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“Let me see… I can’t get this thing to work right… f@#k~!” Donovan muttered, fiddling with a small device while his mic was on. Both Vector and Omega stared at him as he stood there, oblivious to the fact that the cameras had been turned on yet again. Omega eventually took a microcosm of pity on the poor fool and nudged him with his finger.

Donovan blinked and looked up before blushing and showing off his pearly whites with a doofy, toothy grin. “H-Hello everyone~! It’s… me! Ahem… I’m Donovan~! Uh host… uhm…”

“Welcome to Sonic Stunts Episode 2. We hope you enjoy!” Vector smirked and waved at the camera as Donovan sighed and face-palmed.

Today was going to be quite the ordeal. Thankfully, he wouldn’t be taking on most of the pain. Hopefully.


“SNOOOOOORRRRRRK~! Mmmgh…” Charmy snored loudly and was kicking his legs a bit while hugging his pillow close to him. Before he could let out yet another loud one a large pillow smacked him in the face and sent him spiraling against the wall and then tumbling off the bed, onto the floor with his butt sticking up and his MLP briefs showing off. “OWWWW~!”

“Will you quit it with the snoring?!” Amy snapped from her top bunk. “It’s bad enough they’re making me bunk with so many boys, I gotta put up with your throat noises too?”

Cream looked over from her bed and gasped with a light blush upon seeing Charmy in his underwear. “Uhm… Ch-Charmy? Are you alright?”

Charmy stood up and muttered to himself in a fit of annoyance. “No. I’m not okay. I was sleeping and it was such a good nap. I...almost… YEEEEP!” The bee screeched and stood up to drag his shirt down in a vain attempt to hide his undies, noticing that Cream was staring right at him. He couldn’t sleep with pants on so he always made sure he was under the covers while asleep. But here it was, out in the open!

Cream got out of the bed, wearing a purple night gown, and raced over to the bee. “It’s okay! I’ll get you your pants so you can cover u-AAGH!” Cream yelped and slipped on the floor thanks to her slippery socks. She reached over and tried to grab something to stop her fall and ended up grabbing Charmy’s briefs!

With a yank they then pooled around his legs right in front of his crush!

Charmy’s face turned super red and he began screaming with intense humiliation! “YEEEEEEEEK! NOOOOOO~!”

“I-I’m sorry!” Cream stood up. “L-Look, I’ll fix th-OOF!” Cream turned to grab the pants but bashed into Sonic and tumbled onto her head, legs sticking up and her gown flumping down, exposing her Minnie Mouse panties to Charmy.

The bee gasped and grabbed at his face to prevent a nosebleed, but still felt woozy and stumbled back before falling onto the floor, twitching like he’d just been electrocuted.

Sonic stood there, brushing his teeth wearing a wifebeater and a pair of shorts. “What in the world is happening here?”

Amy leaned over the bed with hearts in her eyes. “Nothing Sonic~! Just a typical morning! Y-You’re not dressed yet are you?” She asked, very obviously hoping to see something.

Unfortunately, the hedgehog had gotten up before her and was already wearing something to cover his undies. Amy huffed and crossed her arms in a pouty face when she noticed this, confusing the blue hedgehog almost immediately.

“What’s your problem?” Sonic asked.

“Nothing…” Amy muttered.


Tails was looking into the mirror, wearing nothing but a pair of underoos with a blue elastic on them. They had little Care Bears piloting airplanes on them. It was adorable. The fox was making faces in the mirror and flexing. “Phew~! Look at me! I’m in another competition but this time it’s a WINNER take all! I’m gonna dominate. Boom!”

He was trying to psyche himself up but the voice behind him made him jump.

“Are those strength exercises?” Silver asked, appearing behind the fox in a white shirt and Pikachu briefs. “Can we do them together?”

“OH! Uh… haha.” Tails blushed and tried to play it off. Unfortunately, he accidentally set his hand on the sink and slipped. “YEEP!”


The fox banged his head against the sink and flopped to the floor, tongue out, and anime swirls in his eyes.

Silver looked down at him and gulped. “... D-Did I… startle you…?”


Meanwhile, in the villains’ cabin.

Eclipse, the badass Black Arms darkling, was sleeping in a pair of yellow footed pajamas, hugging a teddy bear, while sucking his thumb.

“Mmmgh… push me higher big brother… weee…” He muttered to himself. That was until someone pulled off the covers and, while giggling and telling his fellow prankster to shush, unbuttoned the butt flap of his pajamas and stuck a live, flopping fish down the back of Eclipse’s undies.

“YEEEEEAAAAAUGH!” Eclipse screamed, suddenly awake and running about the bed before falling over onto his face. “AAUAGH! IT’S IN MY… UNDERWEAR!” Eclipse screamed and fished the fish out, dropping it onto the floor.

“Hey now. Don’t treat the poor guy so badly.” Scourge giggled, picking the fish up and setting it into a bowl. “He just wanted to be your roommate. I figured your underwear would be a nice home for him.”

Scourge began laughing along with Jet, his fellow prankster.

“YOU TWO… F*&K YOU!” Eclipse snapped, clawing at them only for Scourge to hold him back with the palm of his hand. 

“Oh. Feisty eh? Can’t handle a little morning prank?” Scourge grinned.

“Nice pjs, dork.” Jet snickered.

Eclipse blushed and growled, snarling as he showed off his sharp teeth.

“HEY NOW!” Marine skidded out, wearing her pink Dora the Explorer panties and white socks. She was also holding a water balloon and a toothpick. “You think THAT prank was neat, what about this! You hold this up to the sleeping loser and prick the water balloon like so~!”

Marine then went and did it herself… and the water balloon exploded in her face! 

Black smudges ended up on her body and she stood there in a smoking heap, her bladder letting go and making her wet her panties in front of them. She coughed out a bit of smog with her eyes crossed. “T-Ta-da…? I-It was actually g-gun powder and a match stick… boom…! Ahaha… duuuh…” 

Marine then fainted onto her back and twitched before the three boys.

The three of them stared at the weirdo for a bit before Eclipse took his chance and punched Scourge in the face!

“OOF!” Scourge stumbled back and ended up falling over and smacking against Shadow when he got out of bed. 

“OW! What the hell?!” Shadow grumbled.

