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It was finally time.

It was finally here.

The stage was the Final Destination.

The combatants were Pichu and Tails.

The match was the finale.

It was time to see who won the Smash Ultimate Humiliation Tournament!

The first opponent, Pichu, stood at one end of the stage, wearing a white and green striped shirt and a pair of jeans. This was the outfit he had chosen to wear for their final match. He deliberately wished for it to be nothing special at all. Why? Simply because this match wasn’t anything special. It was just like all the others to him.

It was a chance to humiliate and emasculate his opponent until the hope they held in their heart for victory died like the Coin Battle no one cared about. The only real difference would be that he’d use it as an excuse to generate a grand finale of humiliation on his opponent, the likes of which had never been seen before in the history of this game.

The second opponent was newcomer Miles “Tails” Prower. By an astonishing amount of battle prowess and a little bit of luck, he’d turned his first tourney within Smash as the most delectable and outstanding debut anyone had ever seen in the history of this game.

Tails was standing in blue jeans and a lime green t-shirt, staring across at Pichu, taking a minor notice in the swirling changes happening due to the background.

“You’re going to finally be taught a lesson,” Tails spoke up. “I’m not taken too seriously by a lot of people too. I know what it feels like feeling inferior but when I beat up and humiliated Sonic, it wasn’t out of malice. I did it cause it was the name of the game. You’re just really bitter.”

“Pfft.” Pichu sputtered his lips. “Yeah, when I did that to Pikachu it was just as malicious as you claim it to be… but so what? The one who wins is the one who gets to decide the fate of the losers right? You shouldn’t be bothered by that.”

“Well, I’m just more aware of what it means to be mature.” Tails said, straight-laced and serious. “If you win, it's gonna send the wrong message. I’ve gotta make sure I succeed in letting you and everyone else know that good sportsmanship is the way to handle winning in a fight.” The fox explained, getting in a battle pose.

“Hmph.” Pichu put his fists up, grinning wickedly. “I can already tell, I’m gonna enjoy this fight the most.”

“READY?!” The announcer began.

Silence wafted between the two fights for the split inch of a second before the announcer shouted, “GO!”

The two of them shot towards each other like arrows before clasping their hands against one another in a hard struggle. The Final Destination stage was empty. Not even the punishment crate had spawned in this time. It was only going to show when the first was over.

“I’m gonna have the most fun here.” Pichu said. “I’m determined to do that, whether you want me to or not.”

“That just goes to show how important it is that I teach you the error of your ways.” Tails said, looking serious before he thrusted his head forward and bashed Pichu back a small ways with a headbutt.

“OW!” Pichu winced and rubbed his forehead. He growled and tried to retaliate but Tails swung his heavy tails around and managed to bash Pichu in the gut harshly with them, making the Pokemon’s eyes bug out with intense pain.

Pichu, however, managed to recover slightly and gripped onto Tails’ tails with a powerful and firm grasp. With a grunt of anger, he stomped onto the ground, hoisted Tails’ body up and slammed him onto his back.

“AAAGH!” Tails coughed and jerked his tails free of Pichu’s grasp. He hated feeling the pain of that and wanted to retaliate faster but before he could, Pichu jumped and slammed his butt down onto the fox’s stomach, making him lurch up in yet more pain.

“Whoops. Sorry. You looked like such a comfy seat. HAHAHAHA-AAAAAOOOOWW!” Pichu started to laugh but Tails bit down on the Pokemon’s tail, causing him to scream and shoot off his body immediately.

Tails wasn’t done with him though.

With a determined look on his face, he reached forward, grabbing Pichu by the tail and thrust him hard against the ground.

“Owww…” Pichu groaned.

“Hmph.” Tails stuck his nose up at him before a Bumper item fell from the sky and landed before the fox. Tails smiled, happily accepting the random item as Pichu, now entranced with anger, shot up and did a volt tackle towards the fox.

He didn’t even register that Tails had an item in hand before he saw it get flung at his face!


Pichu’s face smacked against it and sent him hurling back so far that when he landed he was at the edge of the small stage. The bumper hung in mid-air which meant Tails had to fly over it. When he landed though, he strolled on up to the downed Pichu for a closer look.

“Duuuuuuhhh…?” Pichu’s eyes were rolling and he could hear Pidgey’s kawing as they spun around his head. What an embarrassing display.

