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To be fair to Sonic, the story of the underwear hierarchy was a tale that happened long in the past, back when he wasn’t as “mature” as he was now. Nowadays, Sonic was a lot more… open, you could say. He often went around doing things for people that saw the community appreciating him even more than they already did. 

That said, sometimes the ego would come back and when it did, the karma fairy was there to see to it that he didn’t go unpunished for it. As usual, Tails was there to witness it, demonstrating how ironic it was that he wasn’t the older brother instead.

Chronicle #2 - Daycare Displacement

“Then she’ll say, ‘We have a special guest here for you today! Sonic the Hedgehog!’ and then I’ll come out in front of them in their daycare playground and wave at them and we’ll play a little together before I sign autographs, take pictures, and peace out.” Sonic said as he walked on his way towards the Station Square Daycare Center along with his buddy and partner in fan appreciation days, Miles “Tails” Prower.

Tails, as it were, was accompanying Sonic with a large bag in hand, swinging it back and forth as it had a small amount of supplies for the fun day ahead. Or half a day. Sonic wasn’t planning on spending the entire time there, of course. He couldn’t blame him. The amount of time Sonic agreed to was unusual for people who did volunteer guest appearances.

Sonic was pretty famous at this point. Not to the point that people would stop him on the street or harass him for stuff but he was still a generally well known public figure. That said, there were people out there who were ignorant of him. Some folks either heard the name in passing and others didn’t pay enough attention to current events to know what he looked like. They lived in a world where he wasn’t the only animal fighter around so it was understandable. It’s not like Sonic fought for attention. However, when given the chance, he liked taking advantage of it for the sake of making people happy. 

Well, sometimes it was a bit of a thing he did to stroke his ego too. 

“I wonder how much they’ll be able to keep their eyes on me.” Sonic smirked, stroking his chin.

Tails rolled his eyes. “Come on Sonic. Keep an open mind. You’re not some super star celebrity or anything. There’s a chance they might not even know who you are.”

“I’m lucky to have you Tails. Not enough people like that in this world.” Sonic said with his arms now behind his head.

Tails sighed but smiled. He was happy to have Sonic too. He just hoped this day was a fun one. He’d been fretting and worrying so much about how this would turn out all night while Sonic slept like a baby and barely broke a sweat when he talked about it over breakfast this morning. Tails was a stressful young lad. He needed a break.

Eventually, the two of them reached the daycare and Sonic entered without a hint of worry on his face. He even closed his eyes and gave an enthusiastic bow, allowing Tails to enter. The fox smiled and took to going in first.

When they walked into the lobby, Sonic and Tails walked past two angry looking young toddlers sitting on the nearby bench. Tails, rubbing his forehead, went on up to the counter and rung the bell while looking around. “Hmm…? That’s odd. There’s no one here… this IS the time we agreed on. We’re about a minute early I guess but…” Tails muttered while looking at the wall.

As Tails contemplated this, Sonic was busy paying mind to the two young boys sitting at the bench. 

“Yo!” Sonic said with a peace sign.

The boys leered at him. “Who are you?” One of them asked.

“I’m Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.” Sonic grinned, pointing a thumb to his chest and grinning with sparkly teeth. The boys didn’t look impressed.

“Are you here to pick someone up or go in? Naome is in the other room.” One of the boys pointed to an office at the side.

“Well… I guess I’m here to go in.” Sonic said, scratching the back of his head.

“Oh? Are you gonna join our class?” The boy on the right looked excited, standing up and grabbing a little plastic button off the wall. “Here. Wear this. It’s got tape on the back of it so it’ll stick to you.”

“Uhm… what is that?” Sonic asked, pointing at it. It was a cutesy button that read ‘Our newest friend’ and it seemed a little odd to have as something for guests.

Tails then thought things over, wondering what the deal could be. He then looked around the place and gasped. “Oh! That’s right. This daycare is split into two! One is for the toddlers and babies and the other is for slightly older kids, around Charmy and Cream’s age. Which person in charge of which department did I speak to?! Oh no! I messed this up!” Tails began ruffling his hair. If he spoke to the wrong person then there was a chance one of them didn’t even know they were coming today.

Tails wandered over towards one of the office doors and knocked on it. He sighed when he got an immediate response. 

“It’s open!” a woman from the other side called out. Tails grabbed the knob and let himself in before politely closing the door behind him, hoping to get this cleared up.

