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“First marshmallow goes to…” Donovan began, looking about the group of nervous heroes. He smiled and began tossing the snacks out one by one, dispensing with the humiliating wait. This was just him going for the jugular, which took the others off guard. They all gasped when the marshmallows flew as their names were called out one by one.

“Sonic, Knuckles, Cream, Charmy, Blaze, Amy… and… Tails.” Donovan finished, throwing the last piece and watching as the light drained from Silver’s face. He found it quite humorous.

“... Wha-? But why me?” Silver asked, lip quivering as he pointed to himself.

“I dunno. I guess you just stopped being entertaining to the masses. Can’t have anyone boring on the show.” Donovan shrugged. 

Silver stood up with his fists clenched and face red with a rare bout of anger. “This is dumb! Who gets voted out because of stupid reasons like this! We should be voted out based on performance!”

“Wrong!” Donovan smiled, pointing at Silver. “It’s not dumb. If you perform good enough, you get to avoid being here period. It doesn’t matter how well you performed if your team still loses. That’s the point of this. That’s why it doesn’t matter if they vote you out because they’re tired of seeing you. If you were good enough, you and your team wouldn’t be here at all. Blame them and yourself, not me or the voters.”

Silver scrunched up his face. He then teared up and felt himself wince as he wet his pants from embarrassment and frustration. “Y-Yeah… w-well… y-you’re all… stupid doody heads and I hate you! WAAAAAH!” Silver turned and ran off crying with his hands against his soaked pants.

Sonic winced. “Sheesh… I guess at least now I’m starting to realize how this competition operates a little more.” The blue hedgehog muttered, eating his marshmallow.

Confessional - Tails: It’s a bit unorthodox but I see Donovan’s point. We’ve got to keep winning to avoid reaching this spot in the first place. If we don’t come together as a team then we’ll be at the mercy of the people who choose whether or not we’ll stick around based on who has the most to offer them as far as entertainment goes. It’s a very cruel system but I guess that’s exactly why they thought of it. Oh boy…

With that, the other surviving heroes went off to their cabin, down one member and with various thoughts on how this was going to go from here on in.


It was a week of minor squabbling and adjusting for both teams before the next challenge day happened.

In the villains cabin, Eclipse was sleeping on his bed, thumb in his mouth, and wearing a pair of canary yellow footed pajamas while cuddling a teddy bear to himself. He had made sure that the covers had covered him completely but it didn’t matter come morning when they were off of him due to all the tossing and turning he tended to do at night.

Scourge and Jet were grinning like maniacs as they stood in their night clothes. Jet was in a light blue shirt and a pair of red plaid boxers. Scourge was in a wife-beater and a pair of Lucky Charms underoos. Despite his embarrassing undies, the two of them were more concerned with pranking Eclipse, having gotten a wooden pool stick and were slowly inching it towards Eclipse’s butt as he snored.

When the butt flap was lowered they then shoved it right in!

“YEEEEAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH~!” Eclipse screeched, tears in his eyes as he shot out of his bed and flailed his arms and legs about. He landed on his feet and screamed while tugging at the stick in his butt, trying to yank it out as the hawk and green hedgehog rolled about on the floor in laughter.

At this moment, Shadow had just exited the bathroom. 

“Ugh. Finally.” Rouge stood up, rolling her eyes at the immature display before her, and heading into the room. Shadow was soaking wet and had a towel around his waist. He was about to hurry and get dressed before he spotted what Rouge was so upset by.

These goobers were messing around again.

“What’s going on he-Eclipse?! What the hell?!” Shadow snapped, rushing over towards his younger brother and yanking the pool stick out of his bum.

“OOOOOOF!” Eclipse’s eyes crossed and his lips pursed. He made such a goofy face when it was removed and his butt wiggled as it was taken away. He began wetting his pajamas right then and there, the pain making his bladder fail him. The darkling winced and fell to the floor, rubbing his butt as tears flowed from his eyes. He wanted to threaten the laughing pranksters with death but couldn’t form words.

Plus, he was blushing at the fact that his awesome big bro just helped him out. His heart was fluttering over it, even.

“Enough with this nonsense.” Shadow waved the stick around. “If you think I’m going to stay in a cabin with this crap going on you’ve got another thing coming.” He said this while tossing the pool stick across the room.

Marine just walked into the cabin after exiting for a short walk right as the stick was thrown. “Good morning everyo-!”

BAM! It bashed her in the face and sent her spiraling back outside with a loud CRASH!

No one noticed. No one cared.

“Come on. We’re just playing around.” Jet wiped a tear from his eye. “You could stand to loosen up a bit yourself.” He smirked.

“Yeah! Unless you stand with losers that is? HAHAHA!” Scourge kicked his feet and pointed at Shadow.

Jet then got a marvelous idea. He reached over to the disgruntled black hedgehog and tugged down at his towel, letting it drop completely to his feet.

Shadow, Eclipse, and Scourge all did a double take, their eyes widened in shock as they stared at Shadow’s manhood being exposed.

Shadow blushed and grit his teeth, too shocked and embarrassed to cover up. Jet didn’t care about that though. He wanted to see Scourge’s reaction.

Scourge was blushing even more than Shadow was and gasped as he felt a rise in his briefs.

