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“Will you guys keep it down?” Jeremy asked, leaning back in his chair with his headphones on. He didn’t really like being stuck in this RV out in the middle of the woods but if he had to be camping out, the least his little brother could do was keep the TV low enough so that he could hear his music.

Drawing comics to his music was one of the very few things in the world that was a surefire way of relaxing him, and his little bro Donny just didn’t seem to understand that no matter how much he explained it to him. Couple that with Donny’s rude best friend, Christian and you have a pair that did nothing but grate on your nerves.

When he didn’t get an answer back about the request to turn the TV down, Jeremy stood up with a loud groan and exited the RV. Their parents had gone out to explore the trail so maybe he could too. After all, he loved listening to music while lost in his own little world too. He didn’t need to be drawing comics while he was doing it after all.

“Hey!” Donny called back to Jeremy when he was heading outside. “Bring us back something cool okay?”

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure. I’ll do that.” He was obviously being sarcastic but he doubted Donny knew or cared if he was. That’s just how aloof his younger brother was. Now, if it were Christian, he would have just been a rude little shit about it.

Seriously, he couldn’t stand Christian.

Christian was the kind of kid who, when you were watching something on TV, would just walk up to it and change the channel to something he wanted to watch without even asking you if he could. You very well could have even said yes and gladly gone to another room but to so boldly ignore common courtesy like that just made him a truly disgusting piece of work.

Even more baffling was that both of them were in the scouts. You’d think they’d be out enjoying nature but instead were blasting the TV in the RV like a bunch of technology obsessed runts.

The scouts were a lame organization that pretended to do all this cool survival stuff but in the end was just a front for making kids feel way more special than they were. He always hated attending his brother’s scout meetings to see him roll a wooden car that he built across the floor or see him awarded with a merit badge in tent building or whatever. Big deal.

As Jeremey was contemplating all this, he didn’t even realize how far down the trail he had gotten. He looked back and saw how far away the RV was and shrugged. That’s what happened when he got lost in thought.

However, as he kept walking, voices started to reach his ear. Several of them were coming up on him in fact.

He looked around and also noticed that there was a log cabin right beside him on a fork in the trail. He must be beside someone’s lodging.

“Hup, two, three, four!”
“Hup, two, three, four!”

The chanting was getting louder and in his field of vision he saw four young boys approaching him. They were about his little brother’s age and just as small. Even worse though, they were wearing matching uniforms and those awful looking short shorts that barely reached your knees.

Speak of the devil. He was in the presence of a group of scouts.

“Halt!” A blonde boy in the front said, which prompted the other lads to stop as well. They all then began staring up at Jeremy, which made the older boy raise a brow. Was he being treated as some sort of specimen?

“Who are you good sir? Are you a new counselor?” The blonde boy asked. “My name is Mason. I’ve got the most merit badges in this group so if you are, I hope you see that I take my role in the scouts very seriously.”

Jeremy dug into his ear a bit and then wiped it away before bending down to look Mason in the eye.

“Look, kid. I’m sorry but I’m no counselor. Do I look like one to you?” Jeremy asked.

Mason looked Jeremy up and down.

Jeremy had on a red hoodie with a skull on the front, large headphones, and a pair of black pants.

“Hmm… that’s not proper camping attire.” Mason said. “If you were a scout, you’d probably be punished for wearing that. My mistake.”

Jeremy chuckled a bit. “Punished for being comfortable? What a wonderful feeling. It must be nice being forced to wear skimpy shortie-short shorts all the time right?”

“Hey.” One of the other boys spoke up. “These clothes are perfectly fine. They feel nice at least.”

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Yeah but look at you. They show off your legs and they’re so tight that your butts probably look super bubbly. It’s embarrassing right?”

Mason pouted. “We don’t look like that at all. Maybe you would wearing this though.”

“As if I’d ever be caught dead wearing that.” Jeremy said.

“Betcha we could make you wear it.” Mason said slyly, fists to his sides as he leaned forward a bit. “Me, Jacob, Kyle, and Ban are real good at working hard to get our badges. We could maybe get one for recruiting an older kid into the scouts.”

“You’re not recruiting anyone. Especially not me.” Jeremy said with a slightly raised voice. He was about ready to walk past these annoying tykes.

“Alright then.” One of the boys, named Kyle, interrupted. “Then we’ll get one for taking care of a baby. We’re supposed to do it with a doll or something but a real life one would be like… FIVE times as good right?”