“Hnngh? A-Are you here for Pride-Fest too?” Scourge asked, eyes rolling in a daze.

“Get off!” Shadow shoved Scourge to the floor before standing up. He then blushed and yanked his shirt down. He didn’t want anyone seeing the pinkness of his briefs and the Tinkerbell fairies designs on his undies. “Ahem… I-Is the bathroom occupied?”

“Yes.” Geoffrey sat over to the side with his arms crossed in annoyance. The bat girl started her bubble bath an hour ago and hasn’t come out.”

Shadow rolled his eyes. “Sheesh.”

Inside the bath, Rouge giggled as she squeezed her rubber ducky Rupert. “Aww. Cute wittle Rupert. I can’t wait till we win. I’m gonna paint the town purple when I do. Mmm-hmmm~!”

Well, at least someone was happy.


Finally, the contestants were all gathered together and standing in a straight line as Team Hero and Team Dark. It had been a long week of bunking with one another and finding out how to deal with their annoying sleeping habits but it was time to see who would make the first goodbye. It was also time to see what cruel questions from the curious audience awaited them.

“It’s the first challenge day everyone!” Donovan said with his arms out. “I hope you’re all prepared to give it your all in this intense competition! First thing’s first, I’ve got a neat little toy I want to show off. It’s a scenery changer. Let’s see how it works.”

Donovan finally activated the little device he had in his hands and watched as everyone, including his two co-hosts, looked on in awe as the scenery changed all around them.

Challenge Area #1 - Green Hill

“Ta-da! We’re in Green Hill! Ain’t it neat?” Donovan exclaimed, grinning happily. “The higher ups gave me a device that changes the scenery for each episode so that we can make sure the episodes have their own visual identity.”

“Interesting.” Vector spoke and used his finger to spin the little sunflowers. “So… we’re not in actual Green Hill right? The landscape just changed to look like it eh?”

“That’s right.” Donovan nodded. “Now for the best part~!”

Omega grinned and held up the tablet that housed the questions that were to be asked. “ABJECT HUMILIATION!”

Everyone on both sides gulped.

“Oh boy. Here we go.” Knuckles muttered, arms crossed.

Charmy and Cream stood next to each other, flushed red and looking away from one another.

“Uh… d-don’t worry Ch-Charmy. I didn’t see your wee wee.” Cream muttered.

Confessional - Cream:  Actually, I did.

“Y-Yeah. Okay, a-and I didn’t see your panties either Cream.” Charmy said back.

Confessional - Charmy: I totally did..

“What’s with those two?” Blaze asked, looking over at them with interest.

“I’m sure it’s just typical kid stuff.” Silver reassured, waving it off.

“Alright. I’m pulling up the first question now!” Omega said.

“We all have our own tablets by the way.” Donovan spoke up, “We’re going to ask the questions in sequential order so that we can each get a turn.”

“Sharing. Blegh.” Omega grumbled. "We'll ask when we want to ask."

Donovan pouted.

Either way, Omega brought up the first question. “Prepare thy buttholes, losers. Here comes the first inquiry.”

Question #1 - From M: “Hey Sonic. Why are you not wearing your pullups to beddy-bye? You are gonna ruin your mattress. Maybe a crib with a waterproof liner would be better for you, little hedge.”

Sonic blushed when that was read out. The others giggled all around him, including his buddy Tails.

With clenched fists, Sonic screamed with a resounding amount of anger to the point where his voice cracked. “Because I don’t NEED them! How about you wear them instead and shut your pie-hole, M!”

Tails giggled. “Well, I dunno Sonic. The piddling I hear in your sheets some nights would beg to differ.”

Sonic turned beet red and puffed out his cheeks in anger as more giggles picked up around him. It wasn’t his fault. He was still re-potty training after the Bad Luck Bananza.

“Okay,” Vector smirked. “On the other team, choose who’ll face off against Sonic.”

“I-!” Marine raised her finger before Scourge pushed her aside.

“Stand back weirdos. Sonic may be the ‘hero’ but his opponent’s gonna be a real Scourge!” He grinned, showing off his sharp teeth while raising his glasses. 

“Boo.” Infinite chided, giving a thumbs down.

Scourge grumbled a bit before walking to the center along with Sonic. The two opponents were ready.

“Alright you two. So, based on the answer Sonic gave, we’ve got a super awesome challenge for you!” Donovan smiled.

Sonic stood in his light blue shirt and dark grey pants while Scourge stood wearing his black leather jacket, shirtless, and in a pair of regular black jeans with holes all over them. They both seemed to be solemnly anticipating what was next. However, judging by Sonic’s answer it probably wasn’t going to ease their beating hearts.

“So, we’ve got your pull-ups!” Donovan smirked evilly, holding two of them up. “The challenge is to hurry and get them on the other person and then make them wet it. We’ll see who really needs potty training after this.”

“HUH?!” Scourge and Sonic gasped. All the others on the side-lines began chuckling once again. This oughta be good.


Omega rang a bell, signaling the start.

The two hedgehogs leered across the grassy plain at one another gripping the pull-ups. 

“Haha. So, the blue hero has potty troubles eh?” Scourge smirked.

“Well, you’re me so… you might have them too.” Sonic shot back.

“Oh please. That’s a weak comeback!” Scourge snapped and spun into a spin-dash, shooting straight at Sonic. Sonic gasped and didn’t react quickly enough as the ball of green anger smashed into his gut. 

“HOOOGUH!” Sonic’s eyes crossed and his bladder twitched already. He, however, wasn’t giving up. He grabbed Scourge by his sides and lifted him up while he was still spinning and then spiked him hard into the grass. “TAKE THAT, YOU LEPRECHAUN HOG!”


Scourge smashed into the ground and uncurled, shaking the access dirt of him only to look up and see Sonic spiraling down towards him. He jumped and tumbled as Sonic smashed against the ground, making the dirt fly.

Scourge spun about on the dirt and skidded to a stop on all fours, looking up right as Sonic zoomed at him with a follow-up punch to the face!


Scourge shot back and gasped, spit and snot spewing from his face as he bounced along the ground and flopped onto his back, spread-eagle.

“OW! Dammit!” Scourge sat up and grabbed his nose. “Oh, you’re SO dead, Baby Blue!” 