“Oh-OH NO! DAMN YOU JET!” Scourge screamed, grabbing himself and standing up. Before he could even run off, the grabbing of his crotch sent his loins into hyperdrive and he drooled with his eyes crossing as he exploded a hefty orgasm into his underoos!

Jet laughed and pointed as Scourge thrusted and bucked at the air without any control over himself. The green hedgehog moaned and collapsed on his back, briefs soaked to the brim and his crotch bouncing a bit as it kept trying to hump at the air. 

“You little sex fiend. Seriously, it should be a crime to be that much of a horndog. You can’t even last that long either. Sheesh.” Jet shrugged.

Scourge couldn’t respond. His tongue was flopped out of his mouth and his eyes were rolling around in their sockets like billiards.

Shadow eventually had the mind to try and cover up but found Eclipse grabbing his towel and wrapping around his waist for him.

Shadow looked down at Eclipse and blinked a bit in confusion at the blushing darkling’s face. “Uh… thanks… I appreciate it.”

“D-Don’t mention it… brother…” Eclipse gulped.

Confessional - Eclipse: M-My revenge at Shadow will come eventually… but you know he had just been humiliated so I felt it wasn’t too necessary right there… *Blush* He th-thanked me though. Eeee~! *Proceeds to squeal like a fangirl*


“Welcome one, welcome all.” Donovan spun the stage changer orb on his finger as he looked about the two groups. “To your next destination!”

He slammed it into the ground and watched as the scenery changed yet again.

The sky went dark but the lights shined brightly around them as the beautiful and fun looking area came into view. 

Challenge Area #5: Bingo Highway

“Whoa! Look at this place!” Marine screamed, hands to her cheeks.

“Impressive.” Blaze looked about, astonished as well.

Confessional - Rouge: Five finger discount, here I come.

Confessional - Charmy: I wanna play on the Craps table! HAHAHA! It’s funny cause it’s called the CRAPS table! AHAHA!

Confessional - Tails: I was banned from Casino Park for counting cards… not my finest moment…

“Alright everyone. Enough gawking! We’ve got a show to get to!” Donovan waved them down. Before he could even start though, Omega shoved him out of the way and made him fall off the platform and down the horrendously terrifying Bingo slide. “AIEEEEEEEEeeeekkk…~!”

Omega looked over the edge and shrugged. “He’ll be fine. Time for the first question!”

Question #1 - From Judgement Kazzy: This question is for Shadow: What was the last thing that made you cry?

Shadow winced. 

“I mean… I don’t… cry very often… you know I just…” Shadow grumbled, crossing his arms before tearing up and sniffling. “O-Okay… maybe that one thing did… that time my pants fell down when I was trying to buy a cheeseburger and everyone laughed at the undies I had on.”

“... Oh.” Omega blinked. “That’s so sad… sounds like something a loser would cry over though.”

“Shut up!” Shadow snapped, sniffling and wiping his tears away. “Anyway, there’s your answer.”

“... What was the underwear?” Omega asked.

“None of your business!” Shadow snapped.

“It was the ‘Mommy’s Favorite Snugglepuss’ undies wasn’t it?” Omega pried further. Shadow was beat red and snarling at the robot. “Anyway! Your challenge is going to be to keep from crying as best you can!”

Omega took out two onions and squished them into the open air. “Ready?”

“I guess I’ll take this one.” Amy smiled, heading forward with her hammer over her shoulder. “You ready too, Shadow?”

“Hmph. As ready as I’ll ever be.” Shadow snapped and stepped into the onion cloud with Amy. They both scrunched up their faces and teared up but refused to let them drop.

“Now then… this might be quicker than you two realize because I’m going to show you a single image…!” Omega said. “The one who breaks down first upon seeing it is the loser… ready!”

Shadow and Amy nodded.

This was going to be a fast one alright.

Omega held up his hands.

In one image was Sonic rejecting Amy to please another fangirl who wanted his autograph. Although, he more so didn’t see her but Amy took it as rejection.

In the other image was Shadow being teased by kids for the undies he had on.

Shadow and Amy both felt like they had been struck by a baseball bat to the brain. Their faces scrunched up and tears welled up even more intensely on their faces.

Amy thought in her head about how horrible it was that hussy in the picture got Sonic’s attention but she didn’t. This hussy was 7 years old, by the way.

Shadow was thinking about all the mean things those children said to him about his undies. He liked those briefs. The girl on them reminded him of Maria…!

That did it.

Shadow burst out crying, spewing tears everywhere and hiccuping. “WHAAAAA~! IT’S NOT FAAAAAAIRRRR~!”

Shadow was wailing surprisingly loudly. Eclipse gasped and rushed over to him, giving him a big hug in front of everyone. Shadow didn’t even care and managed to hug him back.

“Don’t worry big bro! Those meanies can’t hurt you now!” Eclipse said, cooing a bit as he led him off.

Confessional - Eclipse: Lull him into a false sense of security with warm hugs and comfort and then… and then… uhm… *blush* m-maybe just… stay like that for a bit…?

Confessional - Shadow: Dammit. Everytime I think of that moment I just let loose. Those little brats! UGH! Why those undies specifically? They remind me so much of HER… damn… well… at least Eclipse got me out of there before I started banging my fists on the ground. That would have sucked.

