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The doorbell rang just outside of Tails’ humble abode in Central City. Sonic was just by the door, wearing a red sweater, a green scarf, and a pair of blue jeans, having just prepared himself some hot cocoa.

He’d just got done helping to clear away the mess in Tails’ driveway so hearing someone ringing the doorbell so soon after he just managed to grab himself a drink kind of annoyed him a tad. Feeling that cold air hit his face again wasn’t going to be a thrilling instant.

Still, he figured he’d best be hospitable for the holiday season. Tails was already sitting comfortably in the room waiting for him to play some Smash Bros. with him after all. It wasn’t out of the question that he might have invited someone else.

“Yello~! Welcome to The Manor of Miles. How may I help… you…” Sonic trailed off when he looked the person up and down and slammed the door shut when they tried to walk inside. He heard a loud bang and an “Owie!” follow soon after. He didn’t care though.

Sonic dusted off his hands and went to walk away when Tails, seemingly having gotten a bit impatient, made his way over to the door.

“What’s going on Sonic? Is someone at the door?” Tails asked, walking right past him and grabbing the doorknob.

Sonic’s eyes widened. “Wait. No! Tails, don’t open th–!” He began before the fox boy swung the door wide open and yelped in surprise as a green hedgehog practically flopped right on top of him.

Tails didn’t fall to the ground. Instead, the green hedgehog was draped over his shoulders, holding a bottle of almost finished alcoholic egg nog and drooling up a storm.

“H-HeeeyyyooooO~! How’s it goin’ Soni…! Big Bro! HEY! It’s MEEEE!” Manic, the green hedgehog perked up, patting Tails’ shoulders down before burping in his face.

Tails winced and grabbed his nose. “Uhm… I’m sorry… who are you?”

“Huh? S-Sonic? Whazza matter wid yous! Don’tcha wemember yer whittle brother!” Manic said, hiccupping. “Ahm soooo hurted! After I came all dis way ta see youuu…!”

Tails looked the green hedgehog up and down and noticed that his shorts were dangling around his ankles and the Dora the Explorer briefs he had on were soaked with piss.

However, the big thing that stood out was the structure of his face…!


“SONIC!” Tails whipped around to face Sonic who was trying to march away. Instead, he stopped and jolted.

“You… have another brother?” Tails asked.

“Hmm…?” Manic perked up, looking at Tails and then at Sonic and then back at Tails. “OH MY GOSH!”

He then slapped Tails hard in the back, sending the fox flying and screaming!

Sonic turned to see Tails flailing his arms about as he soared overhead. The blue hedgehog ducked as Tails slammed against the wall and slowly slid down it leaving a trail of drool behind, the pink waistband of his Care Bears briefs peeking out as he did.

“I’m soooo sorry!” Manic shouted. “I thought you were someone else!” He exclaimed.

“Apologize for smashing his brains against the wall first, idiot!” Sonic turned and snapped back at him.

Manic blushed and turned around, wiggling his butt at Sonic. “Ohhhh~! Yer right! I deserve a big ol’ pankin’! Go ahead! Right on my tushy pwease!”

“I’ll GIVE you a spanking alright, but when you're sober!” Sonic snarled. “If I do it right now, you’ll have an orgasm probably.”

With that, he marched over to Manic, grabbed him by the ear, and yanked him to the living room, all while he whined and moaned about random nonsense.

“Manic the Hedgehog?!” Tails sat in awe, a small bandage on his forehead. “You’re Sonic’s biological little brother?”

“Yup.” Manic nodded, sitting in a pair of race car pajama pants and a matching pajama top now, blushing a bit due to how childish they looked. It was all Tails had on such short notice though. Luckily they fit. Mostly.

Manic reached over and put an arm around Sonic to bring the disgruntled blue boy close. “He’s my big bro! Haven’t seen him in *BURP* ages!”

“You REALLY gotta stop burping DIRECTLY in people’s faces dude…” Sonic muttered, clearly annoyed.

Manic ignored that comment. “And you said your name was Martin Prayer?”

“Miles Prower,” Tails correct. “But everyone calls me Tails. It’s a name that Sonic gave me. I’m Sonic’s adopted little brother.”

Manic gasped.

He then teared up.

“I have… another brother!” He exclaimed. “I had a little bro this whole time and you never told me?!” Manic said, turning to Sonic with surprise.

Sonic put a hand to Manic’s face to push it away.

“Dude, your breath is like literal, actual death right now. Please…!” Sonic grunted. “But yeah. We’re brothers. I didn’t tell you because finding you is harder than it is to find me.”

“But I mean… you’ve got my cell number…” Manic said.

“The one you keep changing?” Sonic asked.

“Well, yeah. Gotta keep you on your toes right?” Manic snickered.

Tails sat and drank his cocoa, fascinated by this. “So… what’s your deal Manic? Why don’t you visit more often yourself?”