“Hehe~! What’s with those undies Scourgey?” Sonic asked, sneering as he held up the jeans he just snagged off of Scourge’s body. “You’ve got so many holes in these pants my dude. Might as well take them off your hands.”

“Huh?” Scourge looked down and saw his rainbow colored briefs with dancing cartoon animals all over them. Scourge blushed and scrunched his legs together in embarrassment. “GYEEEP! W-What the-?! When did you-?!”

“When I punched you dude.” Sonic answered with his tongue out. “So… are those Rainbow briefs in celebration of something? Like Pride Fest?”

“HUH?! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!” Scourge gasped.

“Eh? Wait… seriously?” Sonic asked. He didn't know. He just made a guess.

Scourge flushed a deeper red. He just slipped up.

“Aww~! That’s cute. You’re in the clos-EUGH!” Sonic grunted in pain when Scourge shot at him and punched him in the face so hard he shot out of HIS pants.

Confessional - Scourge: I'm NOT into dudes! I'll spank any guy who says that I am... n-not because it's kinky either. J-Just cause it'd be the most embarrassing... thing to do... *Covers crotch to hide erection*

Sonic bounced along the grass and rolled to a stop, slumping in his Elmo briefs with his eyes rolling. “Hennngh…?”

Scourge skidded towards Sonic and grabbed him by his butt, raising him up with a smirk. “Haha~! Nice undies dork! Time to strip you down…!” Scourge sneered like the villain he was… but then stopped when he caught a glimpse of Sonic’s behind.

Scourge gulped and his heart skipped a beat. 

“... Uh…” Scourge was wincing a bit. Sonic and him had the literal same butt so… was it weird he was kind of attracted to it? It was kind of like thinking your own butt was hot right?

As he contemplated this, Sonic reached over while upside down and yanked Scourge’s briefs down to his ankles. Scourge’s eyes widened with shock when he felt the cold air hit his wee wee. 

“GAH! WHAT THE-?!” Scourge gasped before Sonic punted a foot into Scourge’s face! The green hedgehog’s eyes rolled and he giggled a little before falling onto his back, spread-eagle.

Sonic scrambled over to him and pulled out his pull-up. He then raised Scourge’s legs and hastily pulled the pull-up onto him. “Gotcha!” Sonic smirked.

Scourge laid there with his mouth hanging open, eyes rolling, and stars circling his head.

Sonic spun his fist and gave a harsh bash to the villain’s gut. He then waited and leaned in for a listen until…


“YES! HAHA! Never gonna beat me and never will, Scourge!” Sonic did a double fist pump and cheered. Scourge’s pull-up was getting soaked. 

He wet it up nice and good.

“Haha! Sonic wins! WHOOP! WHOOP!” Sonic cheered and danced, unaware that he was doing his little jig in front of an audience of people while still wearing his Elmo briefs.

“Sonic did indeed win… mostly.” Donovan said. “Time for the next question!”

Sonic went back to his team with his hands raised. “High fives!”

Tails and Charmy gladly gave them to Sonic, not daring to mention that he was still pantsless…

Sonic then blushed and yelped. “EEP! I FORGOT MY PANTS!” Sonic screamed and tugged his shirt down, wiggling in place. Tails, Charmy, and Knuckles burst out laughing at that while Amy glanced at Sonic with hearts in her eyes.

“Loser.” Shadow said, shaking his head as he dragged Scourge back to their group while he drooled and piddled his pull-up. “I guess Sonics just have bladder issues.”

“HEY! I heard that!” Sonic shouted from where he was.

“I like the way you shake yer booty you hot stud…” Scourge muttered while dazed, fluttering his eyes and sucking his thumb. He must be daydreaming about meeting some hot guy.

“Next question.” Vector raised his finger, interrupting any more arguing.

Question #2 - From KILLSWITCH64: “Rouge, what is the worst way one of your heists has gone wrong?”

The spotlight was on Rouge now.

“Asking a professional about her failures? How rude of you, Killswitch.” Rouge sighed. “Well… not to brag but I don’t have a ton of failures… there was this one time around Christmas. I was trying to rob a valuable gem off a Christmas tree and some kids who were staying up late with a pitch fork and a frying pan, thought it’d be funny to try and ambush me.”

Rouge was starting to blush with her eyes closed now as she recounted the story. She knew this place had some sort of lie-detector system going on. It was written in their pamphlets so she couldn’t offer a straight up lie even if she wanted to. “So… I went for the gem on top of the tree. The little girl pushed the tree over and the little boy held up the pitch fork and my butt got jabbed against it! It was the most pain I had ever felt in my life… but I stopped screaming when the little girl hit me in the face with the frying pan and knocked me into a tuba…”

Rouge’s ears twitched when she heard the giggling pick up. “Long story short, they blew me out of the tuba and I smashed into the window. They tied me up with Christmas wrapping and put a sticker that said ‘Don’t open until next Christmas’ on my butt. I got arrested but broke out the next day because of course I did.” She said, finishing off with a shrug. “The youth of today. Don’t underestimate em.”

“You’re only 18 and yet you’re talking like you’re in your 40s.” Vector muttered to himself.

“Alright. Well, I’ve got the perfect challenge based on that little story there.” Donovan smiled rubbing his hands together. “Yo, heroes. Pick your challenger!”

“My turn buds!” Silver smiled and walked out with his hands raised. He had on a pair of burgundy short-shorts and a white shirt with blue sleeves. “Let’s do this thing!”

Before them on the grass was an assortment of Christmas presents. Silver and Rouge tilted their heads in confusion, looking them over.

“Okay, so, the challenge here is to unwrap all your gifts… that’s all.” Donovan giggled. “The one who remains conscious at the end of this wins.” 

Rouge winced. She didn’t like the sound of that.

“Ready…? GO!” Donovan waved his hand and watched as the two of them rushed ahead and began hurrying to unwrap their gifts.

“Alright. I got this!” Silver smirked and tore the wrapping off. When he opened the box…!


A frying pan on a spring shot out and smashed into his face!

“OH SNAP!” Omega shouted. “Can we get the slow motion playback on that?!”