We cut back to Shadow, now crying and banging his fists on the ground while on his stomach and flailing his legs about like a baby. Two waterfalls of tears were spewing from his eyes and everyone around watched with uncomfortable astonishment. Eclipse was the only one to remain calm and tried to pet Shadow’s head.

Team Hero: 1

Team Dark: 0

Vector cleared his throat. “Enough said about that, the better. Moving right along.”

Question #2 - From Anonymous: Speaking of Scourge a question for him: We know that Sonic is rather small down there, which means you probably are too. Who do you think is smaller?

“We have the exact same body.” Scourge said. “Even if it IS small, it’ll be the same size.”

Sonic grumbled. “Yeah but, if it IS small that means you have a tiny wee wee.”

“Uh, so do you fool!” Scourge snapped.

“Yeah well… you’re a… TINY WEE WEE PERSON!” Sonic shouted back.

“You can’t use that insult on me because you’re literally just insulting yourself!” Scourge snapped back.

Sonic and Scourge stomped towards one another and butted heads, growling at each other.

Tails then cleared his throat. “Ahem. Excuse me Sonic. I think I’d like to handle this.” He said this with his hand raised.

Both Scourge and Sonic turned to look at Tails, a bit confused.

“Uh… sure thing buddy. Go ahead.” Sonic backed off as Tails stepped forward as Scourge’s challenger.

“Alright!” Vector smirked and pushed into view, a large rotating Casino Wheel! “Here’s the challenge. You spin the wheel and it’ll land on a picture of one of the guys. Whoever it lands on, you’ve got to say whether or not, with confidence, whether you have a bigger wee wee than the other. For each one you get wrong, you lose an article of clothing. Whoever loses the game is gonna be put into a diaper.”

“WHAT?!” Tails and Scourge snapped.

Confessional - Tails: AGAIN with the diapers? COME ON!

Scourge was the first to step up to the wheel. With a sigh, he grabbed at it and made the first spin.

It rotated and landed on Charmy.

“Bigger or smaller?” Vector asked, looking over at his fellow Chaotix member. Charmy gulped a bit.

Scourge grumbled to himself. “... Bigger.”

“WRONG!” Vector said.

“HUH?!” Scourge gasped.

Charmy grinned. “Phew.”

Cream giggled and patted the bee’s back. “Good for you.”

Confessional - Cream: That answer surprised me since… well, I’ve seen his and it ain’t that big… sorry Charmy… but you’re young so it shouldn’t matter much right now.

Scourge winced and felt his pants disappear. He was standing in his PBS Kids Arthur briefs now. He blushed and yanked his jacket down, trying in vain to cover the undies but it wasn’t working even a little bit.

Tails smirked as he approached the wheel. “Alright. My turn.”

He spun the wheel and it landed on Eclipse.

“Bigger or smaller.” Vector asked.

“... I want to say… bigger.” Tails rubbed a finger under his nose.

“Absolutely not!” Vector chided.

“Eh?” Tails’ eyes widened, genuinely surprised by that.

“Pfft.” Eclipse giggled.

The fox’s pants disappeared, leaving his shirt to hover over the edge of his Spider-Man underoos. “YEEP!” The fox blushed and tried to do what Scourge did, having equally bad results.

“NEXT!” Vector called out.

Scourge gulped and spun the wheel. When he saw it land on Shadow he growled.

“BIGGER! It’s got to be!” Scourge snapped.

“Nope.” Vector said.

Both Scourge and Sonic’s jaws dropped at that. Shadow sniffled where he sat and got a bit of a smile on his face. Seems like hearing that made him calm down.

Scourge’s jacket and shirt disappeared next, leaving him in just his briefs, shoes, socks, and gloves. “Th-This can’t be happening…!”

Tails was now at a loss for confidence as he went next. He spun the wheel and watched it land on Silver.

The fox giggled at that. “Oh that’s gotta be a win for me. I’m totally bigger!” Tails sneered.

“WRONG-O!” Vector snapped.

“WHAT?!” Tails screamed as his shirt went away. “AAIEEEEE!” He tried to cover himself by wrapping his tails around him next but he just looked even more ridiculous.

“You know, you guys could win more points if you were just honest with yourselves.” Vector chuckled. “Last spin!”

Scourge growled and spun the wheel.

It landed on Tails.

Tails saw that and smiled again, eyeing Sonic instead of Scourge. Sonic gasped.

“W-Wait a minute… is THIS why Tails wanted to go instead of me?” Sonic began sweating, scared of what he was about to learn here…

Scourge snarled and then banged his fist against the wheel. “BIGGER! THERE’S NO WAY IN HELL I’M SMALLER THAN THAT FOX!”

“... Heh.” Vector sneered and raised a finger. “You are. The answer is SMALLER! YOU LOSE!”

“NOOOOOOOO!” Both Scourge and Sonic screamed in unison while Tails laughed his butt off, hands to his chest. He knew this was the truth, of course. He’s given Sonic so many baths and spanked him so many times. His mind made mental measurements of their sizes for sure.

Scourge yelped as the remainder of his clothes disappeared, leaving him totally naked. He blushed and covered himself, a dopey embarrassed grin on his face. 

“Last spin eh?” Tails spun the wheel and it landed on Knuckles.

Tails sighed.

Oh well. He got what he wanted. Might as well be honest.

