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“What do you mean Kaminari got taken out?” Midoriya Izuku of Class 1-A asked with a brow raised. He seemed concerned but was unable to properly process the bit of information he’d just been given.

“Yeah. Seems like someone made him go a bit loopy.” Kirishima said, walking by his side with his hands in his pockets. “He’s being taken care of in some sort of rehabilitation nursery or something.”

“Nursery? You mean like… a place for babies?” Midoriya’s jaw went a bit slack. He was clearly surprised to hear all this.

Bakugo Katsuki, an angry explosive boy, walked a bit behind them and scoffed a bit. Hearing all this was proving to be rather tiresome.

This was a school for young up and coming heroes and anyone who couldn’t hack it was probably not worth the time and effort. Still, as a hero himself, he felt a bit of an obligation to stick it to whoever did this to the guy.

Midoriya rubbed his chin. “So, he was ambushed by a single person and reduced to a babbling baby-brained boy and now they’ve got him hauled up in a nursery, taking care of him so that he can recover…”

“Yup. Diaper and all. I went and checked on him a bit earlier. He didn’t look right in the head.” Kirishima said. “Don’t worry though. We’ve got this.”

A group of students were all on their way to the main hang-out foyer of the dorms. They were the only ones present for this meet up that was, surprisingly, called here by Mineta of all people.

Once the selected group of heroes in training arrived, the grape-haired boy threw a scared tantrum and, in a panic, held up a list from his hand.

“Look at this!” Minoru Mineta shouted, drool ebbing out the sides of his scared mouth. “This is a hit list! It has to be!”

The people present were also, coincidentally, the people present on this list.

Midoriya Izuku

Bakugo Katsuki

Eijiro Kirishima

Shoto Todoroki

Minoru Mineta

The final name on the list was Denki Kaminari and it had been crossed out, eerily enough.

The collected group of boys stood there, giving different glances at Mineta. They had heard what happened to Kaminari and were all called here by this little squirt to have a meeting. They all wondered what the reason for it being just the five of them could be but this revelation was a little strange, all things considered.

“A hit list you say…” Todoroki grabbed it and gave it a once over.

“Uh-huh!” Mineta bounced a bit. “I can tell by the look in your eyes that you’re skeptical but it’s true! I found it at the nursery where Kaminari is staying. Whoever did this must have known we’d go and visit him to check it out. That’s why that list was put here! Gotta be!”

“Did it already have Kaminari’s name crossed out on it?” Kirishima asked.

“YES!” Mineta snapped, stomping his foot. “They want US!”

Bakugo was in mid-eye roll when Mineta pointed an accusatory finger at him. “What’s with that look?! You think I’m crazy! I’m not! This is serious business bubba!”

“Who are you talking to like that? I’ll turn you into grape juice if you shout at me like that again you nasty little gremlin!” Bakugo snapped, leering into Mineta’s scared eyes.

A wet spot appeared on Mineta’s pants.

“J-J-Just trying to help…” He muttered, fiddling with his fingers.

“Look… we’ll be fine.” Midoriya interrupted finally. “I’m happy you wanted to inform us of this but I think so long as we stay on our toes and be on the lookout we’ll be okay.” He said, grabbing the list and folding it so that he could fit it into his pants pocket. “Any objections Kaachan?”

He turned and Bakugo was already out the door.

“Hey!” Kirishima snapped.

“This is a waste of time. I ain’t scared of no boogeyman that’s gonna turn me into a baby or whatever. Goodnight.” He said, walking away from the dorm.

“He says goodnight but then leaves the place where he sleeps…” Kirishima crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

Todoroki sighed. “It’s okay. We’re not pushovers. So long as we stay alert, it should be okay. Plus, if this list is to be believed, we’ll know who to keep an eye on.”

With that, they all decided to retire for the night.


Bakugo didn’t find it amusing that he ended up going to that meet up for no reason. He wanted to grab something to eat and then head back to his room to go study.

However, it wasn’t exactly night-time yet. The sun was going down but there was still a pretty sunset taking place. That said, he flinched a bit when something startled him from behind.

He stopped with his hands in his pockets and turned around to look behind him.

There, in a small purple outfit with an eye mask on, black gloves, black boots, and two initials on his chest that read “R.R” was what looked like a small boy playing dress-up.

“Who the hell are you?” Bakugo turned to face the kid.

