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"My name is Shinichi Kudo, or at least it was, until I got bonked on the head and fed an experimental drug that turned me into a little kid. Now I'm stuck living at the home of my girlfriend and her idiot father under the name of Conan Edogawa until I find away to return to my normal body permanently and defeat the Black Organization responsible for turning me this way. As a expert detective, I know I'll be able to manage it though. Only one truth prevails."

This was the montra that Conan recited in his head whenever he needed a good pick me up but lately he'd been feeling particularly frustrated with his situation. The cases he'd been given to solve had basically been total bull dookie. He couldn't handle how boring and easy some of them were.

He'd always had something to latch onto, even considerable sympathy for the guilty party and their actions but so much of the stuff that Kogoro had decided to take lately has usually ended with some asshole just wanting to be an asshole for no reason and showing no remorse for their actions whatsoever. It just made you want to say "Okay, well then fuck that guy" and never want to think about that case again.

Conan was currently sitting in Professor Agasa's house, fiddling with a pair of keys on his finger with his head resting in the palm of his hand and eyes half-way open in a bored expression.

"Seriously, Shinichi, I appreciate your company but if you're going to laze about the least you could do is smile a bit." Agasa said, looking up from his notes.

Conan turned and gave the professor a sigh in response. "Sorry professor. I've been trying to keep my head low lately. Not only have the cases been so easy and boring but I've been giving more and more hints as Conan lately. I haven't even bothered knocking out Uncle Kogoro in many of them."

Agasa looked slightly worried at that. "That's... shockingly irresponsible and immature of you Shinichi. Don't let the situation get to you SO much that you start becoming complacent. That's extremely dangerous."

Conan rolled his eyes and shouted at the sky. "BUT I'M SO BORED!" He screamed this aloud, making the professor wince a bit. "Seriously! I feel like I'm too good at this. Maybe if I was an actual little kid I'd be able to see these things as a tougher challenge but goodness me, it's almost as if I've peaked and there's nowhere to go BUT down."

"Be careful what you wish for." Agasa sighed, setting his pen down now that Conan had his full attention. "I will say though, you really should rethink being so open with the smarts. We need to keep you under wraps and remind them that you're still a normal kid."

Conan pouted a bit and leered to the side. "That idiot Kogoro doesn't suspect a thing and Ran keeps going back and forth between thinking something's up and thinking she's been crazy. It's an endless cycle. We're good." 

"There's gotta be something you can do to make yourself more sure of that though." Agasa kept pressing. He knew Conan's recklessness wasn't good. 

"Bah. It's FINE. She's doing incredibly childish stuff for me, like buying me... embarrassing clothes to wear... like recently she bought me some new pajamas and really wants to see me IN them and I said NOPE!" Conan said, making an X shape with his arms. 

Agasa smiled. "Well, maybe tonight give her what she wants and try them on!"

Conan blushed. "Absolutely not. There's a limit to how much nonsense I'll tolerate!"

"Yeah but there isn't a limit to how much you're willing to be fast and loose with how smart you come off as. You're already well known for being the kid who almost foils Kaito Kid and the entire police force knows your name down at the office. You don't need anything else on top of that." Agasa said.

Conan leered to the side, still blushing and hating how he couldn't combat against that.

"The LEAST you could do is wear some dumb pajamas. Come on now. I don't think that's asking TOO much." Agasa said, wiggling his pen at Conan. "I know you've got it in you."

Conan muttered. "... Well... I guess it's been a bit cold in the apartment on some nights... the feet of those pjs looked kinda warm..."


Conan was already regretting this. 

It was bad enough that Ran made him wear these dumb, silly underoos but these pajamas were terrible. He had on teddy bear briefs the entire time he was at Agasa's house and didn't want to admit to wearing them while speaking to the man. Who knows if Haibara was there, spying on them with cameras or something.

Now he had to wear these dumb Masked Yaiba pajamas. This show was for little kids and though he looked like one, he definitely wasn't supposed to literally be one. 

At least when Conan asked her for the pajamas, Ran agreed to let him dress himself for bed. Kogoro's chuckle upon seeing Conan grab them was unwarranted and he'd probably knock him out with a sleep dart out of spite if he weren't more mature than that. 

He was still seriously considering it though.

Standing in his teddy bear undies, he grumbled and began putting the pajamas on, planning on retiring for the night. His bed time was earlier than it used to be when he was older but that was fine. Honestly, he preferred sleeping whenever he wanted but doing it earlier wasn't as big a deal when you're older. You tend to value the act of sleeping the more time passes.

Conan grumbled a bit, struggling to get these stupid jammies on. The zipper was especially hard but he finally managed it. He could have sworn he felt something snag a little but whatever. 

"Conan! Are you fine in there?" Ran asked.

Conan sighed. "Yes Ran-neechan. I'm fine!"

