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“WHOA! LOOK AT THAT!” Young Gregory, a short light blue wolf cub of seven years pointed at the massive, hulking frame of the metallic monstrosity hovering over the forest.

“I see it!” His friend Leon, a young green bunny boy with his hands gripping the small bike tightly said with heavy anticipation. “It’s an Eggman robot! We got ta' get closer!”

The two boys hurried as fast as they could. They knew that the presence of this thing in the middle of the forest could possibly only mean one thing.

“GYAAAH! You.. You… YOU… YOU HORRID LITTLE HEDGEHOG!” The sound of Dr. Eggman’s deep, fervently angry voice echoed loud enough through the speakers of the machine to reach them.

The two boys got even more excited. Gregory jumped onto the back end of Leon’s bike and he peddled as hard as he could. It wasn’t Eggman they were interested in. They heard him shout out a curse at a blue hedgehog. That had to mean Sonic was there.

“Come on! You know how fast he is!” Gregory urged. “We’ve gotta reach him before he finished and zips off!”

“I'm already goin’ as fas' as I can,” Leon chided in his cockney accent. “I can't fancy why I'd bo'her slowin’ down, gov!”

Leon skidded to a stop and gasped a bit when a large metallic arm slammed onto the grass before them.

“Blimey!” Leon winced. “See? 'Ad I bin goin’ any faster I'd 'ave bin turned into paste!”

“Right, right. I gotcha. Sorry.” Gregory sighed, looking up and grinning. The presence of this arm meant that Sonic had managed to defeat Eggman once again though right.

“Motobug army! Cover my escape!” Eggman snapped, now flying off into the distance, shaking his fist as he sent a horde of Motobugs from the back end of the now collapsed, smoking heap of his demolished invention at Sonic.

Yes. They were correct. THE Sonic the Hedgehog was here.

He grinned up at Eggman with his hands on his hips and a cocky sparkle in his eyes. His yellow short sleeved shirt and navy blue jeans-shorts looked awesome on him. They were normal looking clothes but he made them awesome because he was Sonic, obviously.

When the Motobugs came his way, Sonic turned his attention towards them with a smirk.

They charged at him with their antennas poking forward and sparking with electricity at the tips of them.

“Oh-ho! Not bad,” Sonic felt a twinge of excitement well up in him. “You guys are starting to advance.”

He bent down forward a bit, arms behind him, revealing a bit of the red elastic poking from his shorts for a split second, before he shot off and began bouncing and homing attacking all the robots.

The two boys circled around the large discarded robot arm to get a better look and their wide eyes sparkled with delight as they witnessed first hand the power of a true hero demolishing the robots that came to demolish him.

Eggman was already gone but that was fine. Sonic knew he’d just lick his wounds and come back. For now, he’d have himself a nice little game of bug squashing!

The two boys were hugging each other, cheek to cheek, eyes brimming with light as they witnessed the hero do his thing before them. Sure, there were videos and stories on the internet abound about his exploits but to witness something this cool first hand was a boyhood miracle!

Eventually, after Sonic finished his homing-attack dance of destruction, he landed on his feet with a bunch of wreckage and smoke peering from the heaps of scrap metal in his wake.

“Phew.” Sonic wiped the sweat from his forehead. “That was cathartic.”

“AWESOME!” Gregory shouted.

“WOWZERS!” Leon shrieked.

Sonic jolted a little bit and turned to see the two kids, swooning and drooling as they observed him. Sonic was momentarily confused, blinking once or twice, before quickly realizing what happened and composing himself with a nice smirk.

“Oh. Hey kids. Did you enjoy the show?” He asked, flashing them a grin and miraculous finger point.

The two boys swished on over to him, nodding their heads up and down.

“Uh-huh! Uh-huh!” The said in unison. “MR. SONIC, I’M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!” They said at the same time.

Sonic bent down with his hands on his knees and a smile on his face. “Oh really? Can’t say I’ve ever heard that one before…” He joked.

“That was so cool!” Gregory said. “The way you destroyed the last three was the coolest part!”

“No way!” Leon interjected. “Da way 'e demolished the first three was defini'ely the bes' par'!” He insisted.

