toy screwdriver that could be implied to have aided the escape). Two robo-arms are dragging the terrified looking spankee back as two other hands are waiting with a large paddle.


Purple viper being dipared in front of the others vilains


how about a large robot nanny burping one of the girls after a bottle, but the shock of all the patting combined with a full tummy, not only causes a loud belch, but also a full diaper


Roxxie getting a Beauty baby makeover, swollen lips, shaved head, Head topped with a bow ribbon, heart shaped nipple piercings. Fuzzy pink diaper.


I'd like to see the automated nursery give a spankee a really humiliating haircut, cuz haircuts are pretty rare but really embarrassing. Purple Viper could be the one to receive the haircut, it would really spice up the character's humiliation. But it can be a new spankee too.


Helga's mommy and Hannah's nanny drop the brats off with the automated nursery for some R&R. Of course the 2 brats start arguing over who had the higher social status which turns into a fight. Fortunately the automated nursery had just received a software and hardware upgrade so it was able to efficiently separate the babies and spank both at the same time (before it could only punish one at a time). Followed by a mouth soaping and a nude time out in front of the spectator window so any passerby can see 2 well disciplined brats


Gracie is sent to the nursery at the school which comes with a display window and all as her classmates watch her being babied by the automated nanny. Perhaps the image could be of her in the middle of a diaper change or maybe even getting a spanking from the nanny.


Clair is sent to a broken nursery where one hand spanks her bottom while the other force feeds her what the nursery calls "cake" but is actually baby food


A: the nanny reading a bedtime story to the girls. B: The nanny helping or making the girls get aroused in there diapers. C: a mean and bratty staff worker at that Nursery getting made into an adult baby like the other girls by the nanny.


This idea could really apply to any of the girls, but basically the scene of maybe 2 different spankees coming together to meet for the first time in this automated nursery, their first meeting being their mandatory Nursery school uniform changing, where we see them both restrained in the air in various stages of being undressed, or dressed into their cutesie little baby nursery school outfits, I'd personally love to see one of them getting a large pacifier stuffed into their mouth, diapers very visible as a childish nursery school dress is pulled onto another whining fussing girl.


As I was looking at the last Viper pic, I noticed that she still looks like the sexy menacing Vamp type villian. I would suggest that the Nursery give her the much needed baby Makeover (hairstyle, clothes, diaper) - of course that could only be temporary. So that the city can finally see that Viper isn´t a threat to anybody anymore, except maybe a clean nappy. She is now just a baby.


A smart technician lady built a robotic nursery to use against someone she doesn't like. Unfortunately the AI doesn't like that and decides she need a little nursery time herself.