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“There’s a rumor going around the school that you peed your pants on a mission.” Black☆Star leaned forward, hovering over Soul Eater Evan’s face with his hands on his desk.

“WHAT?!” Soul gasped, a light blush on his face. He almost stood up in his seat as he leaned forward. “Who started that rumor?!”

“I don’t know but I heard it from Death the Kid,” Black☆Star said with his lips pursed. He almost looked like he was attempting to smooch Soul if you didn’t know any better.

Soul grumbled and got out of his seat, hands in his pockets, before stepping off to go confront Kid. As he did, Black☆Star was left behind and giggled a bit to himself.

Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy. This is a school where groups of students who attend as aspiring demon hunters called Shibusen. Maka, a scythe wielder and her partner, Soul, who transforms into the scythe she uses, are among some of the more prominent users. Each hunter is paired with a partner who can turn into a weapon, and the two must fight in unison.

Soul turns into the weapon for his partner, Maka. Black☆Star is the wielder of the weapon that Tsubaki, his partner, turns into for him. Death the Kid, the son of the former head of the school, uses two guns to fight which are transformed into by two twins, Liz and Patty Thompson.

At the moment, Kid was in the bathroom, washing his face, and nowhere near them. That made things awkward when Soul barged in on him.

“Hey!” Soul slammed the door open and shifted his gaze over to Kid.

Kid, for his part, turned quickly and was surprised to see him. Class had barely just let out so this had to have been urgent. Or maybe he really wanted to invite him to a hamburger joint.

“Yes?” Kid stood up, fingers drumming the edge of the sink. “I take it you’ve got some sort of thing you want to invite me to? Well, I can’t say that I don’t desire to hang out as well but I’m very busy with-”

He was about to lead in to some sort of monolog about his current duties and how it’d be really great if Soul could pay for whatever food they went to get because of symmetry or something but Soul cut him off by putting a finger to his face.

“Did YOU start a rumor that I wet my pants while on a mission?” Soul asked.

Kid blinked. “No. What mission were you even on that would lead to you of all people wetting yourself?”

“I know, right?!” Soul gasped, leaning forward a bit. “I’m glad you understand.”

Kid blinked. “Right. Well, who told you that you heard that from me?”

Soul stood there and thought it over for a bit before his eyes narrowed and he looked rather glum. “...Black☆Star.”

“Ah.” Kid instantly understood. “He might be messing with you then. Maybe he wants to see us fight?”

“... Or maybe… HE started the rumor!” Soul put a fist into his palm and growled.

“Wait what?” Kid was surprised. “How do you–? Do you even know if there even IS a rumor?”

“Sorry, can’t hear ya!” Soul snapped and rushed out of the bathroom. He left a trail of smoke in his wake that made Kid blink in surprise.

Black☆Star, for his part, was by Soul's locker and he was in the middle of whipping out a large, poofy, white diaper with pink unicorns on it. He was going to tape that to Soul’s locker when, out of nowhere, Soul jumped towards him with an epic kick to the face!

“GOTCHAAAAAAA!” Soul snapped.

“DOOOOFGUH!” Black☆Star bounced along the floor, tumbled, and rolled down the hall, bouncing off the walls before crashing at the end of it against a garbage can.

He sat there, eyes rolling and now twinkling stars circling his head as he giggled, before he shook them away and stood up, grabbing his cheek and dancing in place like he had to go potty.

“Dude! What the hell man?” Black☆Star snapped.

“I should be asking YOU what the hell man!” Soul sounded like a raging bull. He also saw the diaper half taped to his locker and ripped it off to fire it like a bullet with an impressive hand toss that managed to make it soar down the hall and smack Black☆Star in the face!

“MMMFFF!” Black☆Star stammered and took the diaper off his face only to bug out with shock when he saw Soul right in front of him.

“You started that rumor yourself, didn’t you?!” Soul leered at him, grabbing his collar and shaking him.

“Uh… well… uhmmm…!” Black☆Star gurgled, eyes going swirly.

“Well, tell me!” Soul snapped.

“Alright, alright!” Black☆Star put a hand to Soul’s face and lightly pushed him away. “I was going to try out an experiment.”

“An experiment..?” Soul asked, now intrigued.

“Yeah! What if someone regressed to babyhood, I asked myself one day. What would the valiant care of me, Black☆Star, do to get that person back to adulthood? Would that influence transcend anything that a normal, regular parent could do and lead to that baby becoming enlightened with knowledge and power the likes of which have never been achieved before? I HAD TO KNOW!”

Soul blinked and stood with his hands in his pockets. “You’re behind schedule on your school project about nurturing souls aren’t you?”

The blue haired boy looked to the side and whistled. “Nooooooo…”

“You’re lying!” Soul snapped. “Also, dude, if you wanted to do a project like that, just ask. You don’t need to start a rumor!”

Black☆Star blinked in surprise. “Oh really? So you’ll wear this diaper and be my baby?”

“HELL NO!” Soul snapped.

Black☆Star pouted. “Hmph. Well then, you obviously see why I had to do it. What better pick than my best friend huh?!”