“Sorry but I’m not wearing that.” Sonic, meanwhile, was in a bit of a bind with this kids. They seemed to not want to let him off the hook that easily.

“Nope. You gotta wear it. You said you wanted to go in and that’s what all the new kids gotta wear to let Naome know they’re a new arrival. It’s the rules!” The boy said, angry a bit.

Sonic shook his head. “What do kids like you care for the rules so much for?”

“We’re in time out cause we did a bad thing. You gotta follow the rules!” The other boy snapped at Sonic.

“Pfft. Well, sorry, but I’m a guest. It’s obvious you don’t know who I am so I’ll just have to educate ya-!” Sonic said with a gleam in his eye. He was totally ready to talk about himself and didn’t even notice the first boy shuffling behind Sonic with the button in hand. Just as soon as Sonic went to speak, he felt a rush of air around his backside and legs. His eyes widened and he got silent, feeling instantly embarrassed.

The boy had pantsed him and stuck the button right onto his butt!

“There you go! Right on your little clown briefs.” The kid smirked. 

Yup. Sonic was wearing party clown underoos with a green elastic. The blue hedgehog blushed even more when he looked behind him and saw the cutsey button plastered on his backside like he was property of some kind. 

“HEY! YOU CAN’T JUST-!” Sonic snapped, ready to tear it off when the door on the left opened. It was the opposite door from the one Tails went in. Out stepped Naome the Pika. She was beaming with happiness and ready to let the two boys off of time out when she saw something odd. It was Sonic, pants around his ankles, and the button for new toddlers on his bum!

“Oh! Is this… a new arrival?” Naome asked the two boys.

Sonic sweated, eyes shrinking as she saw him like this. The embarrassment made him freeze on the spot.

“Yes! He said he was a new arrival!” One of them smiled.

“He didn’t want to wear the button but we made him do it!” The other boy said, smiling as well.

“Aww~!” Naome clamped her hands and then put her arms around the two of them. “Now THAT’S what I call good teamwork. See what you can accomplish when you work together instead of fight?”

The two boys blushed and giggled, happy for the praise.

Naome then reached over to the still stunned Sonic and picked him up with his body under her arm. “Time to admit you to the daycare little guy… well… you actually look pretty big. You must have some sort of condition. I’ll have to talk to your caretaker when they come back…”

Sonic gasped, suddenly realizing what kind of position he was in. “Uh! Wait a second! No! Hold on! I’m not a new toddler! I’m a guest! Sonic the Hedgehog! Hello?! I came here to volunteer and stuff!” Sonic wiggled about, kicking his legs back and forth and wiggling his undie clad butt out for the two giggling kids behind him. “URRRGH! Damn lady! You’ve got a super strong grip!”

“HEY!” Naome snarled and slapped Sonic on the butt!

“YEEEOWWWW~!” Sonic screamed, feeling an instant sizzle steam from his behind.

“No cursing! Bad boy!” Naome said. “Seems we’ve got a problem child on our hands here… you’re very blue but I don’t think the real Sonic the Hedgehog would be wearing that button or the kind of undies you have on. It’s nice to pretend though.” She said this as they walked in.

“NO! You don’t understand! I am him! Really! I WEAR these kinds of undies!” Sonic screamed and flailed about as the four of them entered the room. Admitting he wore this kind of underwear was upsetting but he honestly couldn’t see a way out except for owning up to it. Well, if he denied it, it would have looked stupid since he WAS wearing them…

Either way, he was going in. This woman was not only a lot older but had some wicked strength! It was like he was being held by Amy, only twice as strong. Why did all the woman in his life have to be freaky strong?

When the door was shut, Sonic’s cries for help got muffled by it. That’s when the door on the right opened and Tails exited with a mink woman. Her name was Sera.

Tails was chuckling as he rubbed the back of his head, feeling kind of embarrassed for fretting so much over this. “Sorry about that Ms. Sera. I was just worried we might have found the wrong place or something. I totally forgot there were two different departments to this daycare.”

Ms. Sera smiled and patted Tails on the head. “It’s alright sweetie. You look rather stressed and tired. I hope you have fun today.”

“I’m mostly just here to make sure Sonic does his thing correctly.” Tails sighed, slumping a bit. “Seems he can’t do anything without my help…”

As he lamented over this, a couple of kids about 5 to 6 years old entered and approached Tails.

“Heya! Are you the guy whose here with Sonic?” One of them asked.

