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My name is Enrico and most people know me as a goofy gaming Vtuber on Twitch, as well as that weirdo who made a bunch of gross videos on YouTube where he cooked with his own cum. I would actually venture to guess that most people here primarily know me as either of the two.

I started doing these erotic roleplay audios on the side out of the encouragement of some friends who said I seemed to have the vocal chops for it. A year later, we're still going strong.

I really need to underscore to everybody who’s reading this that this whole deal is a side gig to a side gig. I work a full-time job on top of streaming and other personal projects that I like to work on including trying to get my novels published. And I mention that to really highlight to everybody who supports me that I have a very casual approach to how I run this page, as it's not my main focus compared to other content creators who make similar content.

(Yes, this is an actual question I get from time to time.)

The reason why I don't charge more compared to other creators who make similar content is a matter of quality and frequency.

As I mentioned in the previous answer, I don't do this as anything other than a side hobby. Therefore I don't feel like the quality of my voice work is really up to snuff compared to other creators. I also do not post as frequently as those other creators do. Nonetheless I've had people advise me to raise my prices from what they currently are. I honestly would not be able to do that without feeling incredibly guilty.

If in the future I'm able to devote more time to this page and voice acting as a whole, then I will definitely rethink things. But for now, we're just here to have fun.

Firstly, join the Discord. In addition to making sure that your Patreon account is connected to your Discord (click here to do that), you need to also acknowledge the rules in the "read-here" channel by clicking the emoji react at the bottom of the channel.

This is a safety precaution to prevent bots from overrunning the server.

You can make suggestions with this form at any time! You can also let us know in Discord. My writers and I are very open to suggestions.

Patreon made me take them down. If you want more information on what happened to those audios, you can read about it in the Discord if you're a Degen Premier tier or above.

Message me here on Patreon! I apologize if I'm slow to respond -- I very rarely check DMs on this site.


That should be it for now. If I think of anything else I'll just add it here. Thank you all for being here. You're crazy to support me when I feel like I could be doing a lot more.


(art by @ruithebigP)



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