In the slow-motion replay, you could see Silver’s shorts pissing fear as the realization that he’s about to get his brain scrambled by a frying pan to the face hits him. You can then see the derpy, cross-eyed look he has when it smashed into him and bounces off his soft head. A red welt was left behind and his nose dripped with snot. 

“Hnnghh? Santa gots me a fwying pan momma!” Silver said, sounding like a toddler.

“Come on Silver!” Amy called out, “Don’t let one single present knock you out!”

Shadow scoffed. “His head is soft. No worries.”

Rouge, meanwhile, unwrapped her gift next. She winced and waited for something to fly at her face. When it didn’t she blinked and peered inside…

Then the present exploded.

Rouge blinked and sat there with her top still intact… but her bottoms gone and exposing her Lilo and Stitch panties. “Ough…”

Silver shook his head and crawled over to the next present. “Th-That wasn’t so bad…?” He grumbled and opened the next one. He stuck his hand in and-!


“AAAAAAAAAAH!” Silver screamed like a little toddler girl and raised his hand, showcasing several mouse-traps all over his hand and arm. He began spewing tears from his eyes as he panicked and tried to take them off.

“This… this can’t be all that ba-” Rouge opened up the next one and a crab came out and jumped at her. “AUGH! NOPE!” Rouge turned to jerk away but the crab pinched her butt! “YEEEEEEEK!” She screamed and jolted into the air with her hands on her butt. You could make out a wet spot forming on her panties.

Shadow facepalmed and Geoffrey smirked. 

Silver, while sniffling and teary eyed, went for the next one. “Please be a light one…”

As soon as he opened it, a taser shot out and latched onto his face before sending several volts of electricity through him!

“AAAAIEEEEEEEEEE~!” Silver’s eyes crossed as he jittered and had weird muscle spasms that made him do weird disco dances and shake his booty at the camera. He started to wet his shorts all over the place before the taser died down and turned his clothes to sinders. Silver, eyes rolling and tongue drooling out, fell over onto his back in his soaked Legend of Zelda briefs. 

He would only move whenever his body had a weird muscle jerk.

Rouge, crawled over to the next present and whined as she opened it. “Oh come o-!” She started before a blueberry pie on a spring shot into her face!

“THAT’S IT!” Silver snarled and raised his hands. His power shined and he started to open them all at once. “WAHAHAHAHA! If I open them all and see what’s inside, I can better prepare for the surprises!” Silver said, eyes now looking crazed. He was drooling too, signaling that the last present had made him go a bit crazy.

Unfortunately, when Silver opened them all at once with his powers… the prizes inside all shot towards Silver at once!

Silver’s pupils shrunk as he saw everything flying towards him. 

An anker smacked onto his head. A marble tile smashed over his head. A baseball bat smacked into his face. A bunch of chili-peppers and hot sauce sprayed into his mouth. And several anvils banged onto his head. Several bumps appeared on his derpy head and he let out a loud fart before making his final declaration…

“ABIMDJAMHWUFIAPFLK~!” Silver said before fainting, flat on his face with his butt up.

Rouge sighed. “Y-Yay… I win…” Rouge said, holding up the last present that Silver missed. She tossed it behind her and it exploded into harmless confetti.

Rouge then laid on her back and let out a huff of air.

“Seems the heroes lost that one.” Donovan made a note of it.

Team Hero: 1

Team Dark: 1

“Oh Silver…” Blaze sighed and shook her head.

Tails sighed. “Well… that’s what happens when you go insane. You lose all rational.”

“Time for the next question.” Donovan smiled, holding up the tablet. 

Question #3 - From Desperation21: “Amy, what has been the biggest failure in your attempt to woo Sonic?”

Amy pouted. “BIGGEST failure? Isn’t the fact that he won’t return my affections count as the biggest failure? UGH! I mean… I guess there was that one time I went to hug him in front of some hussy who was trying to hug him instead… and he turned around and accidentally smacked me across the face with his fist and I fell into a trash can with my panties showing! IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!”

She screamed that at Sonic who winced and looked to the side. “I told you that was an accident. I didn’t even SEE you there Amy.”

“Well, it won’t matter soon anyway.” Donovan giggled. “Cause you’re gonna have to share the love again. Come along with someone from your end, Team Dark.”

The team of villains looked among themselves before someone finally stepped forward. 

“Allow me to tip the scales into our favor then.” Infinite stated, producing his sword and stepping up. He was wearing a white suit for this occasion.”

The two of them stood side by side as Donovan giggled and set down a garbage can. “Alright. This one is simple. You’ve got to try and kiss the other person on the mouth. If you avoid being kissed and toss your opponent in the garbage, you win.”

“ICK!” Amy winced. “Why with him?!”

“Hmph. Easy enough!” Infinite snarled and turned to Amy. He then saw her glaring at him and winced. “... I think.”

“I refuse.” Amy crossed her arms and pouted.

“... Hmph. W-Well, so do I…!” Infinite snapped back.

“Oh no you don’t.” Shadow interrupted. Infinite froze and then slowly turned to lock eyes with the black hedgehog. “You screw this up and you’ll be so bent out of shape you’ll be kissing your own ass.”

Infinite felt a warm wet spot grow on his pants.

Confessional - Infinite: *Blow drying the wet spot on his pants* He thinks he's so cool, that Shadow. He doesn't scare me though. Honest.

“O-Okay… s-s-s-sure… th-then I’ll-!” Infinite turned to go and do the job but Amy surprised him with a, shock horror, surprise kiss to the lips!


Infinite blushed and flailed his arms about, gasping as this happened. He broke away and coughed, grabbing at his throat. Amy then snarled and raised her hammer above his head.


Infinite hit the ground, eyes swirling and birdies chirping around his head. Amy angrily stripped him of his pants, revealing his cute, and wet, polar bear undies and lifted him above the garbage can before slam dunking him in.

The pink hedgehog then dusted her hands off and trotted back to her group while Infinite’s pee trickled down to his face as he remained unconscious in the garbage.

“For the record, I’ve kissed Sonic before so that certainly wasn’t my first kiss. Not with a loser like that.” Amy snapped.

Sonic sighed. “It was a sneak kiss. You do those to me all the time.” 

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 1

“Welp. I guess he’s earned another butt whipping.” Shadow said, looking over as Infinite still wasn’t done wetting himself…

“Alright. My turn to read the next one!” Omega snapped at attention.

