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“Welcome back to the finale folks.” Donovan said, eyes sparkling with excitement as he leaned into the camera, looking like he was about to french kiss it. “We had to take a bit of a commercial break because our final two contestants passed out. However, we woke them both up with smelling salts and got them re-dressed in normal clothing. Gotta go fast, am I right?”

Sonic and Shadow were both twitchy and in very obvious pain still. The stink of humiliation had not withered away from either of them. It was obvious that what they went through was going to be exploited by the internet for probably years to come so it was imperative that one of them at least walked away with the win.

Shadow, with his dark gray jeans, red shirt, and black jacket on, was recounting the ways he was going to keep a good mental space. He couldn’t let himself cry and whine like he did earlier when Silver, of all people, was humiliating him. 

Sonic, while standing in his khaki shorts and white shirt, was more trying to still his beating heart as the full realization that he was in the exact opposite situation from that of the Bad Luck Bonanza started to weigh in. Here he was, at the finale and on the cusp of actually winning… 

He smacked his cheeks a bit, trying to suppress a smile. He still had about a 50% chance. This was no time to get complacent.

“Are you two ready?” Donovan asked.

With a nod, Sonic strutted his way over to the wheel and spun it as fast as he could. 

It landed on Jet the Hawk.

“Oh no.” Sonic’s eyes shrunk and he instantly felt a terrible sweat cross his face.

Jet laughed in the crowd, having heard that. Of course, Sonic knew that whatever Jet had in store for him wasn’t going to be pretty.

The hawk was already on his way down the steps of the stands as Donovan started to chuckle while reading the dare.

“Sonic… Jet says that he wants you to succumb to how big a loser you are with the appropriate punishment that only a real winner can provide. If you can manage to do what your master wishes of you for 10 full minutes, you’ll get the point.” Donovan said.

Jet was already face to face with Sonic, smirking wickedly.

Sonic was trying his best to put on his typical Sonic-like grin but found it very hard. It looked more like a crooked attempt at a smirk. “N-No problem… wh-what will you have me do Jet?”

“Master.” Jet ordered.

“... M-Mas…. teeeeeerrrrr…” Sonic stretched the word out, feeling as though saying that alone was the equivalent to getting his heart crushed. 

“Well, first, I can’t have you wearing those.” Jet said, completely aware that Sonic had just changed into new clothes. “Take them off. Do a little strip tease while you do it. I want Scourge to cream himself over there.”

Scourge blushed and grit his teeth. “I won’t cream myself over HIM! He used to be the opposite of me before I changed myself.”

“Uh-huh.” Jet waved that comment off as the ramblings of a horny toad. He kept his eyes focused on the blush faced Sonic. Already, he was beat red and he hadn’t even done anything yet. 

Sonic gulped and started to take his shirt off. Once he did, he heard a cat call from the audience which got them laughing. Amy had to join in with a bit of a whistle. She loved the look of his bod. Sonic didn’t very much appreciate it and it got even worse when he got his shorts down. He was stood there in his newly acquired Clifford the Big Red Dog briefs and grabbed at the rim of those, making sure to shake his butt out for everyone as they delighted in his cute attempt at a sexy dance. 

Sonic’s eyes were closed for the whole thing, of course. He couldn’t bear to watch them react to him doing this.

“On your knees.” Jet ordered.

Sonic did so, eyes still closed.

“Open your eyes.” Jet spoke up.

Damn. Now he had to.

Sonic opened his eyes, cracking them open at first before eventually heading Jet off the pass and opening them all the way before Jet ordered him to.

“Paws up. Sit like a dog.” Jet rubbed his index finger and thumb together while leering down at Sonic. He had all these commands at the ready. It was almost as if he’d been practicing what he’d do with Sonic should he ever win at one of their races definitively.

Sonic did what he was told, looking up at Jet like a doggy waiting for his treat and puppy-dog eyes to match. If he thought those would win him any mercy then he didn’t know his rival well at all.

Jet attached a leash around Sonic’s neck and then yanked on it, getting Sonic to whine and fall on his chin with his naked butt in the air. 

“We’re going for a walk now. Wiggle that butt of yours as we go.” Jet sneered as he yanked hard on the leash. Sonic yelped but kept going, making sure to crawl on all flours and do the butt jiggle as per Jet’s request.

Eventually, they stopped before a doggy bowl. 

“Eat.” Jet commanded.

Sonic winced and gulped. He stuck his tongue out slowly and licked it before coughing and gagging.

Dear lord, it was actual dog food! He couldn’t eat this!

“EAT!” Jet ordered, taking out a belt.

Welp. Guess he was eating it.

Sonic pretty much took huge chomps at the food, making disgusted faces as he chowed down. So long as he did this correctly, he’d be fine.

“EEP!” Sonic screeched, eyes widening.

“I didn’t tell you to stop shaking that bottom.” Jet said, thwacking the palm of his hand with the belt. “Keep shaking that tush and say you’re sorry.”

Sonic did just that. “S-Sorry…!”


“AAUGH! SORRY MASTER!” Sonic shouted before resigning himself to his emasculation. He was set at wiggling his butt every couple seconds or so and tearing up as the threat of the belt hung over his head.

When he finished, he burped and groaned, feeling his tummy gurgle a bit.

Jet saw that there was only a few minutes left. With a hefty smirk he pointed at Sonic’s nose. “On your knees. Paws up. I want you to start panting with your tongue out like a dog in heat.”

Sonic got into position and started doing just that. He didn’t feel in heat though.

At least not at first. Jet came prepared though and produced several polaroids of assorted naked men and women. Sonic’s face flared up and his eyes began fluttering as he felt a stirring down below. The panting, and eventual drooling came natural now!

Both he and Scourge up in the stands were jittering and humping at the air, gaining the laughter of the people around them.

Jet finally did the last humiliating thing he could. He grabbed Sonic’s discarded underoos and used them like a napkin to hold them over Sonic’s excited little nub right as it exploded before the crowd. 

“BOW WOW! WOOF! WOOOOF! MOOOOOOO~!” Sonic made doggy noises at first but then mooed like a cow when he finally got milked. 

The hedgehog fell over and panted, covered in sweat and drool as the timer went out.

“You hedgehogs really brought the sleeze to these competitions.” Jet shook his head. “Try not to be so horny next time kay?”



Shadow cleared his throat, trying to keep his own blush under control after that emasculating display of dominance. Jet was a natural at it.

Sonic, humiliated beyond repair and suffering through more laughter, tried to hurriedly put his now soaked underoos on. Once he did, he winced at how sticky they felt while getting the shorts on next. Even fully clothed, he was gonna have to stand here with that load all over his underwear…

Scourge had already went pew pew in his pants. He was holding himself like a child who just wet himself while blushing with swirly eyes. “I-I… c-can hold it…” He muttered, despite how he clearly already lost control.

“Shadow?” Vector turned to the black hedgehog.

“I’m aware. It’s my turn.” Shadow sighed and approached the wheel. He let himself have one hefty sigh before spinning the wheel next.

