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“Heroes! You sucked and now one of you is going to pay for that suckage.” Donovan claimed, spinning his marshmallow plate.                  

Amy rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. We got it. You’re running out of ways to piss the contestants off when they lose. Just tell us who’s going now.”

Donovan leered at her and then tossed a marshmallow in her face, which batted against her eye.

“OW!” Amy whined right as Donovan continued. 

“Amy… Knuckles… Sonic… Blaze… “ Donovan tossed the rest out and had one left. Charmy and Cream gasped and held each other’s hand. Sonic and Amy took notice of that and got a concerned look on their faces.

Donovan licked his lips and waved the marshmallow about. “... Last marshmallow goes to… Charmy…!”

With that the marshmallow flew and bopped against the bee’s helmet. “Oh no! Not Cream!” Charmy gasped, putting his hands to his face.

Cream teared up and pressed a hand to her face as well. She spotted how sad Charmy looked and quickly put a bigger smile on her face. 

With both hands on Charmy’s shoulders she sniffled and smirked. “Hey now, don’t cry baby boy.”

Charmy looked up at her, nose dripping snot and eyes overflowing with tears. “O-Okay… I’ll try b-b-baby girl…”

Cream giggled. “Can you promise me you’ll win?”

Charmy sniffled. “I promise I’ll do my absolute bestest!” The bee nodded a lot. 

The two of them stood up and hugged for a rather long time. Donovan spoke up to try and pry them apart but Amy raised her hammer at him which made him back off. 

Eventually, they were done and Cream began to head off, waving Charmy down as she left.

“Buh bye!” She called out.

“BYE!” Charmy waved.

A minute later, she was way in the distance.

“BUH BYEEEE!” She yelled out again.

“BYEEEEE!” Chamy shouted again.

Another minute later, she was even further away and yelling bye again. Charmy could barely make it out but he still yelled out for her again.

Amy smiled, clamping her hands together and smiling brightly. “Young love is so adorable. Does this give you any ideas Sonic?”

Sonic smirked. “Not a one, Amy.” 


The heroes cabin had to deal with a lot of crying the first day Cream was gone. They tried their best to be understanding but they were happy that it cooled down by the next day. By day three, Charmy stopped sulking entirely and was back to normal… sort of.

“Now, I gotta do 300 sit-ups!” Charmy shouted, wearing a blue tank top and white short-shorts. 

“Okay, okay. No need to shout.” Knuckles said, holding up a dumb bell. “We’re gonna challenge ourselves with an epic amount of precise action!”

“YEAH!” Charmy smirked.

The two of them got to work on their sit ups, with Knuckles tossing his dumb bell behind him. Amy got out of the bathroom with a yawn and two towels wrapped around her body.

Then the dumb bell smacked against her head, bouncing off of it and leaving Amy with stars replacing her pupils and her tongue out like a derpy dumb bell herself. “Duuuuhhh…!” She gurgles, falling down with her lower towel falling off and exposing her lower region.

Sonic yawned as he sat up in bed. “Oh yay! I didn’t wet…” He began before turning and seeing Amy naked, spread out in full view on the floor…!

“Uh-oh…! AAAAUGH!” Sonic’s eyes crossed and he gasped as he felt his loins explode and his footed pajamas get soaked in his happy juice. His eyes rolled and he fainted from the intensity of it, bucking his lower region up and down in a jittery mess. At least he didn’t wet the traditional way though.


“ACHOOO~!” Eclipse sneezed as he stood in the snow surrounding them all wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and a pair of Justice League underoos. He sniffled a little while leering over at Scourge.

“Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t know the challenge area was going to be this today.” Scourge shrugged, a mighty grin on his face.                                            

Challenge Area #8 - White Acropolis

The snowy region overlooking the search-light heavy, Eggman base was the next area of their challenges. Everyone was shaking and cold but Eclipse had his pants stolen by Scourge when they woke up so he had to come here in his undies.

“I’m… g-g-gonna… m-m-murder you…!” Eclipse winced.

Shadow shot Scourge a narrow-eyed glare as the green hedgehog laughed. Shadow put a hand to Eclipse’ shoulder. “Hey, not to worry. We’ll get him back together.”

Eclipse grinned. “Ha. Can’t wait!”

“I assume you all had a great week?” Donovan asked, dressed in a ton of winter clothing, along with Vector.

“No fair…!” Marine chided. “You guys can’t dress like that if we can’t!”