Question #4 - From M: “Hey Donovan. What kind of prize does the winner (least losing) person get? Cream needs a new doll so maybe she should get you as a prize if she wins. You'd make a very cute baby doll for her.”

“What the hell is that crap?” Donovan snapped, blushing profusely as he looked the tablet over and got a chuckle from the contestants. “I’m not the one participating here. I’m the host! The winner gets a good $100,000 Rings but it doesn't matter as far as I'M concerned!"

"Come on now, don't be like that. You can join in the fun too. This kind of game is made for guys like you." Vector teased.

Donovan puffed out his cheeks in cute defiance before shooting back, "Uh, no. I specifically set up this show and these teams to make it so that each person gets to be apart of a challenge at least once! That's why there's nine people on each team!"

Omega and Vector stared at him for a split second before responding. "Uh, no there's not."

"... What?" Donovan blinked.

"There's nine people on Team Hero but only eight villains." Vector explained.

Donovan sucked in his lips and his eyes bugged out. He then turned and began counting the people on both sides.

There were only 17 people here. Not 18. 

He miscounted.


"... S-So... I..." Donovan began... then he turned to run but Omega grabbed him by his shirt collar. "PLEASE NO! DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!"

"I guess Donovan's filling in for the one villain slots he missed." Charmy shrugged. "I guess I'll go this round."

With that, Charmy went forward and stood next to the sulking host.

"Haha. So the challenge for this one is gonna be about making yourselves into the perfect baby doll's for Creamy dreamy over there." Vector said, pointing at Cream.

Cream gasped. "Oh... w-well... that's nice."

Confessional - Donovan: I couldn't have miscounted! AAAAGH! WHY DIAPERS AGAIN! WHY MEEEEEE~?!

Charmy gulped and started to flush red. "A-Alright... l-let's do this!"

Donovan groaned. "I don't wanna be here anymore..."

The two of them had the items presented to each other and quickly set towards getting dressed. 

"I'm so gonna win!" Charmy shouted, blushing a ton as he stripped his clothes off and reached for the diaper as fast as he could. Donovan did so as well, tossing his Transformers briefs behind him and struggling as best he could to get the diaper on next.

When he put the short dress on over his head he reached for the pacifier and the baby bonnet just as Charmy did. Eventually, the two of them were fully dressed as sissy, dolly babies.

Donovan's outfit was mostly baby blue while Charmy had a more girlish pink one.

"I did it first! I win!" Charmy claimed.

"No! That's not how we determine the winner! We've gotta be the best at being a doll until one of us passes out! And we can only do that... in DANCE!" Donovan shouted.

Suddenly the two of them got into a sissy diaper dance, complete with weird dramatic posing, and butt wiggling! 

The crowd that consisted of the two teams began to hoot and holler and cheer them on.

They danced the can-can. They danced the ballet of angels. They even did a butt dance of grace. 

Many snapshots and photos were taken of the two humiliating themselves and exhausting their bodies by constantly moving. Donovan was going hazy eyed and he had double vision now. Charmy felt himself start to come out on top yet again.

However, when Charmy went to do his finishing pose, the bee, while gasping and panting up a storm, let his eyes roll back and he collapsed onto the grass, stomach heaving up and down before he passed out in exhaustion. 

"HAHA! I WIN!" Donovan screamed and danced in place, swishing his tail back and forth!" Donovan giggled slyly. "Take THAT karma!"

"I guess that's a team for the Dark side then." Omega said.

Team Hero: 2

Team Dark: 2

Knuckles grabbed a rock and beamed it at Donovan's head. When it smacked against the raccoon, he went from gloating, to cross-eyed cuckoo. He sighed and fell onto his back, twitching and letting his bladder go as he flooded the diaper.

Cream ran up to Charmy and lifted his head up, patting his cheek. "A-Are you okay?"

Charmy blinked and blushed as he opened his eyes. "S-Sorry. I thought I could win..."

"Aww. Don't worry. To me, you'll always be the best dolly ever." Cream said, nuzzling the bee's cheek.

Charmy's eyes turned into hearts and his tongue flopped out the side of his mouth. "Duuhh-durrr~!"

"Next." Omega spoke up, raising the tablet for the next question.

Question #5 - From M: "Hey Eclipse. You seem very edgy and dark and all that. Must be a hard front to maintain.  Would you much rather be babysat by your special wonderful big brother Shadow? I bet you'd be the sweetest little baby brother ever for him. If you are good he might even take you to the park, little cutie."

Eclipse blushed and his eyes got all sparkly. "B-Br-Brother...?"

He started to daydream a bit, imagining his big brother, Shadow, reaching down to him, picking him up, and hugging him close. His big bro would rock him back and forth and whisper how he was gonna protect him and then take him on a piggyback ride.

Eclipse was now sucking his thumb in the real, waking world as everyone watched him.

"Uh... Eclipse? Yo... you still with us buddy?" Vector asked.

Eclipse gasped and popped his thumb from his mouth. "OH! Uh... s-sorry... uh...! I mean, how DARE you suggest that I would desire such a thing! I'll destroy you, M! I-I mean... but... y-you know... if he wanted to go to the park with me I'd not refuse... we could... maybe have a manly brawl."

Shadow looked over at Eclipse and blinked. He couldn't quite place it but he felt as though Eclipse was acting very... odd.

"Alright. I think I'll do this challenge." Espio said, walking forward. "Ahem. What shall the mission be?"

Donovan had an ice-pack to his head and grumbled. "Ugh... oww... I-I heard that answer..." He sighed and shook his head a bit. "Uhm... s-so... th-the challenge is gonna be that you two are gonna have a manly brawl like Eclipse suggested but the catch is that you have to do it in a small sumo wrestler circle and don't get pushed out of it. Like brothers, you need to be as close to one another as possible, to the point where you might even kiss if you move the wrong way."

The heat was on!


Espio and Eclipse went at it immediately, throwing hard punch after hard punch at each other while trying their best to stay in the small circle around them. Each hit made them skid a bit back but a good wobble and resteadying of the body got them back in the game.

"OOF!" Espio's eyes crossed when one of Eclipse's punches got him square in the jaw. "Ugh..."

