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“The past is full of such lovely stuff! Ugh! I can’t believe I was missing all this!” Silver exclaimed, gleaming with happiness as he trotted down the street with a knapsack over his shoulders and a spring in his step.

Aside from his usual glowing boots, he had on a navy blue shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He looked more like he was ready to go for a hike in the mountains when in actuality he was on his way to a comic shop for Free Comic Book Day. His favorite comic “IDW TMNT” was releasing a special issue this month. He made sure he got up bright and early to snag it, figuring he’d have plenty of time to enjoy his walk there.

Closing his eyes and breathing in the mostly fresh city air of Station Square, he didn’t really watch where he was going.

As such, when a huge puddle appeared before him, he wasn’t paying too much attention. Of course, even if he had seen it he likely wouldn’t have guessed it would be the catalyst for what was about to happen to him today.

Silver stepped right into it and slipped…!

“WHOA!” Silver’s eyes shot open and he looked surprised. He was walking with his hands clamped onto the straps of his knapsack but suddenly found himself in mid-air. Everything seemed to shift into slow motion as he began to fall and noticed the fire hydrant where the water likely had seeped nearing his tiny crotch bulge.

Silver’s eyes grew even bigger as he could do nothing but watch in horror as it connected with his balls.

“HAAAAAAAAUAGH!” Silver screamed, his voice reaching a falsetto that could shatter mirrors. He fell over onto the puddle while grabbing his crotch and wiggling his butt around. Because he was in open public, the people and kids walking by stopped to observe, point, and laugh at him.

With teary eyes, he shuffled to his feet and removed his hands… only to see a large wet spot on his pants.

“GAH! What the–?!” Silver blushed, shocked by what he was looking at.

“Hey mommy! That guy peed himself!” One kid shouted, tugging on his mom’s arm.

Silver’s face got even redder as he looked over at them. No way he did that. He landed in the puddle. It was hydrant water not pee… right? His balls were aching so he didn’t even know.

Whatever. He just had to get out of here…!

Silver tried to turn and run with his hands over his crotch but the impact on that hydrant shook loose the button on his shorts. As such, when he tried to run they fell to his ankles and he face planted the ground, his Blues Clues briefs on open display.

“Baby briefs! Lookit!” Another kid shouted.

Silver’s butt wiggled as he poked his face up, even redder. “No…! NOOO!”

He attempted to get up but he didn’t notice that his shorts had snagged onto the hook of a banner on the ground by a farmers market entrance. At that moment, the store owner came out to yank on a rope to raise the sign. He hummed to himself as he did so, making the banner that showcased a Half-Price deal to the open public… but also caused Silver to scream as he was brought up with the banner, dangling upside down and flailing his arms about.

His shorts were snagged on the hook and stuck at the rim of his boots. He couldn’t fall out of them to run away and as such was stuck hanging upside down with his underwear on display and the huge wet spot (he presumed from the puddle on the ground) showing off to everyone.

“Cute undies!” A girl about his age teased.

“Hey, big bro, I stopped wearing briefs months ago!” A little kid teased.

“Did he wet himself?! Where’s his diapers! HAHA!” Another boy, about Silver’s age said.

“NO! NOOOO! STOP! PLEASE! HELP ME DOOWWWWN!” Silver screamed and cried, flailing his arms about as the people who passed him by merely laughed or took pictures of his predicament.

Silver was left trying to untangle himself. His powers were useless here since every time he tried to use them to unhook his shorts, they would just tangle up more because he didn’t know the proper way to unhook them. At the angle he was at, he certainly couldn’t see the proper way either.

He tried grunting and shimmying about but all that did was make him slowly rotate a bit and that meant more people could get a good look at his butt. He yelped when someone decided to slap it as they passed by.

He tried jerking himself free but all that did was make the people passing by wonder if he was trying to go potty on himself.

Due to Silver hanging there for half a day, the sunset eventually came and he had given up. He just dangled there with his arms down and the blood rushing to his head. At first, he was just sad. Eventually, he became giddy and a little derpy from it though.

When the store owner came back out when it was time to close, he gasped at what he saw. “Oh my! What are you doing?!”

He seemed more confused than angry.

Silver’s response was to blow a raspberry with his tongue and with a cross-eyed smile just said, “Hewooo~! I’m a Christmas ornament frum da future! Duurrr!”

The store owner thought he was playing around with him and, rather upset, unhooked Silver from his sign.

“OOOOF!” Silver grunted and let out a fart on impact when he face planted the sidewalk.

“Don’t let me catch you messing around with my sign again or I’m calling the cops,” The store owner said.

Silver’s lower end dropped down and he laid out flat on the ground. The comic store was definitely closed by now. He’d missed his chance.

When he was eventually able brained enough to sit up and looked over his ruined shorts, he snarled a bit with frustration.