“Oh? Uh… uhm… w-well…” Manic rubbed the back of his head.

“He’s a bit of a criminal.” Sonic said.

Manic put a finger to his lips. “SHHHH!”

“You see, we were kind of separated at birth under unknown circumstances.” Sonic kept going. “I didn’t even know I had a brother for the longest time. We met by chance and found out we were related later.”

“I was on the run from some cops for pulling off a underwear raid at someone’s house. We spent a night in prison together.” Manic grinned.

“You got me caught up in your nonsense is what you mean!” Sonic snapped. “I didn’t have anything to do with your underwear raid but we got lumped in together. I was his co-conspirator according to the police.”

“Yeah, but it was fun though. It was like one big sleepover!” Manic exclaimed, hands raised.

“Ugh.” Sonic sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. “I don’t have a high opinion of the police but I don’t go out of my way to cause trouble like you do. You’re such an inconvenience.”

“Well, sorry, I got raised in a bad neighborhood in the rank, stinky, vile underbelly of the deep city of Neo Northopolis. It’s all I know.” Manic said. “I’m a thief. I steal stuff. I’m the best at it. You’ve got fast feet. I’ve got fast fingers.”

“Your fingers aren’t faster than my feet.” Sonic said with a smirk.

“Oh really?” Manic said, holding up a pair of Sonic’s Sesame Street underwear. He twirled the briefs around by his finger while chuckling.

Sonic blushed and immediately patted down the front of his crotch, only to find out he was suddenly going commando.

“HEY!” Sonic climbed over top Manic and tried to grab at the undies. “Give those BACK!”

“Nuh-uh! Say my fingers are faster than your feet and I will!” Manic grinned.

“No way!” Sonic snapped.

“Say it!” Manic began tickling Sonic’s sides.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHA! STOP! STOP IT! T-TICKLES! TICKLE! HAHAHAHAHA!” Sonic teared up, flailing his arms about and kicking his legs.

Manic laughed as he had Sonic at his mercy and loved embarrassing him in front of Tails like this.

Tails just sat there and stared, in awe of what he was witnessing.


Tails pondered doing this for a bit and then stood up. He then trotted behind Sonic and yanked his pants down, exposing his naked bare butt to the world.

“GAH! WHAT THE HELL?!” Sonic screamed, blushing rather hard.

“That’s the Christmas Spirit Tails!” Manic said with a hardy laugh.

“Sorry Sonic but us little brothers have to stick together.” Tails grinned, using his hands to slap Sonic on the butt repeatedly.

“YEEEK! OWW! OWWIEEE! HAHAHAHA! OWWW! HAHAHAHA! EEEEK!” Sonic alternated between pain and laughter as this went on.

Suddenly, Manic saw a droplet of pee hit the carpet.

“Oh no! He’s gonna pee himself like a little baby! Quick, do you have a diaper on hand?” Manic asked.

“Actually, I do.” Tails smirked, rushing over to the closet. “We keep some in case of emergency babysitting duties. We’ve both had a hand in doing it before.”

He wiped out a Backyardigans themed diaper and tossed it to Manic, who unfolded it and got it under Sonic and taped it up like an expert. His fast fingers were excellent.

Sonic flopped onto his back, still laughing and wriggling about on the floor before his eyes widened at hearing the sound of him flooding his diaper.

He blushed as Manic and Tails laughed at him from off to the side.

Sonic curled up his fists and snarled with anger, face beat red.

He then charged at Manic and tackled him to the floor. He hit the carpet with a loud, “OOF” of surprise before he yelped at seeing Sonic grab at his pajama pants!

“YEEK! NO! HEY!” Manic blushed and grabbed onto them to hold them up. “Wait a minute!”

“You already came here in wet briefs Manic. Let’s see your new undies!” Sonic snapped and finally managed to get them off.

Manic flopped to the floor, his new teddy bear briefs on loan from Tails on display.

“Now about that spanking I owe you!” He smirked, sitting on Manic’s back and started slapping at his wiggling butt!

“AAAAAAH! MY BUTT! NO! BWAAAAH!” Manic cried and banged his fists on the floor. “I’M SORRY! BIG BROTHER! NO SPANKIE! BUTT HURTY!”

Tails giggled as he watched this. Manic turned into such a crybaby all of a sudden.

“Hahaha! Now apologize!” Sonic ordered.

Manic cried and blubbered, suddenly looking pathetic with tears and snot on his face. “OKAAAAY! JUST STOOOOOOP!”

Sonic stopped. “Alright. Now, where is the I’m sorr-BLEGH!” Sonic’s eyes crossed when Manic reached up with his legs and choke Sonic with his crossed feet.

“HERE’S your sorry!” Manic said back with a grin, still looking like a hot mess due to his earlier crying though.

