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Here's this week's sketch of a dude coming out of a gym. I'm still taking my time deciding which to do next for the comic strips 😅

Random question (Feel free to answer or not): I'm curious about what you guys think of my art style and I'd like to know it in the comments section! 




Hi! The sketch looks promising :3 About your style I really like the anatomy, cause your bodies are not super exaggerated. The muscles are good looking, and the proportions look just right! Also thanks for drawing body hair :) Your use of color is lovely too. I don't know a lot about the technical part, but the shading is great! And not sure if this really relates to the style, but your OCs are great too. I wanna get to know their stories better. Have a nice day!!


He looks good. I like your art (obviously), which is why I support you. Your boys are cute. Sometimes, they can be a bit too chonky for my personal taste, especially with their upper bodies (like their chest and biceps). I love muscle, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I feel it's a little too exaggerated. I'm not complaining, it doesn't ruin the work for me. Your boys are still hot. I just sometimes notice it. Other than that, I love your stuff. Fanart is great. OCs are great. I love the content you put out and it's always a nice surprise to see what you'll draw next. And the penises look good. So what's there to complain about, really? =)


Body hair is a must 😤 haha. I appreciate your thoughts on this!