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So I somehow lost my stylus for my cintiq this weekend, which put a pause on my current works... but don't worry, I put an order in for a new one and have it being rush delivered, should be a day or two! Anyways, I figured we could do our suggestion poll early to fill the empty space! I made this sketch on my ipad (not as good, but it's something)! So, get your suggestions in by friday afternoon and we will start the poll friday night! And the rules as usual...


~All characters must be over 21 years old.
~Only one suggestion per person (if you have more then one, pick your favorite, DO NOT POST MORE THEN ONE IDEA)
~I only do F/F
~It is going to be a single, colored image. No comics.
~Try to use spankingtoon's characters, no fanart or OC's that are not mine. Characters can be one off, though. So basically, 'Miku spanks Bridgette' or 'Maid spanks her boss' is good to go... however 'Wonderwoman spanks my OC Dr Spankenstein' is a no.
~As I stated in an earlier post, no more messing/mess images.
~Cute sensual themes are okay, but graphic sexual scenes are not. Do not write a detailed sexual scene in the comments, it WILL be deleted.  
~Stick with the theme of spankingtoons (spanking and embarrassment).
~Last but not least, I reserve the right to not add something to the poll if I don't want to draw it.





Here's my pitch! The principal of Redbottom proposes a competition to the most troublesome students. The person who pleases her the most (in as degrading a way as possible) will avoid punishment for a full week. Desperate to win, Bridgette allows herself to be used as a chair, Glitterz licks the prinicpals shoes clean, while Gracie (rather missing the point of the competition) dons her dunce cap and spanks herself for the principal's amusement......So is that asking for too much?


miku and mr.bear on a date in a public place?


That works for the most part, though the main difference will be that Bridgette and Glitterz aren't part of the red bottom academy, I can make just random women in their place. Also note, I will really have to cut the description down in the poll, some people get disappointed I don't put there whole idea in but it's a super short character limit :P


Butterball has to show off her udders to the local town farmers in the final of the Best Cow in Show 2018. She is allowed to stand upright, completely nude, as her udders are inspected in front of a large, drunken crowd of her former employees.


A teacher takes a cane to two girls in British school uniforms


After being kicked out and held back a year (for property damage and poor grades, respectively), a former sorority member is allowed to rejoin her house. However, this means she must also re-pledge. The pledges she had previously tortured and made life hell to get in now get to decide her fate. Her first task (and the image for the pic), is to assist them in their beer pong competition. She is made to stand at the far end of the table, ass up and wide, while the drunk girls try and land a ball dead center. The first one to do so, gets to command her around, personally, for the whole of pledge week.


Princess Piddles finally had her turn in Puppy school. She is made to do humiliating tasks to show she is a good and clever puppy..but she fails. So in front of laughing dog owners and their dogs she receive her "diploma". A "D", which stands for dumbest puppy of the class. She is made to Dog beg for it as everybody laughs at the once famous and cruel hunter who is now a 100% proven dumb dog.


I'd like to re-submit my previous suggestion of Purple Viper and Naomi Purr teaming up to make a grand escape only to fail and get humiliated further by being stripped naked and spanked in public by their mommies, as they blame each other for the plan's failure, pointing out what each of them did wrong.


Auntie's daycare receives a new brat, who's mummy makes a special request. She is to be shrunken down to the size of a doll, and played with by the kids in the daycare. The pic could be the newly shrunken brat laying on the floor naked with the words "tiny baby" written on her stomach, surrounded by the children all holding humiliating doll clothes.


Like to see more of Lawyers demise :-)


Bridgette, Miku, Roxxie, Winnie, Victoria, and Krissy all go to daycare together. daycare workers are all girls they used to bully.


**edited suggestion** Ok, second try. After accidentally making her stepdaughters incontinent through excessive diaper discipline, a step-mom is spanked in her new babyish clothing (specific thinking a pacifier gag) and diapers by her either diaper or training panties clad stepdaughters.


Mommy brings Winnie to a continuing education lecture for law students at Winnie’s alma mater, where her conviction and sentencing is considered an unprecedented ruling for disbarment and punishment. Winnie acts up and is disciplined by a student she used to tutor.


At her publicist's insistence, baby glitterz gives a free concert for charity. She of course throws a fit and during her tantrum she ruins her drummer's rather expensive drum kit. Fortunately they come up with a back up plan to spank her to the rhythm during each song.


After a series of particularly messy late night accidents, Roxxie has been given nightly enemas to throughly clean her out before bed. However after a particularly exhausting day her mommy forgets to release her and sends her to bed still plugged and impossibly full.


Ella and Aria are having a bath together when Ella turns the water yellow, much to the disgust of Step-mommy Sally and 'little' Aria


A very embarrassed Wonderous Woman trys unsuccessfully to hide her diaper under her costume.


I would like to see more of Baby Glitterz, since I feel that some great humiliation scenes could stem from her status as a Pop Star! So how about this;Baby Glitterz is forced to watch a rival pop star accept her Grammy since she is grounded and Cannot leave her crib, and she is forced to watch the awards show with a full belly from a recent enema. And It would be an amazing humiliation scene if her babysitter reminds her she’s only getting changed in the morning since she let Glitterz stay up past her bedtime to watch the awards


Bridgette becomes a mentor to one of the other spankies like Winnie where she leads her into trouble and they both get spanked hard for being bad. You can decide the secen.