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I was honestly gonna draw Dick Gumshoe (which could explain the thickness of the sketch) but then I saw this news about new pokemon professors. Not gonna lie, he looks GOOD in my opinion. Both professors look good but ofc my gay ass is only looking at Turo. You guys can let me know what you guys think of him so far in the comments below. I'm kinda curious.




Mmmm no arguments here lol.

Andres Castaneda Hernandez

Fcking same! I feel like the pokemon company purposely revealed the profs cus of pride (but that's probably just me). Anyways I'm Drowning in Toru content and I'm loving it.


now that you mention it, it does seem sus lmao I would believe it if that was their plan


Honestly, in game, I think he looks pretty ugly. Something about him is off putting. But the art of him has been fantastic.


I completely agree on this one and same goes for a lot of the graphics in the game imo. I still can't get over that pokemart or burger stand in the snow biome, too