The other boys nodded and got excited with an assortment of “Yeah!” and “Let’s do it!” echoing out into the air.

Jeremy had had enough.

With his hands in his hoodie pockets, the 16 year old was about to walk right on by these elementary school weirdos.

That was until one of them grabbed the cord from his headphones and yanked them off!

When the music stopped, so did he.

He stood there, wide-eyed and shocked momentarily before his face flared up with anger. He turned to shout at the kids immediately.

“Give those back you dumb bra--!” He began before the wind hit his crotch in an unusually strong way.

It took him about three seconds for him to realize that his pants were at his ankles.

The boy named Ban was giggling behind him, holding up his belt and signaling to his friends that he had successfully pantsed the big kid, as if they couldn’t already see based on the fact that his Transformers briefs were showing off to everyone!

Jeremy began to sweat and fidget.

“Good going Ban!” Mason said, high fiving the boy.

Jeremy began to blush.

“Wow. He’s got on underoos! None of us wear those. He must be just out of pull-ups then. He’s perfect for the baby badge!” Jacob laughed.

Jeremy’s eye twitched.

He then turned to lunge at where Ban was but the boy turned and rushed towards the cabin that was off to the side!

This caused Jeremy to unceremoniously slam onto the ground with his pants left behind and his butt sticking up.

“Quick! To the cabin!” Mason shouted and ran before the boys all followed suit.

Ban was about to run but saw the juicy morsel that was Jeremy’s underoos clad butt and stole a nice harsh spank on his behind that made his butt wiggle!

“AAAAH!” Jeremy screamed and heard Ban giggle his way after the others.

Jeremy snapped to his feet and was huffing and puffing in extreme anger. He went to grab his pants and put them back on but went pale when he saw that they were gone.

The brats made off with his headphones and his pants!

Suddenly, a harsh wind wafted by and he felt embarrassment creep in as he realized he was standing outside in just a hoodie, shoes, socks, and his underwear.

He then winced and tugged his hoodie down to cover himself. Ironically, this only made him feel even more pantsless.

“Dammit! I’ll murder them!” He shouted, enraged and beyond embarrassed as he turned and rushed towards the cabin.

The door had been closed behind him so when he reached it and began relentlessly slamming his fists on the door, the boys had been alerted that Jeremy was here.

“OPEN THIS DOOR! NOW!” Jeremy screamed and yanked on the doorknob with his foot pressed against it. He wasn’t heading back to the RV without those pants or his headphones. As if he’d risk letting that brat Christian see him without pants on. Hell no!

“Nuh-uh.” Came the voice of Jason. “Only counselors and other scouts are allowed in. We were entrusted with the keys to this place so you can’t come in unless you agree to be our baby.”

“FUCK YOU!” Jeremy shouted back.

All the boys behind the door gasped so hard that Jeremy could hear it. This was then followed by a childish, “Ooooooo~! You said a bad word! You’re in trouble~!”

Jeremy really didn’t want to hear this juvenile bullshit anymore.

“I’m gonna break this door down if you don’t open it. Don’t think I won’t.” Jeremy said. Truly, he’d rather not disturb someone’s log cabin like that but these kids were playing with fire by testing his patience like this. Anything could happen when you push the wrong person too far.

“Okay, okay. Fine.” Mason spoke up on the other side.

Jeremy was momentarily skeptical but then he heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

With a raised brow, he grabbed the knob and slowly swung it open before peaking inside and spotting the four boys with his stuff in hand.

“Ah-ha! GOTCHA!” Jeremy said, suddenly finding his second wind and attempted to rush at them.

Then got a nasty surprise when he tripped over a wire.

His face was momentarily frozen in a bug-eyed display of shock before he fell forward and smacked his face onto the floor.

Before he could even properly muffle out a curse into the wood of the floor, the wire constricted around his leg and retracted, yanking him up and dangling him upside down, making it so that his hoodie came down and exposed his Transformers briefs fully. No more hiding his shame!

“AAAH! What is this?! Let me down!” Jeremy shouted, waving his arms about as he heard the giggling and laughter kick up behind him.

“Hmmm… no.” Mason said, giving the others a sly nod. Each of the boys gladly presented what they were hiding behind their backs, having made sure to keep the surprise hidden for this very moment.

They all produced blueberry pies!

Jeremy’s dangling and slow twirling on the wire eventually saw him slowly spin to face the boys right as they chucked back their arms and threw the pies at him. All of them did except Mason.