“Smaller.” Tails reluctantly said.

“Correct.” Vector smirked. “You’ve just been awarded your first and only point.”

Tails flexed with his fists on his hips… forgetting he was standing in just a pair of Spider-Man underoos. 

Then he remembered. 

“AGH! C-Can I get my clothes back?!” Tails asked.

“Nope! But you can watch Scourge get diapered.” Vector snickered, snapping his fingers as two mechanical hands came from the giant Casino wheel and grabbed the naked hedgehog, making him display his body out so he and his tiny wee wee were exposed to everyone.

“NO! LET ME GO! AAAAAAH!” Scourge screamed and cried as a third hand came out with a diaper and a fourth one produced a bottle of powder. Scourge was handedly diapered and powdered in front of everyone before the hands dropped him onto his butt. With teary eyes he was about to wail out a cry but had a pacifier shoved into his mouth to keep the wail contained.

Scourge suckled on it and his eyes drooped. Something must have been coated on the pacifier because it made him instantly sleepy. With a tired groan, he flopped onto his back… and began humping at the air.

“Uh-oh. He passed out.” Jet commented on the sides. “He’s going into a wet dream.”

“Instantly? Just like that?” Rouge asked.

“Yup. The instant he falls asleep he soils his sheets cause he has super sexy dreams.” Jet said. “It’s hilarious.”

Scourge was left alone, creaming in his diaper as the competition moved on.

Team Hero: 1

Team Dark: 1

Donovan groaned as he finally made it back to the top with everyone, dusting himself off and grabbing at the tablet. “Don’t EVER push me off the sides again!”

“Bitch, I do what I want.” Omega fired back.

Question #3 - From Anonymous: Cream: You're very motherly, despite your age. Do you think there's anyone on team villain that could give a bath better than you could?

Cream put a finger to her lips and pondered as she looked over at the dark side. “Nope. I don’t think so.”

Marine raised her hand. “I object!” Marine said. “I’ve given Blaze plenty of baths. Falsehoods will not be tolerated here.”

Blaze blushed and covered her face. “Come on Marine.”

Cream smiled right as Vector dragged in a glowing bath-tub with Casino lights around them. It was filled with soapy water and had a nice scrubber and shampoo at the ready. There was even a nice bar of soap, freshly unpacked.

“Then this’ll be simple. Let’s see which of you can get the other to take a bath.” Vector smiled.

Cream and Marine stared each other down. 

Then they charged!


The two of them clashed with an epic grabble. Marine cruelly reached over and began tickling Cream. The rabbit gasped and began to fidget before laughing up a storm. Marine took that chance and grabbed her dress, flinging it off the rabbit’s body!

Cream stumbled back, down to just a pair of Backyardigans panties! She yelped and covered herself right as Charmy got a nosebleed and Marine got her fist ready.

Cream saw the fist coming but didn’t duck in time.


Cream’s eyes crossed and she stumbled about like a derp. The raccoon sneered and grabbed her, dragging her towards the tub… when all of a sudden, Cream sprung to life and elbowed Marine in the gut!

“HOOOOOF!” Marine’s eyes widened and she grabbed her stomach, farting super loudly as she did.

Cream then hit the ground, gasping as she had been set free. She had to move quickly though. She grabbed at Marine’s pants and yanked them down, exposing her pink Princess Dora panties to everyone.

Marine squealed as Cream tugged on her legs and made the raccoon fall and bang her head against the ground, instantly making her eyes go crossed.

Charmy was panting and keeping a hand to his nose. Vector chuckled over at the bee, finding it hilarious that he found this so hot.

Cream didn’t waste any more time. While Marine’s eyes were rolling and she was seeing chirping birdies, Cream stripped her completely naked and grabbed her by her farting tail.

“HIYAH!” Cream than slam dunked Marine into the bath, making a huge splash before grabbing the scrubbing materials. 

Marine’s head poked out of the water but she had no time to react as the soapy scrubber was planted onto her head and the bar of soap was shoved into her mouth! She sucked on it with her eyes crossed and groaned, sinking a bit as she had her dirty butt, crotch, face, and tail cleaned off by the panty clad rabbit.

“Well… that tears it. Cream is the obvious winner.” Vector said this right as Marine farted in the tub and made even more bubbles in the bath.

Confessional - Charmy: Ugh… I couldn’t stop looking at that. Is that what’s called a catfight? I see why people like those so much now. My body is so tingly and hot right now. Good thing I’m not like Scourge or Tails, or I’d be all creamy down there right now… well… I actually think I am a tiny bit… honestly… whoops…

“That’s another hero win. Things are moving along strong.” Donovan smirked, ready to go for yet another question. 

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 1

“Nuh-uh.” Jet began. “Nope. We’re nipping this lead in the bud right now. I’m going next no matter what the question is.”

“You can’t go if it’s for a person on the dark side that isn’t you, you know.” Rouge fired back.

Jet grumbled. Screw these rules.

Question #4 - From Judgement Kazzy: This one is for Blaze: during Bad Luck Bonanza, you agreed to go on a date with Silver. How did that date go, in your opinion?

Blaze winced. "Oh… you know. We sat and talked for a bit. Or tried to talk… he kept fumbling over his words and whined about how dry his food was. Then I think he got so nervous, he wasn’t even forming proper sentences anymore. Then he cried and wet his pants.”

