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ROUND 5: Sonic and Tails Vs. Shadow and Scourge

“This is unprecedented. I’m unable to tear this thing from its hinges.” Omega shouted, stepping back. He blasted the wall off to the side, clearly frustrated now.

“Yeah. It’s not you though, Omega.” Vector said. “It’s this device.”

“Do tell.” Omega turned to leer at the detective.

“It’s sucking out your energy. It’s taking energy from all of us.” Vector said, wiping sweat from his forehead. “Unless we can figure out how to reverse that process we’re done for.”

Rouge sat back and sighed, looking exhausted. “Yeah. I think you’re right. I can feel my energy draining. I think our best bet is to head back and warn everyone instead of trying to stop this.”

“Sounds like a practical solution…” Omega stated. “I’m not a fan of those kinds of solutions.”

“Omega, I’m sure there’s way more Eggman robots around for you to tear apart, okay?” Rouge looked so done with this nonsense. “Right now, I need to focus on staying alive.”

Vector wiped out his phone and began to contact his teammates. “I’ll let my boys know what’s what. If things are as bad as I think they are then whatever’s in that device is Eggman’s real Endgame here.”

He heard some rumblings happening down by the entrance way. He was going to have to hurry…!


Espio was off to the side with Charmy hovering above him. The two of them were listening to what Vector was telling them with invested interest.

“So, like, that machine is sucking out your energy? That’s weird though. Why have something like that down there when the tournament is up here?” Charmy asked, still in his wet MLP briefs and now, having found a white shirt, managed to find something to help barely reach the waistband of his undies to simulate the act of maybe covering up.

“Yes, aside from the exhaustion of the fight we just had, I don’t feel like my energy is being drained.” Espio said calmly into the phone.

After some muttering on the other end and then the sound of some scuffling, Espio nodded and shut the phone off.

“Alright.” Espio sighed.

“What did he say?” Charmy asked, futility trying to tug his shirt down to cover his rump.

“He said to keep competing and investigating. Attacking Eggman directly might get things to pop off faster but until Vector is sure of what’s going on, risking it isn’t in the cards right now.” Espio said with his hands on his hips. “I think he just got ambushed by more Eggman robots too. He should be fine. If we win, we’ll be able to find out what this prize is and assess the situation more clearly from that.”

“Okay. Cool… uhm… d-did he find any spare pants down the--”


Eggman raised his hand to the sky and began shouting. “Cheerleaders, commence dancing once again! It’s time for the semi-finals!”

Manic and Jet started to shake their diapered rumps alongside the other losers, feeling emasculated and drained.

“New arrivals help make this feel just a little bit better…” Donovan muttered.

“Maybe to you…” Knuckles grumbled.

The next two teams who were to fight came out to their respective themes. Sonic and Tails were back in the ring once more while Shadow and Scourge were across from them. Sonic and Scourge were grinning brightly. Tails merely smiled. Shadow didn’t look very amused.

“BEGIN!” Eggman shouted, wanting to see Sonic get demolished. You could see it through the glare in his glasses.

“Come on Shadow!” Sonic jogged in place for a little bit before zipping forward and spinning into a ball. “Stop looking so much like a sour puss and have some fun!”

As he bounced into Shadow’s gut, the black hedgehog grabbed the spinning Sonic and kicked him into the air!

“You know something is going on and yet you’re smiling like an idiot.” Shadow said, crouching down and jumping into the air.

“So what? You’re still going along with it!” Sonic spun out of the ball into a spread-eagle position above Shadow. “Don’t think you’re above falling into Eggman’s trap just because you’re aware you’re doing it.”

Shadow snapped and charged up his palm before firing off a few several Chaos spears at him.

Sonic grinned and spun into his ball form once again, spinning downward and swerving all around the Chaos Spears until his spin-dashing form rammed Shadow in the face, skidding across his cheeks like a rubbery stretch of road!

Shadow grunted as the pain made him wince and the power of the collision sent him spiraling back towards the ground.