Tails reached down and grabbed Pichu by the collar to hoist him up, watching as the dazed mouse’s head lolled back a bit and his tongue hung out from the loopiness.

“I hope you’ll take this as a hint towards what the better method is now.” Tails said, sounding pitiable but also firm and confident.

Pichu grunted a bit but managed a smile. That confidence was what he needed to break down… and the best way to do that was to show him it was wrong to have it in the first place.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky!

The crackling sound it made scared Tails but he reacted way too slowly and ended up getting struck by it dead center!


“BAAAZZZZZZZKAAAAAAGGGEEEE!” Tails jittered about in place, eyes crossing and teeth clenching as the sparks shook his whole system.

Pichu licked his lips.

The prelude was over. It was time for the Pichu show.

Pichu delivered a revenge headbutt to Tails’ head, making the rattled and dazed fox even more rattled and dazed then he was before.

Tails wobbled about and tried to refocus his eyes with their hazy vision. He saw a tiny yellow fist fly towards his fa--!


Tails spun, looking goofy with a derped smile on his face. He tried his best to regain his composure but more of those tiny yellow fists came hurtling towards him.


Tails’ body ragdolled a bit as hit after hit rained onto him. He wanted to stop and get a good look at the now blurry figure that was hitting him but there were two many hazy spots in the way.

“Urrrrgguuhhh…” Tails grunted, trying his best to say something.

He saw an item drop from the sky and land by Pichu. That was for certain. He knew if he let it hit him it was gonna hurt. He had to try and avoid it.

Only problem was, he was seeing five rotating Pichu’s now. What was he doing? Where was he going?

“C-Come on…” Tails muttered to his own vision, hoping it would fix itself.

It didn’t in time.


Pichu hit Tails with a home run bat right across his body! The fox flung back and shot towards the bumper that was still there and bounced harshly off of it, sending Tails flying back towards Pichu, who remained in a batter’s stance.

“AH! N-NOO! ST-AAGAGH!” Tails screamed before his spit went flying everywhere as he was cracked across the face once more. He flew back into the bumper and bounced right off it again into Pichu’s bat.

Tails took more hits to the head, stomach, and even the crotch before the bumper mercifully dissipated and left Tails to flop to the ground the next time the bat smacked into him.

Tails laid there, jittering and twitching. You could see the waistband of his Bob the Builder briefs a bit and the endless muscle spasms that were happening made it look like he was still being electrocuted.

Finally, the fox stood up, butt out first, and then managed to get to his feet.

His face delighted Pichu.

“Hur huuuurrr… I’ve dun not even begun da fight!” The fox drooled, eyes rolling, a gap in his teeth, and tweeting birdies laughing at him as they flew around his head.

“Oh really? Well, that’s too bad.” Pichu said. “Cause your fight is done.” The mouse charged forward and reeled a fist back.

Tails looked confused at him, trying to process what he could be doing before Pichu rammed it right into his crotch. Tails lurched forward and stuck his butt out, squealing in pain.

Pichu slid between his legs and grabbed the exposed waistband before yanking the undies up in a tremendous and powerful wedgie that had Tails screaming like an opera singer to the heavens!

“YEEEEEEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WEDGIEEEEEEEEEEEE!” The fox’s scream echoed throughout the stage. It almost seemed as though the next background change that happened only did so to accommodate it.

“What’s the matter buddy?” Pichu said, grabbing at Tails’ jeans and yanking them down. As his pants pooled at his ankles and his underoos were exposed for the entire crowd of onlookers, Tails felt shame well up in him and a tremendous blush smear across his face.

“O-Oh noooo…!” Tails whined just as Pichu grappled with him. His little arm was around the fox’s neck and he took such glee in watching him gag and choke. The struggling he did to try and remove his arm were all the more funny with his pants around his ankles. He ended up shaking his cute little butt for everyone watching and stepped out of them as he did so.

“You spoke all that mature stuff before but you look like the big baby here.” Pichu teased while rubbing his electric fist into the top of Tails’ head, giving him an electrified noogie!

“AAAAAAAAAH! NOOOOO! OH MY GOOOOOOD!” Tails blurted out, heart thumping and face now shifting between red and blue due to the humiliation, the pain, and the obstructed air-flow.