It landed on Tails.

Shadow scoffed. “Oh. It’s the nerd. What’ll he have me do I wonder…?”

Tails folded his arms and sat back with a smug look on his face.

Donovan unfolded the note and read it aloud, snickering as usual before raising a brow. “Tails wants you, Shadow to go through Daycare Bootcamp?”

“What the hell is Daycare Bootcamp?” Shadow raised a brow. 

Tails, smirking brightly, put a little sergeant's cap on his head and flew down to Shadow, arms behind his back. “Alright Shades, we’re gonna do some drills.”

“Shades? Who do you think you-OOF!” Shadow’s eyes crossed when Tails jabbed Shadow in the tummy with his sergeant stick. The black hedgehog rubbed his tummy down. 

“You’ll address me as sir for the duration of this challenge. If you cannot complete the Daycare Bootcamp in the allotted time, the point will go to Sonic. Do I make myself clear?” Tails said, speaking like a drill sergeant, now producing a pair of shades to put over his eyes.

“S-Sir, yes sir…” Shadow growled through gritted teeth.

“Salute!” Tails ordered.

Shadow did so, feeling his cheeks flush the instant he did. 

God, it was already so embarrassing.

“Now then… the obstacle course I requested should be coming up in about 3 seconds.” The fox smiled as he looked around. As if on cue, the challenge area had its expected transformation once again, accommodating Tails by springing to life his obstacle course.

“Put six minutes on the clock.” Tails said before pointing forward. “Now then Shades, let’s go. Get on your mark.”

Shadow had no idea what was in store here but if it was a test of speed and will, he was determined not to lose. He got into a starting position.

“Get set…” Tails waited… then with a cheeky grin, slapped Shadow’s upturned butt with his stick. “GO!”

“YEEP!” Shadow yelped, jumping forward and rubbing his butt. If it didn’t already sting getting spanked, it certainly would when getting spanked by a kid. 

Shadow raced ahead to his first obstacle. There was a sign that had clear and concise instructions for him. “DIAPER YOUR PATHETIC BUTT!”

Shadow sneered, wanting to punch the sign off its hinges, but decided against it for the sake of brevity. 

Quickly, he stripped his pants and unicorn briefs off, scurrying to get the pink diaper with the white bunny prints all over them onto his butt. The big poofiness of the garment was just as anger inducing as ever. It sucked how little time was spent wearing normal clothes.

Whatever. NEXT!

Shadow raced to the next stop. He read the sign and growled at it once more. “PUT ON THE DANCE SKIRT AND PACIFIER!”

Shadow hurried and did what was told of him before racing to the next one. He skidded to a stop and growled yet again at the sign.

Tails shook his head. “He needs to stop wasting time by growling at the signs. Four minutes left.”


Shadow grabbed at the first one; chugged it down.

He grabbed at the second one; chugged it down.

He grabbed at the final one, burped, and then chugged that one down too.



Shadow snarled and tugged at his spines before he hurriedly started to do it. He twerked his diapered butt up and down and then did that floss dance again. “Why is everyone making me do this dance?!”

“Smile while you do it.” Tails called out.

Shadow forced a hilariously abrupt smile on his grumpy face as he did the floss and then stopped to rush to the next one.

“CARTWHEEL TO THE NEXT OBSTACLE!” came the next sign.

Shadow did so, looking as stupid as ever.



Shadow, with teary eyed, went to the second to last one.


Shadow was already doing a sweaty potty dance thanks to those three bottles he drank. With a heavy heart, he allowed himself to ignore the blush of his face and let go into his diaper, sighing as he wet it up…

With a sloshing diaper around his waist, he made it to the last one with a minute left.


Shadow grunted and whimpered. There was 30 seconds left. He had no time to whine and complain about this. Why not?

He jumped into the sergeant’s arms and, in as convincing a mush mouthed baby voice as he could provide, said what he knew Tails wanted out of him. “I-I’m SO happy to see you… D-DADDY!”

BZZZZ! Time was up.

Tails bopped Shadow on the nose.

“I’m happy to see you too, son.” Tails grinned… then let Shadow go, watching with delight as he plopped onto his diapered rump, exhausted and eyes crossing.



Shadow was feeling tired and wobbling on his diapered rump in a dizzy daze. Sonic was standing with his clothes on, trying to shift his shorts about to somehow feel comfortable in the soaking wet and sticky underoos underneath. It was already a battle that was hard to push through.

Sonic sauntered up to the wheel and gave it a spin. “Hopefully, this next one won’t be a freaking gauntlet…”

It landed on Scourge.

“OH NO!” Sonic practically screamed, his heart almost thumping out of his chest.

“AHAHAHAHA!” Scourge laughed from where he was, jumping and then slamming down in front of Sonic. The blue hedgehog backed up before he was grabbed by the green hedgehog and had his clothes wafted off his body, leaving him in his soaking wet Clifford briefs. “EEP!”

“Hehehe~!” Scourge snickered as Donovan, eager to find out what this was about, read the question.

“Tie up Sonic and let me tickle him until he wets himself? Is that it?” Donovan asked.

“Trust me, that’s all I’ll need!” Scourge sneered, setting down a small box of items.

Sonic’s pupils shrunk as his face started to become more slick with sweat. This wasn’t a normal tickling session…

A few seconds later, Sonic was tied to a wooden wheel with his arms and legs out, still in his wet undies.

“Let’s see if you can last 10 minutes with me.” Scourge giggled, teeth sparkling as he set the timer on the clock. He produced his first item… a feather.

“N-Not… so bad… I guess?” Sonic winced.

“Oh ho ho. You wish.” Scourge scooted over to Sonic and began drifting the feather up his stomach. Sonic made a goofy face, scrunching up his mouth and going teary eyed almost instantly as if suppressing a laugh. Scourge chuckled and playfully kept wafting it up and down in that region before Sonic gasped and finally let out said laugh.

Scourge then shifted over to Sonic’s armpit and began tickling him there. He delighted at hearing Sonic’s childish “Tehehee~!” sound before he began belting out a hefty round of laughter the more he did this. He smirked and started to use his fingers to help him get other areas around Sonic’s body, which elicited an even stronger laugh. 

Scourge kept going until Sonic was red in the face and crying vehemently. The green hedgehog wasn’t even close to being done though. He next did something taboo… or at least taboo as far as normal competitions go.

He reached down to Sonic’s briefs and yanked them open.

“NO! NOOOOOO~!AHAHAHA!” Sonic laughed and cried while panicking at what he knew Scourge was about to do.

“Just giving it a little tickle. No need to get scared.” He smirked and reached down, wiggling the feather at his little nub and making it spring to life again.

“AHAHAHAHAHA~! I CAN-CAN’T! CAN’T TAKE-! WHABWAGAH! BWAAHAHAHA!” Sonic was screaming and hiccuping as he laughed now, drool absolutely caking his mouth and chest now. His eyes were crossing and twitching as he tried to regain composure but found it kept getting lost admit the tickling and the arousal.

