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Soul cracked his eyes open, feeling very weird about his soft, fluffy surroundings. Where on Earth was he and how did he get here? It took him about a minute of adjusting his eyes before the spinning mobile above his head and the grinning face of the blue haired jerk in his line of sight came into focus.

Soul Eater Evans, the boy in a Dora the Explorer diaper and his usual yellow jacket top, was staring up at his new big brother for the duration of his daring experiment… and it was not a very good time.

It had been a few days of this already but every time Soul woke up from his baby nap, in the middle of the day, or his regular one at night, he’d wonder where he was before remembering and giving his new big bro a death glare so sharp it’d cut through the steel of his sickle if it could.

It was like Soul was having a hard time adjusting to the fact that this was real. He got tricked by Black☆Star of all people into being an unwilling school project for him. What about his own project? Was he just expected to share this doofus’ grade then? That meant he had to do this well or else when he got out of this more bad news would be awaiting him. The deadline couldn’t get here fast enough.

The more he thought about this, the angrier he got, honestly.

Soul tried to shout at Black☆Star, wanting to curse his name out several times but all that the giggling jerk heard was him sucking furiously on his pacifier. At least the anger in those suckles came across well… hopefully.

“Aww, the baby boy is mad at me eh? Don’t worry,” Black☆Star said with a sneer and his eyes narrowed like a cocky villain. “Look on the bright side, if I get a good grade on this, you will too. We both win so flip that frown upside down.”

Soul just glared harder at him, laid out in his crib like an actual baby would be.

“No go eh? Alright then, time for the routine then,” Black☆Star said, reaching down. Soul momentarily panicked. He squirmed a little, hating how Black☆Star would always check his diaper for “wettums” as he called it.

He would always be dry though. He was potty trained so this ritual was just an embarrassing way for him to look at his junk without getting in trouble for it.

When Black☆Star took a peek, he saw nothing there yet again.

“Aww. Baby is dry once more,” Black☆Star sighed, sounding disappointed.

Soul suckled on his paci, eyes glaring harder at him. That was a GOOD thing, wasn’t it?

Without another one, Black☆Star reached down and yanked Soul from the crib, holding him up by his armpits. Again, this looked ridiculous because they were about the same size. Black☆Star had to hold Soul up and place his hand on his diapered bottom to make it even seem like an illusion that he was carrying a normal sized baby.

“Alright baby, what do you want to do today?” Black☆Star asked, finally taking the pacifier out of Soul’s mouth and letting it dangle against his jacket.

“I want to beat the snot out of you, that’s what.” Soul growled.

Black☆Star giggled and patted Soul on the head. For some reason, every time Black☆Star did that, Soul’s body would relax and he’d swoon a little before grumbling at his embarrassing involuntary reaction.

“Cute. We’d better get in all the activities we can with just the two of us together though. Our friends are coming over for a party tonight and I want the baby in bed by six at the earliest.” Black☆Star chuckled.

Soul steamed up. He wanted to say something mean but all that came out was, “PLEASE don’t show me off to the others…”

“Kid already saw you like this,” Black☆Star reminded him. “In fact, he’s the one who gave me the okay to do this. Maka still hasn’t though, has she?”

Soul blushed and looked to the side, feeling a sudden need to pee. He did just wake up, of course, but talking about embarrassing stuff got his bladder going as well.

When they got to the kitchen, Soul was placed into a high chair and locked in immediately. Soul grunted and tried to squirm a little to be seated more comfortably before wincing in pain. “H-Hey! Y-You gotta let me out so I can use the bathroom first…” Soul said.

“Pfft,” Black☆Star sputtered his lips. “You can keep saying I have to do that as much as you want but it’s not happening. That diaper is on your butt for a reason.” He said, opening a jar of baby food.

“Yeah, a big DUMB reason!” Soul snapped. “We don’t need this stupid project to be in every waking moment of my life! Just let me go to the bathroom proper-BLEGH!” Soul ranted for a bit but ended up being shut up when a spoonful of nasty gunk was shoveled into his mouth by his big brother caretaker.