“I am! My name is Tails and I… uh… wait, where’s Sonic?” Tails asked.

“He could be out with the other kids by now.” Sera said. “Did you lads spot him?”

The kids all shook their heads. “Nope. We didn’t see no one.”

“He might be running all over the place outside and we can’t see him cause he’s so fast.” One boy chimed in. 

Tails chuckled. “Perhaps.” Tails groaned, rubbing his temples. “Darnit Sonic… not now.”

One of the boys then grabbed Tails by the hand. “Come on. We can wait. Let’s go play!” He beamed with a happy smile.

“Oh…? Uh…?” Tails looked over at Sera for approval. She gave a happy nod. Tails then smiled and let the kids kart him outside. “A-Alright… I suppose it won’t hurt to have a little fun…”


“OW!” Sonic gasped in frustration when he ended up plopping onto the changing table in the toddler room. His butt even wiggled a little like blueberry jello. “LOOK lady, you may be extremely, freakishly strong but that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna sit here and let you-!” Sonic began before Naome plopped a pacifier into Sonic’s mouth.

The confused hedgehog suckled on it for a bit with his eyes crossed to look directly at it as it sat in the center of his face before growling and preparing to spit it out. However, Naome quickly tied the two ends of it together so that it went around his head. When Sonic attempted to spit it out, he mostly just made a little dribble go down his muzzle.

Sonic blinked and flushed red a tad. The toddlers below him were giggling at how funny this looked. I mean, seeing someone who looked so much older get a diaper change was hilarious. By the way, that’s totally what was happening too. Sonic didn’t figure this out until she lightly pushed him onto his back. When she did, his eyes got big and he began thrashing about franticically. Naome had to grab his wiggling legs and hold them up in the proper diaper position.

Eventually, she let one go and watched it dangle listlessly to the side, throbbing a bit due to the pain of her grip. Sonic even teared up a tad. Why was she so monstrously strong?

Naome grinned and grabbed the waistband of Sonic’s underoos and began sliding them up his legs. Sonic’s eyes got bigger and bigger as he saw the salvation hiding his little peanut float off his body and hit the floor.

Ding-a-ling. There it was, exposed for her to bare witness too.

“If it wasn’t obvious you were actually a baby before, it DEFINITELY is now.” Naome said.

Sonic’s face was as red as a tomato. That was the commentary about his size down there eh? He couldn’t even think of a comeback for that one, even if he hadn’t been pacifier gagged.

With that, Naome reached over and unfolded a nice white diaper with colorful printed Gummi Bears all over them. She lifted his butt a bit higher and grabbed the powder, sprinkling it down onto his bum nicely and letting the comforting smell waft into Sonic’s sensitive nose. The hedgehog almost sneezed at it.

When his butt was lowered he felt the crinkle of the soft garment envelop him. It was nice and secure when she taped it up and patted his front, making tiny little clouds appear around his waist.

Sonic twitched. His eyes looked frantic. He wasn’t sure what to make of this earth shattering, humiliating event. How’d he land in this position? Was this even possible?

“All diapered up. Now to change shirts…” She said this while pointing at him. “Raise your hands.”

Sonic gulped and did as she ordered, suckling on the pacifier as he felt a sense of vulnerability, the likes of which he’d never felt when facing Eggman, wash over him. She got the shirt off him and replaced it with a nice little Buzz Lightyear shirt with a neat little, light green sheen to it.

With a comforting lift of the armpits, she held him up to her face like he was baby Simba and grinned before rubbing her cheek against his. “Awww! So cute! At first I wasn’t sure but nope. Diapers suit you quite well!”

Sonic was blushing and sweating, not sure how to take that. Was that a compliment?

When she finally set him on the ground, the toddlers circled around him to examine his body. Sonic wanted to tell them to buzz off but he could only do really annoyed pacifier suckles at them.

Naome patted Sonic’s butt forward, urging him towards the play area. Sonic looked at her like she was crazy but then felt his arms get grabbed by the smaller toddlers and forcefully dragged along. 

Guess he was playing. 

No matter. He’d find an opportunity to bail as soon as he could. She may be strong but he was faster than anyone.


“... 7… 8...9… 10! Ready or not… here I come.” Tails said, picking himself off the side of the building and stepping along the grass of the backyard. The daycare had a pretty vast grassland behind it but not a ton of places to hide behind. In fact, the fox could already make out several spots that had little limbs of the children he was seeking poking out.

