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Script: Max

Summary: You take your sub on a cute date to the carnival, and you didn't originally plan to debauch him, but he's so adorable you can't help yourself. He's a very good boy, so he's always prepared to please you—even if it means almost getting caught and kicked out.

Tags: [M4M] [MSub] [Bottom Speaker] [Public Sex/Exhibitionism (Risk)] [RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink)] [Hints of 24/7] [Collar] [Color Check-In] [Romantic/Cute] [Carnival Date] [Mirrors] [Toy Plug] [Yes, Sir] [I Love You's]

Inclusivity Notes: 2 listener orgasms, 1 speaker orgasm. References to amab genitalia for listener.

Descriptions: Listener is referred to as “big guy” as a term of endearment, but his actual body type is up to you; feel free to think of him as either literally a big boi or as any other size with the pet name referring to their d/s relationship. Pet Names: listener: babe, big guy, love | speaker: toy, pet.

Author’s Note: The 24/7 and d/s aspect ended up being pretty lowkey, but it’s there if you squint.

Pls suspend your disbelief for a few things, mainly the timing for how quickly they get to the top of the ferris wheel and later to the funhouse. Didn’t want to make you wait too long to get to the good bits, you know?

I could have just had them fuck somewhere simple, but instead I quite excessively decided to spend hours looking up various carnival rides and attractions debating the logistics of banging on them. I learned a lot more about carnivals than I planned to, but the main thing I absolutely must share with you all is that there is a type of ride called the “Rockin’ Tug.” I almost set that part of the script on one, but I went with something else because I could not stop laughing.

Previous scripts from Max include:
lol jk...unless...
An Incubus Fucks You to Sleep


This is just a periodic welcome to all the newcomers. I don't know if it's just timing but a lot of y'all who have only recently subscribed have been very vocally supportive and it makes me super happy to see you so enthusiastic about my little side hustle here.

I've said this before but I feel like with the register of my usual voice (and since a majority of people seem to find me from those YouTube videos where I'm talking in my normal voice), people expect me to do more content where I'm being very forthright and in charge, and the polls seem to reflect that. Which is why I always especially relish getting out of my comfort zone with more subby stuff.

No big life lessons this week. I've been neck deep in editing and dealing with IRL work stuff. I hope you're all doing well and hanging in there.

Follow my ASMR YouTube channel (I KNOW I KEEP PROMISING BUT I MEAN IT THIS TIME. SOON.), join the Discord (remember to connect your Patreon and acknowledge the rules in order to access the chats!), follow my alt Twitter. Etc etc.


Special Thanks

Overlords: Elvellia | Lexia Night
Supremes: Alastor Trinh | bunnyhoneyox | Eli | Elle | Em_Void | Jan | LovelyTears | Mae | Maxine | Momochi Sereluna | morgan | Muffinbutt | ouchduke | Poemi | PurplishBlue | Sludgechamber | Songbird | Vade Vafurous




I really enjoyed the refreshing role reversal for you en.