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Elias was walking down the sidewalk with his arm behind his back and another hand waving hello and goodbye to the people passing him by. The young prince was a squirrel of great renown who had made it his mission in life to be the very best he could be at pleasing the residents of the village and city he was in charge of.

He loved walking out into the open public and mingling with everyone. He didn’t see it as anything beneath him or not worth his time. It was a showcase of how much he wanted to be a part of their lives. It was definitely genuine.

Still, he showed a regal side to himself that made him come off as very guarded and mature at times. Often it would make the younger folks weary of what he was actually like when dressed down from those princely clothes of his.

He was happening by the tennis court and turned his head to look over at the games happening there. He was mildly interested in standing by and watching. He didn’t have much to do today so he definitely could.

The person standing by the unoccupied table before him was a pink colored mouse boy. He seemed to be around Elias’ age, though, a tad younger and a tad shorter just based on quick observation.

He had quite a huge duffel bag by his side too. Things were even more curious now. Did he need a bag that big to play tennis?

“Excuse me,” Elias asked, hovering over the boy and startling him.

“Agh! What the–?” The mouse turned to face the prince and sighed. “Oh. It’s you sir. Hello.” Almost as quickly as he wanted to know who had disturbed him, he seemingly lost interest and went back to rummaging through his bag.

“Are you playing a game of tennis here?” Elias asked, pointing to the table.

“Well, Prince Elias, that’s typically what we do here isn’t it?” The mouse said back. It was said in a more joking tone of voice rather than a mean one but it did make Elias blush a bit.

Feeling sufficiently stupid, he cleared his throat with his fist and spoke up again. “I-I simply mean to ask… are you currently playing a game right now or planning to? I don’t see anyone else around.”

The mouse stood up, having fished his racket from his bag and twirled it a bit. “That’s because the guy I challenged today didn’t show. He got cold feet.”

“Oh?” Elias raised a brow. “There can’t be any harm in simply playing a game. Even if one were afraid to lose, why run if the objective was to have fun?”

“You’re telling me,” The mouse said, smirking at the racket before looking up at Elias again. “Sorry. My name is Jordy the Mouse.” He held out his hand.

“Prince Elias Acorn,” Elias said with a smile as he accepted it. He then glanced to the side before blushing again with a chuckle. “B-But you knew that already.”

“Mm-hmm,” Jordy pulled back and smirked. “Yeah. My friend challenged me and we had certain conditions to the match that he thought sounded fun at the time but he chickened out. It’s such a shame.”

Elias had already made up his mind to play when he approached the boy. It didn’t surprise Jordy when what exited his mouth was an offer he wasn’t going to refuse in a million years.

“Do you mind if I take his spot then?” Elias asked.

“Absolutely not. Go right ahead,” Jordy said. “The conditions for the match are a bit strange though.”

Elias walked to the other end of the table and took his jacket off, now standing in a white shirt, a pair of blue pants, and boots. He looked a little cool.

“Do you have a spare racket?” Elias simply asked, eyes narrowed with confidence.

Jordy smiled and reached down before tossing him a second one. “Always bring a spare. Anyway, as I was saying, do you want to accept the conditions as they were when my buddy forfeited the match?”

“Oh absolutely! Sounds like fun! Bring it on!” Elias said, grabbing the tennis ball and bouncing it up and down playfully. He seemed so confident. Word on the street was he knew his way around a sword. That didn’t mean he was a match for him at tennis though.

Jordy smiled and stood on the other end. “Alrighty then. Accepting the conditions before you even know what they are. Sounds like something a confident prince would do alright.”

He tossed the ball up and smiled. “Let’s begin then.”

Elias licked his lips when he saw the ball fly and then sprung into action when Jordy hit it.

He shot back and forth to whack the ball back across the court. This went on for a good bit until Jordy did an overhead swing that saw the tennis ball slamming onto the court on Elias’ side, earning him a win.

“Love!” Jordy called out. “That’s the first point.”

Elias panted and sighed, hands resting on his knees. “Right. So let’s go again. Do I serve this time?”

“No, wait,” Jordy held up his hand. ”You just lost that point. That means the first condition has to be met.”

