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Killua was swooning and woozy as his eyes reluctantly spiraled in a dizzy haze while trapped in his crib. The mobile that was spinning over his head was making him more and more delirious. He just couldn’t handle what it was doing to him. 

He had just woken up to a fresh new diaper and a horrifically sissified baby outfit but no Golden Beetle and no pride left to show for his exploits. All he could do was lay here with this tremendous headache and hope for a miracle. 

Somehow, someway, he had to make it out of here!

Henry came over and leaned against the bars while looking at his new plaything. “You’re gonna make quite the baby. I’m gonna call you Kelly. You look like a Kelly..”

Killua absolutely didn’t want to be called Kelly either.


“HURRAY! I DID IT! KILLUA! KILLUA!” Gon practically screamed as he ran and pranced his way down the road. He was being loud and getting several sideways glances from all the kids and preteens around but he paid them no mind. His mission had been accomplished. The mission that was talked up as being so super scary by that guy only cost him a bit of embarrassment. 

Gon blushed a bit, suddenly remembering that he was drawing the attention of people while wearing a pair of wet tighty whities. Perhaps it was best to just head to the daycare and find him.

When Gon reached the entrance, he zipped inside like he was the Flash and shot from corner to corner before finding his way down the hall.

It was an impressive building. Gon hadn’t seen anyone yet, most likely do to class still being active, but he could feel the powerful nen radiating off of all the kids in these rooms. Killua would have had a tough time dealing with them if any of them saw fit to get in his way.

“Nothing we couldn’t handle though.” Gon muttered to himself, more so to reassure himself than to heap any praise onto his partner.

It was almost poetic that he then skidded to a stop when his eye caught a glimpse of something he was sure had to be in his imagination. 

One double back followed by a face pressed to the window immediately told him that, nope, what Gon had seen was reality.

He saw the crib. He saw Henry. However, most importantly, he saw a diapered and sissified Killua, laying within it.

Gon blinked.

“... We need to get out of here.”

It took a bit but the true terror of this place had finally dawned on him in full. It was extremely abnormal how strong these kids were and even scarier how he, to this very second, had not come across anyone older than his and Killua’s age. The fact that Killua was in a diaper and a crib, being overlooked by a toddler was just… it was just… how…?

Gon burst into the room and shouted. It was the first thing that came to mind so he had to do it.

“Killua! It’s me, Gon! I’m here! We’ve got the Golden Beetle, let’s go!” Gon shouted.

Henry, the kids, and even the teenage boy who was currently cleaning the chalkboard within the nursery turned their heads to stare at Gon.

Gon’s face turned a bit red. His knees were knocking as well. Being seen in these wet undies by kids so much younger than him and, no doubt, all with dry pants was just emasculating. He had to stay focused though.

“D-Did you hear me Killua? Hey! Are you aw-!”

“Are you his friend?” Henry asked, turning to approach Gon. 

Gon looked the toddler over and examined him. He looked like a normal daycare occupant to him but sensing nen within him told a much different story. With a gulp, Gon nodded. 

“Y-Yes… he’s my partner. We’re on a mission to recover something and… well, I found it so… I’ll just be taking him and leaving now.” Gon said, trying to approach Henry.

“Hey! Hold it right there!” Henry held up a hand. “You just broke into our school! How can I be so sure you’re not here to do any harm?”

Gon grumbled. “I’m not. Now just let me-!”

“Forget it!” Henry said. “You both need to be punished. Why are you both acting so rude?!”

Gon had quickly run out of patience. All this intense nen energy was really making him feel unnerved. He had to get out of here.

He zipped forward and hovered over the crib in a split second, shooting past Henry and making it to his desired spot with ease.

However, Henry angrily turned around and grabbed Gon by his briefs before yanking them back and giving him a bit of a sideways wedgie!

“HAAYEEEEEEK~!” Gon gasped, eyes crossing as he found himself taken off balance. With a stumble and a flail of his arms, he found himself slipping and landing on his butt outside the crib. “OWWWIEEEE~! MY BUTT!”

“Hahaha~! Loser!” Henry laughed and pointed. All the other toddlers did as well.

Gon was blushing intensely now. He stood up and set the Golden Beetle aside. “Alright! That’s enough! I’m taking my friend and we’re leaving, you hear me?!”

Henry smiled and turned off the mobile that had been spinning over Killua’s crib this whole time. With a sly smirk, he approached it again and leaned into the bars. “You hear that Kelly? Your friend here wants to take you away from us…!”

Killua, woozily sat up and looked ahead with swirly eyes and his tongue flopped out of his mouth. Little pink spirals were trapped within his pupils and he dopely exclaimed, “Oh noesss…!”

Gon heard that and immediately raised a brow of confusion. “...Uh… Killua? You okay buddy?”

“You don’t want to leave do you Kelly?” Henry asked.

Killua shook his head, while jabbing a thumb in his mouth and sucking on it. “Nuh-uh! I wantsta stay wid you guys and eats cookies and milkies~! Foreber!”

Gon’s jaw dropped. “...HUH?!”

“So then you know what you gotta do right?” Henry giggled along with the other toddlers. “You gots ta beat up your friend!”

“OKAY!” Killua happily exclaimed with his arms spread out. He bounced on his poofy diaper bottom while his pink skirt flowed a bit. He then saw himself bouncing out of the crib and flinging himself over to Gon where he wrapped his body around the confused black haired boy’s face!