These were the disgusting mushed lima beans, the absolute worst of these baby food jars. Soul really wished he’d kept his mouth shut about which one tasted the worst on the first day of him eating these because now it was all Black☆Star fed him, the insensitive tit.

“Tell you what, if you can hold it until breakfast is over, I’ll let you go use the potty.” Black☆Star said, grinning from ear to ear.

Soul nodded. That seemed like a fair deal. He wasn’t getting anything actually babyish out of him. Babyish stuff was just being done to him. He’d be fine.

Breakfast was a nightmare though. It had been for the past few days. Black☆Star would eat steak and eggs right in front of him, topped with delicious looking bacon strips and a glass of orange juice, and grin that stupid grin every single time he fed him a spoon of those nasty baby food jars. He’d also over exaggerate how tasty HIS food was. It sucked watching him.

Soul managed to finish the food. He burped a little and attempted to keep it down. He needed something in his stomach and unfortunately that’s what Black☆Star was feeding him. He almost felt relieved until he saw Black☆Star shaking a bottle of baby formula in front of him.

Oh yeah. He forgot that was a thing too.

“Wait! Can we not do that today!” Soul sounded almost panicked. The taste of that was almost like what he’d imagined literal poison had to be. “I-I ate ALL the baby jars without compla-BUMF!” Soul’s eyes crossed into each other when Black☆Star ignored him and shoved the nipple of the baby bottle into his mouth.

Soul’s head had reeled back a bit as he sucked the drink down against his will, scrunching up his face at how nasty it was and tearing up the longer it went on.

Eventually, mercifully, the bottle emptied. Black☆Star plucked it from Soul’s mouth and looked him over. He looked really dizzy. He always did after a bottle of baby formula. It was like it massaged his brain or something.

Soul sat there and twitched, some spittle on his mouth and his eyes still crossed into one another and half-open. He started to regain some of his lucidity when he felt Black☆Star remove the tray that trapped him into this seat. He flopped forward and fell into Black☆Star’s waiting arms before being hoisted up again.

Soul felt the familiar touch of Black☆Star’s hand on his plump diapered bottom and his legs around his back before he recognized another familiar feeling, that of Soul patting his back repeatedly to summon a burp out of him.

Soul grunted. He was determined not to satisfy Black☆Star by giving him what he wan–!

“BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRP!” Soul loudly belched. It was even louder than the one he did the day before.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHA!” Black☆Star, as usual, couldn’t contain his laughter. He, of course, laughed even harder when he saw Soul’s angry, teary eyed, red face. No matter how humiliating it was, it only ever got worse. This wasn’t something he was getting used to at all.

“Alrighty then. As promised,” Black☆Star smirked and set Soul down. “Bathroom time.”

Soul looked elated, eyes sparkling like a happy small child. It was genuinely really adorable. “R-Really?! Y-YAY! Potty time!” Soul cheered and did a fist-pump.

“Never seen a toddler so happy to use the potty,” Black☆Star said. “Go on then whittle guy!” He said, patting Soul’s diapered butt.

Soul blushed again and giggled. “Kay, kay… I… uhm… uhhh!” Soul winced suddenly and pressed his legs together. Somehow, he hadn’t noticed just how backed up he was. He already had to go when he got out of his crib but that bottle of formula made him a tanker full of water…!

“G-Gotta go! Potty! Potty time!” Soul muttered, trying to move properly towards the bathroom, but he was unable to separate his legs. He started to press his hands to the front of his diaper and did the potty dance right in front of Black☆Star, making him laugh even harder.

He squirmed his way to the bathroom and struggled to simply open the door, eye twitching and biting his lip.

“C-Come on… come ON!” He whined and swung the door open before stumbling in and bouncing from foot to foot in front of the toilet. He could feel Black☆Star’s amused eyes staring at him from behind.

Soul managed to pull up the toilet seat but the instant he removed his hands from his diaper to try and take it off, the blockade was gone.

“NO!” Soul gasped. “AAAAH!” He screamed and swooned, his body not listening to him any longer as he danced in place and felt the floodgates swing open. He whimpered and cried as he began wetting his diaper, all the while Black☆Star pointed and laughed from the doorway. He knew this wasn’t going to work but it was still funny seeing it play out.