Scourge snickered and took out a little buzzing vibrating toy next, playfully pulling open Sonic’s briefs and dangling it over the open flap.

Sonic was laughing and screaming so much from the continued tickling that he couldn’t protest properly. Scourge heard a couple of NOs in there but he clearly didn’t care.

He dropped it in and let the waistband go shut, entrapping Sonic with the vibrating toy as it tickled him down there while Scourge kept waving his feather and fingers about Sonic’s body.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAAH! BWAGAH! GAHAHAA!” Sonic was trying so hard to make words but he was reaching the point where his thoughts were clouded too. Where even was he? He couldn’t see anything past these tears. His hips kept gyrating and thrusting up and down and back and forth as he kept getting tickled. He didn’t even notice the huge wet spot appearing on his briefs. It was clearly pee because of the yellowish sheen and it cascaded down the wheel and into a puddle underneath him like a waterfall.

He didn’t care. He needed the tickling to stop. It had reached torture levels of unbearable now. Sonic was stuck being cross-eyed while he laughed, his twitching and spasming making the arousal stab at his brain multiple times. “CUMMY BLASTIE! PEE PEE HAHAHAHAHAH! POTTY TICKLES!” 

He was spouting words every couple of breaths but they meant nothing. 

“I think Sonic’s brain is about to snap!” Tails gasped where he sat.

Amy gulped. “Scourge is making Sonic go insane. He’s gonna snap if it keeps going like this.” Amy looked at the clock. There was still 4 minutes left! Sonic couldn’t handle that!

Scourge kept it going though. Eventually, the vibrator down there did it’s work and Sonic exploded in his underwear again, this time with the substance that wasn’t pee. His already red face was tomato red now, making the ahegao face of a century. He was wet all over from his eyes spewing tears everywhere, to his lolled out tongue getting drool all over his mouth and chest, to his crotch peeing and orgasming all over himself.

Sonic was still laughing through it all though, eyes crossed as his brain was ready to permanently launch into cuckoo crazy on the level of a nut-house inmate. 

2 minutes left. Sonic was laughing like a crazy person. Amy and Tails really didn’t want Sonic put into a straight jacket from his brain snapping in half due to tickle torture. Hopefully he was strong enough.

1 minute. Sonic was breathless. He could barely be loud anymore. Scourge kept going though. He wasn’t being nice or merciful at all.


“It’s over! STOP NOW!” Amy and Tails both shot up, pointing at the green hedgehog.

Scourge threw his hands up, grinning like a smug bastard. “Hey, hey. I stopped. I stopped. Everything’s cool.”

Donovan looked a little concerned. When he read Scourge’s suggestion, he didn’t think it was anything special but after witnessing THAT, he was worried he’d have to put Sonic in a straight jacket…

Amy and Tails rushed down and freed Sonic from the wheel. The hedgehog flopped against Tails’ body, his breathless red face slowly but surely turning back to its original color… but not very fast. Sonic’s eyes remained crossed and fluttered a bit as they were barely open. His face was drenched in sweat, drool, and tears as was his entire body. His lower region was caked with pee and orgasm juice like no other.

Tails reached into Sonic’s underwear and took the vibrator out, shutting it down and angrily hurling it at Scourge’s head as he laughed his way back to the stands. The green hedgehog grunted and fell onto his face with a bump on his head when he was beamed with the sex toy. The fox had a pretty strong throw.



“Um… we’ll just move on to the next one. Shadow.” Donovan stepped aside as the black hedgehog approached the wheel and did his spin, seemingly not caring that Sonic literally almost went permanently insane thanks to that literal torture session.

Amy and Tails were fanning Sonic down, trying to clean off his face with a towel and making sure he returned to normal. Sonic’s eyes were still crossed and his tongue was still out though. He was sat on the ground and wobbled there, looking dopey.

“Scourge is a meaner…” Sonic moaned before flopping forward onto his face.

Amy and Tails breathed a sigh of relief. What a story. Sonic gets committed to the nut house because his brain snapped from intense tickle torture. That was a bullet dodged. 

Eventually, Shadow’s spin landed on the next person in line for his turn.

It landed on Blaze.

Donovan read the challenge that appeared from her. “Suffer the burning intensity of a 1000 spankings.”

“ONE THOUSAND!?” Shadow screamed before looking over at the cat. Blaze merely smiled and flicked her wrist, sending out a tiny little flame. She meant it.

It was time for Shadow’s butt to BURN!

Shadow, for his troubles, was latched onto a rack with his head and two hands stuck between the wooden latches. Shadow hated this position as it made his butt stick out once more. He’d been made to have his butt wiggle and jiggle for this crowd way more often then he’d like.

Even worse was the spanking device that was wheeled out… or rather the SEVERAL spanking devices that were wheeled out.

It was an assortment of rotating spanking implements. The first one that was being wheeled behind Shadow for the first 100 spanks was a wheel with several boots strapped to it.

Shadow grumbled and tried to brace himself. What broke his concentration regarding the attempt was the fact that his pants and diaper were lowered too!

“WHAT?! HEY!” Shadow blushed, trying to somehow spin his head so he could get a good look. “NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BARE BOTTOM SPA-AAAAAH!”

Too late. The boots were spinning and kicking at his butt, providing for a very rough, painful spanking that felt more like he was just getting his booty kicked.

When the 100 spanks for that passed, Shadow’s eyes were wincing with pain and his teeth were clenched. The wheel was removed and replaced with one that spun with paddles.


Over and over again, the paddles spun and made Shadow’s butt jiggle and wiggle about. “AAAAH! THIS SUUUUUCKSSS~!”

The implements kept getting replaced each 100 spanks.

The next one was a wheel of wooden spoons, which concentrated on a singular area and provided a sensation not unlike someone trying to tenderize the meat in his big butt cheek. 

Afterward was a series of looped belts that swatted his behind on repeat. This one REALLY stung. It was like Charmy had gotten mad and decided he was going to sting his butt over and over for fun. 

“EEEEEYAAAAGH! MOMMY! EEEEEE~!” Shadow was whimpering and screeching like a punished school girl, jiggling his butt about in a vain attempt to search for comfort. The comfort never came.

The next spanking implement was a bunch of leather switches. Shadow screeched to high heaven as those wailed against his butt. By the time they finished, his throbbing bottom was a nice cherry red. He was streaming tears down his hiccuping face, wanting it to mercifully end.

The rotation of the spanking item wheels went back to the boots and cycled through the same five one more time. First he got his butt kicked, then paddled, then spooned, then belted, then switched. 

The final ten spanks saw Blaze jumping down from where she sat and heating up the palm of her hand. Shadow began sweating, feeling the heat radiating behind him.

“Hey… uh… what’s… what’s going on…?” Shadow spoke, confused and scared with his pupils shrunk, emanating intense fear.

“The big finish.” Blaze said, waving her heated hand back and SLAPPING Shadow on his butt.