“Well, one of us if literally wearing nothing so I’d say it balances out.” Donovan stated, pointing to Omega.

Marine pouted. “It so does not…!”

“First question!” Omega said, raising the tablet. 

Question #1 - From Desperation21: Knuckles, you're crazy strong, pretty fast and all around a really nice guy. What's something else you really wish you had going for you?

Knuckles smiled. “Oh! Thanks Desperation-man! I’m glad you think I’m a nice guy despite partaking in a competition that does horrible things to me. It means a lot.” He said, being completely serious about the gratitude, despite what he unknowingly just pointed out.

Confessional - Rouge: Aww. Knuckie. He’s adorable isn’t he?

“Something else I wish I had going for me…?” Knuckles rubbed his chin. “I’ve no need for technology and stuff like that BUT I do find myself wishing I was a better cook sometimes. It’d be really nice getting to eat that delicious stuff at those restaurant places on the regular instead of when I just want to take a trip to the surface.”

“Alrighty then… you’ve got three tries.” Omega said, slamming a large pot in the snow before Knuckles. 

“... Three tries to do what?” Knuckles asked, almost wincing in preparation for an answer he knew he wasn’t going to like. 

“This cooking pot is full of various foods. I’m going to smash it into your face.” Omega leered at him as he explained this, causing Knuckles to bink. Omega continued, “You simply need to guess the main ingredient of the dish. Keep your eyes closed so you can’t see. The loser will have to wear nothing but a diaper full, and I mean FULL of snow.”

Confessional - Knuckles: There’s not caring if we get sick and then there’s wanting us to freeze to death. Is Omega hoping that when I’m an ice sculpture, he’ll be able to tip me over and watch me break apart? 

“Any volunteers?” Omega turned to ask.

“Oh hey, Shadow, you do loads of diaper challenges. Roight?” Marine asked.

Shadow made a very disgruntled, angry face at her. “... AND?”

Marine lowered her finger and scooted back.

“Just do it.” Rouge said, suddenly grabbing Shadow by his arm and tossing him towards the challenge area. Before Shadow could scream in protest, he found himself face first in the snow with his butt sticking up. 

“Ow…” The black hedgehog muttered, angry but unwilling to go back there and give her a piece of his mind. It was far too cold for that. They needed to get this done and quick.

The two of them stood at attention, shaking and rubbing their arms down as the cold air wafted by. Glancing over, the could see Vector and Donovan sipping hot chocolate in their comfy winter outfits like assholes. That just made them more determined.

“First up~!” Omega reached into the pot and waited for them to close their eyes before revealing his first two dishes. He fired them both into Shadow and Knuckles’ faces!


“GAH!” Knuckles winced, eyes opening as he felt the heat sizzle against his body. That was the kind of heat in-take that he totally didn’t need. 

“T-Turkey?” Shadow asked, also looking uncomfortable.

“W-What he said!” Knuckles snapped to attention, pointing at Shadow. The black hedgehog growled at the echidna, clearly disgruntled.

“Hey! He can’t do that can he?” Shadow demanded to know.

Omega nodded. “He can. Won’t do him any good though. You are correct Shadow. However, Knuckles isn’t.”

“What?” Knuckles scratched his head.

“It wasn’t the same dish, you dingbat.” Omega snapped, rather harshly at Knuckles.

Knuckles fiddled with his hands like an embarrassed child. “Sheesh. Okay then…”

“Next.” Omega reached in and took out two new dishes. The two contestants had to quickly shut their eyes so that they didn’t see them.

Then they got smashed in the face with the items. Licking their lips, they both got a sense of something else.

“Uh… grapes?” Knuckles asked.

“I think they’re cranberries…” Shadow said, a little more confidently.

“They’re grapes.” Omega said. “Point on the board for Knux. Last one though.” 

Knuckles smirked. “I am the master at grapes.”

“Good for you.” Shadow rolled his eyes, before closing them again. 

Omega took out two small plates and hurled them right into Shadow and Knuckles’ faces with a loud squish. The two of them shivered ...and then began screaming as intense heat radiated off their tongues!

“AIEEEEEEE!” Shadow screamed, eyes spewing tears and steam coming from his mouth.

“MY MOUUUUUFFFF~!” Knuckles cried as well, bending down and shoveling snow into his mouth, not even caring about how it tasted a bit like motor oil.

“Main ingredient.” Omega demanded, curling his fingers in a come hither motion. “I need it now.”