“NOOOO! WHYYY?! I WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT!” Soul threw a tantrum as his Dora diaper began to get super full. It was pretty bloated and as a result he was sloshing about with each move he made.

“Oh well,” Black☆Star said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Guess you couldn’t make it. Poor thing. Maybe watching some Barney will make you feel better.”

Soul spun to face Black☆Star, clenching his teeth as anger flooded his system. “Why you–!”

He didn’t care anymore. He was going to hit him.

He rushed towards Black☆Star with his fists raised and ended up getting a fist to the gut for his troubles. Not only did more pee sprinkle into his diaper but he let out a loud fart before slumping over Black☆Star’s fist.

“Unnnnghhhh…!” Soul groaned, drooling as he was lifted up yet again, now with a wet diaper on. He was brought over to the TV in the living room and plopped down onto the floor. Soul slumped there, holding his tummy and whimpering some more as Black☆Star turned the TV on and pressed play on today’s Barney video.

Soul whined as he looked up at it, feeling like if he acted defiantly it wouldn’t end well right now. He found himself sitting there and staring at the screen, looking upset.

Ten minutes in, his hands were on the carpet in front of him with his legs spread, eyes wide and sparkling as he watched the TV like it was the most interesting thing ever. His mouth was in an “O” shape as he learned the wonders of mixing colorful liquids to make new colors.

“Stroller time!” Black☆Star shouted as he wheeled out what Soul liked to call the “Public Humiliation Mobile”.

Soul looked back, lip quivering a bit. “C-Come on. Really?”

“Yes, really. Don’t say no to me again, or it’s a spanking.” Black☆Star asked.

Soul blushed once again, remembering when Black☆Star did in fact spank him for acting out the other day. He sighed and crawled over to the stroller before looking up at him. “Can I at least get a new diapee?”

“Hmm…” Black☆Star pretended to think it over. “Nope.”

Being in the stroller was the worst. Soul barely fit in it so scrunching up his legs to be seated in it properly was a must. He felt awful, looking at everyone glare at him like he was some kind of weird specimen. In a world like this, there were totally more interesting creatures then him around.

Soul felt really uncomfortable though and started to suck his thumb for comfort. It didn’t help much, especially when they reached the park where a ice-cream truck was.

Black☆Star got one for himself along with a bunch of other kids. Soul sat in the stroller and watched this before gasping when he saw a bunch of the small kids trot on over to him. He whimpered for Black☆Star to hurry and come back but they surrounded his stroller before he could.

“Eep.” Soul gulped.

“You look like you’re being punished badly by your big brother over there.” One kid teased, poking at Soul’s tummy.

“S-Shut up! I’m older than you. I could kick your ass no problem.” Soul muttered, not exactly looking threatening in his soaked diaper. It was starting to itch too. He really wanted it changed.

“Oh yeah? Just try it.” Another kid said, curling up his fist and punching Soul in the face. It was hard enough to rock the stroller and Soul slumped in his seat, eyes rolling and mouth agape with his tongue out.

“Duuuuhhh huhhngh?” Soul was instantly confused and felt weirdly giddy. He wanted to try and retaliate but the kids were giggling and laughing so much, it was disorienting him. It got even worse when they took turns punching, pinching, and tickling his feet.

“OW! HAHAHA! EEP! OWIEEE! HAHAHA! OOF!” Soul made constant noises with each new thing they did to him. The constant pain and humiliation was making him cry but his bladder joined him, seeping even more pee out of him to the point where the diaper was starting to leak a bit.

“Oh! We made him wet his diaper!” One of the kids realized. They all cheered and began high fiving one another. Soul scrunched up his face, really upset by this.

Black☆Star came back over, several scoops of ice-cream in one cone in his hand, and delighted in observing this scene. “Hey kids. Enjoying hanging out with my baby bro?”

The kids all nodded.

“Want to change his diaper?”

“YES!” They cheered.

“NO!” Soul shouted. He lurched hard in his refusal to allow that and it made the stroller topple over to the side. “OOOF! OWIEEEEE! HURTSSSSSS!”