"GOOD!" Ran burst open the door and snapped a photo. "Glad you decided to wear them. Have a nice rest. See you in the morning! Good night!" She said this super fast before closing the door, no doubt wanting to avoid the part where Conan whined about her taking that photo.

Conan almost did but sighed and relented. "Whatever."

He scurred up to his futon and plopped down onto it, his little rump sticking up with the buttons on his butt flap shining in the moonlight as it cracked through the window. Conan felt as though the pillow was especially warm and comfy tonight.

His eyes were fluttering and suddenly felt super heavy too. Oh man. These jammies looked ridiculous but they sure were warm and comfy. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

He was being enveloped in a sea of warmth and comfort the likes of which regular pajamas simply hadn't provided before. As he drifted off, he couldn't even properly make out that his thumb had traveled to his mouth. He was already sucking lightly on it by the time he was in a deep sleep.

Because of that, he didn't notice when Ran snuck back in to snap another photo, getting quite the surprise when she got both his cute sleeping position and the thumbsucking on camera. She was on cloud nine for sure.


It was about 7 in the morning when Conan woke up. He wasn't supposed to go to school today, which was good, but the bad news is that his early morning awakening had a bit of a problem attached to it.

He REALLY needed to go potty.

"URGH! Dammit! I knew that third bottle of lemonade was pushing it. I can't help it though, the new flavor is so tasty!" Conan grumbled, slinking up in bed and sliding onto his feet. He didn't even have time to properly rub his eyes down before he stumbled across the room and bashed into the door. "OW!" He whined, eyes rattling a bit.

He then felt the full force of the weight his bladder had on him. Standing up straight made it all feel like it sloshed downward.

"EEP!" Conan's teeth clenched as he felt it hit. Oh MAN! This wasn't a dam about to break. The dam was about to explode. Holy shit!

Conan russeled with the door knob first. He momentarily panicked when he realized it wasn't opening!

"Oh no! Come on! Come on!" Conan began sweating... then blushed when he realized he'd been turning it the wrong way. Embarrassed, he turned it the other way and found it gliding open.

Peaking his head out and seeing no one, Conan began tip-toeing into the short hall. Kogoro and Ran were sleeping still and the morning dew probably was still fresh on the grass outside. It was really early so he didn't want to wake anyone... but more importantly, he didn't want to show off these pajamas or him needing the bathroom.

Conan found his way towards said bathroom and bolted the rest of the way towards it, feeling his bladder slosh about like an overstuffed water balloon.

"Phhhooooh my god! I REALLY gotta go!" Conan snapped. He was certain it had never been this bad before in his life. His bladder HURT.

He opened the bathroom door, now squeezing his legs together and approached the toilet, feeling slight relief. Said relief made his bladder shake, which made him press his hands to his front to keep it in.

"Not yet. Not yet." Conan muttered, trying to relax himself before grabbing the zipper and tugging... and tugging... and tugging some more.

Conan's face went pale.

He tugged and tugged and tugged yet again.

It wouldn't move.

The snagging he felt last night was more serious than he thought. The zipper had gotten STUCK!

"No... no... NO! NO! NO! This can't be happening!" Conan snapped and angrily began yanking at it, shaking his butt around and lifting his leg to one side the more he pulled the zipper to another side in a vein attempt to get it unstuck. "NO! COME THE FU-DAMMIT! FUCK!" He shouted.

He almost covered his mouth, knowing how much Ran hated hearing him curse but screw it. This was a big deal to him! He was doing the potty dance now!

He'd done the potty dance plenty of times before but this one was especially rough. He kept tugging at the zipper and sweating, swearing and panicking.

"NO! Please no! I'm RIGHT here! I can literally see the toilet! I can't... I can't... wet myself STANDING in front of the toilet! Nothing would be more embarrassing...!" He muttered, angry as hell but also feeling his eyes tear up.

The frustration was getting to him and making the bladder strain worse. He could feel it. The warmth of the pjs was amplifying it too. He felt it. The warmth... was spreading. It was... nice and sernene... it was... wet... WET!


"AAAAAH! NOOOOO!" Conan's eyes crossed and his teeth clenched again upon feeling the warmth cascading down his legs. A huge wet spot had grown and expanded across the crotch of his jammies and pooled around his feet, soaking up inside the pajamas he was trapped in.

Conan winced and then jittered, blushing and wobbling in place. His peeing was... embarrassing, sure... but... it was SO RELAXING!

It felt GREAT!

Conan felt a small smile cross his face as he blushed. His tongue lightly flopped out of his mouth and his eyes crossed. He swooned a bit at how good it all felt...!

Then he snapped out of it almost immediately when his bladder had emptied. He suddenly remembered where he was and what he had just done.

Did... Did peeing just make his brain derp itself?