Sonic chuckled. “Let’s make it easy and say it was all awesome, eh?”

“OKAY!” The both quickly agreed.

Sonic stood up straight again, grinning with a scratch at the back of his head. He had to admit, he could use a bit of this today. It’s been a while since Eggman’s last attack.

“Uhm. M-Mr. Sonic… i-if I may…” Leon spoke up and pulled out his phone. “M-May we ge' a li''le video in'erview wi'h you?”

“A video interview?” Sonic asked to make sure. Leon’s accent was a tad thick. “Sure. Why not. As you can see, I’ve just made time for myself.”

Gregory grinned with excitement, dancing in place as Leon trembled and got the video going. It was trained on Sonic. The blue hedgehog stood with his fists at his sides and smiled for the camera.

“Alright. Shoot. What do you want to know?” Sonic asked.

“Uhm… o-okay.” Gregory began. “H-How did you get so cool? Winning fights is one thing but being able to take on huge robots like that large one you just destroyed is something on a whole nother level!”

“Well…” Sonic chuckled a bit. “Honestly, I’ve always had an innate ability to run pretty fast and I always love doing it. So, I naturally end up practicing every day. Once I realized I could do other cool stuff with it, the moveset I made just kind of came to me naturally.”

“Oh really?” Gregory asked. “So, did you start off being able to take on stuff like those Motobugs and then advance further and further the more you practiced?”

“Naturally.” Sonic said with a nod.

As this was going on, one of the downed Motobugs blinked their eyes open. It was a bit cracked and the static in their eye was a clear sign that it had been damaged a good deal but not enough for it to have been completely destroyed. The antenna on its head was still flowing with electricity too.

No one noticed. Leon was training his phone directly on Sonic and Gregory didn’t look away. Sonic’s back was turned so he hadn’t a clue either.

“So, if you’re so much stronger than Motobugs then why does the doctor keep sending them after you?” Gregory asked.

“I dunno.” Sonic shrugged. “He’s got a ton of little minion toys he likes to create for jobs way smaller than taking ME out and yet he still figures he might as well try. It’s kind of stupid though. You’d think he’d want to conserve the metal he has and make 50 of those large ones rather than 500 easily breakable, tinier ones. He’d have a smidgen of a higher chance that way.”

“Oh wow. Really?” Gregory asked.

“Yeah.” Sonic nodded. “Honestly, I know kids younger than you that could take out a Motobug. It’s not hard.”

By now, the Motobug behind him was up on it’s big wheel. It quickly whirled around and with a heavy, electric charged wheel spin, it shot towards Sonic like a dart.

“Whoa! We could take out a Motobug?” Gregory asked.

“Yeah. Seriously. The only person I could imagine losing to a Motobug would be a literal baby.” Sonic giggled.

Then his ear twitched. He heard something.

Unfortunately, he caught wind of the noise behind him a bit too late. When he turned to look, the prongs of the antenna on the Motobug ended up jabbing right into his jeans shorts by the pants leg!

It was still skidding really fast though. Gregory and Leon gasped and took two steps back, watching as the downed toy just sprung up and attacked Sonic from behind. It almost missed him completely due to being damaged but snagging his shorts and spinning it’s wheel so fast made Sonic get a little uneven!

“WHOA! HEY! CUT IT OUT!” Sonic snapped and jerked a bit. He stumbled and then planted his feet on the ground, gasping as the Motobug’s malfunctioning desire to keep zooming ahead made it’s stubborn and stuck antenna help in yanking his jeans shorts down to his knees!

Sonic yelped, blushing with his mouth open as his Transformers briefs with the red elastic were on open display! 

The kids looked shocked and their jaws dropped. The tiny bulge in his undies that signified a less than impressive member down there did him no favors either.

Sonic, unfortunately, decided he wished to hide his shame rather than demolish the Motobug so he instinctively tugged down his shirt. However, the Motobug used that split second to buck up and down a bit, rocking Sonic about and making him stumble even more.

The hedgehog let go of his shirt and the two boys, one with a camera trained on him still, watched as Sonic practically danced in his embarrassing underoos. It was a weird sight seeing as how they were both wearing plain boxers.

