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Inkling Boy smiled as he sat down across from Midoriya, beaming with happiness as all the students walked in the background. “Hey. How’s your reputation going?”

“My… reputation?” Midoriya raised a brow. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I know what you mean…”

“Oh.”Inkling Boy chuckled, “Your reputation is just the word we use for your status. Are you a babyface, a heel, a jobber? How many fights have you had since coming here? Have you challenged anyone?”

Midoriya looked down at his tray and began picking at his mac and cheese with his spork. “Well… Kaachan is here and I’d assume his reputation is heel status by now. I’ve been trying to mull over what direction I should take myself in first. I haven’t really started any fights as a result.”

Inkling Boy gulped. “Sheesh. You’re not going to be on anyone radar if you stay out of fights…”

Midoriya looked to the side. “I wouldn’t say I’m not on anyone’s radar.”

“You wouldn’t?” Inkling Boy sat confused as someone approached him from behind. “Why’s th-AAAAAAAAH!” He screeched suddenly, yelping as he started to become suspended from his chair. His celebratory splat-fest briefs were shot from his tight bike shorts in a tremendous, dangling wedgie that sent searing pain through his system.

His teeth began to grit and his eyes crossed as he flailed about and kicked his legs back and forth. This happened all the while the wedgie administrator chuckled from behind.

“Haha! I gotcha! Wedgies are fun!” Luffy exclaimed before letting the Inkling Boy’s undies go over his head, making the wedgie atomic. He then dropped him onto his seat and watched as the teary eyed, embarrassed boy wiggled about in his seat, trying to pry the briefs off his head.

Midoriya looked up at him with a disgruntled murmur. “Heya, Luffy.”

Luffy crossed his arms and chuckled with his signature big, toothy grin. “Heya, Deku Tree! How’s it going? Ooo! Meat!” He spotted meat on a bone sitting on Deku’s plate and grabbed it. He munched on it happily as Midoriya felt an angry anime vein pump at the side of his head.

“It was going good until my lunch was stolen.” Midoriya answered.

“Oh? That sucks.” Luffy said, thinking it over before finishing the food. “Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I’m looking for another person to fight. Can’t get enough action!”

Midoriya sighed. Luffy was a very interesting fellow. He acted kind of antagonistic towards him but it was in a way that didn’t seem all that intentional. At least, not at first. When Midoriya pointed this out to him one day, Luffy’s response was to laugh and say that he wasn’t going to leave him alone because he wanted to eventually take him on in a fight. 

“Where’s Boruto?” Midoriya asked.

“Surprise!” A voice sprung up from behind Midoriya. In an instant, the poor boy felt two hands reach down the back of his pants and blast upward, administering a wedgie that saw his tight blue boxers shoot over his head. 

“AAAAAAAAUGH!” Midoriya screeched, tearing up and flailing about like he was sinking in a pool. 

There he was. It was Boruto himself.

“Hey Luffy, messing with Midoriya without me? How mean.” Boruto smirked.

“Hahaha! Sorry, sorry!” Luffy waved at him before crossing his arms again. “The more he refuses to fight us the more interested I am in checking him out.”

Midoriya pressed his hands on the table and snarled in anger. He watched as Inkling Boy continued struggling to get the undies off his head.

“Why bother my friend too?” Midoriya chided. “Just leave him out of it. You guys just want to pick on ME right?”

Boruto blinked but then smiled. “We just want your attention. No matter what we have to do to get it, we will.”

“Why though?” Midoriya stood up now, fists clenched. This had been going on for well over a couple of days and he had no clue what the issue was. Why did they have such an invested interest in him as early as his very first day here? “What’s so special about me?”

Boruto smirked. “That’s what we want to find out.”

Midoriya looked even more confused.

“Explosion Murder Guy told us about you.” Luffy spoke up. “He said you had a strong power. We want to see it someday.”

Midoriya began to shake and sweat a bit. “K-Kaachan?”

Boruto wiped a finger under his nose, “Bakugo is apart of our group here. We’re a group of four ourselves but that’s neither here nor there. We don’t want you overpowering our group so we need to nip the competition in the bud, right here and now. We can only do that if we prove we’re better than you though.”

“Haha! Yeah. We can start fights wherever we want but it’s more fun to have it broadcast in one of the huge, official fighting areas!” Luffy sneered.