"Haha! BLEUGH!" Eclipse's eyes rolled when Espio smacked him back in the side of the cheek!

The two of them were dizzy and wobbly and went for another hard blow, trying their best to make the other fall out of the circle! 

"HAAAAAAAUGH!" Eclipse attacked and swung his punch over in a long arc.

Espio got an idea just then.

He ducked under the punch and reached forward, wrapping his arms around Eclipse and pulling him into a HUG!

"PFFFT!" Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Tails, and all the other heroes spat in surprise when they saw it. All the villains starred with their eyes bugged out.

Donovan blinked. "I-Is that a brotherly hug? I-I guess that's keeping with the theme..."

Eclipse's eyes were sparkling and his body was shuddering and shaking all over.  With a blush on his face he felt his body go all noodly and his eyes got all watery.

Of course, Espio knew what he was doing. He could see it in Eclipse's eyes that he had just transformed into Shadow right before him. 

"Do you like the hug little brother?" Espio asked. 

In Eclipse's sparkling imagination, he saw Shadow saying that to him and his heart skipped a beat. 

"Y-Yes... I-It's nice and w-w-warm b-big brother..." Eclipse muttered, tearing up a bit.

Espio smiled and lifted him up by his armpits. "Wheee~! Up and up like an airplane!"

Eclipse giggled at that.

Then Espio pulled him close, hand on his butt and another hand to his back to hold him close. "There, there."

Eclipse began his thumbsucking again and let his eyes flutter shut... he felt so happy and content...

Then Espio swung him over his head and smashed his face against the outside of the ring!


"GAUAGHH!" Eclipse gasped, eyes going wide again as he was thrust against the dirt, his pants lowered to expose his teddy bear briefs to everyone. "B-Big... b-bwuddd...aaauh..."

Donovan smirkes. "And by Brother-ality, Espio wins!"

Team Hero: 3

Team Dark: 2

"Hmph. Pathetic." Scourge teased, standing in his sagging wet pull-up.

Shadow leered at him. "As if you're one to talk."

Eclipse sulked and sauntered over to the group, leaving his dirty and ruined pants behind and standing in just his shirt and teddy briefs. 

He wasn't even trying to put his usual, evil, tough exterior on. He was teary eyed and trying hard not to cry. He seriously thought he was getting what he wanted. He then forced an angry face on and shook his head, crossing his arms in defiance. "Hmph. No time for losers. I'm a champion!"

Confessional - Eclipse: *Sniff* I'm FINE! I don't NEED no dumb brother. Sh-Shadow just keeps rejecting me and it's fine. It just means that we're meant to be enemies and... and I'm... I'm cool with it... mmmghhh...! *Thumbsucking resumes*

Vector twirled the tablet and looked down the list. "Time for the next one. We've only got four of these left."

Question #6 - From Anonymous: "Hey Blaze, what's your favorite pair of underwear that you own that would be considered undignified for a princess?"

Blaze blushed. "M-Meow...?" She said this aloud. Silver gasped. 

Confessional - Silver: Oh my God! Did Blaze just meow...? That's adorable!

"Uh... w-well..." Blaze blushed even more. "I have... uh... H-Hello Kitty undies... they're my favorite. The ones where she's dressed up as a princess especially... I just... I... mmf..."

"Okay." Vector interrupted. "That's an acceptable answer. Yo, villains. Send us a combatant!"

"Ho Ho Ho!" Marine smiled as she stepped up. "Dear Blaze, it is I your biggest rival! It's time we settled this!"

Blaze blinked as she looked over at Marine. "Marine, we're not rivals. I tell you to stop bugging me and you throw hissy fits and fart in your pants."

Marine blushed.

Confessional - Marine: So, I have stress farts! So what? Everyone does!*FRRT* Oop...! W-Was that a fart? I-It feels a bit more solid than usual...? Uh... h-hang on...!

Marine's eyes twitched. "W-Whatever! Tell me the challenge!"

One screen wipe later, both Blaze and Marine were wearing Hello Kitty panties. Marine, however, had large car paws on her hands and little whiskers drawn on her face.

"What is this?" Marine whined.

"It's a CAT-FIGHT!" Donovan smirked, holding up a tray of milk. "You two kitties are going to fight over the right to finish that bowl of milk! Scratching and biting is allowed. Go for it."

"I can't scratch and bite at Ma-" Blaze began before Marine rushed forward and bit down on Blaze's arm. "MEEOWWWWW~!"

Blaze swung her arm over and slammed Marine against the ground. Marine gasped and let go, fumbling and laying on her back. 

"Alright. I'll just spank you then!" Blaze snapped. "It'll make you mess yourself like always but a girl's gotta do what a gi-OOF!" Blaze stumbled back when Marine lifted her legs and made a double kick at her face! Marine then wrapped her legs around Blaze and began pawing at her endlessly! 

"I'll demolish you! RAWR!" Marine screamed.

"AAAAAAAH!" Blaze flailed about and screamed as Marine started to tear away at her shirt, making the panties she had on the only thing exposed. Blaze snarled and then swung her head back, smacking Marine in the jaw!

BAM! Marine went cross-eyed and stopped pawing at Blaze. Blaze then angrily grabbed the raccoon girl and slammed him onto the grass, watching her tumble and flop in a heap with her butt sticking out. Marine's eyes rolled and she let out the loudest fart imaginable.

Blaze shook her head and crawled over to the milk, licking at the bowl vigorously. She lapped at it and licked her lips.

"My milk! MINE!" Blaze snapped.

Marine scrambled to her feet, wobbling, before turning to face Blaze.

"Oh Blaze...!"

Blaze looked up.


Marine shot a foot right into the center of Blaze's face and made her blast across the grass! 


Blaze's eyes rolled as she hit a tree and slid down it, right onto her butt. A wet spot grew on her panties... 

Marine grabbed the bowl and gulped the rest of it down. "Haha! I win! Take that you-!"


"Uh-oh...!" Marine grabbed her butt and then bolted. "BATHROOOOOM!"

"Bad idea, drinking milk when you've got tooty bowels." Donovan shook his head.

Team Hero: 3

Team Dark: 3

"Either way, we're tied yet again." Donovan said with interest.

"It'll be broken thanks to the uneven number. It's going to end with a clear victor." Omega said looking over the tablet for the next one.