The child did a few weird poses before putting his hand out. “I’m the Regression Renegade…! Say hello to your new underwear!” He said, whipping out a large Dora the Explorer diaper.

Bakugo blinked and then removed his hands from his pockets. They sparked with smoke and flame.

“You know kid, that’s not funny. I really don’t take kindly to being talked down to by anyone. Not even small brats.” Bakugo said, stomping towards him.

He took one step too many though.

Suddenly, the square on the sidewalk glowed and before he could hop back to avoid what was happening, he froze in place with his hands by his sides!

There were still people out and about so this display was catching the eye of quite a few passers by.

“What the hell? Why’d I stop walking?” Bakugo snapped, now extremely pissed off.

“Because you’re scared of me! Duh!” The boy said with a wide grin.

“AM NOT!” Bakugo shouted.

“Uh-oh! Poor baby’s so scared, he’s gonna pee his pants!” Renegade shouted, placing his hands to his cheeks to mock being concerned.

“I am n---NGUNNNGH!” Bakugo’s eyes crossed and he swished about the place. He could move again but for some reason, all he could do was wriggle about in place before he grabbed his crotch with both hands and did an embarrassing potty dance. “AAAH! I GOTTA GO POTTY!”

Did he just shout that?! What the hell?!

“You sure do! Oh but there’s no bathroom’s around!” Renegade ran towards him and grabbed his arm, removing one hand from his crotch and making Bakugo scream in embarrassment as he stumbled forward. “Don’t worry! We’ll find one for you!”

“STOP! PLEASE!” Bakugo found himself begging suddenly. He had no idea why but his mind was all cloudy and weird. He felt like his brain was going on vacation.

Then it happened.

The onlookers caught wind of a large wet spot growing on the front of Bakugo’s pants. A loud hissing filled the air. Renegade let go of Bakugo’s hand and let out a fake gasp as he covered his mouth.

“Oh no! Baby pee-peed his pants!” The boy said, dancing in place. “How embarrassing!”

Bakugo stood there, lip quivering, face flushed red, and sweat pouring down his face as his knees knocked while he wet his pants in public. He then shrieked and yanked his shirt down, dancing in place as he felt the embarrassment take hold.

“Oh! Don’t take off your pants baby! What are you doing?!” Renegade shouted.

“What?! I’m not taking off my--EH?!” Bakugo yelped when he suddenly saw his own hands grabbing at his belt and undoing it. He whined as he grabbed the sides of his pants and let them flop to his ankles.

“Now’s NOT the time to be doing a dumb dance too! You’ve peed your pants!” Renegade shouted. “Honestly! Have SOME dignity!”

Bakugo shivered and, now standing in his All-Might briefs, began wiggling his butt around in a dopey looking dance that the crowd was taking in with extravagant looks of awe on their faces.

“WHY AM I DANCING?!” Bakugo shouted, embarrassed beyond belief and doing several strange butt dances as well as weird jerking and twerking moves. He even clapped his hands and did a nice little ballerina spin too.

He jumped from leg to leg while clapping above his head. He swung his fists around in a circular motion like he was swaying to some sort of non-existent hip hop beat. He then raised his fists in the air, turned around, and shook his butt back and forth while waving his fists from left to right above him.

“WHAT AM I DOING?! WHY AM I DOING THIS?! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!” Bakugo was confused beyond belief now.

“What’s that? You wanna give yourself a wedgie too?” Renegade put a hand to his ear.

“WHAT?! NO!” Bakugo’s heart leapt to his throat.

“Well, alright then. Go ahead. Might as well now that you’ve completely humiliated yourself.” Renegade said, shaking his head with his arms out as if to say ‘What am I going to do with you’?

Bakugo panicked with a look of pure terror on his face as he reached over and grabbed his soaking wet briefs, before hiking them up into a tremendously powerful wedgie!

“NO! NO! NO! NO! AAAAAAAAAH!” Bakugo’s scream sounded like a goat getting kicked in the balls. His balls were indeed being crushed thanks to this which got his bladder flowing more pee into his briefs against his will.

The onlookers were laughing, pointing, and taking full on snapshots of this now.

“An atomic wedgie? How predictable.” Renegade said which prompted Bakugo to let the undies snap right over his forehead.

He stood there with his mouth in a pained “O” shape, shaking all over with his fists clenched and looking like his mind was taking a battering. He babbled some nonsense and drool started pouring out of his mouth.

