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Happy the Exceed was a blue cat and mascot for the rowdy guild of rambunctious wizards, Fairy Tail. At the moment, he was on a bit of a mini-vacation. He was looking for a chance to have a nice time so he came to the beach to rest and relax by himself… well, sort of.

You see, he was also a bit of a hopeless romantic and heard that his crush, Carla, a white exceed of the same size and build, had been planning to rest here at the beach front as well. As such, he contacted her and suggested they hang out together at around the same time. With some reluctance in her voice she did eventually agree, as their relationship had definitely grown to the point of being friends by this time.

Happy wanted more though.

He’d been waiting to be intimate with her since the very first day he laid eyes on her, naturally smitten by the very first female of his kind he’d ever seen, as is often the troupe. With that goal on his mind, he set out to make this the most romantic lazy day at the beach for the two of them ever.

He arrived with his blanket, parasol, and large sack of various beach items. His white shirt, orange shorts, and sunglasses made him look particularly cool, he thought. Surely, it’d be the very first thing Carla would comment on when she arrived; his impeccable style.

Happy giggled to himself, blushing even, at what he imagined would be a fantastic time ahead for them. Now all he had to do was pick a spot that had a nice enough expanse of sand for the two of them to be comfortably next to one another. Carla did say that she was bringing her own stuff so it was up to Happy to secure the right spot.

Unfortunately, the beach was looking pretty crowded. Happy had to take off his sunglasses and stash them into his sack in order to properly glance around at the area to make sure he wasn’t just missing an obvious open space.

After trudging through the sand, and his heart palpitating a lot from fear that he was about to fail in his endeavor, he finally landed upon an area that was big enough for two exceeds of their size. It even had a nice view of the ocean too. Score.

Happy zoomed on over to the spot and laid out his towel and set up the parasol so that it created as wide a volume of shade as it could. He then set his sack down and produced a folding chair with it. It wasn’t one of the long ones so he silently wished he’d remembered to pack a footstool to go with it.

Happy wiped his forehead, looking around at the area. It was still pretty crowded and the people that he was surrounded by were mildly concerning. An teenager with a crying baby, most likely his baby sister, was there. There seemed to be a vendor for food really close by, which was good, though, he hoped the fried fish they served was up to Carla’s standards. She was always so picky about that stuff. There was an ice-cream vendor right across from it so maybe that could be a neat compromise.

Then, of course, there were the volleyball players and the weight lifters off to the side. Would Carla like being close to that? Heck, would he even be open to being close to that. He could just imagine getting beamed in the face by one of those stray volleyballs. Or worse, a stray 10 pound weight. There were fools standing there juggling those things to show off. It wasn’t out of the question.

“Oh well.” Happy shrugged and flopped onto the chair, opening a bag of fish flavored potato chips and starting to munch on them. “It’s no big deal. So long as we get this nice view and we have one another that’s all I could ever really hope for.”

Unfortunately for him, he didn’t do too good a job paying attention to the space next to him as someone found their way towards it and laid their own parasol down. Happy was momentarily surprised by the extra shade he felt coming off to the side but then gasped when he turned and saw a reindeer boy, slightly bigger than he was, setting up shop where Carla was supposed to be!

This was Tony Tony Chopper. He was a little reindeer that had a bit of a teddy bear like quality to him. As doctor of the infamous Straw Hat Pirate Crew, he tended to be busy on many occasions. As such, he took his chances with relaxation whenever he could and today he’d been granted a nice time away from all the worry and strife that came with keeping an idiot like Monkey D. Luffy alive.

Chopper was especially happy today because he managed to find this glorious spot. He’d actually been here for about 10 minutes before Happy but the cat didn’t exactly take the time to notice the towel on the sand. Perhaps he couldn’t make it out due to how much sand had blown over it since Chopper had left to grab his other stuff.

Even as Chopper was busy wiping the sand away, Happy was too busy staring at Chopper’s wiggling butt in anger to really notice and thus recognize this as his own screw up. It was much easier to blame Chopper instead.

“Hey!” Happy darted up, really pissed off. He pointed at the reindeer which got Chopper’s ears to twitch before he turned to look at the person addressing him. “That’s MY… OUR spot. I laid claim to it!” The blue cat continued.

Chopper blinked, clearly confused.

“Uhm… my towel is already here though.” Chopper said, scratching at the side of his head. He was wearing a sky blue shirt and a pair of lime green shorts and they seemed to glisten a bit as he moved with the light reflecting off the shiny material they seemed to be made of. “Unless… you’re saying you have some sort of reservation for a spot on the beach that I don’t know about…”

“I don’t have a reservation.” Happy stomped on over to Chopper, paws clenched into fists and at his side.”I don’t need one because I’ve got the power of love on my side instead.”

Chopper blinked, staring at this now, what he believed to be, insane person.