“I can’t believe this! Today was supposed to be a good day! How could I have let that happen to me…!” Silver said, chiding his bad luck before a galaxy brained idea crossed his mind. “Well… if I got it wrong this afternoon, I’ll get it right today when tomorrow is this morning again…!”

Rummaging through his knapsack, he squealed and did a cute butt dance in delight when he yanked out his time stone. “Haha! I found it! Using this takes a bit of power and recharging it is a hassle but it should be fine if I just go back in time once with it. I’ll rework my fate and improve my circumstances with THIS!”

He raised it up and let it shine.

Then he heard a toddler from behind, sucking on a lollipop, point at his butt and go, “Big kid go potty? Wanna diapee?” He asked.

Silver turned to the boy with a blush and glanced down at his soaking wet briefs again.

With a nervous giggle, he covered himself and activated the time stone.


Silver looked around. He was fully clothed again. His shorts weren’t torn. His undies weren’t wet. His balls weren’t aching. He was all well and good.

“Yes! Haha! I did it!” Silver fist-pumped.

He began his trek to the comic book store with that same happy tune in his voice and the spring in his step from before. However, when he came across the puddle again, his heart skipped a beat.

He decided that this time he’d merely walk around it.

“No problems here…” He grinned. With a whistle he walked right around the puddle with his eyes closed and whistling to himself.

He grinned and looked back at the fire hydrant he left in his wake. “HAHA! Take THAT! Stupid hydrant!” Silver laughed, kicking ahead of himself with excitement.


Silver blinked when he heard the sound of something getting hit. He opened his eyes and saw a now angry, snarling pitbull growling at him. It was frothing at the mouth with anger as Silver had just kicked it in the nose.

Silver gulped and began sweating. “Haha… g-good doggy. S-Sorry about that…!”

Seconds later, Silver was seen screaming as he ran down the sidewalk with a dog’s mouth clamped onto his butt. “AAAAAAAAH! NOOOOOO! GET OFF! GET OFF ME!”

Silver raised his hand to use his powers to try and pry the dog away but it’s jaws were powerful. Each tug made it feel like his butt was being ripped off.

He wasn’t looking where he was going, however, and ended up slipping on the puddle he just ran back towards. “AAAH! NOOO! STOP! HELP!” He screamed as he tumbled across the street, shorts ripped entirely from his body as he slammed into a dumpster area.

With his face against it and his butt sticking out, he pried himself from it and looked around… to see a ton of angry dogs glaring at him.

Silver’s pupils shrunk as he felt actual pee seeping into his briefs.

The sound of loud screaming and biting and yelling was heard from a distance as shreds of his clothes were being tossed about from a fight cloud in the alley.

Silver eventually managed to escape it, running down the street, peeing his briefs as the dogs chased him. “TIME STONE! TIME STONE! TIME STONE!” He screamed as he rummaged through his knapsack and reactivated it.

RE-DO #2!

“UGH!” Silver whined as he made his way forward again.

When he came across the hydrant and the puddle, he decided to use his powers to hover over it this time.

“Yeah. That works. I can just fly my way there,” Silver snickered and laid back, allowing his powers to float him on by to safety.

Unfortunately, he was flying backwards and as such ended up ramming his head into a pole!

“GRRRRK!” Silver’s pupils turned to stars and he flopped onto his butt, head wobbling about. He stood up and stumbled around before bumping into someone holding a rope.

Silver shook his head as he heard someone shout “WATCH OUT” from a distance. He was momentarily confused before he saw a large shadow appearing around him.

Then he looked up and saw a large grand piano falling right towards him.

As he began wetting his shorts, he realized that the guy he knocked into was trying to hoist it into someone’s house and he let go due to bumping into him.

Silver let out half a moan before it crushed him!

When it was hoisted back up, Silver laid there, implanted in the ground in a spread-eagle position. The wood of the piano had splintered off so that when it was raised, shreds of his clothes went with it, showing off his now soaked brief-clad butt to everyone as he ate the concrete.

When he woke up, the comic store was closed. Again.

RE-DO #3

Silver giggled to himself, eyes crossed and drooling.

“HahahahaHAHAH heheHEHEhehe! It’s okay! I’m FINE! It’s nOt likE I’m CURsEd or notHin!” Silver said, sounding a little frazzled. “Okay! Okay! Calm down!” he slapped his face. “If flying doesn’t work and going around doesn’t work… I’ll just go a different way!”

Silver turned to go around… and was immediately hit by a car!

“BWAAAAAH!” Silver screamed, launched right out of his shorts and flailing through the air as he smacked into a stop sign.

It flung back and then launched him across the road!

His briefs snagged onto a stop light and he was wedgied roughly before it sprung him off the light and sent him rocketing out of his undies and his shirt next.

“Hey! That guy’s naked!” one person yelled, watching as Silver soared through the air, little sprinkles of wetness seeping from his tiny wee wee as fear took hold of him.