Elias stood up straight and huffed out more air. “Alright. Sure. What is it?”

Jordy smiled and reached into his duffel bag. He then pulled out two well knitted, pink baby botties with yellow sunflowers on them. “Take off those regal prince like boots and put these on.”

Elias’ blush returned. “Wh-Wh-What?!”

“You agreed to do this,” Jordy said, marching forward. “You’re the kind of prince who keeps his word, correct?”

“I-I-I am… but…” Elias winced as he looked down at them.

“Then come on,” Jordy said, swirling his finger at the ground. “Chop, chop.”

Elias was surprised by how brazen he was to just order him to do something that way. Still, he did agree to the conditions so…

Elias shuffled his way out of his boots and lightly brushed them aside. He then grabbed the two baby booties and felt his face heat up again now that they were even closer. “Sheesh…”

They even looked like they fit. Well, that wasn’t a surprise. These were probably for Jordy’s friend who didn’t show and they were likely in a similar age range.

Elias didn’t stall for much longer. He shuffled them on and then stood there with his arms and legs spread, looking down at them with astonishment. He wiggled his toes to feel around for them and felt a bit weird. They were nice and comfy but…

“These are so embarrassing…” Elias muttered.

“Yes, I know,” Jordy said, heading back to his side of the court. “That’s why they were a part of the condition I set.”

“R-Right…” Elias said as he gripped his racket again. If the conditions were dulled out after every lost point then that meant this game wasn’t meant to go on for too long… but it also meant that whatever else was in that duffel bag awaited him if he didn’t get his act together.

“Ready?” Jordy asked, tossing him the ball.

Elias gasped and fumbled with it before catching it and nodding, a sweaty, nervous smile on his face. “Yes, I’m ready.”

He served this time and the intense back and forth was on again.

By this point, the people in the other courts as well as common passers by were stopping to watch the tennis match. It looked really cool and witnessing their prince being so fast and sweaty was quite the amazing scene.

However, the cute baby booties he was wearing were eliciting a lot of giggles his way. Elias tried to ignore them but one particularly strong laugh made his eyes shift to the left at the wrong moment.

He rarely worried about his image but now he was and it was at a really bad time.

The ball hit the ground and Jordy called out “15! Another point for me!”

Elias grunted and stomped his foot. “Darnit…!” He then brushed back his hair and turned to look at Jordy, who was already fishing the next item out of the bag.

“Perhaps I should have asked him what the conditions were before I agreed…” Elias sighed. He desperately didn’t want to come off as someone who didn’t keep their word.

He sputtered in shock and felt his face flush even harder when he saw the mouse produce a Dora the Explorer T-shirt. It was pink as well and it had a cute little design on it. “Ta-da!”

“No! No way!” Elias said, swinging his arms to the side.

“Are you quitting?” Jordy asked, tilting his head.

Elias felt more beads of sweat travel down his head. “N-No…”

“Then stop complaining and put this on,” Jordy said, tossing the shirt into Elias’ face.

Elias gulped. “B-But–!”

“NOW!” Jordy said sternly. Elias was surprised by the shift in Jordy’s tone of voice. Something about it compelled him to obey though.

He bit his lip as he took his white shirt off and put the Dora one on. Now he had on a baby girl t-shirt and a pair of pink baby booties. They still somehow matched the regal blue pants he was wearing though. That bothered him a lot.

“Okay… h-how about I set the condition for my loss next time IF it happens?” Elias said. “I don’t wear another article of clothing from that bag of yours… but if I lose twice in a row then I will. I promise.”

“Bargaining, are we baby?” Jordy smirked. “Eh. Sure.”

“Th-Thank y–wha?” Elias winced.

Wait. Did he just call him ‘baby’?

Baby as in like a lover or baby as in… an actual baby?

Wait, why did it matter? Neither was appropriate.

“Hey. Please just refer to me as–”

“GO!” Jordy shouted and swung the ball again.

“GAH!” Elias gasped and dived for it. He almost lost on the first swing! That wasn’t good.