“DEATH!” Knuckles shouted.

“No, it’s not death. I wish it were though.” Omega stated.

“D-DUCK!?” Shadow took a stab at it which prompted Omega to snap his metal fingers.

“Correct. Shadow wins!” Omega chided and his team cheered, especially Eclipse who spun his fist around as he hollered.

Shadow didn’t celebrate. Instead, he rushed off to smash his face into the snow and drink the water that melted from his burning tongue.

Knuckles, meanwhile, was presented with a diaper to put on. His red-faced, teary eyed whimper was hysterical. He was munching on snow as he stripped naked before everyone and got the stupid looking Rubber ducky diaper onto his butt before shoveling snow down it.

Eventually, he looked super bloated and had to waddle off to the side with his comically huge diaper, knowing it wasn’t going to melt away anytime soon thanks to the environment.

“Guess your dream of learning to cook is a bit far off…” Rouge said solemnly with a shake of her head.

Team Hero: 0

Team Dark: 1

Donovan stood up, setting down his hot chocolate and approached with his tablet in hand. “Round of applause for the brave souls over there. Now it’s time for some real action though.”

Question #2 - From Judgement Kazzy: This question is for Rouge: If you weren’t a thief, what would you like to do with your life?

“Oh that’s easy Kazzy. I’d run a nightclub.” Rouge smiled. “I actually OWN a club. It’s called Club Rouge. I’m not there that often because I’ve got so many other things I’m doing. Even now, I’ve been gone for weeks doing this.”

Donovan smiled and took out two large jugs of booze. “Nice. Than how about several cold ones on the rocks. First one to faint, loses.”

“In this weather? That’s excessively dangerous but alright.” Rouge shrugged.

“I can probably handle this one. My body is alit with flames so I should be able to keep from… you know, dying.” Blaze said.

Confessional - Blaze: Can’t say I know what’s going to happen here though. I’m not a typical drinker. Meh, I’m sure it’ll be fine. 

When the table was set up and the drinks were sat before them, Blaze winced a little when hers was poured out.

“... Feeling lucky?” Rouge asked.

“... Yeah. Sure.” Blaze said, grabbing it and staring at it for a bit. She sighed and made a mighty chug. “ACK! BLEGH!”

Rouge took her drink and gasped before setting it down. “Sheesh. Not only is it on the rocks but it’s the hardest of the hard.”

“I can’t believe people enjoy drinking this.” Blaze muttered. “Whatever though. That wasn’t so bad. I can manage this.”

Several Drinks Later; spoken in the voice of the narrator from Spongebob…

Blaze is now sitting in her pink, Hello Kitty panties, eyes drooping and rolling about in her sockets. She had an incredibly dumb smile on her face and was trying her best to speak but out of her mouth just came a torrent of burps.

Rouge was a little flush in the face. “Whew. I feel good. A little tipsy but that comes with the territory. How about you?”

“Rhabgmapakshubbacanbernaersnatch~!” Blaze raised her finger, spoke out a bunch of nonsense before grabbing her discarded clothes and tossing them into the sky. “YAY! FURE-WERKZZZ~!” She belted aloud.

Then she smashed her head against the table and began snoring, out cold.

“... Rouge is the winner!” Donovan smirked. 

“Naturally.” Rouge smiled, standing up and patting the unconscious cat on the head. “She really is a princess eh?”

Team Hero: 0

Team Dark: 2

“... Okay. This isn’t looking good.” Amy muttered.

“Don’t worry. We can still have a come from around victory!” Charmy said, flexing and snorting. “I’m READY!”

Vector stood up and headed on over with his tablet in hand. “I hope you are because things aren’t going to get any easier.”

Question #3 - From Anonymous: Charmy, how does it feel knowing Cream has seen your teeny weenie several times during this competition?

“WHAT?! S-She has? HUH?!” Charmy blushed, suddenly not as confident and feeling steam rise from his embarrassed head. “N-No way, I… uh…! Sh-She said she didn’t though!”

“You know you don’t believe that.” Donovan said.

Charmy’s eye twitched.

Confessional - Charmy: … I mean… … it doesn’t matter that it’s teeny right? L-Like… I’m young… it’ll get bigger… it doesn’t just… STAY that size right…? *Checks his pants* 

“Well… uh… I-I feel… r-really em-embarrassed… o-obviously… wh-what kind of a question IS that?!” Charmy asked, waving his fist around.