For a moment, his mind was blank and filled up with garbled nonsense that babies would say.

Well, none of that matters right now! He had to hurry and clean this up before-!

"CONAN-KUN!?" Ran gasped, appearing behind Conan.

Conan's eyes got big.

Oh yeah. He didn't close the freaking door.

Conan slowly turned around to face Ran and saw her staring at him, mouth agape.

Conan winced and then blubbered... and then began crying!

He was CRYING!

Goddammit! How frustrating! How humiliating! 



"Bwahahahaha!" Professor Agasa sat back, laughing with a hand to his head.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Conan snapped, fists clenching and face super red as he leered at him. "Because of your dumb advice, I wet those pajamas! Even worse, Kogoro woke up and saw it too and demanded that Ran make me wear protection for a night as punishment! I'm gonna have to wear a pull-up tonight because of you!" 

"It's not my fault you put the pajamas on wrong. Next time be more careful not to make the zipper snag." Agasa said.

Conan growled, pouting tremendously. "Urgh... whatever... I'll be able to put this nonsense behind me when I get past this one night pull-up punishment." Conan sighed. "Is the new sleep dart gun ready yet?"

"Almost. Be patient already." Agasa said, wiggling the screw driver in his hand about as he fixed the device. "You overuse this as it is."

"I haven't HAD to use it in the last couple of cases I've been on. Uncle Kogoro is an idiot." Conan said.

"That idiot has authority over you though. He's making you wear pull-ups tonight and you're not refusing are you?" Agasa said.

"No... but... you know... I could if I WANTED to." Conan said, crossing his arms.

"No. Shinichi, DON'T!" Agasa warned.

"What? Don't talk to me like I'm a little kid. I'm NOT!" Conan snapped, pointing a thumb to himself. "I do what I want!"

Agasa sighed. "You're not acting like anything BUT a little kid right now."

Conan growled and tugged at his hair. "UGH! Fine! Whatever... I get it. Just hurry up." He said. Maybe if the dart gun got completed, he could knock out Kogoro with it and refuse the punishment THAT way. The thought made him smirk deviously.

"Okay, okay. Almost done." Agasa said. "You know, I spoil you right."

Conan smiled for once while being over here. "Sure."


It was bedtime again and this time... sigh. Kogoro had taken it upon himself to get him fitted for some pull-ups!


"I'm NOT wearing this." Conan said, straight to the man's face as he held up the Seseame Street pull-up. This man had been talking down to him and treating him like a pure baby for who knows how long and now that he thought he had an out to embarrass him with a pull-up he thought he'd be allowed to so without a fight? Nonsense.

Sorry Agasa, but there was no way Conan was gonna relent and let Kogoro have that leverage.

"You will and you'll like it." Kogoro snapped, pointing at Conan with disdain at the edge of his voice. "Who do you think had to clean up the bathroom floor after you decorated it yellow this morning, huh?"

"Uh... I did." Ran interjected, leering at her father.

Kogoro ignored that and kept going. "You're not going to give us anymore trouble, you hear me? We're already accomodating you by allowing you free load at this house. This isn't your personal mansion. Besides, it's just one night."

"One night is one night too many. Besides, you just want to make fun of me." Conan snapped, pointing at Kogoro, accusingly.

"You little-!" Kogoro charged at Conan and recognizing that look of anger in his eyes, Conan turned to run away but was quickly and fiercely grabbed by the man. He was yanked up by the collar of his shirt so that his butt was suspended and given several repetitious spanks on the butt! Conan shrieked and yelped, eyes crossing as the pain soared through him. He flailed about and cried as the spanking went on.

Ran didn't do anything to stop it immediately but she eventually stepped in when she felt the spanking had exceeding the necessary limit. "Okay, okay. I think you've made your point dad."

She grabbed his shoulder which softened Kogoro up enough for him to calm down and lower Conan to the ground. Once that happened, Conan insantly began hopping up and down, rubbing his butt and crying aloud, doing the always popular "I-Just-Got-Spanked" Dance. 

"ETEEEEEY!" He screeched before sniffling, trying to keep the snot and tears from falling down his face. He failed at both. When Ran bent down to face him at his level it got worse because his lip quivered. He felt like such a child!

Goddammit! Who wouldn't cry from a spanking though? That meant nothing!

"Conan-kun... can you just do this one thing for us?" Ran asked. "I promise, it'll only be for one night. We both know it was an accident but hey... sometimes accidents are signs of things to come and we just need to make sure. Plus, I washed and cleaned your jammies so you can wear them again tonight." She smiled, holding them up like a surprise she was hiding behind her back.

Upon seeing this, Conan calmed himself down. He then nodded and leered to the side, resisiting the urge to snatch the pjs off of her like a disgruntled kid. She was being nice so the least he could do was suck it up and relent... for now.