Nine more of those took place and capped off with the harshest burning palm strike that Blaze could muster! It was so hard, it burned the wood keeping Shadow trapped in the rack and had it collapse. Shadow hit the ground and sprung to his feet, crying and spewing tears everywhere.

He tried to rub his butt but the instant he touched it, he screamed again and hopped about the place, crying out for some cold cream and his mommy, whoever that was.

Blaze went back to her seat and gave Silver a high five.



Donovan had to dab a sponge on his forehead. These dares were relentless and scary.

“Okay… uhm… we’ll take one more commercial break and finish things off when we get back. We’re down to the wire here…” Donovan muttered, looking at the camera.

Things were beyond intense. Only a few more to go.


“Feeling… the burn… Sh-Shadow…?” Sonic asked from where he was sitting. The tickle torture that nearly made him go insane had finally started to subside… but only a bit. His body was still sensitive and tingly all over. The wind blowing against his body made the tingles flare up and he had to try and compose himself. His briefs were ruined. He put his shorts back on and they instantly got drenched and uncomfortable. The squirming he was doing in them was unbearable and eventually he had to take them off because the tingles he got from moving about with them on wasn’t worth it. He was just gonna have to deal with people staring at his underwear…

Meanwhile, Shadow was not happy. He was getting cold cream rubbed on his butt by Cream the Rabbit. He very much wasn’t fond of this.

“Hold still, Mr. Shadow.” Cream said, rubbing the spot down again.

“AIEEE!” Shadow winced. Eventually, Cream did all she could do and went back into the stands to sit by her bee friend. Shadow was left with the cold cream and the wind to sooth his butt. What sucked was that he couldn’t put his pants and undies back on like this. It would hurt too much. He had to go half-naked now…

“Next spin!” Donovan shouted suddenly. “Sonic, your turn!”

Sonic stood up and stretched. He winced a bit as he made his way over to the wheel. His sensitive hands grabbed the wheel and he spun it rather fast.

“Ah. Tingles… tingly…” Sonic muttered. That ticklish sensation really sucked. Scourge was a monster.

The wheel landed on Rouge.

“Nnnngh! No… please come on…” Sonic began sweating already. He really didn’t want to end up having a third orgasm. Especially not with his body all tingly. He’d be put on the edge of insanity in an instant again.

Rouge’s dare came up and he winced. 

It wasn’t… as bad as he thought but it was still pretty crappy…

So here he was in the next scene, dressed as a bunny girl in a pair of flowery panties with a small top that flowed a bit like a tiny dress, and stockings that went into little red slippers that looked like they belonged on the set of the Wizard of Oz.

He also had some cute bunny ears on too. How adorable…

The crowd hooted and hollered at Sonic, even blowing whistles as he got around a pole and started pole dancing for everyone. He shimmied about, swishing his butt and legs everywhere, even going upside down to show off the bunny tail he had on. He didn’t quite understand why people liked seeing people dress up as bunnies. He had to admit though, it was a fairly good way at being emasculating.

Rouge was delighting in the show as the music played. She snapped a few photos, loving what she was seeing. Apparently she had really wanted to see Sonic the Hedgehog put on a show like this for quite some time.

Sonic slumped to the floor, panting with his tongue out and stripping the outfit off when he was done. He was even more tired now. All that dancing and butt wiggling and pole dancing… he could only take so much. Thankfully,his ten minutes were up.

He slumped onto the ground in nothing but the pink panties he had on, showing off in full the cute little pink and white teddy bear plastered on the butt for everyone to ogle at.

“There. I exhausted him for you Shadow. Have fun.” Rouge said with a wink.

Shadow scoffed. He knew Rouge was playing games here. That wasn’t done to help him… even if it might have done just that. Well, whatever. He was going to take advantage of it regardless.



Shadow spun the wheel, looking to see where it would land. Only 4, soon to be 3 heroes left. 2 villains currently remained. It was coming down to the wire alright. Plus, with the show reaching its third act, the time allotted for these dares was going to be put a bit shorter so that the victory ceremony could happen within an acceptable amount of time. That meant they were going to have to move fast to accommodate what they were up against next and exhaust themselves further.

The wheel landed on Knuckles.

Shadow winced. He hated to admit it but that didn’t sound very fun.

Donovan looked at the screen. “I dare Shadow to show us how tough he is for five minutes. Take whatever gets thrown at him that I have listed down here.”

Shadow swallowed a lump in his throat. As weird as that bunny girl dance Sonic just did was, he’d rather have that now. Sonic was on the floor, looking at Shadow with a grin, still clearly tired as hell though.

Shadow cleared his throat and straightened out his diaper. He then patted down his newly acquired pink shirt with a nice unicorn design on it. 

“Hmph. I’m the toughest person here.” Shadow nodded. 

He sure LOOKED tough in those clothes alright.

“First on the list…” Donovan began reading. “A rock.”

“A rock? That’s the best you can-? OOGH!” Shadow’s head lurched back when a rock was pelted at his head by Omega.

“Oh hey. That was fun.” Omega said, facing a grinning Vector.

Shadow’s eyes crossed and his tongue was out for a split second before he shook his head and rubbed the spot where the little bump was forming. “Uh… w-wait...I need to brace myse-!”

“Next, a bowling ball.”

“I said WA-HMMGF!” Shadow grunted when a bowling ball smashed onto his head, making his teeth go crooked and his eyes spin in opposite directions.

“Oh hey, that WAS fun.” Vector exclaimed, having tossed it just then. He and the robot shared a high five.

The bowling ball bounced onto the floor and rolled as Shadow started to wobble where he stood, feeling his diaper swell up with pee. “Mmgffh…? Isss it raining bowling balls again big brudda? Tell God to c-cut it out! Dat crap hurted!” 

“Next, specifically, a kitchen sink!” Donovan read. Omega grabbed one and beamed it at Shadow’s head.

It bounced off his face and made Shadow spin around like a ballerina. 

“MuuuGhhgh? mY FaVoRiTe CoLOr iS SeVEn!” Shadow raised a finger and proclaimed with a dopey voice, eyes spinning around in their sockets like they were little cue balls in search of a pocket to fall into.

He was getting drool all over his unicorn shirt.

“Next… an anvil.” Donovan read this one and winced.

Shadow stumbled a bit and looked up. His eyes got big right as he was crushed by the anvil!

Everyone winced at that.

Knuckles didn’t. He was smiling as he made his way down to the challenge area to stand before Shadow. He cracked his knuckles and lifted the anvil off his body, watching as Shadow sprung up like a smashed accordion.

Knuckles patted Shadow’s shoulder and giggled at the cartoonish bump on his head and the purple ring around his eye.

“Hey Shadow. Remember me?” Knuckles asked.

“IS dat You MiSsY? WereN’t YoU mY stewardess on the S.S CUCKOO?!” Shadow gurgled, drooling a bit more.

“Nope.” Knuckles smiled, pulling his fist back. “The last item on the list is ME!”

“Huuuhhh?” Shadow sounded confused before Knuckles punched him in the face.