“A hilarious one.” Vector muttered, causing the bee to snarl and leer at his boss, who turned away and whistles innocently.

“Hmph! Screw you guys. I’m young! You shouldn’t be asking about my size ANYWAY!” Charmy snapped, going for the guilt trip.

“Comparing sizes isn’t gonna be an issue here. You just gotta make sure it’s not seen.” Vector smirked, pointing ahead. There was a long stretch of snow and a bunch of search lights in the way. “Each searchlight is a camera to a different big screen being projected on the building of a city. Even though this show is already aired internationally, if you’re caught by this… it’s instant sightings for you!”

Charmy gulped. “I-I can make it…!”

“Oh can you?” Scourge sneered as he stepped up. “Even with super fast ME as your opponent?”

Charmy winced. “E-Even if I lose… I know I can dodge the search-lights.”

“All the searchlights will immediately lock onto the loser, regardless if you’ve dodged them or not.” Vector added.

“Oh, screw you Vector! How can you do this to your teammate with a smile on your face?! You suck!” Charmy snapped.

Either way, both Scourge and Charmy started at the starting line and looked ahead at the road before them. The searchlights were going back and forth at a moderately fast pace so dodging them would likely be pretty simple so long as the opponent wasn’t too fast or too mean… but Charmy was up against Scourge so that meant nothing.

They both also had no pants and no underwear on. Their shirts, socks, and shoes were to be their protection from the elements and neither were wearing shirts long enough to cover their winkies. 

“Ready… GO!” Vector shouted.

The two of them took off like bolts of lightning.

Charmy clenched his teeth and fists as he tried his best to fly around the lights. Scourge was faster though and as such was well ahead of him. Charmy was no push over when it came to speed but he wasn’t anywhere near as fast on his feet.

“Come on Charmy… think… THINK!” Charmy muttered to himself.

“Hahaha! With this cold air, I’m feeling softer down there then ever.” Scourge grinned. Apparently he was happy he wasn’t getting one of his surprise erections.

Charmy then got a lightbulb in his head. With a sneer, he cupped his hands in front of his mouth and shouted as loud as he could. “ STREAKING SURE IS EXCITING ISN’T IT?!”

Scourge blushed and almost tripped. 

Being in the snow meant his steps sunk deeper so that slip up caught him way off balance. A searchlight zoomed by and the green hedgehog had to backflip to dodge it.

“EEP!” Scourge yelped and teetered on his feet as another one barely wafted by behind him. As he steadied himself, Charmy managed to pass him, seeing the finish right up ahead.

“Almost…!” The bee grunted.

“Oh no you don’t!” Scourge snapped and began to charge again.

“Why so angry?” Charmy called back. “You LIKE streaking right? Isn’t it even MORE exciting thinking about everyone WATCHING you do it?!”

Scourge gasped and couldn’t cover his ears fast enough to drown out his words. He was red in the face and already feeling his uncomfortable stiffy grow. 

He couldn’t run properly with his winky at full attention.

Charmy laughed as he crossed the finish line. “WHOOO! Take that you Horny-Hog!”

Scourge fumbled before slipping and flopping onto his back, spread-eagle.

The searchlights all came alive and spun about before shooting over towards the green hedgehog.

His eyes widened as he realized what was about to be broadcasted on several large screens in numerous cities all over the world…!

“Oh no…” He whimpered as they all locked onto him.

Tiny even when standing at full attention, he was humiliated beyond belief.

He could practically hear everyone in those cities pointing, laughing, and covering the eyes of their children. The show wouldn’t be getting sued because the lawyers had all been paid off by now.

Scourge got up, tugged his shirt down as best he could, and ran off crying his eyes out. “WAAAAAAAH!”

Charmy rubbed a finger under his nose and giggled, happy he snagged a win for Cream at home to enjoy… then yelped and hugged himself when he realized how cold he was. “O-Okay… I’d like my underwear and pants back… please…”

Confessional - Charmy: Ah. I feel better. Small or not, even at my age, my wee wee is still WAY bigger than that shameful little cashew Scourge was packing. AHAHAHAHA~!

“Oh man. That’s gotta be one of the most humiliating things to happen to someone yet.” Shadow sneered and gave Eclipse and elbow nudge. Eclipse giggled like a schoolgirl into his hands. He couldn’t wait to make it worse when they pranked Scourge back tonight.