“GET OFF!” Sonic snapped and tried to grab at the Motobug. The robot saw flashes of blue and tried to attack it but it’s malfunctioning eyes betrayed it again. It instead, whirled around Sonic when the hedgehog tried to grab at him which made his jeans shorts twist around his legs like a rope.

Sonic shrieked as he fell and face planted the dirt.

If that wasn’t bad enough, it kept spinning in circles which made it start to drag Sonic around on the dirt as well.

The confused, embarrassed hedgehog started to cough and wheeze as dirt and smoke entered his mouth and nose. He tried to grab at the ground but no dice.

The two boys were besides themselves with surprise. Sonic looked like he was having trouble against a robot he just said could only beat a baby...

Eventually, the Motobug tried a new tactic. It wanted to zip back and then forward again in an attempt to charge at him once more.

Once it zipped back, Sonic shrieked due to the pain of his jeans shorts being torn from his body violently. He flopped onto his face with his undie clad butt sticking in the air… right as the Motobug charged and rammed into Sonic with a headbutt to his butt!

It’s antenna tore through the red elastic of Sonic’s briefs so when the hedgehog went flying, he got snagged into a painful wedgie and was bungeed back against the motobug!

“WEDGIEEEE!” Sonic cried, tears filling his eyes as it happened right before he bounced off the Motobug’s head and landed on it’s back.

“Did he just shout ‘wedgie’...?” Gregory muttered, confused. Only losers did that when they got a wedgie.

That’s when it began to rapidly spin around again. Sonic’s eyes swirled as he got super dizzy before it then short-circuited and started to zoom across the dirt towards a tree. Sonic screamed and clung to it, eyes unable to see due to being filled with tears.

He then saw black once it smashed into the hard tree trunk and broke to pieces!

Sonic managed to stop his acceleration thanks to his face smashing against it too.

The hedgehog slid down the trunk, leaving a trail of drool and snot behind before slumping on the ground. His yellow shirt was in tatters and his Transformers briefs were on open display thanks to his bubble butt wiggling a bit as it stuck out to the two shocked kids.

The two of them approached Sonic and looked him over.

There was a heavy silence in the air before they turned to look at one another and nodded with fierce determination on their faces.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Gregory asked.

“It be a fake.” Leon said.

“Exactly.” Gregory said, reaching down and lifting the unconscious Sonic over his shoulders with a grunt. “The real Sonic wouldn’t lose to a Motobug. Let’s take him back to my place and interrogate him. We can’t let the real Sonic get fooled.”

With that, the two of them headed off, but not before gathering up some interrogation materials from the fallen scrap heap that surrounded them.


The two boys were at a bit of a loss.

Sonic was now draped over a baby changing table in Gregory’s house, sleeping and drooling while face down on it.

Leon poked Sonic’s butt but then backed away a bit when all it did was jiggle like jello.

“E's not wakin’ up. 'E's also snorin’.” Leon said.

“Yeah. Snoring really softly though. Like a baby kitten.” Gregory said, rubbing his chin. “If he’s a robot, he shouldn’t be able to do that right? Then again, Eggman is famous for making weird robots.”

“I know wot ta do.” Leon smirked and held up the still sparking antenna of the crashed Motobbug. Electricity surged through it still but only at the tip.

The young boy went up to Sonic’s butt and gripped it tightly. “If he’s a robot, he should be super charged with this.”

Then, he jabbed the electric poker right up his butt!

“ZZZZZRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKK!” Sonic’s eyes snapped open and his teeth clenched. He began buckling and humping the baby changing table violently, surprising the two kids.

They backed away as Sonic’s eyes crossed his tongue lolled out of his mouth. Eventually, he stopped jerking and flopped back down onto the table, the antenna sticking out of his butt through the undies.

“Hmm.” Leon grabbed it and removed it. “Didn’t work. Maybe I short-circuited him?”

Then a loud hissing noise was heard.

The two boys gasped when they saw the changing table start to overflow with pee. It cascaded underneath Sonic’s crotch and then dribbled off the edge.

The hedgehog had a dumb, cross-eyed, open mouth smile on his unconscious face. It was all so strange but very telling.

They both exchanged looks with one another and nodded.