The crowd was being thoroughly entertained by this though. Elias was stammering and scampering back and forth, finding it intensely hard to move around in these booties. Not only that but the laughter kicking up around him was bugging him.

When one of the children in the audience began singing the Dora theme and giggling, Elias jerked particularly hard to the left when he should have gone right.

“EEK!” Elias yelped.

The ball hit the floor.

“30! Another win for me!” Jordy proclaimed.

Elias grunted. He seemed upset now.

“As you requested, I shall allow you to go without wearing another thing from this duffel bag.”

Elias sighed.

“Instead, take off your pants.”

Elias’ eyes widened like dinner plates. The oohs and aahs from the gathered people picked up.

Elias squirmed and pressed his legs together unconsciously before breaking them apart, realizing he was moving about like an actual baby now.

“No! I’m not doing that!” Elias said.

“Hey, baby, you accepted the conditions. Trying to back out on them for a turn isn’t going to happen without some kind of way to fill in the gap,” Jordy said sternly. He sounded so mature.

Much more mature than hi–NO!

“NO! NO! NO!” Elias stomped his feet three times. “This isn’t what I–!”

He then looked around and noticed the eyes on him.

He cleared his throat and tried his best to get that usual, normal, regal sounding prince like voice back. “Ahem. I-I mean… c-certainly… I… accepted the conditions and I shall a-abide by th-the rules… sir…”

He called him sir. Why did he just do that?!

Elias grabbed the hem of his pants and froze.

So many people were watching him! He couldn’t do it.

Oh, but he absolutely had to though. He was a prince who kept his word and this was a trivial matter. In times of fights and warfare he’d need to stick true to his word on things much more intense than this.

It was just a pair of pants. He’d be fine!

Elias blushed heavily as he shimmied his pants down. When they pooled around his ankles he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. The crowd got noticeably louder now that he was standing in a pair of star patterned briefs with a cute red elastic on them. There even seemed to be toy trains on them too. They were adorable.


“He wears such cute undies!”

“Mommy, are those pull-ups! They look poofy like my little brothers!”

More laughter rang out.

Elias was making a disgruntled face as he stood there, racket in one clenched fist, and his other hand just clenched super tightly on the side.

He couldn’t drink this all in without feeling like a massive fool. It was like the story of the King’s new clothes only he was willingly doing it and fully aware of what was happening!

“Is Baby Eli alright? Can we continue?” Jordy asked, sounding genuine. He didn’t say Baby Eli like an insult. He said it so casually.

Honestly, that made it worse. Elias was done being nice about this.

“I’m ready…!” Elias said, getting into a fighting stance with the racket.

He looked way more intense then before… but man all this embarrassment was getting to him. His facade of bravado was crashing and burning.

It collapsed pretty much instantly when the game began again. He was rushing daintily back and forth, no longer moving with ferocious intensity like before.

He kept letting out little whines and cupping his front or crossing his legs after each hit. He looked like he desperately needed the bathroom.

“Gotta go potty?” Jordy called out.

“NO!” Elias snapped and swung back.

Yes. The embarrassment was affecting his mood and his bladder. He needed to pee the frustration away.

Ugh. His mind was in such conflict and turmoil. It was no wonder that he ended up missing again. This time, it was due to a swing that saw him toppling over onto his tummy, his rump in the air as a result.

“40! Another win!”

People began laughing again. Elias responded to it by whining and squeezing his legs together while on the ground.

He could hear Jordy’s footsteps approaching him now. They stopped before him and he looked up to the shock of his life. It almost made him wet himself.

He was holding a huge white diaper with Dora the Explorer prints decorating them to match his shirt.

“Lay on your back so I can get this on you next,” Jordy ordered.

Elias shuffled up, hands out in front of him and staring at the embarrassing garment in his hands with disbelief. He was too shocked to say anything.

“Hurry up,” Jordy said, lightly pushing Elias over so that he fell onto his back. His arms and legs spread out as he stared up at him. It wasn’t until he felt Jordy’s hands on his briefs that he panicked and began frantically pleading for him to stop.

“GAH! NO! NOT THIS! PLEASE! NOT THAT!” Elias cried, unable to move for fear of looking disgraceful. He didn’t go back on his word! He couldn’t!

