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Hi all. Before we get into the poll options, I have a few small updates to give y'all.

First off: the frequency of audio posts will not change! I'm still posting an audio every week!

But a few of my writers need to take a break at the moment and so I have to move around some of the planned scripts from previous polls.

The next couple of weeks of audios will be what y'all vote for here. We will produce the first and second place options. I will also start doing polls every other week with four options instead of every week with three options. Please note that most of the suggestions on the polls are from community feedback, so if you're eager to have me perform a certain scenario, let us know!

I'm hoping that by doing the second place option as well that it'll please anybody who wants more variety in how I perform, as I tend to notice that most people tend to immediately vote for me doing MDom roles more than anything else. 

TL;DR Nothing is changing except the frequency of polls, as some writers need a break. Audios will still be once a week.

Max has been so incredibly helpful and kind during this transitioning process and I really could not be continuing without them. I absolutely need everybody to recognize this. 


Read through these options and vote on which one you'd like for them to write next. Whichever one has the most votes will be turned into an actual audio two weeks from now.

Again, higher tiers get more weighted votes. I export the overall data and tabulate the final result individually by cross-checking tiers and stuff since Patreon doesn't have a function for granting more votes based on tiers.

Also, you can submit any ideas and scenarios you'd like for me to perform on this doc!

See you tomorrow for another audio! Luv u.

Recent scripts from Max:
Cheap Thrills (Blackmailing the Cute Shoplifter)
How Often Do You Get the Chance to Fuck a Catboy?
Virgin Priest Makes a Deal With an Incubus


Script 1: Phone Sex, Friends to Lovers

[M4A] [Mild D/S & BDSM Fantasies] [Verse (Not Strictly Top or Bottom)] [Phone Sex] [Voice Kink] [Mutual Masturbation] [Technically Starts Dubcon But Actually Consensual] [Friends to Lovers] [A Little Silly/Playful] [Aftercare]

After moving to a new city, you've been spending more time in vc with a long time friend–one of those odd circumstances where distance brings you closer. You've even fallen asleep on calls together by accident, and while things have always been platonic before, you're starting to wonder if maybe this is leading to something more. The tension that's slowly been building up comes to a head one night when he compliments your voice twice in the span of five minutes. He's done it plenty of times before, but this time you find out just how much he *really* likes it.
(Tl;dr speaker slips up and accidentally reveals your voice turns him on, leading to some spicy phone sex)

Script 2: Sweater Banter REWORKED Again 😂

[M4A] [No D/S Dynamic] [Top Speaker] [MAYBE Bottoming From the Top] [University] [Shy Speaker] [Mildly Possessive] [Clothing Kink] [Nipple Play] [Sensation Play] [Begging] [Aftercare]

You and your classmate both frequently wear the same university hoodie, except his has holes at the end of the sleeves where his thumbs have worn away the fabric. Still, they're similar enough that you accidentally grab the wrong sweater, and you don't notice until you get back to your dorm. When you give it back to him the next day, he has an unexpected reaction to discovering you wore it, so naturally, you have to "accidentally" mix them up again just to test a theory. It turns out that yes, he looks just as flustered the second time. So the third time, you conveniently "forget" to bring it to class and have to invite him over to pick it up.
(Tl;dr teasing your shy classmate after discovering he has a crush on you, then banging in your dorm room while you wear his sweater)

Script 3: Somnophilia With an Incubus

[M4F] [Top Speaker] [No D/S Dynamic] [Incubus] [Dubcon] [Somnophilia] [Hypnosis] [Comforting] [Mild Aftercare] [AFAB Terms (i.e., Pussy)]

You were in the middle of a lovely wet dream when your stupid precariously placed phone falls off your nightstand and wakes you up before you can come. But what's much more startling is the incubus you discover perched at the foot of your bed. After the shock wears off, he explains he's a sexual dream eater. Maybe it's because it's so late, you're so tired, and so frustratingly horny, but whatever the reason, you throw self preservation out the window and happily agree to get fucked back to sleep by this mildly terrifying demon.
(Tl;dr sleep sex with an incubus.)
PLEASE NOTE the dubcon and somno tags: listener is 100% consenting, but somno is inherently dubcon (sex will continue after listener falls asleep).

Script 4: Mafia Noncon

[M4M] [MDom] [Top Speaker] [Noncon] [Hatesex] [Enemies] [Violence] [Threats] [Knife Play] [Blood Play] [Fearplay] [Heavy Degradation/Humiliation] [Kink Shaming] [Public Sex] [Bondage] [No Aftercare] [Mafia]

You're a highly skilled asset for your Family, but the thing you struggle with the most is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. There's one rival gang member in particular whom you have a habit of pissing off. You just can't help it; this guy is extra hot when he's mad, and you love a good fist fight. But today it seems you went a little too far, and by the time you realize you're in way over your head, it's too late.
(Tl;dr Mafia setting where listener gets threatened/attacked and non-conned in an alley)
PLS BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE/READ THE TAGS!!! This would be HARD NONCON with violence and HEAVY degradation/verbal abuse (calling listener disgusting, trash, sick/freak, weak, "only good for fucking" etc.) Also, reminder that all scripts are works of fiction!


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