Shadow flopped about before more punches rained into him like a machine gun. Shadow’s body flopped and fumbled about while  taking in the punches like a sack of meat. His body looked like a weirdly battered wooden puppet that was only being suspended by Knuckles’ punches and nothing else.

On the final punch Shadow blurted out his last non sequitur. “Chester Cheetah is my new BABYSITTER! YAAY!” Shadow giggled before being punched out cold by Knuckles.

He laid spread eagle on the floor, eyes rolling, birdies flying around his head, and his tongue hanging out of his mouth, all the while his diaper swelled up as he wet himself ever more.

Knuckles kissed his fist as he walked off. “Thank you! That’s the fist metal cracker everyone!”



Sonic was laughing up a storm. He enjoyed that quite a bit. He needed to hurry and make his spin though. Time was short and he didn’t want to be penalized.

With a grunt of pain, he reached the wheel and took his last spin. There were only two names left which meant that the last one would go next by default.

It landed on Infinite.

Sonic didn’t know how to react to that. Surely his suggestion would be quite weak.

Donovan read the suggestion on the screen.

“Stay in a cage for five minutes with a bunch of rapid Dark Chao…” Donovan raised a brow. “Huh… interesting.”

Infinite rubbed his fist against his chest. “Accuse me of being weak all you desire but I’m, at the very least, anything but kind.”

“You still suck though.” Tails said. Charmy laughed.

Infinite blushed and grumbled, making a pouty face.

The cage was rolled out and about five grinning Dark Chao were inside. Sonic stood in his teddy bear panties and white top with a pink heart on it and smiled. “Aww. They’re cute. I may even keep one.”

The instant the timer started and Sonic entered the cage, they got crazy.

“Hey little guys. You wanna-AAAAAAAAH!” Sonic screamed when one bite down on his hand. He shook his hand up and down and screamed in pain while a second one bit on his butt. “AAAAAAUGH!”

He shouted in pain and bashed his skull at the top of the cage, going derpy and flumping to the bottom of the cage as the Dark Chao mauled him.

“AAAAAAAAH! STOP! STAAAAH! NO! DON’T BIT ME THERE! ANYWHERE BUT THE-AAAAAAH!” Sonic screamed aloud, entering a fight cloud that saw all the chao jumping him and tearing him apart. Bits of his clothing and some of his blue quills even flew out of the cage.

Sonic crawled out of the fight cloud with a purple ring around his eye and several gaps in his teeth before he was easily pulled back in. He clawed at the bottom of the cage but it just left claw marks on the bottom of it as he was pulled back in.

The crowd winced as they watched this. Turning to the clock would see 2 minutes left on it.

By this point, one of the Dark Chao was grabbing Sonic by the back of the head and repeatedly bashing his face against the bars of the cage like it was some kind of back alley gangster.


Eventually, time ran out and the cage was opened. Sonic zipped out and the cage was closed as fast as it was opened, leaving Donovan to pant with exasperation at how close he got to being their next victim.



“Ha… haha… th-that wasn’t so…” Sonic raised a finger, about to say something that wasn’t true, before his eyes rolled up and he face planted the dirt, feeling pee seep out of him as he hit the ground. He twitched and fidgeted, his shirt and panties torn all over but still wearable. 

Sonic and Shadow were both passed out on the ground yet again. There was no time for them to remain that way though.

Donovan produced the smelling salts and jabbed it into their noses, making them both scream and shoot up before slamming onto their butts with their eyes rolling. 

Both Sonic and Shadow were wet. They were both in pain. They were both exhausted. They both had on pink undergarments with Shadow’s diaper and Sonic’s panties respectively. They also were still just as determined to win.

“Are you guys ready to continue? We’re continuing either way but I need to ask just in case a lawyer is on stand-by.” Donovan said.

“Uuuunnnghh…” Both Sonic and Shadow said, nodding and groaning as they wobbled in place. They even slumped a bit against one another before pushing away from each other, trying to keep the rivalry flow going.

“Alright. Shadow, spin the wheel.” Donovan said.

Shadow stumbled over to the wheel. There were only three names left on it. He gave it a hefty spin…

It landed on Charmy.

“Oh God… please no…” Shadow winced.

Donovan read the screen. “Let Charmy give you as many wedgies as he can within the allotted time.”

Shadow groaned. “Well… at least I can get out of this diaper…!”

“Not true!” Charmy flew over as quick as he could, getting all up in Shadow’s face. “Start the timer!”

The timer was started and the bee flew behind Shadow, grabbing his diapered rump and yanking upward.

“HAAAAAAAUGH!” Shadow yelled a high pitched wail that saw his eyes crossing and tears flowing.

“That’s what we call a Diaper Wedgie, you baby.”Charmy smirked, leaning into Shadow’s ear and whispering. “I love that you’re a screamer. This’ll be even more fun than I thought.”

Shadow felt a cold chill run down his spine. This couldn’t be happening to him.

The bee suddenly yanked Shadow’s diaper down and raised his feet so that Shadow fell back and bashed his head against the ground. The black hedgehog’s eyes rolled a bit as Charmy forced the cum soaked undies Sonic had on before up his legs and onto his body, yanking them up into a wedgie that dragged Shadow along the ground and made his eyes cross hard into each other.

“That’s a Dragging Wedgie folks!” Charmy smirked, pulling the diaper back on Shadow so that it covered his undies. He then scooped up a bunch of mud and shoved it down the back of his diaper before giving him another tremendous wedgie with his briefs, squishing the mess all over the inside and making Shadow wince tremendously.

“THAT’S a Messy Wedgie!”

“AAAAAAAAAAGHAHAAHAAAAAAAH! MERCYYYYY!” Shadow screamed again, crying at the pain. His determination not to wail and cry and beg had long been broken. He was screaming in pain because he was being essentially bullied by a little boy.

“We’re only at Wedgie number 3 and you’re already calling for MERCY?! OH NO NO NOOOO!” Charmy played before grabbing the sides of the undies under his diaper and yanking them both up, crushing Shadow’s crotch underneath them. It looked so painful. Even the diaper was swelling up.

“WEDGIEEEEEEEEEEEEK!” Shadow screeched, clenching his teeth and kicking his legs about, wetting even more into the diaper.

“Keeping that diaper on over these briefs was a good idea. I’m so smart.” Charmy grinned, hearing the hissing sound of Shadow’s bladder failing him. “That was the good ol’ Melvin Wedgie by the way.”

“C-Can’t… t-t-take… take no moo-AAAAAAAAH! EEEEEEEEP!” Shadow cried again when Charmy made the undies go over his head!

“That’s the classic Atomic Wedgie.” Charmy nodded, rubbing a finger under his chin. He then kicked Shadow over made him eat the dirt. Shadow’s feet were then pulled up so that while Charmy was wedging him some more, he shoved his feet through the leg holes! “That’s what we call a Jock Lock Wedgie. You can’t break out of it!”

Shadow was seeing stars. His vision was blurry and he was drooling again. It was the same sensation Sonic had when he was being tickle-tortured by Scourge. This was WEDGIE TORTURE!