Midoriya’s heart beat a bit faster. All this time he’d done nothing but avoid meaningless confrontations but… that’s what this school was about. He couldn’t stand at Kaachan’s level, letting this continue, especially now that it started affecting the friends he was making.

“Okay…” Midoriya said finally. “I’ll do it.”

Boruto and Luffy looked intrigued.

Inkling Boy gasped, finally getting the underwear off his head and having it snap against his butt. “OW!”

“Eh? You’ll do what?” Boruto asked, leaning in, hoping for the answer he wanted so desperately.

“I challenge you two to a match. An official one.” Midoriya looked super serious despite the beads of sweat on his head. “The losing side will suffer a huge blow to their status… but it’ll be worth it if it means I can put a stop to all this.”

“Ha! Two on one?” Boruto smirked. “That hardly seems fair.”

“Or fun.” Luffy added. “I don’t want to share.”

Inkling Boy slammed his hand on the table. “HA! Then don’t worry… I’LL be his partner!” He suddenly got up and stood on the table, confident with his fists at his sides. “You won’t get away with this! I’ll pay you back for that wedgie 20 fold Luffy!”

Luffy, Boruto, and Midoriya stared at him.

Boruto and Luffy then burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?!” Inkling Boy snapped, getting flustered. “You think I can’t stand up to you?!”

Midoriya poked Inkling Boy at the side of his body to get his attention. “Actually… your pants and shirt are gone. You’re standing in just your briefs and shoes.”

Inkling Boy blinked and looked down at himself.

It was true. He got an eye full of his colorful briefs staring back at him.

“EEEEEEEEK!” Inkling Boy screeched and covered his front, panicking as sweat poured down his face. “I don’t even remember stripping! Why?!”

Midoriya sighed. Inkling Boy’s spontaneous stripping problem was a huge issue but… at least the sentiment was there.

“Well then, it’s a fight then!” Boruto smirked.

“WHOOO! FINALLY!” Luffy did a double fist pump at the air. “We’re gonna demolish you once and for all! Can’t wait!”

With that, the two of them left…

Midoriya pouted a bit but huffed a tad to let the steam of confidence jet from his nose. He was sure he was ready.


“WHAT?!” Mega Man and Ray Ray exclaimed in shock when Midoriya and Inkling Boy returned to their dorm.

“Yeah. We’re gonna take them on in the next official match of the day.” Midoriya confirmed this for them yet again.

“Why though?! Do you have any idea how strong those two are?” Mega Man asked. He then angrily tossed a pillow into Inkling Boy’s face. “AND WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!”

“Eh? I’m naked?” Inkling Boy looked down. Sure enough, his briefs were gone. “AH! I’M NAKED!” His face went red and he rushed to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

“Idiot…” Ray Ray muttered.

“Ugh!” Mega Man did a face palm. “You two… I wish you had told us before you went ahead and accepted their proposal like that.”

“I had no choice.” Midoriya said. “They weren’t going to stop picking on me unless I did. Plus, they were starting to bug my friends now too. Besides… Kaachan is apart of their group. I’m not going to be able to stand up to him if I can’t even stand up to the people he’s deemed worthy enough to partner up with. No way.”

“Kaachan?” Mega Man raised a brow. “Y-You mean… Katsuki? Bakugo Katsuki? Oh man… he’s the scariest one of them all… well… sort of. He might be tied in terms of the fear factor with another guy. His name is Killua Zoldyck. Word is that he used to be an assassin…”

Midoriya flinched. An assassin eh? He certainly didn’t like the sound of that.

“Still… we need to focus on the here and now.” Midoriya said. “I’m going to get my suit ready and then… it’ll be show time!”


“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” Screamed the announcer for this fight. “My name is Zatch and this is the final official fight of the day!” 


Species: Anime

World of Origin: Zatch Bell!

“The battle here is being set within a ring the size of the large rock valley in the east. The mat is thick but bouncy and the ropes are springy but tough. Fighters are expected to come on in at a moment’s notice as soon as possible!”

The cheers from the audience rang out as all this was going down. 

The stands saw Bakugo and Killua sitting and observing what was about to happen with differing expressions on their faces.


Species: Anime

World of Origin: My Hero Academia

“So… Deku’s finally getting into a match eh?” Bakugo snarled.