His onlookers just laughed at him before Black☆Star graciously helped him out of the stroller and got him laid back onto a changing mat.

Soul closed his eyes, face beat red as he felt his diaper being undone by tiny hands this time. Black☆Star was giving them all a tutorial on how to properly change a baby’s diaper and the things they were saying was making him feel even more embarrassed every step of the way.

“Whoa! It’s so tiny! HAHAHAHA!” One kid said when the diaper was opened and his lower half was openly exposed to the open air.

“Yup. It’s like he was born to be in diapers right?” Black☆Star said, earning a giggle from the others.

Soul put his hands to his face, hoping that would somehow close his already closed eyes even more and make him numb to the world.

He gasped and ended up opening them when he felt his lower end being lifted up. The kids were being rough with the way they held his legs and feet so he ended up seeing his diaper change after all. Now that his eyes were open, he couldn’t close them again for some reason. He just stared at the humiliating scene before him and watched as his butt was cleaned off, powdered, and lowered onto a new Muppet Babies themed diaper.

When his new diaper was taped on, Black☆Star high fived all the kids and let them take pictures with his embarrassed baby bro. Soul looked miserable in all of them but it was funny seeing his whimpering face juxtaposed with those of all the smiling children.

When the kids left, Black☆Star handed Soul a small popsicle.

“Enjoy.” He said.

Soul grumbled and licked it.

Oh. It was lemon. At least he got something good out of that.

The stay at the park wasn’t even the worst part of Soul's day.

He was back home now, stuck inside his crib due to having been forced to take a nap as per Black☆Star’s orders.

When he woke up it was around 7 PM, which meant it had only been an hour. It was due to all the noise happening outside the room though.

Soul whined and pressed the pillows in his crib against his ears, grumbling in annoyance. He didn’t want to go to bed. He’d rather be out there partying with all the big kids but if he HAD to stay in this crib, the least he should be given is a nice, peaceful sleep.

No, though. He couldn’t even have that.

He grunted as he shifted again, feeling the squishiness of his diaper against his skin.

Wait. Squishy?

Soul sat up in a panic and then pulled open the front of his diaper.

It was wet.

Soul blushed and scooted to the back of the crib, shocked by this.

This was the first time he’s wet himself while unconscious.

“Dammit. I’m losing my bladder control! Black☆Star, your stupid project isn’t going to break me! I swear it!” He snapped, standing up and climbing out of the crib.

Of course, he lacked grace wearing this diaper and ended up flopping onto his butt.

“OWIE!” He groaned, tummy rumbling now. He winced and grabbed at his gut, feeling the need to go number two now. “Ugh… dammit. I can’t get to the bathroom with the party happening out there… but if I stay in here I’ll mess this diaper for the first time ever…!”

He usually was allowed to go to the bathroom for those. Black☆Star didn’t have much of an interest in changing messy diapers. Thank goodness that was an instance where him thinking only of himself was beneficial.

That still didn’t change Soul’s predicament though. What was he going to do about this?

Soul stood up, sweating now and looking around the room for something to cover his diaper. There was nothing but a pair of baby shortalls.

They’d have to do. The diaper was still visible as these shortalls were small and barely did anything to hide them. Not only would the diaper bulge be obvious but it would peak out of them from all sides. He might as well not bother… but he had to.

The more time he wasted trying to get them on was more time his stomach felt upset and started gurgling louder.

By the time he got it on, he felt horrible. His jacket was off so he was in just a yellow baby boy’s shirt. It was also fairly small so the diaper was even more obvious. He felt like he just wasted his time.

Another pang of pain hit his gut.

“Dammit. I’m just going to have to make a break for the bathroom!” Soul snapped.

With a heavy in-take of breath he swung the door open and began to charge down the hall… only to hit an immediate blockade.

“HI BABY SOUL!” All the kids in the living room turned to shout at him. Maka, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty, Liz, Kilik, his big bro Black☆Star, and a ton of other people from their class were there to greet him.

The bathroom was closed and out of reach.

Soul looked at them all, blushing profusely as they began to coo at him like he was a toddler.

