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  I ended up loving the Gurlzscout uniform and the busty redheaded Jean as scout leader so much I set it up so we can have more characters in the scouts :) Once you read the caption, you will note that there will be a new organization for the regressed sentence ladies, I have not thought of a name yet (I wanted something new cause I made Gurlzcout on such a whim and I kinda hate it). Any ideas? Post them in the comments :) something humiliating... like the Naughty Princess Troop but more unique




Hey this is a great series! Please continue!


Love it! Only thing id say is the diaper is too big for my liking but that's just me. Great job


I normally prefer pullups, but i keep getting requests for bigger and puffier diapers, so i figured the scouts can have huge embarrassing diapers to wear

Ted blair

Same i like it but the big diapers is not my think. But cool idea


Awesome I like it. Furthermore great Idea to make the troop permanent. Here some suggestions :-)..pamper posse, pamper patrole, brat pack, babyscouts, little rugrats, or all the older girls (and leaders) call the toddler group simply "our little diaper princesses". ...AND if the group ever neesds a wimpy mascot I would know a perfect little puppy for the job


I love the story but the extra puffy diapers aren’t very appealing...


Great scene! I enjoy her outfit and the big diaper very much : ]