Jeremy didn’t catch that though as the pies smashed into his body, making gross squishing noises when they collided with him. One hit him in the face. Another across his stomach. Another slammed into him at the side.

On the plus side, they tasted nice but on the flip side, they were still a little hot so it didn’t feel super comfortable on him. Thankfully, it wasn’t enough to burn him but it scared him enough that he began to shake and jitter about, trying to break away from the upside down trap.

Eventually, his teenage weight won out and the wire snapped away, seeing him scream as he slammed onto the floor, flat on his face again with his butt sticking out.

Mason smiled and rushed behind Jeremy, setting the pie he didn’t throw behind him.

“Haha. Okay, that was fun. You can have a seat now.” Mason smirked.

“Ugh… f-fine…! Whatever. You got me now give me my stuff back!” Jeremy growled as he sat up and then sat down properly…

Mason and the others burst into a huge laughing fit when another squishing noise happened as Jeremy ended up sitting into the last pie. This one was significantly hotter than the other pies which made Jeremy’s eyes widen again. He then scrunched up his face before blasting upwards, screaming and holding onto his backside.


The four boys were falling over themselves with laughter now.

Jeremy ran around the room, rubbing his butt and crying before wiggling his booty around to get the wind to blow the heat off his rump.

Then he grit his teeth and turned towards the kids, rage bubbling in his face.

“Okay… fine. NO TRUCE! YOU’RE ALL DEAD!” Jeremy screamed and ran towards them, unaware that he ran straight for another contraption.

His foot ended up striking a plank of wood on the ground that had a frying pan glued to it. If he had paid attention, he’d have noticed how odd it was that there was a frying pan laying there on the ground but he didn’t. He just figured they were being messy.

However, the thought that he should have momentarily crossed his mind right as the frying pan attached to the floor board flew up and slammed hard into his face. You could see the cartoonish look of realization that he was about to experience pain on his face if you played the scene back in slow motion.


Jeremy shook, his body twitching about as he stumbled back.

“Are you okay buddy?” Ban asked.

Jeremy’s eyes were rolling and he opened his mouth to say something. However, his tongue merely flopped out the side of his mouth as he raised his finger and then he found himself falling over onto his back. His legs went up and then flopped back down, leaving him twitching and jittering on the floor with birdies circling around his head and the sounds of tweeting ringing in his ear.

“Uh-oh. He seems tired.” Mason said, hovering over the dizzy and barely conscious teen.

“Nah. I bet he’s actually hungry again. Here, have some more leftover pie batter.” Kyle smirked, grabbing a pot and dumping it down over Jeremy’s face and into his open mouth.

Jeremy didn’t react at first but he eventually started to fumble about on the floor when he felt that pie sludge go down his throat.

He coughed and sat up before scrambling away and spitting at the floor.

“UGGH! What the-?! Y-You…!” Jeremy stammered and stumbled to his feet, wobbling and still trying to regain proper composure. He looked like he was drunk thanks to how he kept stumbling about like he had one too many at the bar.

“Do you wanna keep playing?” Mason smiled. “Or you could apologize.”

“FUCK YOU!” Jeremy shouted.

Then his tummy grumbled.

Jeremy blushed and grabbed at his gut before another grumble happened. “AH! What the--?! Wh-What was in those pies?!”

“Fast acting laxatives!” The boys all said in unison, wide grins on their faces.

Jeremy’s face was drenched with sweat now.

“Don’t worry. There’s the bathroom.” Mason said, pointing behind him with his thumb. “Ta-da. A nice throne for a kingly big kid.”

“BATHROOOOOM~!” Jeremy shouted, rushing past the kids and desperately trying to grab the doorknob leading to the potty.

It took a bit for his dizziness to settle enough for him to finally grab the doorknob.

Then the electric buzzer rigged up to the doorknob did it’s wonderful thing.

“ZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRKKKKKKK~!” Jeremy’s eyes crossed and his teeth clenched as he gripped the doorknob and felt several quick jolts go into his body. His bladder ached and then a wet spot grew on his briefs before pee cascaded down his legs. Wetting himself in front of these brats was humiliating, for sure, but his brain was scrambling a bit so there was too much that was unpleasant to fully focus on.

“Careful.” Mason said. “It takes a professional scout to properly rig electrical wires behind a door.”