Team Hero: 1

Team Dark: 2

“Moving right along.” Omega stepped in, twirling his tablet about.

Question #4 - From Judgement Kazzy: Here’s a rather long question for Sonic: Let’s say there’s an out of control trolley about to run over a group of 5 people tied to the track. The only thing you have time to do is pull a lever that will divert the trolley onto another track with only 1 person tied to it. Would you pull the lever?

Sonic smiled. “The only time I had? Time doesn’t really mean much to a guy who moves faster than the speed of sound. I’d probably be able to untie the guy on the other track right after I diverted it.”

“Okay, for argument’s sake…” Omega butted in. “Would you do it if you knew the guy on the other track would turn to paste.”

“...” Sonic stopped and pondered for about two seconds. “Sorry, man. My life has always been about going against the odds and doing the impossible. Whether I diverted the track or not, I’m saving everybody. That’s just what’s going to happen.”

Amy clamped her hands together and fluttered her eyes.

Confessional - Amy: Doesn’t matter how small his wee wee is or how much he wets the bed, he’s still the greatest of all heroes. My little sweetums~!

“Your affinity for heroism is lame and disappointing. Let’s ask more moral dilemmas and see if they’d be the actual truth thanks to our patented lie detector test.” Omega said, holding out what looked like the Millenium Scales from Yu-Gi-Oh! One scale had a little blue ball that said ‘Hero’ on it. The other had a little red ball that said ‘Villain’ on it. “Each scale will dip depending on whether or not it detects a lie. Whichever scale dips the lowest is the loser. Even if you think you’re telling the truth, don’t expect it to tip in that direction.”

“Yeesh. Okay.” Sonic said.

“Also, for each one you get wrong, something embarrassing will happen to you at random.” Omega added.

“But of course. Why wouldn’t it?” Sonic rolled his eyes.

Marine stepped up to the plate with her hands at her sides. “Oh ho ho ho~! If there’s anyone with a tongue as golden and truther as mine, I’d like to see em right quick, I would!”

“Ugh. Just go okay.” Rouge said, pinching her nose. “Why do you always smell like a garbage truck?”

Confessional - Marine: For yer information Rouge, the correct term is Dump-Truck. On account of all the dumps I take in me pants. Get it right… … … … … HEY WAIT! NO! THAT’S NOT RI-!

Marine stood next to Sonic and watched as Omega held out the scales before turning to read the info on the card.

“You’re being chased by Judge Claud Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame and your baby won’t shut up because it’s a baby. Do you curb-stomp the brat and watch it as the life drains from it’s flesh or do you let it wail and get all of you killed because collective death is worse than baby death.” Omega said.

“No way am I killing a baby.” Sonic said. “I’ll run out and distract them myself if I have to.”

“That baby’s going right down the gutter they are.” Marine said.

Then Marine got shocked with a ton of electric volts! “GAZZZZZZZZZRRRKKKK!” Her eyes crossed and she began wetting her pants while an endless fart began to whistle out of her butt before turning into a solid, smelly crap.

When she stopped jittering, her eyes rolled around and she began drooling. “Babahabooogah…”

“You lied to yourself about that.” Omega said. “You’d probably start crying yourself and get everyone killed that way.” 

Sonic merely smiled.

The villain’s scale had dipped.

“Next question. You’ve just figured out the identity of Batman. Telling the information to the right person could make you a millionaire but would also put Bruce Wayne in danger and risk the chance of there being no more Batman. What do you do?” Omega asked.

“I don’t need to be a millionare. My lips are sealed.” Sonic shrugged.

“Bruce WAYNE is Batman?” Marine asked.

Then her clothes got burned off by a flamethrower from the ground. She stood there in her wet and messy unicorn panties with crossed-eyes and a look of confusion. “T-That… wasn’t a lie or nothin’...”

“I know. Stupidity just upsets me.” Omega said. “Final question. Are you an asshole?”

“Sometimes.” Sonic said.

“No!” Marine shouted.

A large paddle sprung from the ground and began swatting Marine on her butt repeatedly! “OWWIEEEEEE! AAAAAAAH!” She screamed and tried to run but the mechanical arm in the ground followed her and kept smashing the paddle against her rump.

Omega threw the cards away as the villain scale hit the lowest end it could. “I think we’re done here.”

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 2

Sonic smirked and pounded his chest. “Oh yeah baby!”