Conan didn't like how open he felt to the two of them when he changed into the pull-up. He asked them to turn their backs, and they did, but they were still IN the room. It still felt like they were spying on him. 

Conan took a short glance at his butt and made out a little pink sheen on it. It made him whine a little. 

Eventually, he pulled the pull-up on and glanced at the Seasame Street characters all over it. With a heavier sigh, he pulled the pajamas on and made sure not to carelessly let the zipper get caught.

"Okay... I did it." Conan said.

"Good job!" Ran turned around, hands clamped together. "That's my little boy." She smiled, leaning down and pinching his cheeks.

Conan blushed and backed away, rubbing his cheeks down. "Fine, fine. N-Now get out. I wanna go to bed already."

"Did you go to the bathroom already?" Ran asked.

"Yes!" Conan whined, stomping towards the bed and flopping onto it roughly. He laid there and stared angry glares at the wall until he heard the door close behind him. The talks over what the best way to handle this situation was still within earshot and Conan didn't want to hear it so he hurriedly put a pillow over his head to ignore it the best he could.

The longer he laid there, the easier he found it to drift off and eventually, he was snoring loudly with his arm dangling off the edge of the bed. He wasn't sucking his thumb this time but only really because of the position he was sleeping in. Despite that, the drool around his head was caking his cheek and soaking his pillow. 

It kind of felt like he was a bit in the water.


Nice and soaked... comfy in the warm... warm water...



Conan awoke with a burst of speed and awareness. It was the middle of the night, at about 3 AM now... and he had to pee like a race-horse!

His teeth clenched, he grabbed himself and zipped out of bed, legs pressed together as best they could be due to the bulk between them and with his little butt sticking out.


He took three steps towards the door and the instant his finger flicked the doorknob, the material of the soft pjs had built up enough static cling to give him a little shock!

"OW!" Conan yelped and pulled back... then stared in stunned silence as he felt the dam burst...!

Conan stood there and then relaxed, his arms drooping to his sides and his feet shaking as they barely managed to properly stand. 

He stared out into space as he felt the warmth spread across his pull-up and make it expand. It was even more comforting than the pants wetting from before because the pull-up was keeping it close around his crotch.

Conan's eyes glazed over and he began smiling like an idiot as he peed himself. His tongue poked out the side of his mouth a bit before he sighed. 

His brain had derped again.

He was lost in a field of endless flowers, prancing with unicorns and faires in the warm meadow. 

He giggled like a small baby and sunk to his knees as the wetting continued. He sighed some more and leaned his face against the door...

His teenager detective brain had once again melted away and was replaced with a brain made of mush that didn't even know what 1 + 1 equalled...

Just like before though, when he stopped peeing and the warmth went away his mind slowly crawled back.

At that moment, the door opened and Conan yelped, falling forward with his face bashing against the floor.

Stars circled around his head and he twitched a bit before looking up with rolling eyeballs.

"Oh hi Ran-neechan...! I was just prancing in the meadow with fairies and unicorns. Duuuuh~!" Conan said, sounding like the biggest dope ever before he shook his head and blushed.

"Conan-Kun, I heard you shout OW. Did something happen?" Ran asked, sounding concerned.

Conan blinked... and then flushed a deeper red when the now cold and clammy wetness of the pull-up hit him. He began sweating and chuckling nervously.

"Oh... n-no! A-As a matter of fact I didn't say anything I was just... well... s-sleep... talking? T-Talking in my sleep!" Conan said.

"... Okay... but why were you by the door?" Ran asked.

Conan winced. "I... I'm a... sl-sleep walker... too? C-Congradulations, Ran-neechan. You saved me from walking out the room and falling down the stairs outside the apartment. Hurray!" Conan made this claim while sitting up.

Ran gasped.

Conan looked momentarily confused before he looked down and realized what had happened.

Maybe if he had been wearing a proper diaper this wouldn't have happened but since he wasn't, the pull-up leaked and she saw the wet spot on his jammies.

Conan, now completely tomato red, made a nervous cartoony chuckle.

"I uh... sweat... really hard around the pee pee area when I sleep walk. Ahahahaha... ha..."


Uh-oh. It would seem that Conan's wish for more difficulty in his life has been granted. He's about to learn that he should have appreciated how much like a respected child he was being treated, despite having been treated like a child at all. Now, it's backsliding to babyhood...!

Will Conan recover or will things only get worse? Find out in the thrilling conclusion, next time.

For now, let's do another poll for what the story will be focused on next time. I think I'll make it the final one of the short story thing and then go back to something with a more focused idea.



I think we all know that he won't make it. The question is how many people will find out later, like their small group of detectives or Kaito.


I know that black clover is way back to wining but please maybe reconsider to write someday a story envolving asta since I never see a good story with him !