Killua sat with his arms crossed as well as one of his legs. He wasn’t smiling but he wasn’t exactly frowning either. He was more eyeballing the scene with a mild invested interest.


Species: Anime

World of Origin: Hunter X Hunter

“I wonder how good this guy truly is.” Killua said, “It’s one thing believing you when it comes from your mouth but…”

“Hey now,” Bakugo interjected. “Don’t make it seem like I talked him up as something huge. I said his power was strong. That doesn’t mean he is.”

“That doesn’t make sense!” Ray Ray shouted, sitting right next to Bakugo. Bakugo turned and leered at him.

Mega Man, who was sitting next to Ray Ray, gasped and panicked before putting his hands out to him. “Uh s-sorry! There’s nothing to worry about from him! He just likes running his mouth off! That’s all!”

“He’s got a strong power,” Ray Ray said. “So that makes him strong! It’s just science!” Ray Ray continued to argue.

“That’s not how that works you idiot.” Bakugo snapped, grabbing Ray Ray by his head and squeezing. “Strong power or not, it means nothing if you can’t use it right!”

“OWWWWWW~!” Ray Ray screeched and tugged at his head, gasping as the pain took hold. Mega Man sighed and put his hands to his face, hoping this didn’t turn out badly.

“Now then, time for our contestants to come out! From Team Explosion Murder we give you…!” Zatch pointed to the first entrance where the spotlight was and out came Luffy and Boruto dressed in their normal outfits.


Species: Anime

World of Origin: One Piece


Species: Anime

World of Origin: Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Cheers rang out as the two strong opponents entered. Luffy and Boruto got into the ring, with the pirate captain doing double fist pumps at the air while Boruto merely stood with his arms crossed and grinning at the crowd.

“Boruto Uzumaki is in the house, ya know?” Boruto winked, which got a particular set of people cheering even louder.

“Wow…” Mega Man muttered. “They’re even more beloved than I thought…”

Ray Ray was slumped over in his seat, gripping his head and drooling from the earlier pain Bakugo caused him.

“Their challengers… from Team… uh… I guess Team To Be Announced… Midoriya Izuku and Inkling Boy!” Zatch shouted into his mic.

The cheers these two got were more complementary than anything. They also weren’t anywhere near as loud or as long lasting.

Midoriya and Inkling Boy came out with their hands up and waving regardless. Midoriya had on a pair of blue trunks and a white shirt. He had on wrestling boots too. Inkling Boy was wearing his normal bike shorts, a white shirt, as well the same standard wrestling boots Midoriya had on.

When they entered the ring, they glanced over at their opponents.

“Hmph.” Inkling Boy pouted. “It sucks that you guys get to wear your regular outfits.” He said, eyeing the pink and black outfit that Boruto dawned. Luffy’s red vest and blue shorts along with his sandals and straw hat made up his trademark signature look as well.

Midoriya wondered about that. “Yeah… actually, I tried wearing the outfit I’m usually associated with, my hero costume, but they didn’t allow it.”

“That’s because you guys are a lower level than us.” Boruto smugly proclaimed. “Inkling Brat can whine all he wants but he knows the rules. You’re just regular babyfaces by default. We’ve actually made a name for ourselves as massive heels and gone up in the ranks. Same for Bakugo and Killua. We can wear our normal outfits freely while you guys have to wear standard trunks and shirts with those weird wrestling boots.”

“We used to have to wear those too but not for long.” Luffy giggled.

“Ugh.” Inkling Boy rolled his eyes. “Gloat a little harder, why dont’cha?”

“... What happens if you lose battles then?” Midoriya asked.

Boruto smirked. “Losers get demoted to speedos; whichever kind the winner wants. For example, pink speedos that say LOSER on the butt.”

Midoriya and Inkling Boy blushed.

“Yeah!” Luffy giggled. “Then, the winner can decide what the losers wear with repeated loses! So we could make you wear underoos or even a diaper to the ring!”

“Yeah! We could make your official outfit that of a baby! Wanna go for something like that?” Boruto snickered, wiggling his fingers about demonically.

Midoriya looked at him closely. “... Alright then… so you’ll get demoted to normal trunks when you lose?”

“Sounds like fun.” Inkling Boy smirked. “But I wanna skip over that. How about you guys get demoted right to the speedos when we win. We’ll even make it so that they’re pink and say LOSER on the butt like you suggested.”