Confessional - Sonic: I mean, really. What do I have to be dishonest about…I-I’m sure there’s people out there who can think of a few things but those people can be safely ignored…

“I’ve got the last question. Time for our fun finale.” Vector waved the tablet about, eliciting sighs of relief from everyone.

Question #5 - From Judgement Kazzy: I have another question for Eclipse: You’ve been treated pretty poorly by your fellow teammates since the competition began. If you had the opportunity, how would you enact your revenge?

“Haha~! Well, funny you should ask that. I-!” Eclipse began before Shadow pressed a hand in front of his mouth.

“Don’t reveal what we have planned for Scourge. We need that to remain a secret for now.” Shadow said, whispering closely to him. Eclipse nodded, feeling a bit foolish.

“Uh… w-well… revenge would come in the form of… hypnosis… and diapers… and spankings… in that order.” Eclipse said. It sounded generic enough and it also wasn’t a total lie. At least he didn’t go into specifics.

“Neat.” Vector said. “Let’s see you try and enact vengeance on your opponent then. It might not feel the same as actual vengeance but it’ll probably feel pretty good to you.”

Eclipse grinned. “...Well, maybe just a little.”

“Well, here’s your chance.” Amy said, stepping up with her hammer. “What do we gotta do?”

“Ha. This’ll be easy and simple.” Vector said. “Literally, all you have to do is land a single hit on your opponent. The hypnosis spell will wash over them and from then on… they’re all yours.”

Amy smirked. 

Eclipse did too.

“Ha! I got this!” They said in unison.

They then charged at one another and…


Amy gasped when she woke up. She was confused and trying to re-focus her eyes while rubbing her head down. “Owww… wh-what…? What happened? Where am I?”

She turned to the side and saw her team… sitting on the logs by the campfire. It was also night time. 

They had lost. Apparently.

“Uh… hey guys.” Amy waved. “Can… someone explain to me what I’m doing here?”

Sonic smiled. “Hey Ames. We lost.”

“WHAT?!” Amy gasped. 

Donovan was standing before them and walked over to her with his tablet at the ready. “Here you go. Watch closely now.”

Amy leaned in and looked at the scene before her as it played out.

When Amy charged at Eclipse, the alien boy wrapped his tail over behind her and swatted her on top of her head. 

Immediately, Amy’s eyes got all swirly and she got this hilarious, derpy smile on her face. Eclipse laughed in her face which made Amy as she watched this look on in disgust.

Eclipse got to work ordering her to do stuff.

“Spank your butt!” Eclipse shouted.

Amy giggled and began spanking herself while wiggling her butt out at everyone. 

“Put a diaper on!” Eclipse said.

Amy began stripping herself in front of everyone and began taping a diaper onto her bottom. She patted her butt and drooled like a dumb baby alright.

“Wet yourself!” Eclipse ordered.

Amy gurgled and began wetting herself right then and there.

“Hit yourself over and over with your hammer!” Eclipse said.

Then Amy did that too…! 

Ta-da. That’s how she got knocked unconscious. 

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 3

Amy blushed and pushed the tablet away. “I uh… need a minute…”

“Well, you guys lost so… time to vote someone out.” Donovan smirked.


Of course, since the villains won, they had been sent back to their cabins.

Scourge was asleep in his bed, laying about in just his black leather jacket and his Superman underoos.

Shadow and Eclipse giggled and snuck up behind Scourge with a large wooden stick, ready to shove that into his butt…

However, Scourge opened his eyes and grinned. He suddenly sprung to his feet and charged at the two of them, making them scream in shock.

A loud bashing and crashing could be heard from the villains cabin before the dust settled.

Scourge went back to sleep while Shadow and Eclipse hung from wedgies behind him, eyes rolling and pee seeping down their legs.

“Goodnight babies.” Scourge smiled and winked at the camera.

Yes, there was a camera in the cabins. They signed away all privacy.

Either way, it was time for the heroes to lose another member. But who?



Here is a question for Marine: While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. What do you do?


Blaze: I assume a princess like you hasn't gotten many wedgies in her life right? Rogue: What's the hardest thing about running a nightclub?


Rouge, what would you say is your most wholesome non villainous hobby


Hey, just wanted to pop in and say I'm still enjoying this series! I was going to ask a question, but I haven't really had time to sit down and think of a good one, and it's already almost time for the next chapter anyway and I wouldn't want to invalidate anything you've already written by picking a certain character. But I'll be sure to have a question next chapter!