Eventually, Charmy broke Shadow out of it himself and started to administer wedgie after wedgie on the poor hedgehog, keeping every single bladder fail Shadow had as a result trapped in the ever swelling diaper.

“Boingy boing, Shadow dribbles up and down thanks to the Bouncing Wedgie!” Charmy said, bouncing Shadow up and down as he flew and laughed as he smacked against the ground and sprung back up only to be thrusted back down and smashed against the ground again.

“Round and round the hedgehog goes, where his undies go, everybody knows! Right up his bum, thanks to this painful Around the World Wedgie!” Charmy narrated the wedgies some more while spinning the screaming and crying Shadow around and around by his undies.

“Twist up and let him loose. The Dizzy Wedgie cooked his goose!” Charmy rhymed, happily winding up Shadow’s undies like a twist tie and then let it go so that Shadow spun around as his undies unraveled like a tie. Then they winded back up again and unraveled yet again. When the briefs finally settled, Shadow was drooling with his tongue out and his eyes were anime swirls. 

Charmy straightened Shadow out. Shadow could barely stand. His tongue was constantly drooling all over himself, his eyes were rolling, tears flowed down his face, and his diaper was sloshing from constant wetting. He kept twitching and fidgeting too.

“WEDGIE! WEDGIE! WEDGIEEEEEE! AUUUGAH! GUHBAAAH!" Shadow was saying gibberish like this even when he wasn’t being wedgied by this point. His brain was starting to fly South for the Winter.

“Shadow’s brain is gonna snap if that keeps up.” Rouge said, head in hands. 

“Oh? The bee might send Shadow to the looney bin with those wedgies? Typical. My tickle torture almost did that to Sonic. I can’t even take credit for making a person snap first.” Scourge muttered.

Thankfully, time was up.

Charmy sighed. “Aww man. There were so much more wedgies I wanted to show you. Oh well.” Charmy giggled and blew on Shadow. The black hedgehog fell over and smashed against the ground like a house of cards, only moving to jitter and jolt like he was a flopping fish.

He didn’t lose his mind and go insane either, thankfully, but he had gotten close just like Sonic. 

“W-Wedgieeeeee…” Shadow moaned and muttered. It was the only word he could say at the moment.



“Alright Sonic. No point in you spinning the wheel.” Donovan said. “Time to read the last dare from the last villain left, Marine.”

Marine leaned forward in her seat with anticipation. She wanted to see the reaction to this.

Donovan read the dare aloud and winced. “Uhm… she… just… wants you to chug a fast-acting laxative smoothie and hold it for five minutes.”

Sonic wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed. “... Bring it out.”

Omega stepped forward with a blender at the ready. It looked like a chocolate shake really. He poured it into a nice tall glass and gave Sonic a straw.

There was even a nice cheery to go with it. How thoughtful.

Sonic wrapped his mouth around the straw and began drinking, wincing and whining as it went down. His tummy was rumbling from just sipping this toxic mess.

When he finished drinking it, he was already doing the potty dance. Sonic tossed the glass away and shrieked, reaching over and grabbing his panty clad butt before prancing around and whining. “OOOOHHHHHH~!” His face was drenched in sweat already. That stuff was STRONG!

Marine was giggling up a storm of course. 

Sonic was farting all over the place and desperately trying to keep it in. He scooted along the ground, spanked himself, even tried dancing about while holding his hands there.

The timer had only gone down to 3 minutes! COME ON!

He was red in the face and panting. He eventually took to running around in circles. It was working for a good, solid, minute and a half. The next 30 seconds saw a huge cramp hit him though.

He bounced about like a bunny, praying that the final remaining minute wouldn’t be his undoing. Shadow would have taunted him into messing himself but he was too busy trying to regain his sanity…

“TIME!” Donovan called.

Sonic screamed and rushed towards a garbage can, pulling his panties down and letting it rip inside of it, right in front of everyone. “HOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGUUUUUUUHHHHH!!!”

Sonic’s eyes were crossed and his face was super red. His lips pursed out into an “O” shape as he kept messing into the bin right there before the entire audience. You’d think things would get less embarrassing the more this stuff happened but it only ever seemed to get more and more humiliating. You never got used to it…

Eventually, Sonic stopped and had to take his panties off to properly wipe before tossing them away.

He was now naked on the lower end and flopped to the ground. He saw a diaper package nearby and grabbed it. With a groan he got one of Shadow’s pink diapers with the bunny designs on his own butt and flopped there, eyes fluttering as if fighting off sleep.

“Gotta… stay… up… almost done… almost…”


Shadow: 6

Donovan turned to Shadow. “Welp… you’ve got two people on the wheel left Shadow. If you manage to beat the dare that you have next, you’ll be tied with Sonic and the last person will be the tie breaker. Have at it.”

Shadow pathetically wobbled to his feet and took small step after small step towards the wheel. He gave it one weak little spin. Thankfully, there was enough strength behind it to see it spinning but he immediately slumped against the wheel and got bashed away from it as a result before flopping to the ground. He was gonna have to watch the result on his back. 

The stage was practically a bed to him at this point. His droopy eyes wanted to close and stay shut so badly…

It landed on Espio.

Donovan read the dare that appeared on the screen. “Show your discipline and control of your spirit by sucking on the ultra spicy hot chili-pepper of the Gigan Rocks for a full five minutes! JESUS!”

Espio nodded. 

Donovan yanked at his collar a bit. “This is… are we sure he’s not gonna DIE?”

Shadow was sat up by Vector and a fan was waved in front of his face.

“Yo. Do you give? Do you want to continue?” Vector asked.

Shadow snarled. “O-Of course! B-Bring me the pepper!”

Omega brought out the pepper since merely holding in your hands would cause a sizzle to go through your gloves and you’d be crap out of luck.

Shadow chomped on it and began sucking. The timer started and immediately his eyes got huge.

He almost projectile vomited it out of his mouth but remained steady. His face was drenched in sweat by the second minute. By the third minute, his eyes were rolling about and he was flopping on the stage as if the pepper was electrocuting him. Drool was foaming out of his mouth and sizzling.

Vector and Omega looked between each other and then back at Donovan. Donovan shrugged. Do they take it out? Was he okay enough to know when he was foaming at the mouth? Did Shadow even know how to sue someone?

Eventually though the five minutes were up!




“PATOOOIE!” Shadow spat the pepper from his mouth and then screamed into the sky, a plume of fire spewing into the air. “WAAAAATEEEERRRRRR~! AAAAAAAH!”

Shadow raced over to a barrel of dirty collected rain water from the Final Fortress’ compartments and began sucking it all down, wiggling his diapered butt out as he did so.

When he was finished he flopped over with a bit of a baby pot belly and burped. His eyes were fluttering and he was groaning.

Both Sonic and Shadow were spent.

Neither of them could properly keep their eyes open or form proper sentences…

“Mnnnghh… gu-gonna… winnn…” Shadow muttered.

