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Going to the doctor's office can be rather scary, even if it's for something as harmless sounding as a check-up. Most of the time those fears are unfounded. Sometimes they randomly turn out to be true though.

Chronicle #3 - Doctor Daze

“Come on Tails. It’s just a regular check-up. What’s there to be scared of?” Sonic asked, a chuckle at the edge of his mouth as he confronted his friend’s fears as they were about to leave the workshop.

Tails stood his ground though. He used sound mind and logic to dictate how he felt about things… except, apparently, the doctor.

“No way. Nuh-uh. This isn’t something that’s gonna be brushed aside as nothing Sonic.” Tails said, arms crossed and ears drooping as he looked to the side. He seemed so miserable but his pouty face was also kind of adorable too.

“It’s going to be fine.” Sonic said, assuring Tails once again as they headed for the train station.

Tails grumbled before finally perking up. “I hate shots.”

“So do I,” Sonic shrugged. “Who said anything about shots though? It’s a regular check-up. Just grit your teeth and bear it.”

Tails sighed. “Alright… fine…”


This was a day that was scheduled for both of them to have check-ups. Tails, at the moment, was sitting on the counter in the doctor’s office, being looked after by Dr. Habish. 

A doctor’s visit was always embarrassing in some way. The fact that they always required that you strip before some stranger was never cool. It always felt weird. 

Right now, the blushing and shy little fox boy was sitting in his plain white briefs, watching as the doctor knocked his little mallet against his knee so that it’d get a reaction from his leg. 

He got the breathing exercises with his chest in next. Then after that was all said and done he got the light shone in his eyes and his ears checked too. All of that hub-bub didn’t seem necessary to him. He had no idea what it was for and to be honest, he wasn’t even sure why he needed to be in his underwear for most of it.

Sonic standing off to the side, smiling at him with his arms crossed, while fully clothed was the worst part. He knew he was being supportive but he still felt like such a little kid here. 

After about a good 30 minutes of this rigamarole, the words he desperately wanted to hear reached his ears.

“We’re all done. You were a very good patient.” The doctor smiled, handing Tails a lollipop. The fox blushed a bit harder but accepted it. He wasn’t going to turn down free candy after all.

As Tails hopped off the counter and scrambled to get his jeans back on, Sonic approached the doctor with a stretch.

“Thanks for being gentle with him doc. You wouldn’t believe how scared he was when we first came in.” Sonic said, whispering to him.

“Oh was he?” Dr. Habish chuckled. “I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about. Regular check-ups aren’t scary at all.”

Tails got his yellow shirt on now, pouting as the two of them talked like his fears were the ravings of a child.

Thank God, it was Sonic’s turn now.

The blue hedgehog was asked to strip as well and Sonic graciously did so. He had no plain white briefs so when the doctor saw Sonic sit in his Clifford the Big Red Dog briefs, he raised a brow. Sonic blushed and chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

“Haha… I love my cartoons…” He shrugged, trying to play his obvious embarrassment off. Tails had to giggle at that.

The doctor then got to work doing all the things he did to Tails. He hit Sonic with that mallet, shined a light in his eye, then checked his ears…

...However, the doctor’s reaction was a bit different when it came to Sonic. 

“Hmm… I think we need to examine you a little more. Stand up.” The doctor ordered.

The brief clad hedgehog was a bit confused but did as he was told. 

Then both he and Tails gasped when the doctor suddenly grabbed Sonic by his crotch!

“EEP!” Sonic blushed, teeth clenching a tad. “Wh-What the-?!” Sonic gasped.

“Relax…” The doctor said. “I know what I’m doing.” 

He then began to tug out the front of Sonic’s briefs and shined a light down in there. Tails was giggling now as Sonic began sweating and looked away.

“F-F-Find anything interesting doc…?” Sonic tried to joke despite being clearly not cool with this.

“I might have actually…” The doctor said, flicking Sonic’s little winkie. The blue hedgehog’s reaction was a violent shake.

