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-Sorry For not having house news since i first posted it in November but the paperwork etc is taking longer than we would want  but now with the good weather coming back we are starting to clear up the outside mess and will start preparing and cleaning the inside was best was we can to be ready to be worked on

-Now the sad part that i wish would be clickbait but sadly is far from it , My girlfriend ,Love of my life ,best friend , work partner for 13 years now   that is only 28 years old was diagnosed this friday March 15  with Lymphoma and a thymoma  on the 18 of  March with remove  part of it for a biopsy so they can decide the best Chemotherapy for her and if necessary remove the thymoma from her chest i know is none of you guys busines , but you guys help us a lot bu suporting us and thanks for that , i will do my best to keep the current schedule of friday and monday  since we hav a big backlog of mods ready to go to post here

Thanks all For the Support !