“Gots ta… beat… Sh-Shadowww…” Sonic groaned.

The two of them tried to crawl along the floor but slumped and shut their eyes for a second. Their eyes cracked open, just a little bit, so that they could see their opponent through the haze in their eyes. Shadow belched again, his tummy returning to it’s normal size. Sonic let out a tiny giggle at that before groaning some more.

Donovan looked between the two of them.

“We’re down to the final one. This is the tie breaker and the one for all the marbles.” Donovan said, turning to the only wheel left with the very last name on it.

It was the hero wheel. The final name was Cream the Rabbit.

Donovan began reading what it said. “Okay… everyone has been acting so mean and nasty to everyone so… I want to see the two contestants kiss and make up until one of them submits…”

Donovan looked back to the two downed hedgehogs. “I’ll take that to mean, love each other until one of you passes out. You have all the rest of the time of the episode. Go.”

Sonic and Shadow lifted their heads slightly and leered at the other with rapid determination written all over their faces. They then slowly began crawling towards one another. They couldn’t even properly stand up now.

Both had on the same diapers, both were wet down there, both were drenched in sweat, drool, tears, and other fluids… but they hadn’t given up. Neither of them wanted the other to have the right to lord over them with the fact that they went through all this nonsense and walked away with NOTHING! They couldn’t let the other one win!

Eventually, the two of them reached each other and were face to face. Their noses were literally touching. They stared into each other’s eyes.

“You’re done for.” Shadow snarled.

“Hey… that’s my line.” Sonic smirked.

Then, the two puckered their lips and leaned in close before successfully landing a kiss!

It got a lot of cameras flashing and people squealing in the audience.

Cream hugged Charmy at the sight of it, making the bee blush. Amy had to fan herself down. Seeing this was really hot, even if she was all for Sonic being with her.

The two hedgehogs then forced each other to push off the ground with their lips together. They smacked lips and then began to hug, pressing their bodies together to make it a passionate one. Both of them were exhausted… but Shadow knew Sonic’s weakness.

The black hedgehog reached for Sonic’s crotch and grabbed it through the diaper.

Sonic winced and panted. “O-Oh no…!”

Shadow smiled and broke the kiss for a split second. “What’s wrong? This counts as a form of loving too. Can’t handle it, you horny pre-ejaculating loser!”

Sonic blushed and began jittering, slumping into Shadow’s body. “N-NOOO…!”

“HAHAHAHA! You were already at the door to loserdom and at the edge of passing out.” Shadow smirked, talking as if he wasn’t too. “Now it’s time for you t-to go… n-night… night…” Shadow grunted, trying to keep his composure. He just had to keep this going until Sonic passed out… 

Sonic kept slumping into him though. It made it kind of hard to keep his grasp on his lower region with him pushing so hard into him… almost as if by intense force… w-wait a second…!

Before Shadow realized that Sonic wasn’t slumping into him but forcing his body against his, it was too late!

Shadow yelped as he fell onto his back with Sonic on top of him, grinning like a mad man.

“Wh-Wha-?!” Shadow was confused but then winced and gasped when Sonic did the same thing to him and grabbed his diaper crotch instead! “AUGH!”

“That felt kind of nice.” Sonic smirked. “Now let’s see how YOU like it. I haven’t seen you ejaculate much in this competition so I wonder if you’ve got the same problem me, Tails, and Scourge do. Probably not, but if I can get you to do it, there’s no way you’ll have enough energy to stay awake anyway.”

Shadow’s eyes were fluttering and his tongue was out as he started to slump and pant. His face was red and he began drooling. His body was also jerking and twitching against his will despite how much he wanted to resist Sonic’s touch.

“B-But h-how…! I-I thought this was y-your w-weakness…!” Shadow whined.

“It is…” Sonic smiled. “But you forgot one thing, I JUST put this diaper on so it’s still pretty thick and hard to reach my tiny wee wee through… your diaper, on the other hand, has been soaked through so much it’s practically melting off of you. Finding your wee wee was super easy. I was moaning a bit to sell the facade but the truth was I barely felt your touch. Bet you can totally feel MINE though!”

Sonic gave him another squeeze, causing Shadow to yelp.

His hips were thrusting now. He was edging. He was close to the edge! OH NO!

“P-PWEASE! ST-STAAAHP!” Shadow begged, blushing and going teary eyed.

“Why should I?” Sonic asked. “Weren’t you going to do this to me? Would you have stopped if I had asked nicely? Huh?”

“I s-sowwy~! I dun wanna lose cause I did cummies in my diapee…!” Shadow’s protests went down to an exhausted babyish whisper. 

“Well too bad. That’s what’s gonna happen. You did well but it’s time for me to win. Night night Shadow.” Sonic whispered into his ear as one last taunt.

“N-Noooooo~! P-pwease! Pwease d-don’t… uughh….UGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” 

Shadow belted out one last scream and a hard thrust as he orgasmed all over his already soaked diaper. He flopped like a fish that was being tasered as it happened. His eyes were fluttering like flashing lights and his drool was pooling around his head.

Eventually, he jittered to a stop… then laid there, splayed out… unconscious.

He would only move when his body involuntarily twitched a bit but that was it. 

Shadow was out cold and he wasn’t waking back up for at least several hours. Not even with smelling salts. 

Sonic panted and slowly forced himself to his feet. He then pressed his foot onto Shadow’s stomach and raised his fists.



“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Sonic screamed aloud, letting the last of his strength go before he collapsed…

… Right into Amy and Tails’ collective hug!

“YOU DID IT!” The both of them shouted happily as the rest of the heroes crowded around Sonic. 

Sonic, eyes fluttering and barely open, forced a smile on his face and gave a thumbs up. “C-Course I did… w-was there ever … any doubt…?”

The crowd was cheering super loudly as Donovan, Vector, and Omega made their way over to Sonic with a huge golden trophy in hand. Inside of it was a huge torrent of money.

“Sonic the Hedgehog… I would like to congratulate you on winning the Heroes Vs. Villains, Sonic STUNTS competition!” Donovan shouted, shoving the trophy into him, getting a small grunt of pain from him.

Omega clapped his hands. “It must feel good, being the only one to go through all that turmoil and walk away with something of value.”

“What a story. You lost the Bad Luck Bananza but turned around and won the Heroes Vs. Villains competition!” Vector exclaimed. “The best part is, since I was a co-host, I walk away with a ton of money either way. What a happy ending!”

Sonic blushed a bit. The idea that he had such a miraculous turnaround from ultimate loss to prospering winner was admittedly a very bashful thing to think about.

The villains all walked over to the unconscious Shadow and looked down at him.

Shadow laid there spread-eagle, out cold, eyes barely cracked open and showing nothing but whites underneath his eye-lids, tongue out with drool everywhere, a black ring around his eye, and a super soaked, bloated diaper...

“What a disappointment HE turned out to be.” Scourge said.

“HEY! Don’t talk about him like that! He was a hell of a lot better than YOU!” Eclipse snapped.