“GUH!” Sonic yelped and shivered. The doctor let go of the briefs and let them snap against Sonic’s crotch, making him yelp and stumble back.

“Sit down.” The doctor ordered. Sonic did so, sweating up a storm now. The doctor examined Sonic’s front and then gasped. “This reaction… there’s no doubt about it…!” He said, pointing at Sonic’s briefs.

“Huh? What reac-AAH!” Sonic yelped, blushing as he looked down and noticed his pee wee was poking at his briefs. He was getting a little excited down there…!

“Sonic, I’m sorry to say this but I’m afraid you have Premature Ejaculation Syndrome!” Dr. Habish snapped, his face suddenly looking super serious and scared.

“I have… I have what now…?” Sonic shook, now afraid as well.

Dr. Habish looked panicked. He took out his pager and began to contact some of the other doctors. “Yeah it’s Dr. Habish. We have a case of PES on our hands in Room 304. Don’t panic. Just come on over with Dr. Steak and a nurse and we should be able to handle it together.”

“Doc… I don’t know what this syndrome is but it doesn’t sound-ACK!” Sonic yelped when the doctor grabbed him and pushed him down onto his face so that his butt stuck straight up and wiggled out for Tails to ogle at.

“It’s an incredibly rare situation. I’ve certainly never seen a patient who suffered with it in all my years of working here but we need to see if we can nip it in the bud here.” The doctor then took out a syringe and pointed the needle out. Sonic turned his head and then his face turned pale.

“WHA?! A SHOT?!” Sonic gasped.

Then, the doctor did something even more horrifying. He pulled down the back of Sonic’s briefs!

“NO! NOT ON MY BUTT! PLEASE! T-TAILS! HELP!” Sonic screamed, flailing about as the fox looked on in astonishment.

“Uh… uhm… w-well, if the doctor says this is what’s gotta happen then…” Tails shrugged.

“TAILS! NO! DON’T LET AAAAAAAAAAUGH!” Sonic screamed, teary eyed as he got the painful poke to the butt and a substance went inside him.

All of a sudden, Sonic felt weird and numb. His body started to heat up a bit and he felt himself sitting up. HIs tongue flopped out the side of his mouth and his eyes crossed before he began moaning and thrusting outward.

“It’s starting to take effect.” Dr. Habish said, noticing the tiny wet spot appearing on Sonic’s briefs. "The stimulation that'll make his body excited is necessary for us to examine how bad it is and observe whether it can be fixed."

“Ababuu! Garble gubble gaoobb~!” Sonic started to make weird sensuous noises as he did this. His body was involuntarily shaking and reacting on its own!

Sonic found himself flopping onto the medical table, wiggling and shaking his crotch about as it got more and more wet as his tiny wee wee strained in his briefs.

It was then that more medical personnel began to enter the room. Tails scooted back, eyeing this situation with invested interest.

“Holy bagoda!” Dr. Steak, the new arrival, shouted. “This IS PES! Look at him! He’s reacting so strongly to the stimulation syringe you gave him. He’s about to blow!” The new doctor put some rubber gloves on and tugged down the front of Sonic’s briefs to take a gander at his assets. It was wet and sticky in there now. 

“So?” Dr. Habish asked.

“It’s worse than I thought!” Dr. Steak shouted, his thick accent permeating through the air. He then reached over and grabbed a tube connected to a bag of chocolate pudding.

With it he plugged it into Sonic’s mouth and fired up the device that began filling Sonic’s gullet with pudding while he wiggled and shook about before all four medical professionals. 

“He needs his stomach full of some kind of food first and foremost.” Dr. Steak said. 

“I understand.” Dr. Habish nodded. “His little excitement down there isn’t going down though.”

“It’s not. This is REAL serious!” Dr. Steak snapped.

Sonic’s eyes were getting even more crossed as his body jittered up down and his tummy got slightly plump as the pudding went into him.