He spun and landed on his feet, however, which surprised Sonic. He tried to compensate for this by landing down at him with a harder spin but Shadow reached up and managed to grab Sonic by the first thing he could get his hands on…!

Shadow ended up grabbing Sonic by his crotch!

“YEEEP!” Sonic blushed, teeth clenching as he wriggled about in mid-air, suspended in the most painful of manners possible.

Like he was using Sonic as a folding fan, he swung the blue hedgehog down by his balls and slammed him through the ground!

When the smoke cleared, his butt and legs were sticking out of the ring floor, twitching.

Shadow dusted his hands off and charged more power into his palms. “I have a feeling you’ll need a bit more discipline…”

As this was happening, Tails was observing the scene while flying away from Scourge. “SONIC!” He shouted, wanting to go over and help.

The instant he thought of doing that though, Scourge spun and slammed several spin-dashes into Tails’ body in mid-air over and over again!

The fox grunted and groaned, unable to properly handle being hit so hard by the guy, eyes rolling and tears and snot slinging everywhere before he landed and bounced along the ground. Tails tumbled into a heap and twitched violently on the hard floor, looking like he was trying to hump it.

Scourge giggled when he landed. “Hehehe. You look like a little horny fox. Poor baby!” He snickered and slowly approached him from behind. He grabbed Tails by the back of his head and lifted him up, looking him over as his eyes rolled and his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth.

“How about you get to crying and begging and I’ll go a little easier on your ass. Eh?” Scourge snickered.

Tails groaned and then promptly responded by swinging his foot back and nailing Scourge in the balls!

Scourge shouted aloud like a shrill female singer and then fell over, grabbing himself and whimpering.

Tails crawled off to the side, the red waistband of his underoos showing off now that he was roughed up a bit, and panted to wipe the drool from his maw.

“I figured since you’re just the Anti-Sonic, you might have just as sensitive a wee wee… just as small too.” Tails giggled. He wasn’t one to talk but he did delight in the fact that he was bigger than Sonic down there. Thus, he was bigger than Scourge too. Neat.

Scourge shot his face up, growling with tears in his eyes. “H-How dare you…! You think this hurts? EH?!”

He stood up now, shaking all over with his knees knocking and legs pressed together. He pointed at Tails and snarled. “I’m going to rip those tails right off your butt!”

Tails smiled. “Okay sure. Do you promise to change your pants first?”

“Huh?” Scourge blinked and then looked down. “YEEP!”

He gasped when he saw the wet spot on his pants. “Y-YOU--!”


“HAAAAUGH!” Scourge made another goofy face when Tails took that opportunity to slam his foot into Scourge’s gut!

He sent the green boy flying back with his pants lowering.

Shadow was busy shooting a harsh amount of painful energy into Sonic’s butt, grinning as he used the Chaos Energy to damage him. Sonic was screaming into the gravel of the ring and his pants pretty much exploded off his butt, showing off his Sesame Street briefs to his rival.

Shadow actually laughed. “You’re right. This IS fun hedgehog.”

As soon as he said that, Scourge’s butt, clad in Snow White briefs with a light blue elastic, slammed into Shadow’s face and made them both tumble over each other onto the ground.

Sonic, no longer feeling the pain Shadow was inflicting on his sizzling butt, tried to yank himself free from the ground, swishing his butt everywhere while keeping his legs pressed together. Those shocks were having the same effect on him as Tails’ hits did to Scourge so he was desperately trying not to pee in front of this huge audience and, worse of all, all his rivals.

It didn’t stop Eggman, Knuckles, and Jet from laughing while they watched Sonic shake his underoos clad booty about to be captured on the Jumbotron for the audience.

Tails rushed over and saw that Sonic was having trouble so he managed to go over and grab at his legs in an attempt to yank him free.

“Geez Sonic! I swear, you can’t go on an adventure without face planting something and getting stuck!” Tails whined. The response he got was a bunch of muffled whines.