“He’s not a robot.” They said at the same time.

The two of them were besides themselves. This couldn’t be real, could it?

Sonic the Hedgehog wouldn’t get beaten by a Motobug. He wouldn’t get pantsed or shout “WEDGIE” when he got a wedgie. He wouldn’t even get a wedgie! He was too cool!

He certainly wouldn’t pee himself either!

Would he?

The two boys shared a glance, now more determined than ever.

Fine. Maybe this WAS Sonic… but if he was then that meant they had to discover the truth.

Was he really as cool as they thought he was… or not?

Leon approached Sonic and tried his best to sit his limp, rag-dolled body up. Sonic eventually had to be held up and forward by his armpits, slumping forward a bit.

Gregory then came out and, wearing a face that looked like he had experienced an epic betrayal, slapped Sonic repeatedly across his sleeping mug.

Sonic blinked a few times before wincing and groaning in confusion and then gasping when he finally managed to wake up!

“Gah…! Huh? What?” Sonic looked around, confused. “Where… where am I--URF!” Sonic suddenly found his cheeks and mouth squeezed by Leon’s hand.

Gregory stood there with his arms crossed and tapping his foot.

“Are you really Sonic the Hedgehog?”

“Huh…? Th-The kids from the woods…?” Sonic was so confused. “Y-Yeah, I am. What kind of a question is that?”

“Well, Mr. Sonic… what happened to ONLY BABIES would lose to a Motobug? HUH?!” He asked, sounding so betrayed.

Sonic was momentarily confused again… until the memories of what happened to him came flooding back.

He blushed and felt steam rise from his head.

“Th-That was an accident! I… it caught me off guard! I was… my back was turned and I was talking with you guys!” Sonic snapped, jerking away from Leon’s grasp… only to have his butt slip on the wetness of the changing table which caused his head to smack against the wall! “OWIEE!”

Leon and Gregory shared a look and then looked back at Sonic.

“We’ve wanted to meet you for so long you know?” Gregory said. “But looking at you now, I’m starting to think you’re not as cool as we thought you were.”

“You’ve been lyin’ to da whole world you ‘ave.” Leon said. “An I got da proof right ‘ere on me phone. All I ‘ave ta do is send it to de internet and everybod’e will know too.”

Sonic stared at them, eyes wide with shock.

He then began sweating profusely and jittering a bit.

There was no way he could allow that video to go out to the world, accident on not.

Also, why was this baby changer covered in pee?

“Okay, okay! L-Listen…! I’ll do… whatever you guys want me to do.” Sonic muttered.

“Okay. Then stay with us a whole week.” Gregory said.

“That’s it?” Sonic asked with a raised brow. “Oh, that’s easy. I--”

“We’re going to baby you.” Gregory smirked. “You’re gonna be our baby the entire time our parents are on vacation and then we’ll get rid of the video when the week is done. It’ll be our way of being cooler than you!”

Sonic winced and put on a fake smirk. You could clearly tell he was angry though.

“S-Sure…” He said through clenched teeth. “Why not? Only the coolest of guys can accept their punishment without complaint…”

Gregory and Leon laughed, seeing that for the excuse that it was.

Sonic sighed. “Why’d you sit me here on this wet changing table anyway? This is GROSS! Clean up after your baby brother or sister next time!”

Gregory giggled. “My little sister left with my parents. That’s YOUR pee.”

Sonic stared at him with wide eyes again.

Then more hissing was heard as Sonic peered down to watch as the wet spot got larger on his briefs.

He just wet himself again, this time from sheer embarrassment.

Gregory and Leon smirked.

He may not have been the hero they thought he was but they were going to have fun admiring him all the same.


I've got ideas abound for more Sonic stories so I'll probably be doing them a lot for a bit. I need to get them out there. As for now, tell me what you think a rematch between Sonic and the Motobug that Could would be.



I'm not sure which is more fun, the way Sonic was defeated by the MotoBug and blackmailed by 2 kids or that the hedgehog thinks there aren't tons of humiliating images of him on the internet. Knowing Sonic this would end badly for him, but I wonder if someone else ended up being dragged into the diapers next to the hedgehog.