“Still, he DOES look pretty pathetic.” Geoffrey said. “I mean, he lost to Sonic in a battle of holding back an orgasm? Seriously?”

“Yeah, that is pretty weak.” Infinite shook his head.

“Heheh. I say we have a little fun with the bloke then.” Marine sneered.

“Oh I’m up for that.” Rouge said with a smile. 

“Yeah. Sounds like fun.” Jet giggled. 

“I hear Sonic was someone’s baby for two months or something right?” Scourge chimed in. “Let’s do that for Shadow… but the VILLAIN way.” Scourge smirked, grabbing a baseball bat.

Eclipse gasped, “Y-You can’t-!” He began before Geoffrey clamped a hand over his mouth and dragged him off, making the Darkling squirm and panic. He had no choice but to watch the other villains laugh and drag Shadow off by his armpits towards his fate as the baby of the team of villains.

“Good job HEROES!” Donovan smiled and clapped his hands, oblivious to what was happening behind him.

He jolted in shock when Knuckles and Silver slightly grabbed the raccoon by his arms.

“W-Wait what are you doing?” Donovan yelped. “AAH!” He screamed as he was suddenly in a fight cloud. He screamed and cried as his face was kicked in, all the while Vector and Omega watched. Omega waved a little Sonic flag about while Vector counted his money.

When the smoke cloud cleared, Donovan had been put into one of those pink bunny diapers as well.

“Now then, time to see if the baby can FLY!” Knuckles smirked.

Donovan yelped, teeth missing and wearing a black eye. “W-Wait! Y-You can’t mean…!”

Silver smirked and made Donovan float with his powers, bringing him over the edge of the Final Fortress.

“NO! NOOOOO! STOP!” Donovan screamed. “PUT ME DOWN!”

Silver pondered this for a bit. “... Hmm… okay.”

He then dropped his powers, leaving Donovan to stare at the huge drop below him with wide eyes.

Then he fell.

“AAAAAAAAH! MOMMMYYYYYY!!” he screamed as he plummeted through the clouds, wetting and messing his diaper all the way down. Perhaps someone would find him in a raccoon shaped hole in the ground… maybe.

Silver and Knuckles fist pumped and dusted their hands off while walking off. 

Sonic was slumped against Tails’ chest and sighed. “Your fur is so soft Tails…”

“I know. Be sure to get a good rest okay?” Tails petted Sonic’s head. “I’ll be sure to get you bathed and dressed in your jammies while you sleep, alright?”

Sonic yawned. “I-I’m not a… b-baby…” Sonic muttered and drifted off to sleep, thumb crawling into his mouth. He sucked on it constantly as Tails carried him over his shoulder, hand on Sonic’s diaper rump as he did so.

“I know Sonic. You’re a winner… and a baby.”


There it is… the longest chapter of the story, stretching to almost 40 pages. It’s also the final one.

Thank you all for participating in this long winded endeavor. If there’s one thing I’ve learned doing this story is that I need to stop… making these so long.

I have so much stuff I’m trying to do at once and these patreon stories were only supposed to be, at most, 6 to 10 pages. Pulling off 40 page long CHAPTERS every single week is ridiculous for a $1 a month tier. I know I only do it because I love you guys and I want you to love me but I promised myself I wouldn’t take it to a level like this ever again and here we are, yet again.

Granted, I didn’t think this competition would go quite like this. I thought I had it set up to where I could do quick chapters every week and have a relatively easy time. Not so. The set-up with the questions was a ton of work. It wasn’t until after the teams merged and I asked for simple themes that things got way easier. On top of that, sometimes it was hard to motivate myself because characters I didn’t feel like writing were being kept around and the ones I wanted to write were leaving early. Not all of them, but most seemed to.

If I ever decide to do tournament stuff again, I need to make sure that there are no teams and a significantly lesser amount of characters. There IS a way to do quick tournament chapters for things but it ain’t the way I was doing it. Stuff like fighting tournaments where you pit two characters against each other, have that be the focus of a chapter, and see them move up while you focus on two others the next chapter sounds good, for example. Just not something where you shuffle a huge mass of characters into a huge pile.

Another problem I have is that I want every last detail to be as precise and as clear cut as possible. It’s why I had that huge recap last chapter. It was a lot of work shifting through all the chapters of the story to do that and it ended up being something that wasn’t liked, which meant I did it for nothing. I need to watch that part of myself too. I can’t just extend things to extend them. This story is proof that shit can be long when you don’t plan for it or just write naturally.

Anyway, I just need to let you all know that this is going to be the last HUGE story for a long, long time. I’m trying to draw too much stuff and work on too many projects at once that I can’t keep myself up at 3 AM spending hours on stories like this anymore. 

From here on in, they’re all going to be manageable, appropriately paced, reads. I’m pumping out way more content than someone who charges for 5 or 10 bucks for a story would and it’s cramping my hands up.

To be honest, I’m still in a Sonic mood. I kind of don’t want to go to another series right now but whether or not we do depends on the ideas I have laying around. That’ll be coming soon. Let me know what your favorite part was in the poll and if you liked the story, please give it a like. Also comment if you have something to say. I appreciate the engagement. It helps me breathe easy.

See you all soon~!



While I liked this story and the audience participation, I do agree you shouldn’t work yourself ragged making them. These stories should be fun to write as much as they are to read. I fully support your decision to go back to writing shorter stories that focus on fewer characters for a while. Big events like this are fun, but they can be a bit overwhelming. It’s nice to focus on a single character’s suffering as a palette cleanser. Also, on a less serious note, is Donovan dead? Or does cartoon logic state he’ll be fine by the next story? If you’re tired of using him in stories, that’s fine, but it does seem like a grim way to go.


What? No, he's not dead. You thought I'd just have Silver and Knuckles just casually murder someone?


Well that was fun! That being said, yeah, it's probably too much for a $1 pateron tier. I really appreciate it though, as I'm sure all patrons do. It did improve when the teams merged. My favorite chapters personally were the pantsing chapter, the bees on the beach, and my top was the naked college one. All those were super well done. Out of curiosity, which characters left early you wanted to keep and vice versa? I have some theories (Charmy, who I was sad to see go when he did). Anyway, thanks again for the awesome conent!


Thank you. Well, obviously I wanted Charmy to stay a bit longer. I don't mind him leaving eventually though. Tails went way too quickly in my opinion. I guess people wanted to surprise me or something with that elimination? Really bad surprise if so. I'll be honest, I wasn't too keen on writing for Rouge and Blaze for so long. I was struggling throughout the entire thing for things to have Blaze to do especially. When she made it so far I seriously was about to go crazy trying to push for a way to enthusiastically write her. Yeah, I guess I just really prefer writing for the boys.


Wow! Too bad for Shadow, losing at the last moment and being the baby of villains. Although now Eclipse can take care of his brother and have a nice relationship ... Or both will be babies, but it is still a nice relationship between brothers. He asked me what Sonic will do with all that money and now that he's redeemed himself. Although I must also say that I was surprised by the result of the votes, an overwhelming difference.