Meanwhile, Shadow was pissed.

“What do you think you’re doing?” The black hedgehog snapped. “Are you attempting to fight me again?” Shadow snarled.

“Ha! As if! We both know who’d win if I did. What would be interesting about that?!” Scourge stood up, getting all up in Shadow’s face.

“You’re not as intimidating as you think you are in those Snow White briefs of yours!” Shadow snapped back with a smirk.

Scourge blushed and glanced down at his damp briefs. He growled and then reached over, pantsing Shadow to show off his pink briefs with Sleeping Beauty designs on them.

“What about now? Eh?” Scourge snapped.

“You… HOW DARE--!” Shadow was blushing profusely now and went to tackle Scourge. The two of them rolled around on the ground, kicking and punching at each other.

Tails finally managed to yank Sonic from the ground while this was happening. Unfortunately, he jerked him free a little too hard and the resulting power launch sent Sonic screaming into the air like Team Rocket after another glorious failure.

“Oops!” Tails gasped. “S-Sorry Sonic! I’ll--OOF!” Tails grunted when the fight cloud of Shadow and Scourge reached him!

The fox screamed as he was beaten up during their scuffle. Shreds of his clothes and shots of his butt were shown off as he was tossed in and out of the puff of smoke like a flapjack being relentlessly flipped.

When the fight cloud dispersed, the two of them skidded back, down to just their underwear and tops.

Scourge and Shadow were growling like two angry puppies. They were both a little surprised when they saw Tails dancing there with his eyes rolling and birdies circling his head. He’d been reduced to his Care Bears briefs and his shirt was in tatters.

With a raise of his finger, the now drooling fox said, “HEY EVERYBODY! MY BUTT IS BIG AND IT WANTS TO DANCE! LOOK AT IT GO! WHOOO!” He shouted and swished his booty back and forth, completely cuckoo in the head due to his beating.

Scourge and Shadow watched this little show, momentarily confused before Tails suddenly sighed and face planted the deck, humping up and down and twitching violently as he drifted into unconsciousness.

The two of them looked like they wanted to laugh but decided that hating the other was more important and charged.

“TAKE THIS!” Scourge and Shadow shouted in unison with their fists drawn back.


Both Scourge and Shadow grunted in pain and their heads reeled back suddenly. Sonic had managed to come down in the nick of time and punted both of them in their faces with his legs in a spread-eagle kick.

He landed on his feet with a massive grin on his face, happy that both of them were holding their faces and whimpering.

“Hey guys. Did you forget who you were supposed to be fighting?” Sonic asked.

“YOU!” Scourge and Shadow snapped and went to punch him. Sonic ducked and the two of them ended up punching one another across the face!

They both drooled and their eyes crossed as more pain shot through them.

Sonic took the opportunity to swing both his fists up into their undie-clad crotches!


“HOOOOOOGAAAAH!” Scourge and Shadow screamed, reacting the same way by grabbing their crotches and falling forward… which saw the unfortunate result of their lips pressing into one another!

They blushed with their eyes widening and quickly pulled away, coughing and hacking as they grabbed their throats while also pressing their legs together to keep themselves from passing out due to the pain in their balls.

Sonic landed behind them and tickled them both from behind.

“HEHEHEHEHEHE! ST-STOP!” Scourge giggled. He sounded adorable.


They both ended up squirming about in a manner that made their legs spread and their crying bladders finally let loose what they were holding in.

The crowd was laughing at them hard now. They were peeing their briefs in front of everyone!

Shadow and Scourge snapped and turned to throw another punch behind them… but their arcs managed to nail them both across the face instead once again!

The two of them spun around like ballerinas and wobbled there, eyes spinning and derpy smiles on their faces.

Sonic, for his part, had ducked back with his feet reeled back.

“You two are a really bad team.” Was all the blue hedgehog said before he bashed his feet into their chins, sending them rocketing off the stage and landing on top of each other outside the ring in a twitching, jerking, wet mass.