“... … Just what a girl wants in a man.” Vector chimed in.

Jet stood up and walked over to her. “Alright then. Let’s do this… whatever this next thing is.”

“It’s pretty simple.” Donovan whipped out a deck of playing cards. “You’ve got 3 cards to choose from each. They’re things you shouldn’t do on a date. The ones you draw and the ones you have to do in sequential order. The one who does them all correctly wins.”

Donovan shuffled the deck and held his palm out. “Who is first?”

“I am.” Jet said, determined to get a win. He sneered and pulled three cards.

One card said not to strip to your briefs and dance on the table.

Card two said not to smash your face in the food like a toddler.

Card three said not to go to the neighboring table and smash your butt into their food.

“Alright then. Here we go!” Donovan snapped his fingers and suddenly a portal opened up below Jet. The confused hawk gasped before he fell in and landed in a restaurant somewhere in Station Square.

“... Wait… I have to DO all that at an actual restaurant?!” Jet gasped, flushing red. 

“Yup. Hurry right along now.” Donovan spoke, reaching Jet as a disembodied voice.

The hawk gulped but then got determined again.

“Okay!” Jet snapped, catching the attention of people there and stripping down to his Captain America boxers. He jumped and stood on the table, dancing and swishing his butt around. “Look at me! WHOOO! I’m dancin’!”

The contestants watching this on the screen giggled at the reaction from the restaurant goers. Truly this was a marvel.

Jet jumped down and smashed his face into the food on the table before him. Then he quickly ran over to a couple’s table, jumped, and planted his butt down into the food of what looked like the wife. “There! How’s that!”

The husband got angry and wrapped a hand around Jet’s neck, making him gasp.

The snot was beaten out of the hawk before he was tossed out of the building. Luckily, Donovan opened up another portal in Jet’s way and allowed him to fall through it.

He landed on his face with his butt in the air in front of everyone, eyes rolling, tongue out, and pupils replaced with stars. “Check please…!”

“Good, good.” Donovan clapped his hands. “Now it’s your turn Blaze.”

Blaze gulped and went for the cards. This would be simple enough… hopefully.

She drew her three cards and gasped.

One card said not to wet yourself in front of your date.

The second card said not to press your butt into someone’s face and fart on a date.

The last one said not to mess your pants and strip to your undies right after. 

“ARE YOU KIDDING M-AAAAGH!” Blaze screamed, falling through the portal before she could even complain.

She landed in a different restaurant, right on her butt. 

She winced as she stood up and looked around at the pristeen establishment, not wanting to be the one who disrupted their meals.

With a gulp,she bit the bullet and concentrated on wetting herself. As her face flushed red, her pants darkened with a huge wet patch that traveled down her legs and soaked the carpet. All the adults, teens, and kids in the place that witnessed it gasped and pointed directly at her.

Blaze then rushed over to a poor guy about her age and pushed her butt into his face.

“I’m SO sorry about this!” She said before ripping a fart right into him!

Everyone back at the Bingo Highway platform watching this winced, feeling embarrassed for her at this point.

Blaze stood back and grumbled, knowing she wasn’t going to have an easy time doing the last thing. She grunted and tried to push but nothing was coming.

However, a huge mess shot into her panties when the boy she farted into, swung his fist around and slugged her in the gut!


“HOOOOGUH!” Blaze’s eyes went wide as a tidal wave of crap spewed into her pants. She doubled over and gasped before the boy angrily grabbed her and started to beat the crap out of the poor cat. The onlookers winced as shreds of her clothes flew everywhere.

Eventually, she was punted from the place in just her messy Hello Kitty panties. Like Jet she was granted a portal to fall through and landed smack dab in the center of the place with everyone looking down at her.

Blaze poked her head up with her eyes rolling and several teeth missing, as well as a nice shiny black eye. “Dere’s a poop in mah pants Mr. Moo cow! Time ta gets da shovel! Durrrr~!” Blaze said before passing out with her smelly butt up.

Confessional - Marine: PEEEE-YUUUU~! Sheesh Blaze. How unbecoming of you for smelling so badly. I mean, really.

“Blaze isn’t going to like hearing this when she wakes up but Jet won that one.” Donovan said, raising the unconscious hawk’s arm. “Cause he actually did his tasks while Blaze had the tasks done TO her… unfortunately.”

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 2

“Yeesh. I can’t imagine anything being as bad as that.” Tails muttered.

“Oh can’t you? I’ll take that as a challenge.” Omega said, grabbing the tablet. Tails chuckled nervously as the remainder of the contestants gave the fox dirty looks.

Question #5 - From KILLSWITCH64: Knuckles, it seems like more often than not for you, other people's brains manage to defeat your brawn.  However, has there ever been a time where you managed to outsmart someone?

Knuckles smirked. “Now hang on a second Killswitch. I may not be the most smarticle of the bunch here-!”

“That’s not a word.” Sonic said.

“-But I’ve had plenty of times where I’ve shown just how cunning I can be. For example, this one time, I bought a TV off a guy who was trying to throw it away for 12 bucks.” Knuckles said proudly.

“... Knuckles…” Tails began. “If he was trying to throw it away, that means you could have gotten it for free if you had just snagged it when it was in the dumpster.”