“Well, power of love notwithstanding, I was here first. I definitely think I would have remembered setting up shop next to a weirdo like you if I did.” Chopper said about to turn around again and unpack his picnic basket when Happy tapped his shoulder. Chopper let out an annoyed grunt and faced him again. “What now?”

“I said that’s MY spot. You’ve gotta get moving.” Happy said, tapping his foot.

Chopper was triggered. He felt anger welling up in him. Being told to move from a spot he already grabbed wasn’t sitting right with him, naturally. This guy hadn’t even given him a real reason he should move. What did he say? Love made him do it?

“Whatever. I don’t have to listen to you. Why don’t you go somewhere else?” Chopper asked.

“There’s nowhere else to go with enough space!” Happy snapped.

“Well, who’s fault is that?” Chopper asked.


“What? No! YOU should have gotten here earlier, dumbass!”

“Who are you calling a dumbass, Beach-Ball Butt!”

“HUH?!” Chopper began to growl, not having noticed how much closer they had gotten. Their noses were literally touching as they sneered in anger at one another.

Chopper, however, tried to regain his composure. He came here to relax and have a nice time, not to indulge in the whims of random strangers.

Chopper made a snort and turned away from Happy, bending over and reaching into his picnic basket to produce a pie he’d been wanting to eat. With a lick of his lips, he was about to sit down and enjoy it but the instant he straightened himself out, he found his head smashed right into the pie itself, thanks to a harsh smack from Happy’s blue paw behind him.

Chopper raised his head and wiped the gunk off his face, now beat red with anger.

“WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA?!” Chopper snapped, facing Happy again.

Happy said nothing. Instead, he snatched the pie tin from Chopper, momentarily confusing the reindeer, before the cat strolled behind Chopper, pulled back his shorts, dropped the pie in, and let it snap against his butt. It made a loud squishing sound that kind of sounded like a fart.

Chopper’s eyes twitched. His face was now intensely bothered. You could tell.

Happy dusted his hands off and walked right in front of Chopper again, arms crossed and then he stuck out his tongue at him.

“That’s what you get for taking my spot.” Happy chided.

“It’s… NOT… YOUR… SPOT!” Chopper snapped, tackling Happy to the ground. The cat should have expected that but surprisingly wasn’t prepared for it. The two of them ended up rolling around on the sand until Chopper landed on top of him.

The reindeer scooped up some sand and stuffed it into Happy’s mouth. “HERE! How about you eat this since you seem to have such a gross disrespect for food! My friend is a cook and he poured his heart and soul into that pie! He’d be livid if he found out you wasted it!”

Happy’s eyes got big and crossed a bit when the sand got into his gullet. He spat it out and raised his feet before harshly pushing them against Chopper’s stomach in a move that blasted the reindeer off of him and saw him soaring through the sky, waving his arms and screaming, before his butt hit the shallow end of the water.

“OOF!” Chopper winced and rubbed his behind. “You’re really gonna get it n-AAAAGH!” Chopper then screamed and jumped to his feet, a sharp pincher clamped onto his big round butt. With tears in his eyes, he turned and saw a small crab sapping at him. He grabbed it and slowly yanked it off before tossing it to the side, face going red again when Happy pointed and laughed at him.

Chopper scooped up a rock and beamed it right into Happy’s head.

The impact made him spin around with his tongue out and he heard the chirping of birdies momentarily.

Chopper then rushed on over to Happy and raised his hoof… but that’s when Happy stumbled back and accidentally swung his foot into Chopper’s crotch, causing him to freeze with a dopey look of extreme pain etched onto his face.

Happy managed to regain his composure but then saw Chopper’s position and giggled.

He then inched forward and grabbed his shorts, tugging them down to his ankles.

Chopper finally let out a shout of extreme pain and cupped his balls, jumping up and down a bit before snarling at the blue cat that was making faces at him.

Chopper lunched for Happy but tripped over the shorts he didn’t know were lowered and let his legs fling upward. Unfortunately for him, his shorts flew off and hit the water before being carried off by the sea…!

Chopper gasped and scrambled to his feet, looking down at his underoos with a nice pink elastic and assortment of white and pink teddy bears with hearts on them. Happy was laughing even harder now.

“AAAAUGH! Y-You… YOU!” Chopper charged and managed to finally land a hoof to Happy’s gut which made Happy bend over and grab at his stomach, wheezing out air. Chopper then got behind Happy and reached into his shorts before yanking the underwear he was wearing up into a tremendous wedgie!

“HEEEP!” Happy squealed, eyes crossing and tears formulating at the edge of his face.

“Ah-ha. Nice Supergirl undies. Think you can fly like her?” Chopper asked, swinging Chopper around for a nice around-the-world wedgie.

Happy squealed in pain as he was spun about, going dizzier and dizzier at the reindeer’s mercy before he heard the sound of a volleyball being punted. He could tell by the shouting that it was going off course and headed right for them.