“BLAHAHAGAH!” Sonic choked and tried to pry Manic’s legs away from his face but was unable to. His air was being cut off and he started wetting the diaper even more. When Manic felt the warm wetness hit his back through the diapered butt sitting on him, he blushed and yelped, rolling over in surprise.

He then scooted back and inspected himself. “Oh good. You didn’t leak on MEAGAH!” Manic gasped when Sonic did a heavy spin-dash into him that smacked him against the wall.

Manic’s eyes rolled and he flopped to the floor, tongue out, and butt sticking up.

Sonic then raced behind Manic and grabbed his feet before spinning him around and around in a circle and launching him straight… at Tails!

“WHOA! WHAT THE–?!” Tails yelped watching as Manic screamed and smashed into the poor fox!

Tails’ clothes literally exploded off his body on impact and the two hurdled down the hall and smashed into the bathroom.

Sonic raced over and grinned at the sight he saw.

Tails was stuck in the toilet, eyes rolling, while Manic’s face was smack dab in Tails’ naked crotch slumped against the toilet bowl.

“Hahahaha! Oh wow! Manic, I knew you were into guys but really? Your own bro?” Sonic snickered. “Yeah, that underwear raid? It wasn’t for panties. It was for boy briefs.”

Manic picked his head up, eyes spinning in their sockets, before he turned to see Sonic still laughing in his soaked diaper.

“Why you–!” Manic stood up only to hear the sound of peeing. He looked over and saw Tails, barely conscious and seeing stars. Looks like the naked fox was wizzing into the toilet he was stuck in.

Manic snickered at that, finding it funny… which gave Sonic an opening.

The blue hedgehog elbowed Manic in the face and made him hear tons of birdies! He twirled around and tripped over the tub, flopping inside of it with his butt sticking out again.

Sonic raised Manic’s legs and yanked his underwear off of him, tossing them away.

“You, big baby, need THIS way more than I do!” Sonic said, shimmying a diaper he brought with him onto Manic’s butt. It was a nice Muppet Babies themed one. Once it was on, Sonic lifted Manic by his armpits and then flushed the toilet that Tails was sitting on.

Tails felt the water swirl underneath him and he gasped as it hit his bottom in a particularly weird way. “YIPE!”

The fox sprang off the toilet seat and flopped to the bathroom floor, grunting and all wet down there.

“Sorry buddy.” Sonic snickered. “Had to flush the toilet so I could do this!” Sonic raised Manic over the bowl and sneered. “Now then. Apologize or else you get a swirlie!”

Manic was momentarily confused but then yelped when he saw that he was dangling over the bowl. “AH! HELP! TAILS!”

Tails watched this and giggled a bit. “Maybe I want to see this actually.”

Manic got mad. “You traitor!”

“Hey! You laughed when you saw me stuck in the toilet bowl!” Tails pointed in an accusatory way.

“Oh… you were lucid enough to notice that?” Manic winced. “Well, whatever. It was funny! I mean, come on!”

Tails stuck his tongue out.

“Oh wow. You’re so sensitive!” Manic snapped and then punted Sonic in the chin with his foot!

“OW!” Sonic let Manic go and his hands landed on the toilet seat.

He then pushed himself off of it and booted Sonic into the wall with his butt.

“Hahaha!” Tails laughed at Sonic next.

“You won’t be laughing for much longer when I do this!” Manic raced over and punted Tails in his butt next!

“YEEP!” Tails went soaring out the bathroom and tumbling along the carpet back into the living room, landing on top of an unfolded diaper that was left sprawled out on the floor after their destructive skirmish.

The momentum of it all made the tapes close around Tails, trapping him in a Blues Clues diaper.

The fox looked down with a blush before angrily stomping to his feet. “Alright! That’s it! No more taking sides! It’s every brother for himse-AAH!” Tails ducked when Manic flew overhead and smashed into the wall, upside down.

Manic laid there, legs up, tongue out, and seeing stars with his crossed eyes, starting to go pee pee in his diaper too.

Tails gulped and turned to see Sonic stomping towards them, while cracking his knuckles.

“This isn’t going to end with me feeling the most humiliated!” Sonic sneered.

Tails got into a battle stance. “Oh ho. Pray tell, how WILL it end…!”

“With me…” Manic grunted from behind him, stumbling to his feet. “As the WINNER!”

The three of them stood there like a wild west stand off.

Sonic’s eyes narrowed. He wore a soaked Backyardigans diaper and a red sweater.

Manic’s eyes narrowed. He wore a soaked Muppet Babies diaper and a pajama top.

Tails’ eyes narrowed. He wore a dry Blues Clues diaper only.

This Christmas was about to lead into a brotherly showdown!


Uh-oh. These brothers are going at it hard... but there can only be one... LOSER?!

Yup. Only one loser, meaning the other two will put aside their differences and come out on top.

Who is the biggest loser among these brothers though?! 




I think Manic deserves to be the underdog for his guest appearance! That horny green hedgehog.