Tails giggled to himself. “Really now…? Don’t make this too easy.” The fox said while strolling forward, pretending he wasn’t aware of their spots. He could even hear some of the childish giggling in the distance.

The fox smirked. “Okay. Guess it’s time I put an end to you all.”

He was having fun playing tag.


Sonic, meanwhile, was sitting on the carpet, stacking up blocks while angrily sucking on his pacifier. He kept eyeballing the door and the window, looking for a way out… however, each time he moved his head, he could swear that Naome was tracking him with her eyes. 

By now it had been about an hour and it was reaching a point where he had to use the bathroom. Sonic was antsy and getting increasingly bothered. Eventually, he had enough when one of the toddlers knocked over his pile of blocks.

He had to go. Now.

Sonic bolted to his feet and made a mad dash for the door… however, he found himself tripping up instantly when his foot stumbled over the crashed pile of blocks and made him fall to the floor.

This got Naome on alert immediately. Sonic couldn’t even curse his rotten luck before she managed to make it to him and yanked him up. 

“Don’t run in the playroom, you’ll fall and hurt yourself.” She said, wagging a finger in front of his face while removing the pacifier strap.

Sonic’s eyes were rolling and stars were floating around his head. “I-I’mm nod gunna fall and go boom boom mommy…!” Sonic sputtered out, a tiny bit of drool ebbing out of the corners of his mouth. 

“Let me guess. You’re thirsty right?” Naome smiled and spun a bottle of formula in her hands. When it was put into Sonic’s mouth, the hedgehog jolted with surprise and sputtered about in her grasp ever more. 

Formula?! How old did she think he was?

Sonic made a bunch of horrid noises as the disgusting concoction went down his throat. By now, his belly was like a jug of water and the cork was slowly being unscrewed. He had to find a potty and fast!

Sonic squirmed around, trying to get free, when she pressed him to her chest with his head slightly over her shoulder and began patting him on the back over and over.

“There, there. Let’s get those gas bubbles out of your system.” Naome said teasingly.

“Lady, I’m not gonna BUUUUURRRRRRRRP~!” Sonic belched loudly before blushing and twitching. Okay… so he did… but whatever! He needed the potty! The only way out of this seemed to be swallowing his pride and just asking.

When Naome set him down, Sonic began doing the potty dance and looked up at her with wide, puppy-dog eyes. “M-Ms. Naome?!”

“Yes?” Naome smiled brightly.

“C-C-Can I… Can I…? U-Use t-the p-pot… pee pee… peee…?” Sonic stumbled over his words. Not just from embarrassment but for the fact that he was hearing a loud wizzing sound going into his diaper as he held himself.

The garment sagged beneath his legs and he blushed brightly, tearing up and wincing as he watched the diaper tint yellow.

“Oh baby… you needed to use the potty? Why didn’t you just ask?” Naome asked, confused.

Sonic blubbered and whimpered, hands dropping out in front of him. “Y-You… I HATE YOU! DAMMIT! WHY!? WHY!? WHY?!” Sonic screamed and lost his cool, jumping up and down while throwing a tantrum.

Naome angrily gripped Sonic by his arm and sat onto the nearby chair. The other toddlers were excited by this. They knew this meant a spanking!

Sonic yelped when he found himself thrust over her lap, sweating bullets as he felt her tug the back of his diaper down to expose his naked behind before all these giggly tots.

“NO! WAIT! I’M SO-AAAAAAAH!” Sonic’s eyes crossed and he shouted in extreme pain when her powerful hands began to lay waste to his backside!


“AAAAAAAAAAAH~!” Sonic screamed as he felt the spanking thunderously destroy his bouncy, wiggly bottom.

So much for speed getting him out of this. All speed seemed to do was make him wet faster.


Tails huffed and puffed as he ran across the field, catching up to the kids out in front of him and taping one of the boys on the shoulder. 

“TAG! YOU’RE IT!” Tails shouted before turning to rush off. Instantly, all the kids stopped running from Tails and started to run from the other boy.

The kid that Tails tagged pouted a bit but then got a wicked grin as he began to give chase.

Tails couldn’t help but laugh as he felt the breeze waft through his fur.


Sonic was red-faced and soaked with tears. His nose was to the corner and his hands were at his sides. Thank goodness the diaper was allowed to stay on so that the toddlers couldn’t see his red butt… however, that didn’t stop them from teasing and poking at it!