Soul got quiet. Then his eyes glistened. “Y-You picked me because… I’m your best friend…!” He looked all blushy and his eyes sparkled.

Black☆Star sniffled. “Uh-huh. What a chance to get more comfortably intimate with the guy you know would be there for you, through thick and thin, no matter what stormy weather came our way. It would have been such a beautiful experience, Soul.” His eyes sparkled too, little pink dots and flowers spinning around his head.

“Oh, Black☆Star!” Soul wrapped his friend into a hug.

“SOUL!” Black☆Star cried and hugged him in the middle of the hall where people were still passing by.

Then, before anyone could cry about how gay they looked, Soul kneed Black☆Star in the balls!

“HOOOOF!” Black☆Star leaned forward and grabbed his junk, hopping up and down and wriggling his butt back and forth.

“Obviously, the only way this project of yours is going to be authentic is if the RIGHT baby gets in that diaper!” Soul snickered and then jabbed an elbow into Black☆Star’s back, making him flop onto the floor and jitter.

People were snickering and talking all around them. Some even made mention that Soul had apparently wet his pants on a mission prior to now.

Soul blushed when he heard that and turned to snap at them. “HEY! Don’t go spreading false rumors!”

Black☆Star, at that moment, reached up and tugged on Soul’s pants leg, making them jimmy down a bit. They didn’t fall that far but it was enough to expose his tighty whities with cute little cartoon pumpkins on them and an adorable peach colored elastic.

“EEP!” Soul actually yelped like a little toddler when he saw this which saw him scrambling to yank his pants back up. That allowed Black☆Star a chance to capitalize.

He launched his foot up into Soul’s chin and sent him soaring up and over. He fell onto his back and skidded along the floor with his legs sticking up.

“You that embarrassed by your undies, Soul? Don’t worry. That diaper will make those cute briefs a non-issue!” Black☆Star laughed as he charged at his friend.

Soul’s eyes were rolling a bit but he quickly scrambled to a sitting position when he heard his opponent rushing towards him. Black☆Star stomped down towards Soul who managed to grab his foot and toss him onto the floor before he could connect.

Soul laughed and got on top of him to pin him to the floor, temporarily restraining him. This was, of course, the perfect time to gloat.

“Haha! I gotcha now. Looks like your potential baby is-HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Soul began laughing when Black☆Star reached up and started tickling Soul’s armpits. He got so twitchy that he ended up jerking away.

Soul realized what he did and tried to fix things but Black☆Star was faster and grabbed him by his yellow jacket in order to yank it up, over his face.

Soul’s annoyed voice was muffled by this and the giggling Black☆Star took advantage of having something to grab on now. He grabbed his jacket and started to swing Soul around.

At first, Soul was stepping about in a circular motion while trying to get himself away from his attacking friend. However, his efforts were futile and eventually he was swung around so hard that he was lifted off his feet while still trying to grab at his jacket to keep himself steady.

This didn’t work either and he saw himself get jerked out of the jacket and sent flying down the hall once more, down to his white undershirt. His pants were sagging and showing off his briefs again too.

Soul gasped when he slammed into the locker and groaned in pain with his legs spread. Stars and birdies were circling his head and he could barely comprehend where he was right now.

Still, he tried to fight the urge to pass out by standing up on his wobbly feet once more…only to catch a glimpse of a book flying straight at him. He didn’t know what to do to properly dodge it in time and thus was a bit too late in doing so.

The book slammed right into his crotch, sending a terrible shiver of pain through him. He jerked and fidgeted as it fell to the floor while he gasped and choked a bit on his saliva.

“Hahahaha! Threw the book at ya!” Black☆Star giggled.

Soul grunted and clenched his teeth in bitter pain but then his eyes widened when he heard a loud hissing sound.

He blushed profusely as he stared ahead, wide eyed along with Black☆Star and the few people around watching.

The combination of the tickling and the book smashing against his balls was what did it but it couldn’t be denied seeing as how his exposed briefs were soaking through with a wet, yellow sheen and cascading down into his pants that had a large dark wet spot spreading through them.

Soul had wet his pants.

An eruption of laughter rang out along the halls and the blushing Soul stammered with disbelief that this not only happened but came about as a result of a lie that it happened before when it didn’t.

“Y-You…” Black☆Star was holding back a giggle. “You actually did it… wow!”

Soul snapped and charged at Black☆Star. “You’re going to do it too when I get done with yoAAHAHGH!” Soul made another hilarious noise when he ended up slipping on his own pee puddle and standing on one of his loose pants legs.

He fell when he snagged his foot on his pants, taking them all the way down to his feet while he toppled over and started to fall to the floor.

However, his buddy Black☆Star was there to catch his fall… with a knee to the chin that launched him into the air, spinning like a flipping flapjack.

“AHA! Got YA! I win!” Black☆Star cheered as he did the peace sign at an invisible camera while Soul flopped to the ground behind him, eyes swirling and spread out in just a damp shirt and a pair of soaked briefs.

Black☆Star huffed some air from his mouth, proud of his accomplishment as he grabbed the poofy diaper again. He grinned from ear to ear, unable to fully comprehend that this was real and actually happening. He even blushed a little bit, staring at Soul’s wet undies.