“Ha. Jokes on you. I didn’t have any money so I gave him an Olive Garden gift card instead.” Knuckles smirked.

“... He still got something monetary for something he was going to throw away.” Tails said back.

“Whatever. I think we all know this idiot probably has never had a moment like that.” Donovan said. “At least not one he can recall. So, we’ll put his brain to the test with this…!”

A gameshow board came down with a ton of questions on it. It looked Casino themed. 

“Alrighty then! I’ll be the one asking the questions here Knuckie!” Donovan said, swishing his butt back and forth with a grin.

Knuckles stood behind the podium and blinked. “Okay. Shoot.”

“Question 1. How many days are in 3 years?” Donovan asked.

“... What?” Knuckles asked back and a buzzer sounded.

“Whoops. Wrong. The answer isn’t what. It’s 1,095.” Donovan chuckled, a hand to his mouth.

“Hey now. What’s your deal?” Knuckles was getting rather angry.

“Next question. Who invented the cotton gin?” Donovan asked.

“Is that some kind of an alcohol?” Knuckles asked. Another buzzer sounded.

“What day does Daylight savings fall on this year?” Donovan spoke again.

“Is that the name of a sale at the mall…?” Knuckles grumbled. The buzzer sounded again.

Being isolated on an island for the majority of his life kind of left him high and dry for answers on things like this. As this went on and he kept hearing that buzzer over and over, he got more and more steamed in the head before eventually he lost.

“Welp, that was all the questions.” Donovan shrugged. “I’m afraid that’s a point for the dark side. So sad. Hahaha-OOF!”

Donovan was stopped when Knuckles punched him in the face.

Donovan stood there shocked.

Then his eyes crossed and a dumb smile crossed his face.

Then he began shaking his butt out at everyone, which made his pants lower and showed off his Green Lantern briefs.

Then he passed out and face planted the floor.

“Don’t need to outsmart someone when you can just punch their lights out.” Knuckles winked.

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 3

“I guess that round was to make up for the gap in our teams.” Eclipse said, standing up. “I have a feeling it might be my turn now.”

Question #6 - From KILLSWITCH64: Eclipse, has there been a day of this competition yet where everyone in the Villain house managed to wake up with dry and unsoiled sheets?  Somehow I doubt it.

Eclipse pondered this while looking over the remaining group members.

“I mean… not everyone does. I don’t for exam-w-wait no… I wet myself this morning… but that wasn’t MY fault!” Eclipse blushed.

“You sneak into the bathroom with soaked pjs almost every morning.” Jet interrupted. “Whining and crying for your big brother to come and comfort you.” Jet accused.

Eclipse teared up and snapped. “Shut your face! What about you?!”

“What ABOUT me?” Jet challenged.

“You and Scourge like to prank me every morning but I bet you have wetting issues too. I’ve seen those spots on your discarded boxers!” Eclipse said.

Jet blushed a tad now. “Why are you looking at my discarded underwear, for one? Two, it’s because I have trouble shaking when I finish using the toilet and sometimes it gets on my boxers. Scourge, on the other hand, soils his sheets every morning with his weird sexual fantasy orgasms.”

Scourge was still sleeping, creaming a bit more into his diaper while sucking on a paci off to the side.

“Shadow has frequent accidents from his bladder!” Jet shouted.

“Hey!” Eclipse defended. “So what? He’s been through a lot!” Shadow heard this and blushed.

“Oh and don’t get me started on Marine and her skidmarks.” Jet snarled, leering over at the girl. Marine gulped and sunk lower into the tub she was still in before farting and making more bubbles appear.

Rouge sighed and raised her hand. “I don’t.”

Eclipse thought it over. “... Oh! You’re right. You don’t! Yeah, my answer is Rouge.”

Rouge rolled her eyes.

Confessional - Rouge: I’ve never had the displeasure of being in a more disgusting cabin before… for SEVERAL WEEKS…!

“Well, with that finally answered, let’s see who’s the best at guessing the soiler!” Vector chimed in and pointed at a large matching board. It had bright lights shining around it and a board at the top that was ready to flash the name of the winner of the game. “This’ll be simple. Press a button on your keyboard before you and it’ll correspond to one of the flipped over cards on the board. One of them will be the face of a person, the other will be a video of them soiling themselves in their sleep! It’ll be zoomed in so you can’t see the face of the person but it’ll zoom out to show the whole video once the answer is given. Got that?”

Charmy flew up and stood in front of the keyboard. “I’d like to participate in this… for no special reason…”

“Okay… well, then… let’s get started.” Vector said, raising a finger.

Everyone looked uneasy. Did they really have video of them soiling themselves.

“First to three matches wins. Got it?” Vector said. “Charmy, you go first.”

The bee pressed a random flipped over card on his keyboard. On the large board in front of him, the corresponding one flipped over to reveal Tails’ face.

“Oh no…” Tails winced.

Charmy pressed another card and when it flipped over was presented with a zoomed in video of someone crying and holding their legs together while banging was heard. It sounded like they were trying to get into the bathroom and the setting looked like… a daycare center?

Then a dark spot appeared on the person’s pants and they wet themselves while crying loudly. It was muffled so that you couldn’t make out the voice.

“So? Is this a video of Tails or not?” Vector asked.