Boruto scrunched up his face and then began laughing. “We’d be out of those outfits extremely quick if we DID lose, which we won’t.”

“Fine. Then make it so that it can’t be reversed until you beat one of us again!” Inkling Boy smirked. He really wanted to get them out of their normal outfits.

“Fine.” Boruto shook his head. “But so long as we’re making bets, how about this one… losers of the match have to run up and down the school in nothing but a diaper tomorrow, screaming about how they’re idiots. Also, the bathroom is off-limits for them the entire day.”

“Uhm…” Midoriya blinked.

“You’re on!” Inkling Boy smirked.

“Wait… hold up~!” Midoriya panicked a bit but Inkling Boy shot him a look of happiness. 

“We’re gonna win right?” Inkling Boy smiled.

Midoriya stood calmly… then smiled back. “Of course… I was just surprised.”

Boruto elbow nudged Luffy and the pirate giggled into his hands.

Midoriya stood up straight and leered at them. “Remember. Whatever happens… you two wanted this.”

Boruto and Luffy grinned.

“NOW… BEGIN!” Zatch shouted.

“Alright. Time to-” Boruto got into a battle ready stance before looking ahead and realizing that Midoriya was gone. “... What the-?! HOOOOOGUH!”

Suddenly a powerful knee to the groin made Boruto’s eyes bug out and spit shoot from his mouth! His entire body was shaken and his eyes rolled up!

Luffy looked at him while he was in the middle of stretching his leg, shocked.

Inkling Boy’s mouth hung open as well. He was stunned.

The audience was in mid-gasp.

Bakugo’s eyes got a bit big. Killua’s did too.

Mega Man and Ray Ray were both bug eyed and their jaws were on the floor.

Then silence.

“... Wh-What the?” Zatch stammered a bit, taken by surprise as well.

“HEEEEEEEEK!” Boruto eventually screamed out in pain, grabbing his crotch while wobbling like a broken piece of balsa wood. He fell to his knees and felt pee start trickling down his pants legs as his bladder gave way! “MY BALLS! CHEAP SHOT!” He whined.

Midoriya grabbed Boruto by his hair and then tossed him the opposite direction of the ring. Boruto screamed as he fumbled through the air before gathering himself and landing on the rope.

He panted, face covered in sweat as he wiped his lip.

“Damn… okay… I guess I’d better...eh?” Boruto gasped. He looked again but Midoriya was gone. “Wh-Where did-?! AAAAUGH!”

From behind, Midoriya elbowed Boruto in the back of the head!

The ninja fell to the mat and slumped there, twitching and jittering like he had just gotten electrocuted. 

Eventually, he got onto his hands and knees, grabbing at his head, and screeching with pain. “OW! OWWWWWWW~! THAT HURT! SOOOO MUCH!”

Luffy was stunned. “Wow… he’s REALLY strong! AWESOME!” Luffy grinned and pulled back his fist. “Gum Gum…!”

Inkling Boy snapped out of his funk and rushed in at that moment. “How can I just let my partner do all the work!” He snapped and grabbed his ink gun. He pointed it at Luffy the instant his fist fired.

“... PISTOL!” Luffy shouted as his attack went off.

“BLUE INK BLAST!” Inkling Boy fired a spray of blue ink right into Luffy’s arm that saw it get covered in ink. The momentum didn’t stop though and the punch ended up smacking into the side of Inkling Boy’s face!

He gasped and fell onto his back, arms and legs splayed out with his gun falling to the side. 

“Hey! You got in my way!” Luffy snapped.

“Ugh… o-ow…” Inkling Boy grunted and tried to sit up properly. 

Boruto, meanwhile, was panting where he was. He got up and looked around, wiping the drool from his mouth as his hazy eyes tried to refocus.

“Th-That guy… he’s… really strong… like REALLY strong…!” Boruto muttered. He then saw Luffy standing before the Inkling Boy, cracking his knuckles. “HEY! Leave that pissant alone and find Midoriya! He’s moving about super fast!”

Luffy perked up. “Hmm? He’s wh-” Luffy began before Midoriya fired a kick at the side of Luffy’s face!

Luffy’s neck stretched to the side but eventually, his entire body was flung with the full force too! Luffy yelped as he was sent spiraling into the ropes, spinning super fast into them before they came to a stop and saw him with swirly anime eyes. He was a bit tangled in them as a result.