Eventually, the flow stopped and Jeremy slumped against the door, slowly sliding down it before flopping onto his butt. His eyes were rolling again and he was drooling profusely. His briefs were soaking wet and yellowed in the front, with the puddle growing ever more around him.

“Ah man.” Kyle shook his head. “It’s always sad whenever a baby can’t reach the potty. Guess he’s not ready to be out of diapers just yet.”

Jacob grinned and pulled out a nice cardboard box. “Good. Then let’s hurry and get this on him!”

He reached into the survival box and pulled out something nice and surprising. A big, poofy, white diaper. No one here needed it… but by God did it feel good to finally have a use for it.

Jeremy’s legs were dragged to the center of the room, with his tummy still gurgling. He was muttering some nonsense about candy and butterflies now, eyes unable to stop spinning as they fluttered.

He could still grasp that something embarrassing was happening to him though. He felt his briefs being removed. He felt his hoodie get taken off next.

He felt himself laying in the center of the room, butt naked, with these four scouts laughing at him and taking pictures before flicking at his wee wee and using a wet wipe to clean him down. Some even made comments about being bigger than him down there.

Jeremy blushed, feeling all those comments reach him as though they were dreamlike whispers. They were actually happening but he was so out of it that it felt like a bunch of ghosts were hovering over him and taunting him with a loud echo-like wail.

He then felt his legs and butt being lifted before being lowered onto the unfolded diaper. They powdered him down and taped it on before lifting him up and putting something else over his head and something else to cover his butt.

Eventually, Jeremy blinked himself awake enough for him to get a clear enough vision of what he was wearing.

Jeremy nearly passed out upon realizing that he had on a scouts uniform, complete with those super shortie-short shorts that he kept teasing them about. Due to being a teenager, the shorts didn’t even come close to reach his knees.

He wanted to push away from them and quickly change but instead felt himself get lifted by Mason over his shoulder! The kids all cheered and chanted as they marched their way out of the cabin with Jeremy draped over one of the brat’s shoulders like a limp throw rug.

Jeremy blinked several times, trying to regain his strength and composure but being carried so easily by this small kid was making his brain derp again. What was happening?


Jeremy’s eyes got big again. That almost brought his mind back to normal instantly.

That was the voice of his little brother Donny!


Oh shit! That was the voice of his annoying friend Christian!


Donny seeing him like this was bad enough but that brat Christian would never let him live this down! He had to escape! He had to--!

“Oh hello there. Who are you?” Mason stopped to ask.

Jeremy’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t see what was happening due to his butt facing forward and not his head. However, he had a hunch that Mason stopped because he was interacting with the people whose voices those cries belonged to.

Sure enough, he was right.

“Oh, I’m Donny. This is Christian.” Donny introduced himself, politely. Christian gave a sly smirk and waved. “We’re looking for my big brother. Our parents came back and we’re supposed to have dinner now.”

Jeremy began to quietly pray that they just said they didn’t know who he was talking about and moved on.

“Oh. Is it this guy?” Mason smiled, turning to the side and showing off Jeremy to the two kids.

“EEEP!” Jeremy squealed, blushing and sucking his lips in, now sweating again.

Donny and Christian’s jaws hit the ground.

“...Uh…” Jeremy stammered before blushing even deeper and waving. “H-Hi guys… I-I’m… uh… h-hanging out with these kids--!”

“We beat him up and put him in a diaper! Wanna draw on it!” Ban asked, tugging down Jeremy’s shorts in the back and exposing the bright fluffy white diaper.

“NOOOOOOO~!” Jeremy screamed, flailing about but unable to get away.

Donny and Christian stood there, mouths agape, unsure of what to do or say… before they both began to snicker and then broke out in an uproarious fit of laughter. Donny managed to calm himself down quicker but Christian kept laughing to tears.

He marched over to Jeremy and pinched his cheek. “Aww. Poor baby couldn’t stand up to the scouts eh? I’m glad someone managed to get you into a diaper finally. It fits you so well.”

Jeremy shook, hating so much hearing this brat taunt him. Even worse was the fact that he couldn’t say anything to deny him. He was just rattling with rage and embarrassment.

He eventually opened his mouth to try and say something but by that point, Christian had gone over to his diapered butt and took a marker offered to him by Jacob to start drawing on his backside.

“OOO~!” Jeremy twitched and wiggled, feeling the marker against his diaper butt tickle him.

Donny smirked and approached as well, taking the marker and drawing on the big white canvas that was Jeremy’s butt.