Pichu sneered and began whispering into Tails’ ear. “You talked all that junk about your way being the right way; the more mature way. You can’t prove it though, can you? After all, you’re the one dancing around in your underwear!”

Tails’ butt was swishing back and forth for the onlookers on screen. He wasn’t even intending to dance. Pichu’s manipulation was just making his body do it against his will and better judgement.

“I-I’m… n-not… g-giving… u-up…!” The fox managed to squeak out, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Pichu rolled his eyes and used his free hand to give Tails another wedgie.

“YIPE!” Tails gasped.

Then Pichu let his neck go, which caused Tails to stumble forward as he sucked in a breath.

However, Pichu landed properly on the ground and yanked on Tails’ briefs again, this time going for a swing around and around the stage.

At first the fox tried resisting but the more he found himself running around in a circle involuntarily the more dizzy he got. Eventually, he was lifted off the ground and began spinning repetitiously in the wedgie that Pichu had him trapped in.

“Around the world wedgie!” Pichu shouted.

Tails’ eyes were anime swirls now. He couldn’t even properly process the pain shooting through his butt. He did process the fear and humiliation as he saw his underwear clad behind suddenly get let go and tossed towards the screen!


Tails flattened against said screen with his eyes crossed, tongue pressed against the glass, and his shirt and briefs scrunched up. His briefs in particular were dangerously close to revealing something underneath them due to the nature of how scrunched up they were.

However, before Tails could fall off the screen and fall into the abyss below, Pichu had managed to acquire another item. It was the Galaga ship.

He held onto it and used its weird energy waves to suck Tails off the screen and back onto the stage.

Pichu smiled and took Tails off the butt end of the galaga ship before tossing the ship off the stage.

“I know that thing usually takes you off into the sky to lose but the match isn’t over yet.” Pichu said, reaching down and grabbing the humiliated and loopy fox by his shirt to lift him up. “It’s not over until I SAY it’s over. You agree don’t you?”

Tails’ eyes were rolling and he was feeling really silly. Pain was soaring throughout his body. He couldn’t fathom how his ideals were losing to Pichu’s like this. He was sure that in the end, the good guy would win!

“N-Never… I-I don’t agree with y-y-y--!” Tails started before Pichu smashed the home run bat onto the fox’s head.

Tails scrunched down and then sprung up like an accordion before giggling like an idiot.

“But mommy! I wanna try the lemon-lime ice-cream! We always get vanilla!” Tails blurted out, gurgling out drool before falling onto his back like a limp sack. His lower end thrusted up and down a bit, almost like it was humping at the air.

Pichu took it as a signal to tease that area a bit.

He began by smacking his bat against the fox’s crotch.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!” Tails screamed, sitting up and letting his tears flow while he grabbed his netherregions. He flopped over and swished his butt around. “PAAAAAAIN!” The fox spoke up again, this time his voice was in a very high pitched squeal.

“Bad baby.” Pichu raised the palm of his paw and began spanking Tails’ butt over his briefs.

“AH! AH! AHNNNNH! GAAAH!” Tails cried, eyes crossing again and face flushing redder and redder along with his butt as he got a spanking from this tiny mouse. It hurt so bad and was even more emasculating.

“You don’t disagree with someone who’s better than you. Understand?” Pichu asked, sparking his hands up and smacking his rear once more.

“YEEEP!” Tails gasped, clawing at the ground in a feeble attempt to get away.

“I said UNDERSTAND!” Pichu slapped him so hard, Tails jittered and flung off his lap and onto the ground.

“YES! YES! I UNDERSTAND! NO MORE SPANKINGS! PLEASE!” Tails screamed, rubbing his butt and scrambling to his feet. He turned to face Pichu but then gasped when he rushed forward and clamped his paws onto Tails’ chest.

“Nuh-uh. You don’t get to decide when the punishment ends. I DO!” Pichu said, ripping Tails’ shirt off and making him spin around like a top.

“I’M SORRRRYYYYYYYY~!” Tails screamed before Pichu sparked with more electricity and shocked the fox, getting him to stop spinning and instead making him jitter about in weird poses. He danced, flailed, and shook his butt around with each volt that went into him before it stopped.