“... That’s…” Charmy pondered. “Me. Not Tails.”

The video zoomed out and sure enough, it was Charmy banging on the bathroom door of a daycare while the actual daycare kids laughed at him. He was there for a mission and had forgotten to go potty when he woke up.

The video continued and showed him being laid out on a mat and diapered in front of a bunch of dry babies. It was the most humiliating thing to happen to him… that day.

“Remember that Charmy? Fun times right?” Vector asked.

“Whatever.” Charmy grumbled and pouted, blushing with his arms crossed. He got a point. That’s all that mattered.

Eclipse muttered to himself as he went next.

He got a picture of Marine and what looked like a video of a butt sticking out of a trash can, letting out a huge fart until the pants filled up with a huge smelly load.

“Is it a match or not?” Vector asked.

“That’s totally Marine.” Eclipse said.

The video zoomed out and it was definitely Marine. She’d been beaten up and thrown in a garbage can by some kids she pissed off. 

Marine sunk lower in the tub…

“Two points each. Good so far.”

The second one Charmy got was a close up of someone wearing Transformers briefs and then them slowly getting more and more wet. The person whose face he got was of Knuckles.

“So?” Vector asked.

“That is Tails.” Charmy said.

The video zoomed out and Tails was laying there, drooling and wetting his briefs while sleeping in bed. His hand was stuck in a bowl of warm water.

Tails blushed and gasped. “What the-?! How’d you know that was me?!”

The video continued and showed Charmy giggling as he removed the bowl of water to go dump it in the sink.

“IT WAS YOU!” The fox snapped, flying over and punching Charmy over the head. “OWW!” Tails cried and blew on his throbbing hand. Charmy’s helmet was hard.

The bee still winced in pain though, a tiny anime bump appearing through the crack in his helmet now.

“It was just a prank bro…” Charmy muttered. 

Eclipse got another video of something similar to Charmy’s. Only this person was wearing MLP briefs.

“Oh. That’s Charmy.” Eclipse said.

“HUH?!” Charmy gasped. It zoomed out and it was him, of course. He was sleeping and wetting himself in his sleep with HIS hand in a bowl of warm water. The same exact one he just took from Tails.

Turns out, he went to bed with the bowl in hand to look up something on his phone… but then fell asleep and his hand fell in the bowl… effectively making him fall for his own prank.

“GRAAAAH! I knew something was up with that!” Charmy snapped, pulling at his antenna in frustration. Even when a prank succeeds it SOMEHOW always backfires on him! DAMMIT! “Why was I on there TWICE?!” Charmy added, angry and blushing profusely.

“Next.” Vector smirked.

This video saw what looked like someone pressed against a window and pee traveling down their legs. The picture was of Amy.

It didn’t matter who the picture was though because Charmy knew who it was instantly.

Charmy flushed red. “Th-That’s… C-C-Cream…”

Cream was already hiding her face.

It zoomed out and you could see the cross-eyed, derpy expression on Cream’s face as she was plastered against the window, sliding down it after having wet her Minnie Mouse panties due to the pain of being tossed against it when she was launched off the see-saw by Big the Cat…!

Charmy was at the park that day and saw the whole thing.

“Sorry Cream…” Charmy sighed.

“It’s… okay... “ Cream muttered, cutely pressing her fingers together.

Eclipse grumbled as the next video played.

The picture was off Scourge. The video was of a pajama covered butt and a puddle of pee coming out from under them as the figure slept with a teddy.

Eclipse blushed. 

“That’s… me…!” Eclipse’s heart beat and embarrassment washed over him, having to admit that.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have to.

The video zoomed out and it was of Sonic! He was even sucking his thumb as he rested in his pink footsie pajamas.

“Oh! Hahaha!” Tails laughed. “Remember that Sonic? That was your first night with Mr. Chili-Cheese!”

Sonic’s face was as red as a tomato. He pouted and slunk back.

“Mr. Chili-Cheese?” Amy asked, really interested in this.

“That’s what he decided to name the teddy bear I got him.” Tails laughed.

Charmy chuckled and laughed as well.

Sonic was fidgeting and his eye twitched. “Y-You guys are all… gonna…HEEP!” He yelped and grabbed himself. The frustration made his bladder break a bit. He hurried off so that no one would see the wet patch on his pants…

Either way, Eclipse got that wrong.

Charmy wins!

“WHOOO! I WON!” Charmy did a double fist pump.

Team Hero: 3

Team Dark: 3

Eclipse sniffled and sauntered off, sitting off to the side with his head in his hands. Shadow spotted this and remembered how he helped him this morning and when he cried earlier. The black hedgehog went over to Eclipse and put a hand to his back.

Eclipse gasped and blushed before fiddling with his fingers and slowly… ever so slowly… rested his head against Shadow’s shoulder.

Shadow blushed but didn’t move him. Eclipse smiled, blushing contently and wrapped his arms around Shadow in a light hug.

“Thank you big brother…” He muttered.

Shadow grumbled a bit, looking to the side a bit. “D-Don’t mention it… little… bro…”

The last question was upon them and the score was tied once again. Time for the tie breaker.

“Are you ready!” Omega said, using his foot to push the unconscious Donovan out of his way before holding up the tablet and reading it.