Everyone got a turn and by the time they were done, they had a nice beautifully decorated diaper. Most had fun designs with cars, dinosaurs, flowers, and anime characters drawn on it. Christian’s lines were mostly just insults like, “Careful! Poop inside!” or “Big, Sissy, Weiner” and “I Got Beat up by Scouts! I’m a Diaper LOOOOOSER!”

They weren’t super creative but they stung all the same when Christian felt it necessary to tell Jeremy what he was writing there.

Eventually, Mason stood Jeremy up and pushed him towards the two of them.

“Now, head on home you dumb baby butt!” Mason said with a grin.

Jeremy stumbled about, still dizzy and feeling the harsh grumble return with a vengeance when he was stood up suddenly.

“P-Please… I-I need to--” Jeremy tried to explain.

“No. You’ve wasted so much of our time already.” Donny said, wagging his finger at his big brother like he was the older one now. “It’s time we headed back, diaper butt.”

“N-No! NO WAIT!” Jeremy screamed as Donny grabbed his arm. Jeremy jerked it away and tried to turn to rush for the bushes or something.

However, his body froze.

Jeremy’s eyes grew wide with horror!

“O-Oh no! Stop! Please!” Jeremy started to plead with his body but it wasn’t listening to him. “AUGH! I can’t control my body! No! Don’t squat down! AAAAUGH!” Jeremy screamed, feeling his butt shake as his body squatted down against his will. “NOOOOOOOO~!”

Then, right there in front of all the kids, he violently messed his diaper.

His face scrunched up and blushed super hard as tears and snot flowed down his face. He grunted and panted and wheezed before more and more came out to the point where the diaper ballooned out a bit.

Christian began laughing again, crying once more to the point of breathlessness.

Donny looked unamused though.

He reached over and grabbed Jeremy by his ear, causing the older boy to flinch.

“EEP! NO! PLEASE! DONNY, LET GO! THAT HURTS! OUCHIES!” Jeremy said, blubbering like a baby as he was tugged along.

“Nope. We’re going home and I’m gonna use this to convince mom and dad to send you to the scouts. You’re gonna learn to be a good toddler scout and I’ll teach you all I know.” Donny said, stomping forward with a serious expression.

“NO! PLEASE! NOT THE SCOUTS! THEY’RE SOOOO LAAAAAAME!” Jeremy screamed as he was dragged along.

Christian followed after them, eventually putting his hands in between his legs when he realized he laughed so hard his bladder broke a bit. “HAHAHAHAHAH! N-NO! G-GOTTA HOLD IT! FUCK! AHAHAHAHA!” He trudged along, leaving droplets of pee on the dirt road...

Mason, Kyle, Ban, and Jacob all laughed together as they watched them leave, even waving goodbye as they did.

“Wow. He still thinks the scouts are lame eh?” Jacob said.

“If we’re lame, what does that make him?” Kyle asked.

“A baby who gets beaten up by lame things.” Ban said. “So, even lamer than scouts I guess.”

Mason smirked. “Hehe. Oh well. Like it or not, he’s gonna be one of us. That’s good. It’ll be fun having a baby to take care of.”

Before he turned to leave he remembered something and laughed.

“Whoops. Forgot to return his headphones. Ah well. I’ll give them back when we see him at the scouts.”


My time in the scouts was extremely brief and long before I even had the capacity to keep memories, probably. I literally don’t even remember doing anything in them aside from making a tiny wooden car and that’s it. Still, the idea of being forced to go there and wear those embarrassing shorts sounds like a nightmare. We’re going to move on from this to do a completely different story but still, I want to know; what do you think is in store for poor Jeremy?



To start, a very funny story! You should never underestimate people because you never know what they can do, like kick your ass and put you in diapers! Answering the question, Jeremy is definitely a baby, but Christian seems to be someone who can prank his hand into a glass of water, a little revenge for Jeremy to get a diaper brother. I have never seen Scouts in person, only on tv show. I think there are not even those things in my province, maybe not even in the country. Although I must say, when I was a little boy, I liked to go camping with my family even though it was different than what Scouts do. I think that as a child I would have liked to be part of Scouts and learn certain things. (Although most likely I had suffered from a bully.) Now I am someone very attached to technology and the idea of ​​being in a place without internet sounds like a nightmare to me. Anyway. It was an interesting story in many ways. Thanks for your wonderful work.


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