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“The marshmallows go to… Eclipse… Shadow… Rouge… Scourge… aaaaaand… Marine.” Donovan smiled and tossed all his gifts out to the keepers.

Jet sighed and stood up with his fists clenched. “Sure. Fine. Toss me away. I like races and proper searches for gold more than this anyway. Get me out of here.” He said, sucking in his gut to keep from lashing out.

Eclipse giggled and waved at him as he saw Jet grab his board. The hawk swung his board around and smacked it upside Eclipse’s head, making stars explode in his eyes and his tongue flop out. He giggled like a derp and slumped forward, only to be caught by Shadow. Didn’t stop Eclipse from dribbling pee into his shorts.

“The only thing I’ll miss is pranking you every morning, alien butt.” Jet snickered.


“Dammit!” Sonic shouted, standing in his footed pajamas with a wet patch covering his butt flap. “The pee seeped all the way to the back… ugh!”

Knuckles walked over to Sonic with a toothbrush in his mouth and grinned as he scrubbed. Sonic snarled and flared up with poofy cheeks and his fists clenched.

“Don’t you dare say a word!” Sonic snapped.

“... Does the baby need help changing out of his wet pjs?” Knuckles teased.

“RAAAGH!” Sonic snapped and jumped Knuckles.

A little fight cloud ensued between the two of them before Amy came out of the bathroom and stomped her way towards them. She reached into the cloud and pulled them apart, angry.

“No fighting you two!” Amy snapped, holding Knuckles up by the back of his shirt.

“He started it.” Knuckles said, pointing at the barely conscious Sonic, who’s eyes were rolling and had dancing stars with goofy faces spinning around his head. His mouth oozed baby drool and he giggled like an idiot.

“I don’t care who started it. I’m finishing it.” Amy said back.

Cream then approached them. “Actually, it’s not good to say it doesn’t matter who started it. If that were true than no one would be allowed to defend themselves…”

Amy blinked. “Hmm… I … guess so…”

“So… who started it?” Cream asked.

Knuckles smiled and pointed at Sonic. “He did.”

Cream nodded and grabbed Sonic before putting him under her arm. She dropped the wet butt flap and began spanking his rump while heading outside. “BAD! Bad boy, Baby Sonic!”

“AAGH! WAGH! AIEEEEE!” Sonic screamed, teary eyes crossing and more pee seeping into his pajamas.

Knuckles smirked and went back into the bathroom, happy he very easily won that one.


The groups were finally together again after another week of waiting. Eclipse was angrily trying to unpick his wedgie. 

“Damn you!” He snapped, shaking his fist at Scourge.

Scourge laughed and held his gut, “Sorry dude. With Jet gone I’ve gotta pull double duty on pranking you.”

Eclipse growled but Shadow patted his back. Eclipse blushed and turned to look at his older bro with sparkling eyes.

“Don’t worry about him.” Shadow smirked. “We can get him back if we team up.”

“I… I uh… s-sure! We’ll c-c-consider it an alliance of convenience.” Eclipse tried again to play it off as villain speak.

Confessional - Eclipse: Only the bestest of best bros prank other guys together! Hurray!

Confessional - Shadow: What? He’s… honestly a little cute. I could be his big bro for a bit. I-It’s not like I like him… you know… we’re just… might as well have less enemies and uh… boy, it’s stuffy in here…

“It’s the good 11, here for some fun times ahead eh?” Donovan asked, holding his tablet up. “No need to fear. Fun is on the way!” 

“First, we need our setting!” Omega twirled the ball containing their new environment on his finger before slamming it hard into the dirt. The scenery shifted immediately.

Challenge Area #7 - Twinkle Park

“Welcome to Twinkle Park!” Donovan shouted, his hands out as if waiting for applause. When he didn’t get any, he shrugged and went towards reading.

Question #1 - From Judgement Kazzy: I have a question for Eclipse: Have you ever been given a wedgie?

Eclipse made a pouty face as the wedgied undies in his butt were still latched against his back. His embarrassing Power Rangers briefs were still showing. Scourge laughed harder upon hearing the question.

“That face says it all.” Donovan laughed. “Hey now, it’s cool though. You’ll be given a lot more soon.” He said, snapping his fingers.