Tails was a mess now. He was in nothing but his underwear, shoes, and socks and was fumbling about with his eyes beyond dazed and his head way up in the clouds.

“P-Please… n-no more… I-I’m…” Tails was struggling to say that he quit even though it was obvious he wasn’t coming back from this… m-maybe Pichu would take mercy on him?

“Nope. We’re not done yet.” Pichu said.

“C-Come on…! L-Let’s j-just say that you win and w-we can leave here like mature fighters with respect for one another.” The fox offered, frazzled and shaky.


A huge shiver ran through Tails as he went cross-eyed, clenched his teeth, and stood up straight with his fists clenched by his sides. “SIR NO SIR!”

“You’re pathetic! Look at you! I bet the mere sound of my voice would be enough for you to piss yourself!” Pichu said with a sneer.

Tails blushed and his eyes twitched.

As if on cue, a wet spot began to grow on the front of his briefs. It expanded and grew until two trails traveled down his legs into a scared little puddle.

“That’s what I thought. Loser!” Pichu said, grabbing the home run bat and walking behind Tails. “Don’t worry though. I’m not heartless. I’ll make you feel good.”

“Wh-What are you--?” Tails looked panicked.

“Say cheese!” Pichu said right as he rammed the home run bat into the fox’s butt!

“CHEEEEEEEESE!” Tails shouted, eyes re-crossing and his tongue flopping out the corner of his mouth. All of a sudden, he had a little stiffy. Pichu had just pressed his button and it caused the fox to jerk about and pant.

Pichu removed the bat and then walked around the front of Tails again.

“I bet you getting beaten up excites you eh? Look. See? It totally does.” Pichu said, now teasing the front of his briefs with his paw.

“AGAH! N-NOOO! P-PLEASE ST-STAP!” Tails was spasming and trying his best not to get even more heated than he now already was.

“I’m not gonna DO anything. You’re so afraid of me that all I have to do is tell you to and you’ll do it.” Pichu said, a grin getting wider.

“... … N-No! No please! I’M SORRY! I GIVE U--!” Tails tried but Pichu wasn’t having it.

“Cream yourself, baby!” Pichu ordered.

Instantly, Tails’ eyes re-crossed and belted out a scream, jittering and humping at the air as he felt his loins release like a volcano into his already wet briefs. He flopped onto his back as the geyser shot out and soaked them through.

Pichu, all the while, playfully hummed to himself and made a wink at the camera.

The best part of this was the fact that everyone was watching.

The punishment crate fell and landed in front of him at that point. It was clear who the winner was but it didn’t matter to Pichu. Like he said multiple times already, it wasn’t over until he SAID it was.

“Still going?” Pichu asked the downed fox.

“ABALALABOAJIFHIQAKAOKSOALLL~!” Tails was making weird grunting sounds as he kept flopping like a fish on the ground and soaking himself through. Eventually, after about a minute or two, he stopped and slumped on the ground.

He looked positively destroyed. He was beaten to a pulp, he was soaked all over the front, and drool caked his mouth completely.

Pichu chuckled and then gave another order.

“Stand up.”

Tails shot to his feet. He didn’t want to but the fear made his body react. He couldn’t resist Pichu’s orders.

He couldn’t resist his MASTER’S orders.

“Give yourself a wedgie.” Pichu said.

Tails reached over and gave himself a huge wedgie, screaming in pain as he did so.

“Take off your shoes and socks and let me tickle your feet.”

The fox grunted but found his body wouldn’t listen to him. He flopped to his butt and removed his shoes and socks, leaving his bare feet exposed so that Pichu could use his tail to tickle him.

Tails’ face scrunched up and he laughed like a crazed lunatic. He flailed about and wanted to scoot away but he couldn’t.

“NO! NOOOOOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA!” The fox screamed and cried, hiccuping even.

“I hear that endless embarrassment and tickle torture can make a brain snap. I wonder how long before yours goes bye-bye.” Pichu said.

Tails just kept flailing about as the tickling and humiliation mixed and relentlessly began to deprive his brain of air.

He was supposed to be better than this. He was a super smart fox. Now his brain felt weird.

Oh no. What’s going on? Suddenly his brain no think good.

His master was playing with his feetsies. He wanted his ba-ba now.

Duuuuh. Deeeerrrrrp…!