Question #7 - From Jake Smith: "Hey Cream, what’s your favorite memory of spanking a big kid and sending them back to baby land? Do you not mind changing big kids' loaded diapers?"

"Oh!" Cream perked up, putting a finger to her chin. "Now that's an interesting question. They do tend to be the most angry about it but it's pretty easy to get them under control. I don't mind changing their diapers cause it's gotta happen, one way or another during punishment. My favorite memory...? I guess when Mr. Sonic was supposed to babysit me and he didn't do it right. I had to tell him what the rules were and he broke one again so... I spanked him. He got so embarrassed he wet his pants and then I-!"

"HEY! How about we just move on with the challenge? Kay?!" Sonic interjected, blushing a ton.

"Then I had to put him in a diaper." Cream finished.

The villains and heroes alike were all giggling.

Confessional - Sonic: It's NOT true! If you spread it around like it is, I'll deny it!

"Well, you're gonna be sending a big kid to baby land again... or you'll get sent there yourself if it doesn't work out." Donovan stated. "Send a villain over to face her."

Shadow stepped up without even asking for the advice of the others.

"Time for the ultimate lifeform to show what he's got then." Shadow stated.

"Oh yeah." Scourge muttered. "It's a little girl. Time for the Ultimate Lifeform to wow us with his awesomeness."

Shadow fired a look back at the still wet and pull-up wearing green hedgehog before stepping to the center with Cream.

"It's an easy challenge. You see that large crib over there." Donovan pointed behind the two of them. "All you two have to do is recite the rules of babysitting correctly. For every wrong answer, your body will get drawn closer and closer to the crib while an article of clothing on your body will change to reflect it. First one to land in the crib all diapered and in full baby attire is the loser!"

Shadow and Cream nodded. 

"Easy." Shadow smirked. "General knowledge and common sense should prevail here."

Omega cleared his throat as he began the questioning. "Rule number 1... make sure the kids you're babysitting pick up after themselves either before or after they're finished playing!"

Cream and Shadow both raised their hands but Cream did so first.

"Cream!" Omega pointed.

"Before!" Cream said.

"Correct!" Omega stated.

Shadow winced and then yelped a bit when he felt his body slide closer to the crib with his shoes changing into little pink baby booties. "Uh..."

"Be wary whenever children tell you this common phrase!" Omega spoke.

Shadow raised his hand this time.


"Uh... I... the phrase is... 'I saw someone else do it?"


Cream raised her hand.


"The phrase is 'Our mom let us do it!'. They might. They might not. But never outright compromise on your own rules for it."


Shadow yelped again when he slid closer to the crib, this time his pants disappeared to show off the Barbie briefs he had on underneath. "GAH!" He yelped and tugged his shirt down.

This was the order of things, suffice to say.

Do you let children have friends over while you stay? Only when you feel comfortable with it, says Cream.

Shadow yelped when his shirt disappeared and he had to cover himself with his arms. His team started to laugh. Eclipse even giggled a bit.

Don't let them go to the neighbors house unless pre-arranged by the parents, says Cream.

Shadow whined when his undies disappeared. He was naked now. He tried to hold back his tears but they ebbed at the sides of his eyes regardless.

Don't let them watch TV or play video games the ENTIRE time you're there, says Cream.

"AAAH!" Shadow screamed when a poofy white diaper with pink princesses and hearts all over them appeared on him. "WAIT! HOLD ON!"

Don't allow them to stay up late, says Cream.

A pacifier appeared in Shadow's mouth. He was inches from the crib and looking panicked.

Don't let your boyfriend or girlfriend come over, even if the parents say it's okay, says Cream.

A onesie appears on Shadow's body. He was literally right next to the crib.

Don't take the children on any sort of excursion unless pre-okayed by the parents, says Cream.

"YEEEP!" Shadow felt himself get magically booted in the butt and spiked into the crib with his diaper butt sticking up. Shadow looked about with fear and confusion, sucking on his pacifier before a spray of knockout gas from the crib got into his face. His eyes fluttered and he slumped in the crib, snoring and sucking his paci quietly.

"Easy." Cream smiled, giving a thumbs up. She didn't miss a single question.

Team Hero: 4

Team Dark: 3

Eclipse went over to the crib and peered inside with a blush and a smile.

Confessional - Eclipse: I suppose there's nothing wrong with a little brother taking care of his big brother too... hehe.

"Next question." Vector said, scrolling down the tablet.

Question #8 - From Judgement Kazzy: "My question goes to Geoffrey: What type of underwear are you wearing right now?"

"What an inquisitive bloke you are, Kazzy." Geoffrey said, lightly blushing. "... M-Muppet Babies... light blue briefs with the puppet cuties on them... kay?"

Tails walked forward while swinging his arm about to properly stretch it. "So... are we going to have a challenge that deals with puppets?"

"You got it." Donovan smirked and twisted the top of the landscape changer.

Suddenly, Geoffrey and Tails were standing before a large black, tile floor filled with several holes and dramatic smog. 

"All you guys have to do is make it through this field of smog and avoid the holes. Muppets will pop out of it and try to get a diaper on you, so be careful. Also, your bladders are full so you gotta do it while potty dancing!"

"They are?" Tails raised a brow.

"Uh. My bladder's fine mate." Geoffrey raised his brow as well.

Donovan giggled and spun the top of his device. All of a sudden, both Tails and Geoffrey yelped and felt their bladders fill up.

"EEEEP!" They both yelped and began dancing from foot to foot.

"And begin!" Donovan shouted as the smog machine got going.

"GOTTA PEEEEE~!" Tails whined and rushed ahead. The instant he did, a Cookie Monster muppet came out one of the holes and snatched the fox's pants away before going back into the hole. "EEEEP!" Tails gasped, dribbling a bit in his light blue Monsters Inc. briefs before continuing on!

Confessional - Tails: Is that device of his magic? How is he able to make our bladders fill up on command and make all this stuff appear out of nowhere? Who made that thing for him? I have SO many questions!

Geoffrey was rushing ahead as well, dodging the puppets as best he could. However, eventually, an Elmo sprung out and scared Geoffrey bad enough that it made off with his pants too, exposing the Muppet Babies briefs he had on underneath. "Dammit!"