Out from the floor came the WHEEL OF WEDGIES!

“Yes folks, it’s the Wheel of Wedgies. What you do is you spin the wheel and whatever the thing lands on, is the wedgie you have to give yourself.” Donovan said. “The loser is the one who passes out from the pain first. Sound fun?”


“Good. Heroes, send forth your victim!” Donovan asked, hands behind his back.

Everyone turned to leer at Charmy. The bee sucked in his lip and began sweating, tapping his foot and eventually whistling.

When the staring wouldn’t stop he sighed and fluttered forward. “FINE! I won’t like it though…”

“You don’t have to.” Knuckles said with a wave.

“I believe in you Charmy!” Cream called out.

Eclipse and Charmy stood by the wheel, staring at is as though it carried a disease.

“Alright… I guess I gotta go first… so…” Eclipse spun the wheel and watched with a groan as it spun. 

Here’s what was listed on the wheel - Messy Wedgie, Bouncing Wedgie, Around-the-World Wedgie, Atomic Wedgie, Frontal Wedgie, Squeaky Clean Wedgie, Skip Your Turn, Spin Again and Double the Wedgie.

It landed on Frontal Wedgie.

Eclipse groaned and reached into the front of his pants. “I feel like a pervert…”

Confessional - Charmy: Hehe. He’s digging into the front of his pants. It looks like he’s playing with himself. That’s funny.

Eclipse gripped his Power Rangers underoos and then hiked them up HIGH! “HEEEEEEEEP!” He screeched, eyes crossing and teeth clenching as he stood on his tippy toes. Despite tearing up and feeling his balls ache as his bladder shook… he was good. A tad light-headed, but fine.

This wasn’t fair because he’d been wedgied earlier already. He was closer to passing out than Charmy was, goddammit.

Charmy sucked in a breath and spun the wheel next, feeling like he was on death row.

The wheel spun, mocking him with an amusing dinging sound as it passed by each space before settling on the one he was to do.

It landed on Bouncing Wedgie.

Charmy sighed and reached behind himself, sticking his big bumble butt out a bit as he reached into his pants and grabbed his Cutie Mark Crusaders briefs. With a hefty pull, he yanked the MLP briefs out with a heavy tug.

“AGH!” Charmy bit his lip, teared up, and began hovering in the air. Hand still on the elastic, he let himself dangle while forcing the briefs to bounce up and down. He made a funny warbly voice grunt of pain with each bounce his body made. It was disheartening to him but Cream was blushing contently as she watched his butt wiggle about like that.

Confessional - Cream: I feel really hot… and sweaty… d-does Charmy have a hypnosis spiral attached to his butt? I couldn’t look away…

Eventually, the bee stopped when he bounced himself about 10 times. He figured that was enough and one glance at Donovan told him it was quite alright. Good. If he had to do more someone was gonna get tossed through a tree.

Eclipse growled, hating how Charmy managed that. “You’ll drop out kid. I see it on your sweaty face!” He snapped and spun once more.

It landed on Atomic Wedgie.

Eclipse blushed and snarled, shaking with rage as Charmy laughed. Though the bee let out a tiny “Ow” when he laughed a bit too hard, as he was still in pain.

Eclipse tried his best to keep this dignified but it was impossible when you were giving yourself an atomic. He had to awkwardly shimmy about, trying to tug the back of his undies up his back at an angle that somehow got them over his head. 

“AAAAAAAAAAAIEEEEEE~!” Eclipse yelled and gasped before finally getting them on his top. He wobbled where he was, seeing stars with intense dizziness. He had to win though. Big brother would be so disappointed if he lost.

Charmy, feeling a bit more confident, spun the wheel again.

It landed on Around-the-World Wedgie.

Charmy had a bit of an idea for this one. He grabbed the back of his briefs and latched them onto one of the prongs of the wheel. Then with a deep breath he tried to jerk the wheel around so that it would spin. No good.

Eclipse smirked. “I’ll just use this as my new spin then.”

Charmy’s eyes got big. “W-Wait…!”

“No, no. I insist.” Eclipse sneered and grabbed the wheel before giving it one large and powerful spin!