“Duuuh… what hit me…?” Luffy whined.

Midoriya landed and approached Inkling Boy. “Are you okay?”

Inkling Boy sighed and put a hand to his stomach. “Wow… you’re super strong…! I hadn’t seen you fight until now.”

“Yeah… but we’re a team. Get up and help me.” Midoriya smiled.

“But what can I do?” Inkling Boy muttered. “They’re elite and you saw what Luffy’s punch did to me.”

“Think outside the box.” Midoriya smirked. “I know you can do it.”

Boruto snarled and took out some kunai. “HEY! Stop ignoring me! This is a match!” He snapped and threw them right at him.

Midoriya looked up and angrily charged at the kunai. He swiftly used his power to bat them away while charging at Boruto.

“EEEP!” Boruto winced and doubled back, pants soaked with pee. “H-He’s… dammit!” Boruto bent over and started to form a rasengan… when Midoriya disappeared again. “WHAT?! WHERE DID-OOF!”

Boruto grunted when he was bashed at the side of his face with a punch. His eyes rattled in their sockets as he was sent flying off his feet… but before he could fly into the ropes, Midoriya grabbed his leg and swung him over, slamming him to the mat and making his body bounce and twirl in mid-air.

Midoriya than shot a harsh kick into Boruto’s gut, making him cough and roll along the mat before flopping onto his back with his arms and legs laid out, spread-eagle.

Boruto panted, coughed, and sweated all over. He stood up on one foot and growled, trying to leer ahead at him.

“Wh-Where… why can’t I-?!” Boruto began before he was bashed into the back of the head again. Boruto tumbled and scrambled to his feet before he was kicked in the back once more! “AAAUGH!”

“And now-!” Midoriya spoke before kicking him in the shins!

“AAAUGH!” Boruto stumbled about before taking a swipe at the air. He missed.

Boruto looked frightened like a lost school kid, desperately trying to look for where Midoriya was now before a punch shot into his chin, sending him shooting out of his wet pants and shoes, and right into the air!

Boruto’s eyes rolled and he got a derpy smile on his face before he plummeted and fell out of his black jacket next.

He smacked hard onto the ground, now in just a white shirt and a pair of fluorescent pink underoos dawning Hello Kitty all over them.

The crowd was exasperated! Not only was Boruto being tossed around like a rag doll but he wore such girly, goofy underwear! How hilarious!

Boruto saw stars floating around his head and his tongue was out. His rolling eyes were trying to focus but all he saw was the lights spinning over head.

Midoriya stepped in front of him and clenched his fist, leaning down to face him. “Giving ME wedgies when you still wear Hello Kitty briefs eh?”

Boruto heard that and felt his senses return when fear overtook him. “GAH! W-Wait! NO! NO!” Boruto began scooting back with his hands out. “H-Hang on! W-Why are you s-so strong?!”

Midoriya marched towards him. “You thought I wouldn’t be? I thought you said you wanted to try me because of Kaachan’s recommendation.”

Boruto’s face was covered in sweat. His eyes were shaking and he was panting a lot. Th-This didn’t make any sense! If he was this good then why take all that shit he and Luffy were giving him for so long? Was this a trap?!

Midoriya charged at him which made Boruto shriek… however, Luffy came in and clamped his hands against Midoriya’s effectively putting them into a grapple!

“Haha! Forgot about me eh?” Luffy smiled. “You’re good but if it’s just you, you’re not gonna win!” Luffy sneered down at him.

“One for All… “ Midoriya muttered, making his power rise a bit. He pushed against Luffy and grunted a tad. Luffy was overpowering him.

“I gotcha…!” Luffy laughed.

Midoriya snarled and pushed harder. Suddenly, Luffy found Midoriya’s strength overpowering his steadily until Midoriya was pushing Luffy downward! Luffy was bent over backwards with his head about to hit the mat. “Y-You…! GRAH!” Luffy snapped. “GEAR SECOND!”

Luffy suddenly shot up with red steam and pushed Midoriya far back!

Midoriya tumbled a bit but landed on his feet, skidding to a stop.

Luffy put his arm out and fired off a punch. “JET PISTOL!”

Midoriya quickly dodged to the side, bouncing off the rope when another jet pistol came his way.