Question #7 - From Desperation21: Rouge, you've proven to be quite the talented seductress but have you ever felt yourself absolutely taken by someone else?

“Hmm… no.” Rouge answered, straight away.

“... That’s it? No?” Omega asked.

“No.” Rouge said.

Awkward silence.

“... OKAY! Here’s your challenge!” Omega slammed down a glass pitcher, full of Bingo chips. “THERE’S BINGO ON THE TABLE!”

Sonic came back and grunted. “Man…” He muttered, hating the obvious pee patch on his pants. “What’s going on here?”

Omega grabbed Sonic and tossed him before Rouge. “Eh? What?” The confused hedgehog looked sideways.

“When I call what’s written out you set the chip down on it. Simple.” Omega said.

“Hey uh… Omega this… Bingo Card looks kind of funky.” Sonic commented. There were pictures of panties, naked men, and naked woman on them instead of numbers. Sonic felt the heat rise to his face as he looked it over.

Rouge smiled and looked him over. 

“Yes. It’s Seductive Bingo. I call it out, you place the chip on the board and the first with a full card wins.” Omega stated. “That is of course… if you can keep from soiling yourself before the game ends.”

Sonic winced.

Rouge looked in Sonic’s eyes. “Let’s see just how alike you and Scourge are.”

Sonic was already feeling the heat and tugged at his collar.

Omega drew the first card. “B-Naked Female Hedgehog.”

Rouge looked her card over and found it, setting the chip down.

Sonic looked the card over too, blushing at the nude pictures. He had to hurry and find it before he lost it.

Eventually, he did and set it down, turning away as quickly as possible.

“O- Naked Male Fox!” Omega said.

Rouge whistled as she calmly put hers down, then looked at Sonic.

Sonic’s reaction scanning the board was even worse. His legs were pressed together as if trying to hide an embarrassing stiffy. It took so much wind out of him just to find the picture and place the chip down.

This went on for an agonizingly long time. It sucked even worse when Sonic didn’t have the one Omega called because that meant he just tickled his loins for nothing.

Eventually, it was down to the wire. Rouge had a few areas where she could get Bingo and so did Sonic.

However, Rouge was fine.

Sonic was hunched over the table, drooling, eyes rolling, panting, and squeezing his legs together while shaking his butt around. Doing this had caused his pants to lower to his ankles, showing off the Elmo underoos he had on. He was like a beta boy that needed to release and it was so amusing to watch.

“N -Naked Male Hawk.” Omega said.

Rouge spotted it and went to set her chip down. It was one she needed to win.

Sonic spotted it and went to set his chip down as well. He needed the same one to win.

However, when Sonic’s eyes locked onto the picture, his eyes crossed and he froze.

“OH NOOOOOO~!” Sonic screamed, falling onto his back with his legs up and out of his pants now. He panted and flailed about before flopping like a fish and spewing his cream all over his undies right in front of Rouge, Amy, and an entire television viewing audience.

“Bingo.” Rouge said calmly when she finished her line of pictures.

“We have a winner!” Omega said.

Team Hero: 3

Team Dark: 4

“With that, this concludes our challenge today!” Vector said before looking down at the sleeping Donovan. He yanked him up and slapped him across the face.

“Huh? Wha-?! Mommy is dat you?” Donovan asked.

“Elimination time. Team Hero lost again!” Vector shouted.

“Oh… okays… let me just…” Donovan stumbled and then fell on his face again, this time farting on impact…!

Amy was fanning her face down with hearts in her eyes, feeling ever so lucky to have witnessed Sonic doing that.

Tails sighed and looked over at Scourge and then at Sonic. The two of them had euphoric looks of ecstasy on their passed out faces.

“I guess the Sonic of another world truly is still Sonic.” Tails chuckled a bit.


At the campfire that night, Donovan groaned with an ice-pack to the head. 

“Heroes… welcome back… again… s-so, you know the drill… time to see which of you is leaving us.” Donovan said, grabbing at the plate.

Everyone there, leaned forward in unison. This wasn’t a comfortable position to be in and like Silver of last week, they had no performance to rely on. Only the mercy of the audience!


Cast your votes and ask your questions people! I await your results! This week’s results actually surprised me quite a bit. I wonder what you’ll do next…!



Amy: You seem like the type to me? Ever gone streaking?


Charmy: Have you ever ended up in panties?


I noticed an error in this chapter. I did not ask question #6. KILLSWITCH64 did. Doesn’t really matter in the long run. Just want to make sure proper credit is given. Anyway, I have a question for Cream: What is your favorite holiday?


Rouge, you seem so calm and collected all the time. Has there ever been a moment where you lost control of your emotions due to embarrassment?


Not that any of the other chapters weren't great, but the last part for this chapter was pretty great. Sonic: You seem to have an aversion to looking at other naked people-have you ever managed to look at someone else unclothed for longer than five seconds? Scourge: Bad boys like you usually always have a soft spot-is there anyone on your team or the opposing team you've ever had a crush on? Jet: Have you ever fantasized about what you would do if you managed to beat Sonic or Shadow in a race? Shadow: If you had to say a positive thing about everyone on your team and Sonic, what would it be? Hopefully that's not too many questions hehe! I wanted to wait till things slowed down a bit before asking mine.


Those are some real good questions. Kinda put mine to shame, lol.