“WAAAAAAAAAH~!” Charmy screamed, spinning around with his arms and legs sticking out in front of him while his briefs got stretched. He was spewing drool and snot everywhere as Eclipse and the people on Team Dark held their guts laughing at the bee. Eventually, the wheel spun slower and slower and crawled to a stop.

Charmy was dangling from the wheel with super stretched out briefs and his eyes rolling around in their sockets. You could even see a bit of a wet patch growing on his jeans thanks to the horrible pain. It felt like that one spin caught him up to the amount of heavy dizziness that Eclipse was feeling.

Eclipse looked at the wheel to see what it landed on for him.

Frontal Wedgie again. Easy… hopefully.

Eclipse reached into the front of his pants, groaning with annoyance at how he went frontal, then atomic, and now frontal again. He tried unlatching his briefs and when he succeeded, it snapped against his butt and made him jump which caused a small jet of pee to go into his pants. With a blush and a glance at his smiling older bro, Shadow, he tugged at his undies for another frontal wedgie.

“You got this little b-I mean Eclipse!” Shadow said, offering a vote of confidence. Rouge shot Shadow a curious look which made the black hedgehog blush and clear his throat.

“I… got… THIS…!” Eclipse screeched and managed the frontal. “AAAAAH!” He screeched in pain, letting more tears fall, struggling to stay conscious as the dizziness overtook him.

Charmy grunted and tugged in the opposite direction of the wheel before he finally managed to break away from it. Landing on his feet, he wobbled about like a drunkard and turned to face the dreaded wheel again. Cream was muttering words of support under her breath with her hands clamped together.

Charmy flew up and spun the wheel again, his dizzy rolling eyes getting even more confused and swirly as he watched it go…

It landed on another Around the World Wedgie.

Charmy almost vomited.

He latched his briefs onto the wheel and watched as the super dizzy Eclipse laughed like a dork and spun the wheel again.

“AAAAAAH! NOOOOOOOOO~!” Charmy screamed and cried as more fluids were flung from his body. This time though, the briefs’ elastic snapped! “AIEEEEEEEEK~!” Charmy screamed as he was sent hurtling through the air with his pants now down to his ankles and pee oozing out of him, leaving a little rainbow in the air as he flew by.


Charmy smashed hard against a ferris wheel car as it spun behind them. The bee slid off of it and smashed hard into the small garbage pail, tongue out, eyes rolling, derpy open mouthed smile, stars and birdies circling his head, and pee increasingly filling up his briefs.

Eclipse laughed and pointed even more. “Looks like I win! Take that, wanna-BEE!”

Confessional - Eclipse: Oh snap! Eclipse with the PUN-ishment! HAHAHAHAHA!

“Charmy loses. Eclipse wins. There’s one for Team Dark.” Donovan said, jotting the score down.

Team Hero: 0

Team Dark: 1

As Cream was busy trying to drag the unconscious bee out of the garbage pail, Omega stepped forward with his tablet in hand, ready to read the next question.

“Stand at attention and shut up.” Omega ordered.

Question #2 - From Desperation21: Marine, it’s no secret you get bullied a lot, but have you ever tried standing up for yourself?

Marine smiled and put her fists on her hips, nose pointed up with an exaggerated sense of self importance. “Absolutely! Bully or no bully, no one is above getting chewed out by me!”

“Yes.” Blaze said. “They often get chewed out over the garbled sound of you trying to talk with so little teeth in your mouth.”

Marine fired an angry glare at Blaze. “She says as she loses to me for the fifth time in a row.” 

Blaze blushed and made a supremely angry face in her vicinity. 

“Ladies… please…!” Omega said. “You’re both squishy and dumb. As for this challenge… you WILL be tasked with standing up to the bully!”

“... THE bully?” Marine raised a brow.

“Yes. Marine will have to get the bully she faces down to retreat from the circle they’re standing in.” Omega said. “It will be the proof that you stood up to the bully!”

“Alright. Who’s the bully?” Marine asked.

Omega’s eyes glowed and he stared down at her.

“... Oh… YOU?!” Marine sweated, pointing at him and feeling a long fart escape from behind her. “That’s… that’s swell…!”