Inkling Boy sat and watched this before growing more determined. 

Midoriya was right. He wasn’t as strong as them but he had ways that only he could fight. Inkling Boy reached behind his back and produced a triangle shaped bomb. With a smirk, he tossed it right at Luffy!

Luffy, being super quick, reached over and caught it.

“Ha! Dummy!” Luffy teased. “You can’t catch me off guard, being THAT weak.”

Inkling Boy smirked. “Nope. But I can trick you, being that dumb.”

Luffy looked confused for a split second. Then the triangle in his hand exploded!

“INK BOMB!” Inkling Boy shouted, laughter at the edge of his voice.

Luffy gasped, suddenly, with his upper half completely covered in ink. It even blew his vest away, leaving him bare chested and in just his blue shorts. 

“AAAAAAH! I CAN’T SEE SQUAT!” Luffy screamed, wiping his eyes as he tried to get the ink out of the way. He was knocked out of Gear Second now.

Inkling Boy than shot a line of ink out in front of him and swam through it to get right underneath Luffy’s legs! Being an Inkling, he could swim through the ink as though it were as deep as the ocean.

Midoriya came to a stop when Luffy stopped attacking him and got ready to charge when he saw Boruto make a rasengan out of the corner of his eye and charge at him from behind!

Midoriya looked back, on guard and ready to face it.

Inkling Boy saw this as well and smirked. He reached up and grabbed Luffy’s shorts from the puddle of ink he was under and yanked them down to his ankles!

Luffy’s My Little Pony briefs were exposed to everyone now!

“WHOA!” Zatch shouted. “MLP briefs?! Say it ain’t so, Luffy!”

The crowd began cheering and laughing at this. The instant Luffy felt a breeze around his ankles and someone voicing what his undies were, he blushed and stammered, trying to open his blinded eyes. 

“N-NO! Th-Those aren’t mine! I swear! I’m wearing them for a friend! HONEST!” Luffy screamed.

Inkling Boy suddenly grabbed Luffy by his legs and began zooming him through the ink puddle towards Midoriya!

“We’re off!” Inkling Boy smirked, sliding through the puddle and carrying the screaming, scared pirate captain with him.

“AAAAAH! LET GO! LET GO OF ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Luffy screamed, arms up as he was being wizzed right at the battle ready Deku.

Midoriya, understanding what Inkling Boy’s plan was, smiled and jumped into the air!

Boruto’s rasengan charge ended up missing him. However, Luffy was being dragged right for him now!

Boruto gasped as he realized too late what was about to happen. He slammed his rasengan into Luffy’s gut!

“AAAAAAAAAAUGH!” Luffy’s eyes widened and his body began to scrunch up and swirl around. Physical attacks didn’t work but a wind energy move was enough to cause significant damage. He was spinning around in the rasengan blast before he was shot off, screaming as he smashed into the ropes and was sent flying back at Boruto.

Boruto gasped as the swirly eyed Luffy smacked head-first into Boruto and slumped on top of him!

The two of them now laid there, completely dizzy, seeing stars, and flopping like fish out of water. 

The crowd was laughing at them now.

Midoriya landed on the ground and panted, wiping sweat from his head before turning to Inkling Boy and giving him a thumbs up.

Inkling Boy grinned and rubbed the back of his head, slightly bashful.

Boruto, however, groaned and pushed the comatose Luffy off of him. He desperately shot up and wrapped his arm around Midoriya’s neck, clamping onto him in a chokehold from behind!

Inkling Boy’s demeanor completely changed from bashful to shocked.

“NO!” Mega Man and Ray Ray screamed in unison, leaning forward in suspense.

Bakugo and Killua merely kept watching, eyes trained on the scene.

Midoriya gasped and clawed at Boruto’s hands before falling to his knees, panting as the sleeper hold was put onto him.

Boruto’s scared face slowly went away as he realized he got him!

“Ha… ahahahaha! HAHAHAHA! I GOT YOU!” Boruto laughed, drooling like a maniac with his pupils shrunken. “Y-You surprised me back there but in the end, WE’RE the winners! Big heels like us ALWAYS get our way! AHAHAHAHA!”

“No… NOOOOO!” Midoriya exclaimed.


Then something happened that confused him.

Inkling Boy chuckled.

Boruto blinked, looking over at him, stunned.

