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Lately, I've been feeling drained and sometimes frustrated as I make variation packs or what I call, "Find the difference". I'm thinking of replacing the variation pack content to fan arts or fan comics (depending on ideas coming in to mind and how much time I have) per month. The comics can each be one strip short or a bit longer. 

This will limit the number of fan art I make per month but it will also allow me to focus more on my original characters. Before I come to a final decision, I wanna know what you guys think! 


Abe Libertas

I'm only speaking for myself, but what I love most is seeing hoe creative all the artists I follow on patreon and pixivFanbox can get with variation packs. So that's what I'm looking forward to.


I don't draw, so I'm not at all sure on this, but I can see how variations can lead to burnout. I'd be totally fine with seeing you change the format a bit. I'd hate to see variation packs totally die, but I also want you to do them because you want to do them, not because you feel like you have to. I want the artist's I support to feel free to follow their creative vision and do what inspires them and brings them fun!


🤔 variation packs won't totally die but it'll be removed from the tiers' contents. Also, you're precious 😊