Confessional - Marine: *Crying as she’s letting her bowels loose into the porta potty’s toilet out of fear*

“Hah! I can do this!” Marine smirked and put a fist to her chest.

“Your opponent will be the pink one!” Omega said, pointing towards Amy. The pink one in question gasped and turned to leer at him.

“Huh? Why me?” Amy asked.


Amy sighed. “... Well, can I at least get a different bully so I can focus better.”

“I was gonna do that anyway.” Omega said, drawing two circles. He then pointed at Blaze. “YOU! You will be her bully!”

“What?” Blaze raised a brow.

“WHAT?!” Marine snapped. “Oi, time out! That ain’t right. They’re on the same team. She’ll just go out on purpose and win.”

“No she won’t.” Omega said. “We’ve got lie detector sensors all around here. Not only can they sense when you’re lying but they can sense when you’re not giving it your all. If it goes off and it turns out Blaze isn’t giving it her all, I’ll rip her in half.”

Blaze stared wide-eyed at the crazy robot. “... Right then. Let’s do this.” She said, creating flames in the palms of her hands. 

Amy groaned.

The bullies stood at the ready and the signal to begin went by as Vector fired off a pop-gun.

“Alright Blaze… here I-AGH! AACK! HEY!” Amy screamed as Blaze threw fire at her and made her butt ignite! Amy screamed and ran back and forth with her teeth clenched.

“Sorry Amy. I have to give it my all or no win.” Blaze said, admittedly a little amused seeing Ms. Rose get a hole in her pants that showed off her Baby blue Chao panties.

Amy rubbed her butt down, generating smoke, and then leering at Blaze with rage. “Okay…!”

Marine, meanwhile, was puffing out her chest at Omega. “You don’t scare ME!”

“I should.” Omega said. “Turning you into a puddle of orange jelly wouldn’t be hard.”

“You’ve been NAUGHTY!” Marine jumped and went to slap Omega’s robot behind.

It made a clang.

Omega didn’t budge.

Marine giggled nervously.

Then the robot grabbed Marine by her shirt and hoisted her up. “No, you’ve been naughty.” He spun her around so that her butt faced him and with a lift of her tail, began spanking her behind relentlessly!

“AIEEEEEEEK!” Marine screamed, tears flowing from her eyes as she flailed about. The pain was too much! Robot hands huuuurt! Omega didn’t even stop when Marine began messing her pants. He didn’t care because he was a robot. All it did was make it flatten against her butt.

“A spanking huh?” Amy grinned. “Not a bad IDEA!” Amy jumped and landed in the circle right behind Blaze.

Blaze, angry and unwilling to let Amy SPANK her, regardless of what team she was on, turned to try and fire a blast at her.

However, Amy raised a palm and slapped Blaze hard against her behind.

“MEEEOWWWW~!” Blaze screamed, jumping as Amy smacked it again and again! Eventually, the fire on HER behind was disrupting her and Blaze found herself tumbling out of the circle and onto her chin. “Owwwwieeee…”

“Ahahaha! I win! WHOOO!” Amy jumped about in happiness.

“I CALL HAX! EEEEEEK!” Marine screamed right as Omega tossed her useless, smelly butt behind him. She flew through the air and landed in the same garbage pail Charmy fell in before, head first, and stinky bottom sticking right out of it.

“Team Hero wins! Rejoice. Something went right for once in your meaningless lives.” Omega said.

Team Hero: 1

Team Dark: 1

Blaze hopped about, rubbing her butt as Amy giggled at her. 

Vector smirked and raised his tablet. “Whoa. That was fun but I’ve got a spicy new one for you…!”

Question #3 - From Anonymous: Sonic, you’re fast. Ever gone streaking?

Sonic blushed a bit before smirking and rubbing a finger under his nose. “Well… heheh… you know… I’m… well… yeah.”

Everyone winced at Sonic.

“What?!” Sonic snapped. “Sometimes it’s nice to let it all hang out, plus, if I’m fast enough to get away with it, why not? You’d totally do it too if you could!”

Confessional - Cream: … Actually… I probably would… don’t tell Mama.

