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Sonic’s eyes cracked open.

He let out a low moan and a grumble before smacking his lips and sitting up.

Man, what a weird dream THAT was. He must have put a little too much cheese in his chili-dogs the day before. How did it even make sense that after defeating one of the doctor’s big robot monstrosities that he’d then succumb to the “might” of a Motobug?

It was seriously weird. Even weirder was him waking up and being all wet and… in a diaper…?

Sonic was sitting up fully now. He was staring ahead and blinking a couple of times to try and clear away what he figured had to be some kind of odd illusion. There were wooden bars all around him and the pink of his sheets was decidedly not the rocket patterned blue he recalled having back at his humble abode.

Sonic’s eyes got even wider when he heard a familiar voice off to the side.

“Oi, you’ve done opened yer eyes have ye’?” Leon, the bunny boy from his supposed dream spoke as he approached Sonic. He was fully clothed and twiddling a coin in between his fingers as though he were some kind of savant.

Why did him being fully clothed in regular, normal looking attire make him feel so small though?

Sonic felt around his waist, realizing that his underwear was far more soft and poofy than normal. That gave him the answer he sought.

“No… no way!” Sonic snapped. He suddenly sprung to his feet, hands on the edge of the crib so that he could leer down at the confident young squirt. “That wasn’t a dream! You little brats actually put me in this crib?”

“We ‘ad to.” Leon shrugged. “We couldn't very well let you sleep in a proper bed nah could we? Especially since Greg'awy's baby skin and blister 'ad a perfectly vacant crib she could loan you while she was off with 'er folks on vacation.”

“Baby skin and blister?” Sonic wanted to protest but his mind got distracted by Leon’s choice of words there.

“Baby sister.” Gregory said as he walked up from behind Leon with a spatula in hand. “He’s got a cockney accent. He says things like that sometimes. You’ll learn to get used to it.”

Sonic snarled when Gregory showed up. “You two… UGH! I seriously can’t believe you’re going through with this.” Sonic huffed, wriggling about as he tugged at the edge of his pink footed pajamas. These things barely fit him. They seemed to have shoved him into one while he was unconscious. He figured it was a long shot due to his hazy memory but he must have fainted at some point and had to have been dragged into this crib. Most likely it was from the shock of his situation suddenly catching up to him.

“We’re only doing this because you allowed it to happen.” Gregory said. “You could have said no.”

“Yeah right. Then you’d release that video all over the internet and then my rep would be over. Pull the other one.” Sonic rolled his eyes. If he could destroy their phones and computers and be certain that’d do the trick he would… but he knew better. Even if he did, they probably had some sort of back up hidden somewhere and the instant he left would be the instant that embarrassing video would hit the web.

“Whatever. Blame us if you want. It doesn’t change your situation.” Gregory said. “Come on. It’s breakfast time.”

Sonic, with another tug at his butt to get this weird pajamas diaper wedgie undone, blushed a bit and looked to the side hallway. “Actually… I just woke up so I need to use the bathroom.”

“Number one or number two?” Gregory asked.

Sonic’s face got even redder. “Just number one, wise guy.”

“Why bo'her?” Leon interjected. “You've go’ a perfectly good pott-ee strapped around yer waist, you do.”

Sonic rolled his eyes and began climbing out of the crib. “Look, if you have no objections, I’m going to use the toilet. Stick me in a diaper and crib all you want but that doesn’t mean I have to USE it.” Sonic said, now clinging to the outside of the crib by the bars.

Leon and Gregory giggled at how huge and poofy his butt was. They delighted in poking at it.

Sonic gasped, mouth hanging open, before he spun his head to snap at them. “Hey! No touchie my butt! Lay off!”

He got so incensed that his footed foot slipped and he lost his balance. Unfortunately for him, his chin was right over the main bar of the crib so he ended up smashing against it!

Sonic’s eyes crossed and he momentarily smiled like a derp before falling all the way off the crib and flopping violently onto the floor, right onto his stomach. Now his big diaper butt was in their faces and he couldn’t help but twitch and jitter about.

Gregory smiled and ignored Sonic’s groans, raising his foot and pressing it to Sonic’s butt.

“This is already so much fu--? Eh?” Gregory felt something way squisher than he should have.

His diaper was getting wet.

“Oh snap! You crash landed and peed on impact. Guess there’s no point in using the potty now, is there?” Gregory teased, eyes lit up with happiness.

Sonic was blushing profusely now, clenching his fists together in abject anger as he felt his bladder continue to release without his say so. The humiliation of his situation was shaking the foundation of his bodily functions, dammit. That had to be it.

“C-Can you… still let me change my diaper?” Sonic asked. Saying that aloud almost made him gag. Why? Why was he saying stuff like that?!

“Oh no. Sorry. Only WE can change your diaper.” Gregory said.

“WHAT?!” Sonic’s face somehow got even redder as he poked his head up.

“Don’t worry. We don’t feel like it, so we won’t.” Gregory smirked and turned around. “I made breakfast so we’re going to eat if it’s all the same to you.”

“It’s not.” Sonic whined.

