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Script: Max

Summary: You know the walls in your shared apartment are thin, so you try to be quiet when you’re taking care of yourself. But one night you thought your roommate would be out for hours, so you decided to treat yourself to some brazenly loud, kinky porn on your laptop. Turns out he was eavesdropping, but not to make fun of or blackmail you: he just wants to know what he’s missing.

Tags: [M4F] [MSub] [Mild D/S] [SSC] [Bottom Speaker] [Femme Dom Listener (But Gender Ambiguous)] [Consent Check-Ins]  [Roommates] [Eavesdropping] [Bondage] [Face “Sitting”/Oral Sex] [Pegging] [Strap-On] [Spanking] [Praise] [No AFAB Terms] [Aftercare]

Inclusivity Notes: Speaker has 1 orgasm, listener can be interpreted to orgasm or not, up to you. Listener is AFAB and uses a strap-on, but there are actually no genitalia words used for them. They/them pronouns are used in the script, and I wrote them with sort of “femme-leaning” titles/intent, but I tried to also make it flexible so you can interpret their gender to be whatever you want.

Titles/Descriptors: mistrix, dommy, and “beautiful” for the listener. Good boy and toy for speaker.

Author’s Note: Reminder this is fiction for the sake of porn—obviously you shouldn’t eavesdrop fap to someone like this, and they should have had a much more detailed conversation about limits etc. before launching into his first scene. Just bear with me so we can get to the pegging, okay? 😂❤️

More scripts by Max:
Taming a Bratty Listener
Five-Finger Discount (Part 2)
Corrupted by an Incubus...

New month -- how are y'all?

I've been kind of having a bad mental health week so I'll keep this short as I'm going to immediately go work out after this and spend the day writing out my feelings in private.

I had a friend once who told me that I seem super resilient, and I responded back that it's simply because he only sees the parts that I willingly show to other people. Deep down I'm a hypersensitive crybaby and I let more get to me than I'm willing to show. And I think a lot of self-doubt has been creeping in on me as of late with everything that I do online. If you're a fellow content creator, you're probably thinking that that's normal, but there was always a silly part of me that believed I was above all of that, if that makes any sense -- that I was immune to these feelings if only because I've been pretty good at keeping myself emotionally detached from a lot of my content.

I don't know where I'm going with all of this. I guess my main point is to really take care of yourselves and mentally check-in with your own thoughts and feelings instead of blunting them like I'm used to. In any case, I really appreciate y'all sticking around. I promise I'll get on those SFW audios for YouTube very soon.

Follow my ASMR YouTube channel (next audio SOON), join the Discord (remember to connect your Patreon and acknowledge the rules in order to access the chats!), follow my alt Twitter. Etc etc.


Special Thanks

Overlords: Elvellia | Ducky

Supremes: Alastor Trinh | bunnyhoneyox | GOOSE | Jan | LovelyTears | Mae | Max | morgan | Muffinbutt | ouchduke | Poemi | PurplishBlue | Songbird | Vade Vafurous



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