Happy then took what Chopper said about flying and applied it to his situation. After all, he actually could fly and what a better way of revealing it than now?

Happy sprouted wings right then and there and used them to stop Chopper’s momentum by lifting himself off the ground.

Chopper gasped, shocked by the sudden display of magic before him. That moment cost him however. Happy quickly landed and made Chopper tumble forward before the cat grabbed him by the head and spun him around to face the volleyball right as it was beamed into his face!

Chopper fell hard onto his back, legs up and undies now on open display due to his shirt having been blown up a bit.

Happy giggled and posed like a superhero. “I totally AM a superhero. What are you? A clown who likes to streak in his underwear?”

“Herpa derp. Clown college heres I cums!” Chopper laid there, eyes rolling and stars circling overhead. He grunted out a pang of pain and then set up, rubbing his head before glancing at Happy as he slapped his butt at him, daring him to charge.

Chopper was seeing red again though. He took the bait and charged alright.

Happy took off running, being sure to kick sand into Chopper’s face from behind as he did so. Eventually, so much of it was being kicked up in his face, he couldn’t see. Then things got really dark suddenly.

Chopper flailed about, trying to catch what was happening to block out the sun but then realized it was because his shirt was somehow over his face. He then realized that when Happy clouded his vision with the sand, he used that time to get behind him again and yank his shirt up over his face.

Chopper flailed harder, knowing he’d just make this harder on himself if he tried to transform.

Eventually, Happy got the shirt off and Chopper gasped for air. He couldn’t even retaliate before Happy booted him hard in the butt and sent him screaming head first into the open ice-cream of the ice-cream vendor.

“Reindeer’s like cold stuff right?” Happy giggled.

Chopper yanked his head out of the ice-cream, it quickly melting due to the steam rising from his head. The guy in charge wasn’t having him rushing off though.

As soon as Chopper tried to jump towards Happy, his ear was grabbed!

“OW!” Chopper grit his teeth and faced the man. “Let me go!”

“Nuh-uh.” The man said, a stern tone of voice and a narrowed eyed look on his face. “Not until you pay for that.”

“Pay for what?” Chopper demanded.

“The ice-cream!”

Chopper groaned. “I don’t have any money on me!”

“Well then, I’m calling the security personnel.” He said, crossing his arms.

Chopper began to sweat, fearing how open and exposed he’d look being harassed by security with him standing in his underwear in public like this. He was already getting a lot of weird looks and harsh giggles.

“Wh-What do you want? I’ll get you anything!” Chopper said.

“Money.” The man said.

“I don’t HAVE any money.” Chopper snapped.

“Then this conversation is over.” He shrugged.

“AUGH!” Chopper tugged at his ears, all the while feeling more and more pent up anger as Happy laughed at him from behind. Chopper turned and snapped at his assailant. “This is YOUR fault! Explain to him what happened! NOW!”

Happy wiped a tear from his eye and then approached the man. “Sorry Mister. This guy is actually a big dumb baby and I’m taking care of him. That’s why he doesn’t have any money.”

The ice-cream vendor raised a brow while Chopper’s jaw just dropped. The reindeer then felt his heart flutter and a blush cross his face when more people began murmuring around him.

“Th-That’s not true! That’s a lie! He’s lying!” Chopper said, his voice really shaky.

“Yeah.” The ice-cream guy spoke up again. “I find it hard to believe. Prove it.”

“Okay.” Happy then began to make a motion for Chopper to come closer to him. “Alwight whittle guy. Come cwoser to daddy! It’s time fer your diapee change!”

Chopper’s heart was doing backflips and his blushing was starting to make his face hurt. “D-Don’t… TALK to me like that!”

“Oh? What’s wrong? Does baby talk make whittle baby gotta go potty!” Happy said.

“Wh-WHaaa!?” Chopper slipped and fell onto the sand. He then scrambled to his feet and backed away. “N-NO! That’s absurd!”

Happy ignored that and noticed that they were right by the towel where the teenager and his little sister were. He turned to them and with a smile asked, “Excuse me. I have an unruly baby here. Can I borrow a diaper.”

The boy was momentarily shocked but then relented and handed over a diaper with Disney Princess on them to Happy.

Happy nodded before grinning and holding them up. “Here you are. It’s your new prison.”

Chopper kept backing away, not noticing that his underwear had gotten caught on the wood of the pillar by the ice-cream vendor.

“Stop! Get away from me!” Chopper snapped, eyes shaking. “I’m not planning on taking these briefs off anyway so you’re not going to be able to-YEEP!” Chopper screeched when he heard a ripping sound. He looked at his briefs and saw that the whole time he was backing away, they were stretching out.

He tried to grab at them to fix it but doing so applied unwanted force and his briefs ended up ripping apart at the front before falling to his ankles.