“See? I told you he’d try to run for the bathroom if we waited long enough!” Black☆Star said, probably suspecting how long it had been since he’d had to go number two.

“He looks adorable! Look at those shortalls!” Maka said. “It even cuter than if he had come out in just a diaper!”

“Hey! He’s making a weird face! What’s that mean?” Patty asked.

Kid observed him. “Ah. It would seem he’s losing control.”

Soul was indeed losing control. The massive truck of humiliation this brought on just rammed into his gut all at once. His face was sweaty and scrunching up a lot.

He squirmed in place with his butt out before grabbing at his behind and doing the potty dance in front of them all. Their laughter at this made his humiliation worse which just upset his tummy more which–!

“OH NOOOOOOO~!” Soul screamed, crying as his body squatted against his will. “MY BODY WON’T LISTEN TO ME! I CAN’T STOP!”

The sound of his messing himself was really loud. It was a really funny noise. The fact that Soul was making a cross-eyed, cheeks puffed out, look of cuckoo craziness as he did it uncontrollably just made it worse.

He fumbled and flopped about, the messing spell rocking his entire body before he fell over with his bloated, stinky behind sticking up.

Soul’s eyes were rolling and his tongue was out. He messed himself so hard that it knocked him out.

“Aww. He passed out. Poor baby.” Black☆Star sighed and shook his head. “Anyone want to change his diapee?”

No one volunteered so Black☆Star shrugged and dragged Soul back to his crib to lock him inside of it. It’d get changed later… somehow… by somebody.

The week passed and the project was finally finished.

Black☆Star got his first ever A++ on it. Everyone had footage of the party on their phones and playing back the screams and sounds of Soul crying and messing himself in front of them all was a constant thing to hear about the classroom. Everyone seemed to have that video.

Soul ended up getting the same grade as Black☆Star too. He wasn’t too happy about it though. He didn’t even get to pick what his project was, instead, forced to participate in Black☆Star’s against his will.

Even worse was the fact that despite being let go… he was still wearing diapers in school today.

They didn’t fit over his pants but he tried wearing them to school anyway… but then he was pantsed and got them taken away. So now, he sat at his desk in his yellow jacket and his exposed diaper, looking at the more than perfect score on his project with a blush on his face and his legs pressed together.

All he could think about was how he needed to pee.

“Dammit. Black☆Star is going to pay for this. As soon as I re-potty train myself he’s gonna-!” Soul muttered to himself.

“Hey Soul!” Black☆Star interrupted, appearing by his side.

“YEEEEEEK!” Soul screamed and flopped about in his desk before turning to look at him.

“Now that the project is over, we can just spend time as normal big bro and little baby bro without the crushing expectation of a grade hanging over us,” Black☆Star mused. “I still haven’t fully proven how babying someone can make them as awesome as me.”

Soul snarled. “You never will either! I’m not letting you do that to me anymore!”

“You say that but it’s only because you keep peeing yourself in front of me. Don’t be scared. Be grateful you get to be re-trained by the best!” Black☆Star said.

“What-?!” Soul said before gasping when he realized he’d wet his diaper when Black☆Star scared him. He blushed and heard all the giggling around him.

That was it!

Soul stood up to punch at him but Black☆Star reached over and tickled him. Soul laughed and squirmed about before he was lifted up into the baby carry he had to endure all week.

“WHAT?! NO! LET ME DOWN!” Soul gasped, shocked by this.

“Let’s go baby,” Black☆Star smirked. “The project may be over but so long as I’m your big brother, I’m taking care of you.”

He then left the room with Soul in his arms while the baby cried and shouted for help while being taken out of the room.

The rest of the kids merely waved bye before going back to rewatch the video of him messing himself at the party. The only thing they could hear from Soul over the video is him loudly crying out and wetting his diaper as he was taken away yet again for another week, or maybe even longer, of quality time with his big bro.

This was probably one of the best stories I’ve ever written honestly, if only because of how many different segments of the humiliation Soul suffered through I got to touch upon. I loved writing it. I should totally do more like this. The first part was a wonderful set-up and this was a great follow-through. Tell me what your favorite part of this one was. I’ll see you all next time.


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