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Script: Max

Summary: You and your classmate both frequently wear the same university hoodie, except his has holes at the end of the sleeves where his thumbs have worn away the fabric. Still, they're similar enough that you accidentally grab the wrong sweater, and you don't notice until you get back to your dorm. When you give it back to him the next day, he has an unexpected reaction to discovering you wore it, so naturally, you have to "accidentally" mix them up again just to test a theory. It turns out that yes, he looks just as flustered the second time. So the third time, you conveniently "forget" to bring it to class and have to invite him over to pick it up.

Tags: [M4A] [No D/S Dynamic] [Top Speaker] [Slight Bottoming From the Top] [University] [Shy Speaker] [Consensual] [Mildly Possessive] [Clothing Kink] [Nipple Play] [Sensation Play] [Begging] [Blowjob] [No Pet Names] [Aftercare]

Inclusivity Notes: One speaker orgasm, up to you if listener orgasms. Mentions of alcohol, but no one gets drunk.

Author's Note: This is such a minor distinction, but just to explain the "bottoming from the top" tag: the speaker is technically topping, but he has a sort of recipient headspace for this one, so the way he speaks/behaves during sex is *slightly* different from my usual top scripts. Casual reminder tho that sex positions obvi do not necessarily reflect people's personalities. I just think it's a neat dynamic that doesn't show up often. Hope you all enjoy!

Recent scripts from Max:
Cozy Blanket Fort Sex With Your Loving Boyfriend
Cheap Thrills (Blackmailing the Cute Shoplifter for Sex)
How Often Do You Get the Chance to Fuck a Catboy?



So, I learned something about myself in the process of recording this.

Max wrote the script for the speaker to be really shy (I'm really hoping I got that across in my delivery), and I recorded my lines as such. But I kind of realized in listening back to my own voice how I actually sound just a tiny bit agitated, and it wasn't that I actually was agitated but just that it's how my speech is affected when I'm flustered. I read through the script again after I was done editing and realized I could have gone with a "soft boy" kind of approach in my delivery. Not that I believe one is inherently better than the other because this actually is my genuine way of speaking when I'm flustered.

ANYWAY, I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving break if you celebrated it.

Gearing up for the holidays, and I'm gonna remind you guys to take breaks as much as you can. That seasonal sadness ain't no joke. Please take care of yourselves, all.

Follow my ASMR YouTube channel (I WILL GET BACK ON SCHEDULE I PROMISE), join the Discord (remember to connect your Patreon and acknowledge the rules in order to chat!), follow my alt Twitter. Etc etc.



Special thanks:

Overlords: Rivali | Shawn Flores.

Supremes: bunnyhoneyox | Ishyteddy | LovelyTears | Luna Love | Mae | Maxine | Momochi Sereluna | morgan | Poemi | Poofyboom | PurplishBlue | ScottiScreams | Sludgechamber | Soul | Sy B. A. | Vade Vafurous.



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