“We don’ care.” Leon said, grabbing Sonic’s legs and dragging the whining blue boy to the kitchen.


“What the--? COME ON! NOOO!” Sonic snapped when Leon pushed him into Gregory’s baby sister’s high chair. The latch was put on and Sonic was made to sit there, overgrown and looking ridiculous.

“Stop complaining. This is what you agreed to. I’m not reminding you every single time or else it’s a spanking.” Gregory said, placing bacon and eggs in front of the now drooling Leon.

Sonic’s ears perked up when he heard that. “You wouldn’t dare…!”

“Totally would.” Gregory said, munching on his food a bit before setting a jar of mushed carrots and lima beans in front of Sonic.

Sonic stared at it as though he’d just been served a bowl of acid.

“What the hell is this?” He asked, pointing down at it.

“It’s your food.” Gregory said, sticking a baby spoon into the mush and holding it up to Sonic’s mouth. “Say AWWW!”

Sonic narrowed his eyes at Gregory, cheeks flushed.

“Either saw AWWW or you’ll be howling AWWW when I spank your butt.”

Sonic shivered. The mental image of this child actually giving HIM a spanking…

It did the trick. Sonic opened his mouth.

“Say AWW!” Gregory chided, goading him to do what they both damn well knew he wanted to hear.

Sonic clamped his mouth shut again, looked to the side with what seemed to be a tear of frustration at the edge of his left eye despite the angry, pouty baby face he wore.

“... AWWW!” Sonic opened his mouth again, saying the line this time.

Gregory smiled and shoveled the food into his gullet! Sonic’s eyes got wide, surprised by how violent the push of that food into his maw was.

“W-Waud a min--!” Sonic tried to speak but more was pushed in. Sonic gulped, trying to let the horrible taste ofthe gunk sit right with him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t happening.

“Remember the baby’s bib.” Leon spoke up, delicious, ACTUAL food in his mouth.

“Right, right.” Gregory said, tying the Dora the Explorer themed bib around Sonic’s neck.

Sonic tried to speak but so much of this gross mush was in his mouth that it came out like weird gurgles. He got some of it on his bib immediately.

“Uh-oh. Looks like Leon was right to warn me about that. This baby’s a messy eater!” Gregory giggled and shoved more spoonfuls into Sonic’s mouth.

Eventually, he went back to finishing his own breakfast, deciding to let Sonic rest with the taste of that awful baby food in his mouth before he gave him something to wash it down with.

That left Sonic sitting there, groaning with his eyes fluttering, and a little full baby belly pushing against the tray of the high chair. His tummy was full and a bit rumbly. This food was not sitting well with him. Plus, his diaper was getting itchy due to needing a change.

Again, he tried speaking but all that came out was more gurgles. That was then followed by a little burp.

“Okay. All done.” Leon said.

“Glad you liked it Leon.” Gregory said, wiping his mouth and standing up. “I actually really like cooking so it felt good serving a fellow big kid.” He said, eyeing Sonic with a knowing smile.

Sonic wanted to roll his tired eyes again.

The big kid remark wasn’t in reference to him. Got it.

Gregory finally stood up and unlatched the high chair, letting Sonic breath right again. This young cerulean blue wolf yanked Sonic from his seat by his armpits. Sonic was so much taller than him that his legs had to bend to touch the ground properly. It was a hilarious sight.

“Now then. Time for your baba.” Gregory said, spinning with Sonic in both hands. The blue hedgehog gasped, surprised by Gregory’s strength.

He ended up laying on the boy’s lap with his head resting against the arm of the couch as Gregory sat there, now with a bottle of baby formula he swiped from the table. He must have made it himself too. Even though Sonic saw it there the whole time, a part of him kind of hoped that maybe Gregory wasn’t going to make him drink it.

“Well… maybe some milk won’t be so bad…” Sonic muttered.

“Milk? Nah. This is baby formula.” Gregory said.

“GAH!” Sonic winced. He knew it was formula but he hoped saying it was milk would probably change the tide of his fate or something. Instead it made him look stupid. “Wait, please! I know you’re trying to be all authentic but I--!”


Sonic got the bottle shoved right into his mouth. His eyes went wide with surprise once again as he suckled on the formula, cheeks puffed up adorably.

The milk going into his system felt just as awful as that mush from before. It tasted far worse too. Formula was not meant to enter the systems of fully grown babies… erm, kids… teenagers!

When Gregory was done the nipple of the bottle was plucked from his mouth with a delightfully adorable “pop”. Sonic gulped and then shivered, feeling strange.

Gregory held Sonic to his chest and began roughly pounding his back. It really hurt. Sonic wanted to shout at him to knock it off but as soon as he opened his mouth, a loud belch came out instead.

“BUUUUUURRRRRP!” Sonic let it rip, eyes crossed and blush getting bigger on his face as it dawned on him with each passing second that he just got burped by a kid...like a baby!

“Good job.” Gregory said.

“This… isn’t… right…!” Sonic drooled, fidgeting a bit.

Gregory looked down and saw Sonic’s legs pressed together. They were wriggling about quite a bit too.