“Well, you’re gonna do it again but this time all throughout Twinkle Park!” Vector smirked. “The park is crowded today, so you need to not be seen and reach the highest tower where the goal is. You can’t just run straight there. Instead, you need to pick three different places as checkpoints. If you don’t reach three checkpoints before going to the goal then you won’t win.”

“Okay!” Sonic and Scourge said at the same time. Then Sonic yelped, surprised that Scourge was right beside him.

“Hey big blue. Let’s have some fun!” Scourge smirked.

“Oh really?” Sonic smiled. “... You like streaking too I’ll bet.”

Scourge blushed and looked to the side. “... Yeah.”

“Alright boys, time to let it all hang out!” Vector said, handing Scourge and Sonic a list of acceptable checkpoints. “Those are the checkpoints you’re allowed to go to. It can also double a shield for your tiny wee wees.”

The two hedgehogs blushed a bit but began stripping. A pile of clothes that included a leather jacket, two pairs of jeans, a pair of Cookie Monster briefs and Jem and the Holograms underoos laid there in the pile.

The two of them stood there, naked as the day they were born, before taking in a deep breath and rushing off.

Scourge rushed towards the water fountain for his first checkpoint. Being so fast made it so a green streak ran by as the kids around the area were tossing coins into it and making a wish. 

Scourge panted and came to a stop at the fountain. He grumbled and waited for a bit so that he’d have an opportune time to rush off again but the instant he took a step, he slipped on the water and fell into the coin pool!


The kids around it were immediately alerted and went to go check and see what had just fallen in. Scourge, blushing and trying not to freak out over being submerged in water, did his best to claw his way along the bottom and reach the edge of the pool before bursting back out and making a mad dash for his next checkpoint.

The kids were left confused.

Sonic meanwhile was on his way to the bowling area of the park. When Scourge zipped by him, Sonic yelped and spun around, getting increasingly dizzy before he brushed past two kids as they were trying to bowl and fell down hard on the aisle!

Sonic screamed as he tumbled like a ball right into the pins that were set-up making a very loud strike! 

“Oh yeah! I did it!” The first kid did a fist pump. The second kid stared in confusion, squinting his eyes to see if he was looking at what he thought he was looking at.

That being a naked Sonic the Hedgehog, sitting there with fallen pins blocking his naked crotch, and eyes spinning in anime swirls.

“Is that…?” The kid pointed ahead.

Sonic shook his head to clear the stars he was seeing and then gasped in shock at being spotted. He immediately jolted up and sped off before they could get a clearer look.

Scourge’s second checkpoint was an ice-cream stand. Once he made it there, he hid behind the man selling the tasty treats to the kids and tried not to alert him. His heart was beating super fast due to his rising fear. 

Then a pigeon flew down and cooed at him.

“AGH!” Scourge yelped, standing up and smacking into the hand of the ice-cream man, who’s ice-cream cone flew from his hand and smacked against Scourge’s face.

The man and the kids turned and saw the naked green hedgie… 

Right before he bolted again, whining about how the ice-cream was pistachio. 

Sonic’s second stop was a shop for literal babies. He was naked so he didn’t want to get too close and be accused of perving on anyone there. He wiped sweat from his head and then went to run again… slipping on an empty can and falling into a basket full of baby items…

Sonic gasped when he emerged from it, wearing a baby bonnet, a pacifier on a string, and a diaper. He zipped off for his third one.

Scourge zipped to his third spot, a dumpster. He tossed the ice-cream into it and smirked, dusting his hands off. “Time to reach the tallest tower! I’ve made it!” He sneered happily, not noticing an angry dog behind it. 

He totally did when it snapped and bit into his butt though!

“AAAAAAAAAH!” Scourge’s eyes crossed before he began rushing off.

Sonic, at the same time, made it to his final check-point, the bumper cars.

He overshot it too far though and stopped right in the middle of a bumper car game.

“Dammit.” Sonic whined. 


“AIEEEE! AAAAAUGH!” Sonic screeched when he was rammed into, sent tumbling over to the next car, rammed into again, and then sent flying out of the area, screaming with tears streaming from his eyes, towards the tower he needed to reach…!

Scourge rushed as hard and fast up the building as he could, unlatching the dog from his butt as he did so and made a heavy jump for the white flag at the top… and SNAGGED it!