He was now butt naked in front of the entire beach.

Laughter sprung up all around him and his blushing face now seemed like a permanent fixture on him.

His eye twitched and he began sweating all over, feeling his bladder shake.

“Uh oh! Baby wost his twaining painties!” Happy kept teasing. Each time he got teased, Chopper felt his body react in submission, despite how much Chopper’s mind was screaming for him to run.

“I-I d… did...no… not my...panties…?” Chopper was struggling for proper words, eyeing Happy as he drew closer and the constant twitching of humiliation he was doing.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got yer new diapee pwison wight here.” Happy said, unfolding the diaper as he got up to the naked Chopper. “That’s a good beta baby! Let daddy diaper yer dumb loser butt!”

Chopper felt Happy wrap the diaper on him as he stood there, stunned and unable to run. The embarrassment had frozen him in place!

When the diaper was taped up, Happy patted his front and then poked at his nose.

“Yer diaper’s very thirsty.” Happy whispered. “You’re going to wet it now.”

Chopper twitched and spasmed.

“Aww. How adorable! Whittle baby’s trying not to pee himself. He knows he’s gonna though. The sound of my voice teasing him is making his bladder wanna cry. Go ahead baby. Let your bladder cwy!”

Chopper let out a moan as his eyes crossed and he found that, while biting his lip, he was unable to resist anymore.

“N-No… NOOOOO! I-I can’t… pee… pee this diaper… not here! UWAAAAAH!” Chopper tried to protest his body going against his wishes but he found he couldn’t.

A harsh and loud weeing sound was heard when he began to finally soak the diaper in front of everyone. He kept jolting and spasming about as he did it, finding that the sound of Happy’s voice had practically hypnotized his body into thinking it was that of a toddlers.

The ice-cream vendor shrugged. “Guess he is a baby.”

“Oh he totally is. He belongs to me and my girl, Carla.” Happy said, patting Chopper on the head. “Isn’t that right?” He sneered, pinching Chopper’s cheeks.

“I… pee-peed in my diapee daddy…” Chopper muttered, eyes rolling as the humiliation washed all over him.

“You sure did. Now it’s time for your nap.” Happy said, stepping back a bit. He spotted something coming but decided not to say what it was.

“Huh? Nap t--URK!” Chopper’s eyes got big and crossed again, this time with his tongue out and looking super goofy.

Turns out a 10 pound weight did end up getting flung from the weight lifting area and it smacked against the back of Chopper’s head. Who’d have thought that was a well founded fear to have?

Chopper began blowing bubbles and giggling as he heard the sounds of birdies chirping as they laughed along with the crowd at the beach while flying around his head. Stars and planets spun around his head too while his eyes began rolling. He did a cute giggle and began dancing, ending it with a nice booty shake of his diapered butt for everyone to oogle at.

He then sighed and face planted the sand, butt sticking up and letting out a loud fart of defeat.

Happy sighed and dusted his paws off. “The things I do for love.”

The day went on well. Eventually, Carla did arrive and she set up right where Happy wanted her to be… in Chopper’s spot.

When Carla asked why he was using the diapered butt of a dopey looking reindeer with his eyes rolling and tongue out as a footstool, Happy replied. “He stole your spot so he offered to use his diapered rump as a foot rest for me. He also promised to be our maid for the rest of the day so look forward to that when he wakes up.”

Carla shrugged and happily munched on chips with him as they stared out at the beach.

Happy didn’t even care that his foot stool was currently pissing itself a second time. If anything it made his feet feel warm.

Love truly was a hurricane.


I loved that. Scenarios where someone is just caught up in a situation and just end up facing humiliation they didn’t prepare for always make me smile. I couldn’t have ended this any other way. Tell me, which of these choices below should be the true facts of SDCharm stories?



Well sd you my friend have done a perfect job chopper at this point knows he’s gonna lose


At last I see some of these 2. I have seen their names in titles at other levels. I guess it's a pair that you like to see humiliated? Well, they are both really cute so these kinds of situations are perfect for them.


Yeah. Although, I mostly like seeing Chopper humiliated by Happy. If only because I like being mean to the characters I like the most.


I did especially chopper trying to prove he wouldn’t wet himself hope to see Carla or maybe pantherlily get humiliated specifically Carla as I think ms know it all needs to fight someone maybe she try’s to challenge Robin for the right of smartest girl in their groups only to lose and be put into a diaper for her troubles and is now called Robbins little kitty


Or maybe another chopper onix about him going to an award show only to suffer a lot of humiliation along the way


Like do you think you could do a story of choppers humiliating award show


It would be for best animal partner to main protagonist with the nomanees being chosen by you and the audience two are definitely gonna be happy and chopper and toothless plus any other animal companion you want


I’m excited to see it chopper needs more humiliation