“Do you… have to go potty again?” Gregory asked, pretending to be surprised. It had only been about a half hour since his wetting accident from earlier by now but it didn’t matter. He made sure that baby food worked wonders to create an upset tummy.

He didn’t want to use anything special. He knew Sonic was a big enough baby by now that just making it with a little lima beans would push him over the edge just a bit for it to work wonders.

Sonic, for his part, was pouting and grumbling to himself. Eventually he answered Gregory with a, “Maybe.”

“That’s a yes.” Leon said off to the side.

“Shut up!” Sonic snapped, jerking a little too much and accidentally falling onto the floor again!

His bladder shook and he whined. “Oh no!”

Sonic sprung to his feet and then raced to the bathroom. “Forget this! I gotta go!”

“Number one or number two?” Gregory asked, calling after him.

“NUMBER TWO!” Sonic screamed back. Things were urgent!

Sonic made it to the bathroom and wriggled around, grabbing his crotch and shaking his big poofy diapered butt about.

He hurriedly pulled up the toilet seat while dancing in place from foot to foot while muttering, “Come on… come on… COME ON!”

He started to try and unfasten the zipper of his pajamas… but it got stuck!

“NO! NO! NOOOOO!” Sonic panicked, which only made things worse. “AAH!” He quickly grabbed at his butt and danced about some more before tugging at his pajamas harder.

He opened the flap of his footed pajamas and tried to shimmy his butt through the open flap. It was a very strange process but he didn’t want to rip the pajamas apart, lest he face a spanking.

He couldn’t believe he was afraid of being spanked by those kids!

“This is… really bad!” Sonic cried, wriggling out of the pajamas butt first, through the butt flap now. It was terrible. He looked ridiculous and he could swear that someone, somewhere was filming this…!

He didn’t have time to think about it though. He needed to get out!

Finally, he managed to exit the pajamas and leaving them on the floor, he sprung to his feet in his Elmo shirt and white diaper with pink flower patterns on them to hop onto the toilet seat.

He then sighed with his tongue out… only to widen them and hop off a second later.

“WAIT! NO! I FORGOT TO PULL DOWN MY DIAPER!” Sonic shrieked and grabbed at his diaper.

Unfortunately, his body had enough. He felt himself shiver and jitter again, and then his body squatted down without his consent.


Then a loud blarting sound was heard followed by Sonic screaming his head off. His eyes crossed as his squatting body let it all out into his diaper before he panted and flopped forward… head hitting the toilet before it slipped and fell in. 

At least it was empty…

Sonic heard laughter kick up behind him and he blushed a tremendously powerful sheen of red before poking his head out of the toilet and shaking the water away.

“YOU… YOU BRATS!” Sonic twitched, feeling his diaper start to well up with pee. He was wetting again too! It was happening whether he wanted it to or not by now!

There stood Gregory and Leon, holding their phones up with wide grins on their faces.

“We got ALL that on tape.” Gregory said. “Hey, I just got a great idea. When the week is up, how about we go over to your place next? We can come by every weekend and make new baby videos together!”

“Sounds like fun, don't it?” Leon said.  “I can't wait to see 'ow many times 'e fills up 'is diapers!”

Sonic sat there, legs spread, diaper filling up more and more with each word that exited their mouths.

He eventually let his eyes cross again and he began dribbling his lips with his finger.

“BLURBBABABABAHBURRR!” Sonic gurgled in response. Seems his mind just went bye-bye for today.

“Ah. His brain took a vacation.” Gregory said. “Again.”

“He did this yesterday after he agreed to our conditions and then he fainted.” Leon said, filling the gap of events most graciously. “He’ll be back to normal tomorrow.”

“Yeah…” Gregory smiled, putting his phone away. “And when he wakes up, he’s getting a spanking…!”

True to his word, Sonic got the spanking he didn’t want when he woke up the next morning after spending all of the day before after the potty failure incident, drooling like an insane baby. When Sonic asked why his round, bare butt was being spanked (and filmed), Gregory responded by saying, “Because you lied.”

While crying, Sonic asked what he meant by that.

Gregory said it was because when he asked if Sonic needed to go number one or number two, Sonic said number two.

In actuality, he ended up doing both in his diaper.

Leon giggled and told Sonic to pretend Gregory’s spanking hand was a Motobug. Surely, that meant he’d be able to beat it right?

No. Of course not.

Sonic had that association in his head now, thanks to these two kids.

The next time he’d face off against a Motobug, he’d pee his pants on the spot.

That’s what traumatic incidents tend to do to a guy.

Whether it was a kid or a Motobug, the lesson was learned. 

Never underestimate the little guy. 

He'd be sure to mention that in his next video interview.


Sonic’s weekends now belong to Gregory and Leon. He has to let them come to his home every weekend and let them baby him or else those ever growing collections of videos all get dumped on the net. You’d all love to see them wouldn’t you? Unfortunately, that’ll have to be for another time. It’s October, which means it’s time for the month of spooky stories! I can’t wait!



Juvenile Jenga Halloween Stories! You've already spent a long time making a Sonic Comic for Halloween, now it's your boys' turn to come out and show their underoos to the world!