“AHAHAHA! I WIN!” Scourge grinned… right as Sonic came flying at him. The two of them smacked into one another with their lips pressing for a deep, unpassionate kiss, and fell on top of one another…

“That’s game!” Vector shouted from where he was. “Scourge wins!”

Team Hero: 1

Team Dark: 2

“Duuuuuhhhh.... Imma happy little baby butt. Pwease gimmie another kiss, mommy!” Sonic said, eyes rolling as he laid on top of Scourge.

The naked green hedgehog laid there with an erection and drool coming down his mouth. “I-I didn’t en-enjoy that k-kiss… n-not a bit…”

Confessional - Scourge: It’s soooo hard keeping my crotch under control. M-maybe if I give it just one… little… tiny rub… it’ll be satisfied and calm down. *Touches his wee wee once* OH NO! I’M CUMMIIIINNNNGGGAAAAAAAAH~!

“Such happy boys they are.” Rouge teased as she looked up at the downed hedgehogs.

Donovan chuckled and scrolled down to the next question. “Oh. This is a funny one.”

Question #4 - From Judgement Kazzy: Knuckles, what was the last book you’ve read?

“...” Knuckles blinked, staring in confusion for a bit. “Why exactly is that funny?”

“The idea that you regularly read books amuses me.” Donovan stated.

“I’ll knock your teeth out, raccoon.” Knuckles snarled. Donovan gasped and scooted back. “Hmph… the LAST one I read…? Does a newspaper count?”

Rouge giggled.

Knuckles growled. “Alright fine. There was this one story about this weirdo with a redundant sounding name harassing some old man to eat radioactive looking eggs and ham.”

Rouge laughed harder. “That’s correct. So what’s our challenge.”

“Oh, you’re doing the challenge with me instead of just giggling like a dummy? Cool. Let’s do this.” Knuckles snapped, putting a fist in his palm.

“Alright, alright. This one is pretty simple.” Donovan smiled, going to a food stand and bringing out a plate of green eggs and ham… and funnel cake.

“Uh… what?” Knuckles raised a brow.

When he got a second plate he brought it over to the table and set them down before them. “Alright. Eat up, the both of you.”

Knuckles and Rouge sat down, overlooking the plate with a raised brow, before grabbing a fork and a knife and forcing themselves to dig in. Perhaps Rouge shouldn’t have been so confident after all, because eating challenges definitely didn’t tend to sit well with her.

The two of them monstrously ate into the weird looking plate of what was supposedly food. Rouge got about half-way before her tummy rumbled and her eyes widened.

“... BATHROOM!” She shouted and burst away, leaving Knuckles to giggle and mock her as she left.

“I win again Bat-Face!” Knuckles smirked.

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 2

“Whoa. Impressive Knuckles.” Blaze said. 

“Yeah. How’d you hold your gut together eating that gross stuff?” Amy asked.

“Oh I didn’t.” Knuckles smiled with a blush. “I crapped my pants after the first 10 bites…”

Donovan held a hand to his mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. Vector rolled his eyes and grabbed the tablet. “Okay, okay. Let’s wrap this up then.”

Question #5 - From KILLSWITCH64: Shadow, do you still suck your thumb? If not, when was the last time you did?

Shadow sucked in a breath. Eclipse patted his back.

“Don’t worry. I’m here.” Eclipse said.

Shadow smiled a bit. He then cleared his throat. “Yes… I do… so does Sonic and Scourge though. And I bet Charmy does as well.”

“HEY!” All three of them snapped. Eclipse laughed and held his stomach.

“Well good… cause you’re gonna be a baby!” Vector said.

“Huh?” Shadow blinked.

One screen wipe later, Shadow was dressed in a diaper, a baby bonnet, baby booties, and had a pacifier on a string that he was currently sucking on with his un-amused facial expression.

He was in the baby area of Twinkle Park where a bunch of babies were around, crawling over stuff and pinching at his cheeks. One of them even painfully yanked on his tail.

“OW!” Shadow grumbled.

“Your challenge is a simple one.” Vector said. “You have 5 minutes to try and escape the baby area without being beaten back by the caretaker… Cream the Rabbit!”