Eventually, after about another 45 minutes of this, Sonic had enough.

“KNOCK IT OFF!” Sonic turned around and went to tackle the kid behind him. 

The toddler, scared by this, quickly slammed his rattle into Sonic’s stomach!

“HOOF!” Sonic grunted and stumbled back, grabbing his gut. Why did that hurt so bad? He then felt a gurgle hit him and gulped. “Oh no… THAT’S why!”

Sonic tried to push the kid aside so he could rush to Naome and ask for the potty again but the angry kid he tried to tackle hit him in the gut again.

Sonic’s knees knocked and his eyes re-crossed once more.

“HEEEP! NO!” Sonic snapped and jumped over the kid, bolting out of the corner while holding his butt. That formula was shooting through him! It was 45 minutes after he'd taken it and he expected it to be number 1 again but nope! It was disagreeing with him in a different way.

Naome sat up from where she was fixing a playpen when she spotted Sonic rushing at her.

“P-PLEASE! POTTY! POTTY! PLEASE!” Sonic gasped and panted.

“Oh? Now you ask? Okay. Hold on a second…!” Naome stood up and turned to go grab the key.

However, the mad toddler from behind Sonic took his revenge and tossed the rattle at the hedgehog one last time. 

The rattle beamed Sonic upside the head and made his eyes cross a third time, only this time his tongue flopped out too.

“DURRR! I don’t NEED no potty! Lookie me goo poopsie!” Sonic said, suddenly squatting and grunting with a dopey look on his face.

“Hey!” Naome turned to face him with shock but it was too late. Sonic made a stinky mess in his diapees right then and there.

The hedgehog wobbled before his eyes fluttered and he passed out on his back, stars circling his head as the toddler laughed and pointed at him from behind. He had just knocked out Sonic the Hedgehog with a baby rattle and he didn’t even know it.

“Oh well… guess I’d better put him to bed anyway.” Naome said, instead going for a nice fresh new diaper and a baby onesie…


“I WIN!” Tails shouted with both his fists raised as he managed to beat them all at the race they wanted to try. 

The kids all surrounded Tails and laughed with delight.

“Wow Mister! You’re SO cool!”

“Ms. Sera said that Sonic was coming but you’re so fast too!”

“Yeah! You’re great at tag and duck duck goose and even hide and seek!”

“Cool second tail!”

Tails rubbed the back of his head and was blushing from all the praise. “Awww… well… you know. I try.”

Then, it was time to go. Unfortunately, the day they had planned was over.

The kids all cheered as Tails waved goodbye. 

The fox re-entered the building and went up to the front desk. He looked around and sighed with frustration. “Geez! WHERE is Sonic? Did he seriously skip out on the entire day?!” The fox looked a bit peeved as he tapped his foot.

That’s when Naome opened the door, stretching and yawning a bit to herself. “Oh dear. So much hard work for one little newcomer…”

Tails turned to look at her, not recognizing this woman at all. “Uhm, excuse me Miss. Did you see a blue hedgehog around here by chance?”

“Blue…? OH! Are you the big brother of the new charge we just got?” Naome asked, leaning down to Tails.

“New… charge…?” Tails looked confused. “Uh… if he’s a blue hedgehog then… yes… I think?”

“Good. Follow me.” Naome ushered Tails along into the nursery room. The confused fox followed behind before being led to a crib. It seemed to be the only occupied one too, meaning whoever was inside it was the only sleeping baby in this whole place.

“Be careful waking him. He’s in a deep sleep right now.” Naome said with a smile.

Tails leaned over the crib and almost choked at how fast he had to contain his laughter.

Sonic was diapered, in a onesie, sucking his thumb, while sleeping in a crib!

Tails snickered and looked to the side. Well now… it seemed that Tails got to have his day of stress-free fun while Sonic ended up experiencing quite the stressful experience. How’s that for irony? Either way, Tails was going to take tons of pictures and tease about this for a long time coming.

“He seems to be tuckered out alright…” Tails muttered, looking at him with a wicked grin as he took out his phone to snap a couple of shots. “That’s my baby brother alright. I’ll just go ahead and take him off your hands…”


There we have it. A daycare story where the reverse of what was supposed to happen, happened. I love reading your comments so please tell me what you think! Also, vote on what the next story will be with the following keywords…!



Can there be a brotherly wedgie fight between sonic and knuckles