He felt his briefs start to really get soaked as his over stimulated body let an eruption happen in his undies!

“He’s about to blow from down below!” Dr. Steak said. “He needs to be settled down. Quick!” 

The doctor then reached over and grabbed two electrical defibrillators!

The pudding tube was taken out of Sonic’s mouth at this point and immediately, Sonic took the opportunity to scream in a panic at them.

“What are you guys DOING?! STOP!” Sonic shouted.

Dr. Steak rubbed the two defibrillators together to get a good electric charge and then raised them above Sonic’s chest. “CLEAR!”


Sonic’s body jumped and he sat up, eyes rolling and his tongue flopped out of his mouth. “FRAZZLIN~! BRAZZLIN!” Sonic said unintelligible nonsense before they pushed him back down.

“CLEAR!” Dr. Steak shouted again before shocking him once more.

Sonic shot up, eyes rolling and now stars circling his head. “DICKUN PONMASSU!” Sonic shouted more stuff that meant nothing before he was pushed down onto the table, looking like a mess.

The doctor’s then began karting Sonic out of the room but not before Dr. Habish turned to Tails and sighed.

“I’m sorry about all this. Trust us, we’re going to do all we can to make sure your friend is taken good care of.” Dr. Habish said this with a tear in his eye and his hands on Tails’ shoulders.

The fox could only nod before Dr. Habish left as well…

When Tails stood alone in the room, he blinked in confusion. 

“... What the hell?”


Sonic was pissed.

The hedgehog ended up being let go from the hospital after being put into a hospital gown and a medical diaper for premature ejaculation syndrome symptoms. 

Sonic shouted and screamed at them, demanding to know why they did all that crap to him. Why did they stick a syringe in his butt, feed him pudding through a tube, and shock him with defibrillators because he might have a problem with premature ejaculation?!

Well, turns out there was a totally reasonable and legit science explanation to all of it. When they explained why the syringe, pudding, and electric shocks were necessary Sonic’s brain got a little fried.

The science behind what they told him sounded fake and made up. It seriously seemed like some nonsense an embarrassment crazed writer thought up just so he could humiliate the hell out of him! That disease didn’t even seem real!

Either way, he was let go when it was discovered that he didn’t actually have it. 

No, he just had a really tiny wee wee and also a very bad case of premature ejaculation… but not the syndrome that killed you if you did it too often. 

So that’s good. He wouldn’t die from not being able to hold it in at least. It sucked knowing that he had it though.

Sonic grumbled as he walked with Tails towards the exit.

“I swear… I’m never coming back here again!” Sonic snarled. “I hate going to the doctor!”

Tails giggled, taking out his lollipop and unwrapping it. “Don’t worry Sonic. I’m sure your next check up will be a lot more normal.” The fox said, slapping Sonic’s back.

“AUGH! N-NO! Tails! Don’t TOUCH me! The syringe they injected me with still hasn’t gone out of my system! I’m too sensitive right NAAAAAOOOHHH~!” Sonic yelped, his eyes crossing again as he began to jitter and explode with extreme sticky wetness inside his diaper!

He panted and fell onto the ground, humping at the air and blushing as his eyes glazed over with stars and birdies again.

As this happened, Tails kept walking, not even noticing that Sonic had just fallen.

The fox stuck the lollipop into his mouth and smiled.

“Awesome. Blueberry.”


That was the doctor’s story. It didn’t make any sense. It had a made up disease and a made up way to treat it that, in the end, Sonic didn’t even suffer from so he went through all of that for nothing. Tune in next time.



In the words of Buzz Lightyear: "I don't think that man has ever been to medical school." I liked the first part of the chapter where he was inspecting Sonic, very funny. I look forward to the next chapter. It was hard to choose between a Magic Show and the Beach, but I had to go with the latter just because it's been an option all the times. Either way, I'm sure it'll be fun!


This is why Sonic doesn't have white briefs. He had urinary incontinence, and he wore underoos to cover his urine.