Cream stood there, wearing a police officer outfit and had a black nightstick in her hand. “You’re not getting past here!”

“Wanna bet?!” Shadow stood up, wagging his tail a bit.

“You got this big bro!” Eclipse shouted. Shadow blushed and nodded before standing at the ready. He rushed forward and tried to sprint past her.

However, Cream held the nightstick up like a baseball bat and took a heavy swing as he came back, cracking it against his face and sending him tumbling through the air before he smacked down hard against his back.

Shadow laid there with his legs up before they too flopped to the ground. You could then make out a yellow sheen growing on the front of his diaper as it became clear that Cream had knocked the piss out of him.

Shadow stumbled back up, eyes rolling and a dumb, derpy grin on his face, dancing about in place like a drunk ballerina, before shaking his head and growling in Cream’s direction.

Cream smiled and stood there calmly.

The frustration on Shadow’s face was amusing. Eclipse looked on with a bit of concern but drummed up confidence in his bro-bro and started cheering again.

Shadow grunted and rushed forward again.

Cream took another swing and Shadow managed to duck under it this time. However, Cream stuck her leg out and made him trip over it!

The hedgehog yelped and his face planted the ground. Cream went to try and grab at his diaper bottom but Shadow growled and shoved his diaper butt right into her face! Cream gasped and was set off balance just enough for Shadow to swing a kick around to knock her to the side!

Cream stomped her foot down to hold her ground and to keep from being sent flying, but Shadow stomped down on her pants leg and pulled it along the ground, which tore her pants completely off!

“EEEP!” Cream yelped, standing in her bunny undies and covering herself with a blush on her face. Charmy gasped and flew back from a rocketing nosebleed.

Shadow took that time to rush ahead and successfully managed to make it out of the baby area with just 20 seconds left!

“WHOOO!” Shadow shouted. 

“YOU DID IT!” Eclipse screamed, rushing over to Shadow and giving him a big ol’ brotherly hug. “HAHAHAHA!”

“Thanks! I appreciate it… I really want out of these baby clothes though.” Shadow grumbled.

Eclipse blushed and bit his lip with excitement. “A-Are you sure? I-I could baby you again… might be fun.”

Shadow’s eyes widened and he looked to the side, blushing as well. “Y-Yeah well… I mean, maybe I could… stay in them a bit longer…”

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 3

Cream was very upset and waving her fists around, shouting something no one could make out. Donovan giggled and pressed a button.

“The caretaker is now a baby due to her failure.” He smirked.

Cream gasped when suddenly all her clothes were zapped away. She was momentarily naked before a pinker version of the baby outfit Shadow was wearing was on her now, complete with a diaper and all. Cream whined and suckled on the pacifier as Charmy flew over and cradled her in his arms.

“Don’t worry. I gotcha.” The bee said with a smile.

Cream eventually calmed down and settled into him, sucking calmly on the paci as she was comforted for the first time in a long while. Charmy blushed and felt the heat rise around them. It was warm and cozy.

Too bad they lost.

“Heroes! I’ll be seeing you at the campfire tonight. Try your best to enjoy the rest of your day at the park though.” Donovan shouted.


At the day’s end, the remaining 6 heroes sat around the campsite, looking about one another to see if there was a chance they’d be let go here written on any of their faces.

Donovan knew the answer of course. “Time to get this going…!”


Time to send the questions in and vote out who you don't want to be there. I'm starting to have an idea of where this competition is going based on the pattern of voting.



Knuckles, you're crazy strong, pretty fast and all around a really nice guy. What's something else you really wish you had going for you?


This question is for Rouge: If you weren’t a thief, what would you like to do with your life?


That last challenge with Cream was cute. Anyway, speaking of: Charmy, how does it feel knowing Cream has seen your teeny weenie several times during this competition?


Here’s a rather long question for Sonic: Let’s say there’s an out of control trolley about to run over a group of 5 people tied to the track. The only thing you have time to do is pull a lever that will divert the trolley onto another track with only 1 person tied to it. Would you pull the lever?


If I’m not too late, I have another question for Eclipse: You’ve been treated pretty poorly by your fellow teammates since the competition began. If you had the opportunity, how would you enact your revenge?