Tails’ tickle torture lasted a good solid five minutes before Pichu stopped and looked over the goofy, giggly, cross-eyed look on Tails’ face. He grabbed the fox by his chin and hoisted him up to face him.

“Feeling good whittle baby?” Pichu asked.

Tails nodded his empty head. His brain was out to lunch.

“Good. Now stand up and take those undies off.” Pichu said.

Tails giggled. “Cuckoo! Sure thing boss!” Tails jumped to his feet, his tongue out like an idiot, and stripped the last layer of his clothing off.

“Now shake that booty for everyone to see.” Pichu said, drawing something on Tails’ butt with a permanent marker.

“Hahahaha! Hehehehehe! Okay! Dat sounds fun~!” Tails giggled, his mind lost in space as he danced and wiggled his naked butt out to everyone. His tails floated up so that the onlookers could see the writing on them.

PROPERTY OF PICHU was written there in bright pink.

The punishment crate was then bashed open and Pichu hurriedly rolled out a diaper for the fox boy. Tails saw it and happily danced on over to it, voluntarily laying his butt down and giggling when Pichu taped it up.

The diaper had images of Pichu all over it. The matching bib had his face on it. The baby bonnet and pacifier were plain baby blue but the message was clear.

This baby belonged to Pichu now.

Pichu hoisted Tails up and then smiled.

“One last order. Knock yourself unconscious please.” Pichu said.

“Anything for you Master!” Tails said.

“Call me daddy.” Pichu said.

“Hehehe. Okay daddy!” Tails grinned and then slugged himself in the face! Stars and birdies came back as the fox did a stupid dance to the edge of the stage before saying his final words before falling off. Those words being, “JUMBA WUMBA COOKIE CRUMB BUTTER!”

Then Tails plummeted into sparkles at the bottom of the stage signalling the official end of the match.

“GAME!” came the announcer’s voice for the last time. “THIS GAME’S WINNER IS… PICHU!”


Pichu stood on the altar with a trophy in hand and a wide grin on his face. He was taking in all the camera flashes and delighted in answering the questions the reporters offered him.

“So what do you plan to do now that you’ve made a comeback the likes of which has never been seen before in Smash history!” one of them asked.

Pichu sneered. “Well, now that I’ve proven that my way IS the best way, I’m gonna use it to give this place a nice overhaul. Beating all those losers until they fear me and call me daddy will be a cake walk. Just ask my cheerleading babies over there.”

Pichu pointed over to Tails and Pikachu who were wearing matching baby outfits and dancing in their diapers with sullen, embarrassed looks on their faces.

“Let me hear you cheer!” Pichu demanded.

“P-Pichu, Pichu! He’s our boy! He kicked our butts and made us his toys! GO PICHU!” Tails and Pikachu said in unison, blushing rather intensely.

“Hahaha! Isn’t that cute?” Pichu said before snapping his fingers. A diapered Sonic zipped over and handed him a tray with a drink on it while a diapered Young Link came over and offered him some weenies on a stick.

Sonic pouted and looked to the side. He hadn’t expected this to be the outcome of their efforts. It was going to be rather crazy around here from now on. He could tell by the way Pichu was eating his food and pinching Young Link’s diaper bottom to tease and embarrass him that they were in for some rough changes around here.

Tails blubbered and whined as he kept dancing.

“I… think being mature may be a tad overrated now…” The fox muttered as he felt the curtain close on this horrid event.



Finally, the tournament to end all tournaments is complete. I had a nice enough time trying that out but I think next time I’m going to try for something a bit different. I want to try my hand at stories that aren’t really based on any series really. Maybe do something a little more traditional with made up characters and the like. Maybe I’ll sprinkle in some stories about existing series too though.  We’ll see how it pans out. Until next time, be sure to have a good time and Happy Holidays.



I think Tails described this story best when he said “ABALALABOAJIFHIQAKAOKSOALLL~”. I really felt that. This was a fun ride. I am looking forward to what comes next, though. Stories with original made up characters sounds interesting.


Well pichu is now the strongest fighter is he gonna take down all the other fighters now


Evil triumph! It's not a bad ending, too bad that Tails can't take off Pichu's pants or give him a wedgie. Surely any story you do will be very funny, it is also important that you enjoy writing.