When his undies were yanked down and his less than impressive little wee wee was exposed to everyone watching, Elias gasped and his eyes crossed looking down at himself. His mind was snapping in two.

“Baba gababu guh?!” Elias didn’t even form proper words here. He then yelped when his legs were grabbed and his butt was raised. The diaper was unfolded and laid under his bottom. Jordy even had powder with him.

The confused man was more than a little frazzled by this. His thumb traveled into his mouth and he sucked on it frantically while his eyes darted back and forth to all the observers around him. His bladder was aching.

“There. Done,” Jordy said, mercifully.

Elias sat there and stared at the bulk between his legs. He’d never felt like this before. He was wracking his brain, trying his hardest to make this make sense and he just couldn’t.

“One more go at it. Let’s do this baby,” Jordy said, on the opposite end now.

Elias stood there, squeezing his racket and sweating profusely. The blush on his face was intense and seemingly permanent now. It wasn’t going anywhere.

When Jordy served, he panicked and spread his legs but felt an intense, sharp pain hit him all at once from down below.

“NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!” Elias grabbed himself as he began flooding his diaper. “AAAAAAAH!”

He didn’t watch the ball at all though and it bashed him across the head!

Instantly, he saw stars and birdies fill his field of vision. A dopey smile crossed his face as he stumbled around and then fell onto his back, arms and legs spread out as his diaper expanded and grew squishy in the front.

“Game!” Jordy shouted, eliciting cheers from everyone. He wasn’t done though. He reached into the duffel bag to produce a nice pair of pink footed pajamas.

While Elias laid there, tongue out, eyes rolling, and seeing birdies, Jordy made his way over and awkwardly shuffled his limp body into the outfit.

He then laid Elias back down gently and shook him.

Elias groaned and woke up. He then sat up when he remembered what was happening and was greeted with a chorus of laughter mixed with cheers.

Elias looked at all of them and then down at his new attire. He squealed and grabbed himself, squirming on the ground as he blushed and muttered out whines of disbelief under his breath.

“This isn’t happening! It can’t be happening!” He said, over and over again.

Jordy stood above him, fully clothed with a racket in hand, and smirked. “So, does the baby want to go another round?”

Elias gulped and stood up, clutching his racket. The cheers and laughter around him made his body shake from its core. He was like a baby rattle.

He then, with a teary eyed, blushing face, looked at Jordy and said. “Y-Yes sir…!”

A few days later, Jordy was seen visiting the castle. He was invited inside instantly and made his way over towards where Elias’ room was said to be.

The mousey boy didn’t even knock. He just let himself in. He didn’t have to.

Inside was a nursery and at the back center of the room was a crib with a mobile hanging over it. Jordy smirked as he made his way over towards it and leaned down inside.

“So, you lost a lot of bets to me since our last three or four matches. Are you ready for another game?” He grinned.

Elias was the one laying in the crib, wearing the footed pajamas he was gifted from before and clearly diapered. When he heard Jordy’s voice, his half-asleep self woke up fully and he sat up.

He tried to speak but the pacifier in his mouth made it come out as a bunch of garbled nonsense. It was only when he took it out with his pajama covered hands that he was able to say loudly and with gusto.

“Yes! I accept your challenge sir!” Elias blushed as it came out of his mouth.

He stood in the crib, wiggling his diapered rump back and forth with anticipation.

Today would be the day he’d win and return to his normal life. He was sure of it.

He just needed to win… eight times including making up for the match he initially lost.

Poor Elias never did find out that the partner that supposedly skipped out on his match with Jordy was the illustrious and sneaky Geoffrey St. John. A skunk who specialized in messing with Elias from the shadows just to be a dick.

Oh well. Maybe one day that would matter.

It’s time to play some tennis!

Elias never saw it coming. Neither did I, honestly. I enjoyed winging it with this fight. I’ll be able to sleep soundly knowing I managed another one at the turn of the tide. More ideas exist but are they good enough to come to light? We shall see. Until then, I’ll see you next time. Which element in the story delighted you the most? It's a multiple choice answer so you can pick all of them if you want.


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