He got to work rather fast to make sure he could capitalize on it though.

With a swift tug, he got Soul’s briefs to shimmy off of his butt. It was tough since the pee was making it get a little stuck to his body but that ended up being a non-issue eventually. No, the real issue was seeing Soul’s naughty bits before his very eyes.

The blushing blue haired boy had a bit of a struggle lifting his legs and butt and getting the diaper on him while glancing to the side as he did it. He couldn’t help stealing a few glances though. After all, diapering a person would be impossible without doing it… but still.

Soul, for his part, didn’t even realize this was happening. He was out cold and unable to do anything about this.

He was now the subject of Black☆Star’s project, whether he liked it or not.

Soul’s eyes fluttered open and he sat up, really confused.

“Eh…? Where am I-?” Soul asked before looking around in shock.

He was in a playpen in the middle of the classroom… wearing a completely different outfit.

He was in that white diaper with the pink unicorns, sure, but he also had on a bib and a shirt that said “It’s a Girl!” on it for some reason.

“HEY! What is this-?!” Soul snapped, incensed and blushing up a storm.

“Ah!” Came a voice from the side. “The baby’s awake. Time to feed him.”

“Feed me?! I’m hungry, yeah, but that can wait. I want–OOF!” Soul’s ranting stopped in the middle once Black☆Star shoved the bottle of formula into his mouth.

Soul suckled down on the nipple of it and slumped a bit. It tasted awful but it was relaxing him, shockingly enough.

His eyes glanced ahead and he noticed a collection of the student body observing him. The blushing on his face got more and more pronounced as they cooed at him and took pictures of him.

There was no teacher around. Instead, Death the Kid observed this from off to the side, hands behind his back and tilting his head as Black☆Star made good on his promise to show them all an interesting project.

“See? He’s already getting into it.” Black☆Star said, pointing at Soul as he drank the disgusting concoction.

Soul tried to mutter something but couldn’t be heard properly. Black☆Star took the bottle out of his mouth and grinned down at him.

“What is it, baby?” He asked, condescendingly.

Soul took that in stride, only to whimper and put his hands to the front of his diaper with extreme embarrassment.

“I… I know I already went but I gotsa go potty again…” Soul said.

“Is that all? Aren’t you forgetting something?” Black☆Star asked.

Soul was confused.

“What do you call me?” Black☆Star asked, pointing at himself.

“... D-Daddy?” Soul asked.

Black☆Star laughed in excitement. “Oh. I was going for big brother but daddy works even better. Come on son!”

He reached down and lifted Soul out of the playpen by his armpits, making him blush deeper. Considering that they were comparable in size, it looked REALLY goofy and just made how pathetic he currently looked stand out.

It got worse when Black☆Star put him in the bridal carry and shoved the baby bottle back into his mouth.

“Sorry but you’re finishing this bottle. The project is going well but I need you to immerse yourself in babyhood for a long time to see if I can make this come true the way I want it to. I already got permission to as well.” Black☆Star giggled.

Soul was really confused. The people around were saying he was cute (or making fun of him in the case of the guys) and Kid was just observing the scene like this project was legitimate. Did he manage to get actual permission to go ahead with this? If so, why weren’t there any teachers here? Was that part of the project too? To see how humiliated he’d be in front of just his peers?

Soul whimpered as he thought through this all and then squirmed a little as the need to pee hit again.

Black☆Star removed the bottle and giggled. “Go ahead. You’ve got no reason to hold it now.”

Soul blushed and with his fists curled and his eyes shutting tightly, he found himself christening his diaper. It wasn’t as bombastic as when he peed his pants in the hall but it was still happening.

For some reason, he felt the weight of embarrassment get heavier but his brain felt even more relaxed and mushy despite that.

“Come on. Let’s go.” Black☆Star turned to leave with his baby in his arms as the other kids all either laughed or clapped.

When they exited the room, Kid smirked with his hands behind his back and said. “Excellent project idea Black☆Star. Hopefully, personally supervising it will lead to interesting results.”

Getting Kid on his side was tough but Black☆Star managed to do it. The student body would know first and foremost and the adults would find out when it was too late.

Right now, they really wanted to see how good a baby Soul would make and what influence it would have on him living this lifestyle for a bit.

They’d get him back to normal. Eventually.


My first Soul Eater story. It was very impromptu. I had originally intended to continue with more Valentine’s tales but my heart wasn’t in it. I can’t fully commit to something if I’m not feeling it but hey, that’s the beauty of writing sometimes. Inspiration hits when it needs to or sometimes when you least expect it.

That said, I wouldn’t be adverse to continuing this if the desire is there. So tell me if you’d like that.

See you all next time.



I'm also interested in this project, I share Black Star's curiosity what would Soul be like raised by Black Star of all people and how would he develop? Curiouser and curiouser.


I loved the Soul Eater series, it's quite an interesting and fun story. Yes, Soul and Star have moments where they act... very slightly heterosexual. And at the same time they are quite a comical duo when it comes to fighting together. A spanking with soul bribrations would make Soul cry like a real baby.