“MMMMMFFFF~!” Gon flailed about, doubling back while trying to tug the former assassin off his air holes.

“You gotsta stay wid me Gooooon~!” Killua happily exclaimed while drooling like a baby. He finally pushed off of Gon and zipped behind him.

“BWAG!” Gon gasped, taking in a deep breath while Killua finally allowed him to breathe. “K-Killua…! Y-You’re not you right now. You need to wake up!”

“Come pway wid meee~!” Killua smiled, raising his thumb.

“K-Killua! NO! DON’T-BWaaaaauauhhh…!” Gon made a dopey noise when Killua jabbed his thumb into the side of Gon’s neck. All of a sudden, Gon’s body jolted and twitched violently like it was being electrocuted. He began drooling all over himself as his eyes crossed and soon began rolling about in his fluttering eye sockets. “Bubbaduhh… duuuuhhhh… durrrr…” Gon babbled like an idiot.

Gon’s legs gave way and he swayed for about two seconds before almost falling over. He’d have hit the ground if Killua didn’t catch him.

“Wets pway and be babies tagedder!” Killua smiled.

“Deerrrrrppppuhhh…” Gon’s tongue was out and he was seeing stars.

All the toddlers were clapping and laughing at this joyous occasion. The teen in the room rolled his eyes and kept cleaning. The kids were having their fun. Best leave them to it.

Gon was jittering and fidgeting about as Killua grasped him by the legs. His bottom was raised as Killua smirked and unfolded a diaper in his hand. “Time to pway baby~!”

Gon was moaning as he was stripped naked and had a diaper put underneath his bottom. He was unable to do anything to prevent this from continuing and eventually it was too late. He was diapered.

“YAAAY~!” Killua smiled and gave Gon a hug, pressing cheek to cheek as he happily relented to his state of dress. 

Gon, meanwhile, kept groaning and muttering in confusion.

The kids happily grabbed the live Golden Beetle that Gon had come with and set it free out the window. It wasn’t something that they needed here and it was too cool to keep in captivity. The other Golden Beetle, the gem, was kept within the nursery. It wasn’t something they really needed either. It just looked pretty. 

“Now than… what to do with these two babies…” Henry smiled and leered down at the two of them in their hilarious daze.


Suffice to say, the rich businessman never did get his Golden Beetle, nor did he ever find out which of the two was the one he was searching for. As fate would have it, these two weren’t the ones to crack the code on recovering the valuable item. They were, as we speak, a bit tied down at the moment.

“NO! LET ME GOOOOO~!” Killua whined and flailed about as a baby bottle of formula was hovered closer and closer to his mouth before being shoved in. The boy grumbled as he swallowed a hefty amount of it against his will. He wasn’t able to put a stop to it…!

“Bwaaugh! C-Come on! NO!” Gon whined as well, trying to slap his bottle away. He was all diapered up and dressed like a little girl as well. His dress was white to off-set the pink one Killua had on. Eventually, his protests were ignored fully as the bottle made it’s way into his mouth too.

The more they drank, the more swirly eyed and seemingly hypnotized they felt. Eventually, they were left babbling, drooling, and giggling like happy little tykes, ready for a great day at daycare. The mobile above their cribs and the formula did something to their brains to make them submissive and bubbly about being treated like babies. It would wear off but all it took was one more round of the stuff to fix it. 

Let this be a warning to all nen users. If you ever find yourself wandering the boardwalk of a town of users that are all unusually strong children, turn around and head back. Otherwise, you’ll end up trapped in a daycare like these two previously promising upstarts.


The people who chose both of them picked the ultimate punishment for the two of them. Next story is going to be… I don’t know actually. I’m having trouble deciding what to do. Drop some story ideas in the comments below for me and I may pick one. Or I may come up with something eventually. Who knows. For now, just tell me some stuff. 



I really enjoyed the ridonculous race. I would love to see you do more crossover stuff like that. Maybe not to that scale but i would love to see a mix of boys and girls again


Here’s a list of ideas I came up with in no particular order: 1. Tails goes to a new school for geniuses, but still can’t escape being bullied. Can Tails outsmart his devious classmates, or will he be forever known as a nerd among nerds? 2. Silver finally worked up the courage to ask Blaze on a date, but he keeps getting into increasingly embarrassing situations during it. Will this relationship die before it even begins, or will the constant embarrassment make their bond stronger? 3. Donovan finds himself transported to a medieval fantasy world and is mistaken for a great hero with incredible powers. Will he be able to get home with his life and his dignity? 4. Bad Luck Bonanza Season 2, if you feel like torturing yourself.


Well, there was that Silver option you had the in the last poll, that seemed like fun. You could come back to the anime toon institute. I remember you saying that you'd like to come back to that every now and again. Going back to the well with a prankster could be good too. If you want to take a break from Charmy you could use Marine instead. Maybe she's trying to show Cream the ropes of pranking, but instead keeps ending up humiliating herself. A final idea is a bunch of Sonic one-shots, with each character in a different embarrassing situation. Votes could either be for who's next or which situation they face. That could be a good one because you could easily end it at anytime when you get tired of it or have a better idea.


I personally thought your chapter with Shippo and Inuyasha was one of the best works you had done recently, it was very experimental. Maybe have some stuff with them for a bit? You seem a bit burned on the Sonic so a break could get the creativity flowing!


Oh thanks! I was fond of that as well. I wouldn't say I'm burned out on Sonic but I do find myself wondering where to throw my hat next from time to time, If only to make sure I keep everyone happy.