“Okay.” Renegade began, hands on his hips. “That’s enough playing around. Lay down so you can get your diaper changed.”

Bakugo found himself obeying again. He flopped onto his butt and then laid back on the sidewalk. His mind was screaming at himself to stop but he couldn’t. It just wasn’t happening!

He voluntarily raised his legs and yelped when his briefs were grabbed and ripped off of his butt, exposing his naked lower hide to the world.

“EEEEEP! NOOOOO!” Bakugo put his hands to his face, blushing and squealing like a little baby girl.

“This is your fault you know. You should have just listened to your big brother.” Renegade smiled and raised Bakugo’s butt before unfolding the diaper and laying it underneath him.

His crotch was powdered down and then lowered onto it before he got it nice and fastened up.

He then set a bag down and took out four other items.

“Here we are.” Renegade smirked and held up more baby supplies. He had a bottle, a bib, a baby bonnet, and a pair of pink baby booties for his whittle feet.

Bakugo sat up and reached over to grab them. He wanted to toss them in the garbage or make them explode...but he couldn’t.

“Go on. Put 'em on and get to drinking, you dumb baby.” Renegade urged.

Bakugo winced and his eyes crossed again. A huge shiver went through him as he fumbled to get his shoes and socks off. He got the baby booties on his feet first.

He removed his shirt and tied the bib around his neck. Then he got the baby bonnet on, nice and snug.

Finally, he grabbed the bottle of baby formula and began drinking it down. The milk dripped down his chin as he chugged it.

Renegade smiled and went around the corner into an alleyway before wheeling out a baby carriage. “Sit.”

Bakugo stood up and then plopped himself down right into the seat, still drinking it down.

“Good baby!” Renegade said, patting Bakugo’s head. “Now, we’re going to take you to visit your older brother, baby Kaminari at the nursery. I hope you two have fun!”

Bakugo blubbered, eyes rolling now as he felt more haziness affecting his brain.

Suddenly, his thoughts were filled with how fun and awesome it was going to be, hanging around the other babies at the nursery. It sounded so warm and comfy.

Bakugo eventually finished his bottle and burped. He let it drop into his lap before groaning and allowing his tired eyes to shut while Renegade cooed and patted his head down.

“That’s right baby. Just relax. When you wake up, you’ll be right where you belong…” Renegade smirked before bowing to the audience that gathered, earning him a round of applause before he strolled Bakugo off to his new digs.


“This is… not good.”

Midoriya said this as he stood with Kirishima, Todoroki, and Mineta inside the nursery. There was a small gate separating them from the play area where the other babies were.

In the play area, Bakugo was whining and sucking on a pacifier in his new Dora diaper, while yanking at a pink teddy bear that was in Kaminari’s hands. Kaminari didn’t want to hand the bear over and eventually got tired of Bakugo trying to take his teddy, so he reached over and shocked him.

Bakugo jittered with his eyes crossing again before he flopped onto his back, spread-eagle, and wetting up his diaper.

Kaminari suckled on his pacifier happily while hugging the teddy close.

“So… I guess you were right, Mineta.” Kirishima said, scratching his head. “Problem is… what are we going to do about this?”

“Whoever this villain is, they clearly want us to regress for some reason.” Todoroki said, arms crossed.

“Oh no! I’m NEXT! I can feel it!” Mineta began biting into his nails.

“Don’t panic. We’ll be fine… if we uh… stay alert. Kaachan was probably just taken by surprise since he didn’t believe in what was going on anyway.” Midoriya tried to be reasonable.

Just to be safe though, they were all planning to head back to the dorm and dawn their hero outfits to go investigate.

After all, they couldn’t very well ignore things as they were.

Not with the list showing up here yet again but this time with Bakugo’s name crossed out.

Outside, overlooking the nursery with binoculars, was the young child who’d reduced those two boys to drooling babies with his quirk. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone before texting the person who hired him for this job.

“Four more to go. Make sure you’ve got the money ready when this is all said and done.”

He ducked out of sight when the four remaining heroes left the nursery.

At the front of the line was Midoriya, looking ahead with a determined glare on his face.

Whoever was doing this was going to pay for it now.


We’ve got ourselves a regression hitman for hire… and he’s just a little kid too! Next time, the four remaining heroes go face to face with this enemy. The conclusion will make several people piss their pants. Let’s hope it won’t be you, eh?

What would you have done to Bakugo, given the chance?


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