The two of them kept trying their best to dodge but it was becoming more and more unsuccessful with each pass. Eventually, they were both naked and in need of a restroom.

That's when Geoffrey got the determination going. "Screw holding myself. I need to make a full sprint and get to the end!"

Tails overheard this and made a determined face. "F-Fine. I'll do that too."

Geoffrey sucked in a breath to prepare himself... then he let go of his crotch and started to sprint. He had to ignore the humiliation of exposing his wee wee in front of an international television audience. Tails did the same and had to rush to follow him.

However, the fox gasped when a Kermit muppet sprung from the floor and planted a diaper onto Tails' crotch. The instant the diaper connected with him, Tails felt his bladder sing out in relief.

Confessional - Tails: The exact moment that diaper hit me... I just felt myself relax. I couldn't help it. So embarrassing...!

Tails sighed with his tongue out as the puppet strapped the diaper on and grabbed Tails by his legs. The fox fell over and smacked against the floor, allowing his crying bladder to full on sob and he successfully whizzed into his diapee...!

Geoffrey gasped and panted as he made it out... and then kept running towards the bathroom, leaving a pee trail behind. 

Donovan made the playing field and the smog disappear, which left Tails flopped over on the ground in a wet diaper with a look of content on his face. "Auuughhh..."

"So much for the technical genius..." Knuckles muttered.

"Oh hush." Amy said to him.

Team Hero: 4

Team Dark: 4

"We are tied. Again." Omega spoke up.

"One last challenge to go." Donovan stated. "This one is for all the marbles."

"Let's do it then." Vector smirked and read off the last question.

Question #9 - From Anonymous: "Hey Jet, when you fan dance, are you in your undies or naked? And has anyone ever walked in on you?"

Jet sneered. "I fan dance whenever and wherever I want, Anon. I do it naked or in my undies or whatever. It's up to me... and YES. Wave and Storm have walked in on me numerous times and it's always embarrassing. So what?"

Confessional - Jet: I don't make compromises for anyone. I do what I want...  may or may not have fainted when I got walked in on the first time though...

Knuckles cracked his knuckles as he stepped up and stood next to Jet. 

"The last challenge will consist of fan dancing in secret." Donovan said. "Each of you will have your fans and you'll need to strip naked... but keep yourselves hidden behind rocks and try to reach the goal. If you get spotted than you lose, immediately. So be stealthy."

"Feh. Piece of cake." Jet said, gripping his fan. 

Both he and Knuckles stood behind their large rocks and stripped their clothes off. The teams could see the pants, shirts, and undies flying out. Jet's had rubber duckies on them and Knuckles' had cute cartoon koalas on them.

"BEGIN!" Donovan shouted.

With that, they began doing their fan dancing. Knuckles had no clue what he was doing but knew that if he just flailed about it'd be considered a dance. He was mostly concerned about being stealthy. He saw his next checkpoint and zipped over towards it when the camera wasn't in his general direction. They were swinging back and forth to see if they could catch the two of them making their way over to the goal.

Jet did his jump next and waited just as the camera swung to the left. Knuckles then jumped too. They zig-zagged and jumped like little rockets before they were both before the goal.

Jet smirked and watched as Knuckles made his final, faithful jump. That's when the hawk tossed one of his fans and made Knuckles trip!

"AH! WHAT?!" The echidna gasped and face planted, right as the camera caught him and his big red naked butt!

Knuckles blushed and yelped as the lights went off. 

CAUGHT! CAUGHT! CAUGHT! came the sound of the alarms.

With the cameras all on the embarrassed echidna, Jet spun and fan danced his way to the goal!

"Booyah! I win!" Jet smirked.

Confessional - Knuckles: I... don't like being embarrassed. It's... not good for my health. I totally could have won had I been a sleeze and tripped him too though...! 

Knuckles scrambled along the grass, towards his clothes and tearing up. "AAAAUGH! STOP LOOKING!"

Jet covered himself with his fans and scooted his way back to his clothes as well. "Ugh... I hate all this air on my body..."

"Final score." Vector shouted and held up the tablet.

Team Hero: 4

Team Dark: 5

"The villains WIN!" Vector shouted.

"OH YEAH!" They all cheered in unison.

Eclipse leaned over in the crib and smiled. "Hey Shaddy, we won. Ain't that great?"

Shadow didn't respond. He just kept sucking on his paci in his sleep.

"Losers!" Donovan pointed at the now downtrodden heroes. "I'll be seeing you at the elimination tonight!"


It was night-time now. The team of heroes were around the campfire and sitting amongst a crowd of very disgruntled boys and girls.

"So... you guys lost the first challenge. It's alright though. You'll be able to shave off your access weight here...!" Donovan smirked. "Who's going to get canned. The votes have been cast."

Sonic looked on with a pout, arms crossed.

Tails rubbed his arm, looking down and to the left.

Knuckles was looking at his phone to see if any pics of him naked were online.

Amy had her arms crossed. Charmy and Cream sat next to each other with big worried looks. Blaze and Silver looked similarly. Espio had his eyes closed and was trying to meditate. 

"Here we GO!!" Donovan smiled, raising the plate of marshmallows.


It's time to vote one of the heroes out. 

Remember, you're choosing which person you want to LEAVE. The character with the most votes is the one who gets kicked out. If it's a tie, I'll have no choice but to be the tie-breaker.

Get to voting folks! Also, send in more questions!



I have a question for Marine: Apparently you get bullied a lot. What is your most embarrassing bullying experience?


Let's try to ask something less embarrassing, Knuckles, what's your max benchpress bro


Here's one for Charmy: What was the worst prank that ever backfired on you?


Loved this part! I thought you did a fantastic job on it! Shadow, who would you say has given you the most wedgies?


Scourge, what is your favorite TV show right now?


Awesome job, SDCharm! So many good parts, it's hard to choose. I liked the stuff at the beginning in the dorms a lot, and I liked how Tails and Geoffrey ended up running naked without covering. The Blaze and Marine contest was also fun.


Cream: You love disciplining adults, but when's the last time YOU were disciplined with a bare bottom spanking or the like?


Infinite: When Shadow beat you, how humiliating was the defeat?


Amy, what is your ideal proposal