His naked body smacked right into the window of a TV station. Due to the camera being pointed at the news casters, TVs all across the city and on the big jumbotron in the square got a huge showing of Silver’s naked form for all to see.

The people doing the show got very surprised, watching the cross-eyed boy slowly slide down the window, leaving a trail of drool and piss behind.

He fell hard and slammed into a trash can, where his exposed lower end stuck out for everyone to observe.

When Silver woke up, he shook about in the trash can and fell over before rolling out.

Now butt naked, he gasped and covered himself before looking around. “Oh no! My knapsack! The time stone was in there…!”

He tried to run but was stopped by two police officers and swerfed his arms about in mid-run.

“Where do you think you’re going Mr. Streaker!”

“NO! No! I’m NOT a streaker! I…!” Silver began.

“Everyone saw you on the news you pervert!” The officer said, holding up his phone with the image of Silver’s naked form on national television.

Silver’s eyes got bug-eyed. He didn’t even respond to them clamping handcuffs on him. He then glanced down and shrieked.

“Anything you’ve got to say for yourself?” The officer said.

Silver blinked and felt his eyes cross and his tongue flop out. His brain fried itself.

“DuhahHAHAHhAHahA! Re-DOOO! Re-DERPiTY DuOOoooOO! HAUAHAGHOOGURP!!” Silver giggled and laughed, shaking his butt around and looking incredibly insane.

The officers had enough and dragged him away as he started to scream out a bunch of nonsense to himself.

It took a while, but Silver was eventually released and sighed as he retraced his steps. It was a long shot but maybe he’d be able to find his knapsack with the time stone in it if he did.

Luckily, he managed to find it by the dumpster where the dogs were. He snuck his way in and nabbed it while they were asleep… but accidentally bumped into one on his way out.

“AAAAAAAAAYGH!” His screams were heard again. It was early morning when he was released so no one liked the sound of it.

He made his way out of there and around the corner, down to a ragged shirt and a pair of wet briefs yet again. “Dammit…! One more time… I can’t let this come to pass!” He grabbed the time stone from his bag. “One more try!”

“Hey, Silver.”

“GYAAAAAH!” Silver jumped, wetting his briefs even more before landing and looking ahead.

It was Tails.

“T-T-TAILS?! D-Don’t look!” Silver squealed, covering himself.

Tails smiled. “It’s alright. Don’t worry. Besides, that news story where you showed up naked is everywhere now. Are you alright, by the way? Why did you streak like that?”

Silver blushed and looked to the side. “I… I didn’t PLAN on streaking…!”

Tails chuckled. “Well, no worries. In the age of the internet, people tend to forget and move on to the next thing that happens pretty fast.”

“Oh really?” Silver asked.

“Yeah. No one even knows you personally so it’s not like you’ll get hounded or harassed anyway. There’s probably plenty of white hedgehogs out there,” Tails shrugged.

That made Silver feel a little better but still…

“Wh-What are you doing here?” Silver asked.

“Was on my way to the comic book store,” Tails said.

“Huh? Why? Comics come out on Wednesday. Free Comic Book Day was yesterday,” Silver said.

“Huh? Oh, I know but there was a delay,” Tails said.

Silver stood there, eyes wide.

“... A what?”

“Yeah, I called ahead and they said there was a delay. They’re coming out today. Are you going for that TMNT issue? Let’s go together,” Tails beamed with excitement.

Silver just stared at Tails.

Then his eyes crossed again and his tongue flopped out once more before he began dribbling his lips with his finger. “WE-DO! WE DOOO! DERP! DURRRR! DOOOWWOOOO! BLUBLBLUBLBUBLRRUBBRRB!”

Silver then began dancing and twirling down the sidewalk, the opposite way like a crazy person.

Tails watched him go with a strange, surprised look on his face.

“Okay… I guess I’ll just pick up your copy when I get there…” The fox said before turning to go back on his way.

Tails walked ahead… and then slipped on a puddle by the fire hydrant.

“WAH!?” Tails gasped right before his balls smacked against it! “HOOOOGH!” His eyes crossed and he fell over, grabbing his crotch and wiggling his butt around. Because he was in open public, the people and kids walking by stopped to observe, point, and laugh at him.

Unfortunately, his collision with the hydrant popped one of the buttons of his shorts and when he tried to get up and move he tripped and face planted.

Then the store owner came out and raised his sign. Tails’ shorts got snagged on the hook of the sign and when it was raised, so was he.

“AAAAAAH! NOOOO!” Tails screamed and flailed around, his wet Care Bears briefs on open display as people walked by. “HELP! HELP ME DOWN!”

As people laughed, walked by to take pictures, and stole slaps on his butt, he couldn’t help but wish there was a way to re-do his day…!

This was an old idea that I never got to do where Future Boy Silver kept re-doing the day because he screwed up at achieving a goal. It was a bit of a fun write. Let me know what your favorite part was and I’ll see you next time! Re-Do!


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