Sonic landed on his feet and raised his fist as the 10 count happened.

“1… 2… 3… 4… “ Orbot counted, glancing at the annoyed Eggman. He slowed his count down a bit just in case but Scourge and Shadow merely giggled like little babies, eyes fluttering as their pupils rolled in their sockets. By the time they let out two loud farts of defeat, Orbot sighed. “... 9… 10…! Sonic and Tails are the winners.”

The crowd cheered of course, which Sonic drank in and bowed but then blushed when this got some laughs too. He looked behind himself and recognized that his briefs were still on display. Worse yet, they were wet due to his bladder having cried a little during all that movement. He knew he had to go. Why did he stay here bowing instead of rushing to the bathroom? Was he an idiot?

“Uh! Th-Thanks everyone!” Sonic wanted to rush off but then realized he still had to diaper Shadow and Scourge. With a groan he rushed outside of the ring and tossed their limp bodies back into it.

Shadow and Scourge were stripped naked first and the hedgehog grabbed two matching Hello Kitty themed diapers for them.

He raised Scourge’s butt, powdered it, lowered it, and taped it on.

He then raised Shadow’s butt, powdered it, lowered it, and taped it on.

With that, he then struggled to get the tutus and pom poms on them before he could finally push their unconscious bodies off the ring again where they continued to sleep on top of one another.

Sonic then scooped the unconscious Tails up, over his shoulders, and rushed off to go take care of his potty failure.

The bell ringing signaled the end of this match too.

Eggman reeled back in his seat, tugging at his huge mustache. “WHY…?! Urgh! I want to feel delight in seeing Shadow and Scourge get what was coming to them but I can only focus on the fact that SONIC didn’t lose!”

“Well… he was still kind of embarrassed.” Cubot added.

Eggman sighed and slumped in his seat. “I suppose. It pays to dwell on the small victories sometimes… fine. Next match!”

Things were reaching a head. Espio and Charmy had a mission to complete now. Win or lose, Vector was going to contact them with the next course of action to take and that was going to shift the scales in a way that no one would be able to see coming.

“Let’s do this.” Espio said, determined looking.

“Yeah! We’re going to dominate the mission!” Charmy said, trying to pose in a cool way… but couldn’t help but blush since he was stuck in his wet MLP briefs and a shirt that barely covered them.

Eventually he whimpered as he looked over at the smiling Cream and tugged at his shirt. It did nothing to hide his underwear.

“Seriously… NO ONE has any spare pants…?”


We have one more Semi-Finals match to go before the finals. Espio and Charmy’s mission is about to come to fruition regardless of who wins or loses but what will it lead to? It depends on what order Vector gives them and whether or not Eggman foresaw the retaliation to his plan being. All that and more, next time.

All that said though, who DO you think will win the next match. You got it right this time! Keep guessing. I want to see how well you’ll manage this!



As always it's hilarious to see who gets more humiliated in the tournament sd especially if it involves character s getting diapered also I feel sorry for charmy he always draws bad luck in everything especially when it comes to his crush on cream


Him tails and of course chopper funny enough I have an idea I will tell you about tonight


And there goes my favorite team, a part of me expected to be wrong, but expecting them to accidentally win the battle again is too much. But as always, an incredible show! It's so funny how the bad boy and the serious boy wear something so close to panties! You could even say that they were matching! Maybe they can meet up afterwards and have a tea party. LOL About the next battle, well, Charmy is unable to hit Crema and if Espio hits her then Charmy will kick the chameleon's butt. Even without that, Crema has her power of ... great potential that allows her to defeat up to 4 fighters at once? What is happening with that strange energy is worrying, they cannot destroy the machine or turn it off. First Omega is controlled, then it drains the energy of the organic beings, but only those that are close. Also, when Espio and Charmy are defeated, they will be forced to be cheerleaders in diapers.


It's quite the predicament. I'm glad you're enjoying the festivities.