Midoriya then began laughing.

“Darnit, Inkling Boy. You couldn’t keep that scared face on for just a second longer?” Midoriya asked, suddenly acting like the sleeper hold was having no effect.

“Sorry!” Inkling Boy giggled. “It’s just… that NOOO you shouted sounded so fake and melodramatic. It was funny.”

Boruto began sweating up a storm. This… this couldn’t be happening!

This was… some kind of dream right?

Midoriya sighed and looked back at him. “Hey. What’s with that scared look?”

Boruto was frozen.

“I warned you. You asked for this!” Midoriya then flung his fist back and nailed Boruto in the face! Instantly, Boruto’s eyes crossed and a gap was shown in his teeth as he let Midoriya go and fell onto his back!

Boruto twitched on the ground before Midoriya reached down and yanked him up by his shirt.

“Sorry but the rules say the fight doesn’t end until you’re unconscious.” Midoriya than punched Boruto across the face and watched him tumble and bounce onto a heap at the other end of the ring.

Boruto’s body twitched some more before he saw some life in him. He instantly regretted showing that he was still awake when he heard Midoriya approach him though!

Immediately he started to scoot back on his butt, now with tears streaming down his face and his bladder letting go even more now, soaking his already soaked Hello Kitty undies.

“NO! NOOO! PLEASE! PLEASE! STOP! HAVE MERCY ON ME! I’M SORRY!” Boruto cried and whined, holding his hand out as Midoriya’s shadow loomed over him. 

Midoriya just looked down at him.

Inkling Boy went over to the twitching Luffy and grabbed him by his undies. “Told ya I’d return the wedgie 20 fold.” He said before giving Luffy a bunch of wedgies that saw the straw hat captain flopping about as though each wedgie were akin to being tased. It really did look like each one was sending a volt of electricity through him. Luffy even got a little wet himself.

Boruto witnessed that and yelped like a girl, getting on his hands and knees and begging with his butt sticking up and out. “PLEASE! I’m SOOO sorry! REALLY!”

Midoriya sighed… 

Maybe he was being too harsh?

“... Okay, fine. Let’s see if we can get a surrender accepted or-” Midoriya turned to look at Zatch but in that split second, Boruto sprung up for a punch!

Midoriya easily caught his fist which made Boruto fart in fear.

Boruto’s eyes shrunk as Midoriya leered at him, unamused.

“...W-Wait...I’m… s-sorr-HOOOOF!” Boruto’s eyes then crossed again when Midoriya punched him in the gut!

The ninja boy gasped and drooled, grabbing his stomach and stumbling forward. Midoriya landed several more punches across his now noodley, barely conscious body, before one final smack saw him twirl like a ballerina over to Luffy’s wedgied body.

Boruto giggled and his eyes rolled up before he collapsed on top of Luffy’s stomach. 

Inkling Boy smiled and reached over, grabbing both their underwear and taking them off. With a grin, he held them up as trophies for the crowd to oogle at.

“We win baby!” Inkling Boy winked.

Luffy laid out, spread out, naked with his tiny wee wee on display and eyes all swirly. Boruto laid on top of him, naked with his butt sticking out, eyes rolling and stars circling his head. Both of them would occassionally twitch, again as though they were being hit with a taser, but that was just their body doing weird muscle spasms. They were both unconscious.


The crowd cheered infectiously, sending a bunch of stomping and hollering about the place as they all got excited for this shocking and new development.

A close up shot of Luffy and Boruto’s unconscious faces on the camera made it official. They had been demolished! The camera was broadcasting this on TVs set up throughout the school for those who wished to witness the match elsewhere. It even got a nice shot of their private areas for those who were interested.

“WE WON!” Inkling Boy ran at Midoriya and jumped into a hug.

“Yeah! We did!” Midoriya grinned, excitedly.

Behind him, two characters walked into the ring.

“Hup hup hup!” Blooregard Q Kazoo and his other helper, Mac, came in with a single stretcher. “Time to load these losers onto the stretcher. Ready Mac?”


Species: Cartoon

World of Origin: Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

Full Name: Blooregard Q Kazoo

“Ready Bloo! Just be careful not to touch their wee wees by accident.” Mac said, grabbing the drooling rag doll that was Boruto and dragging him to the stretcher. “Then again, their wee wees are so small, it might be impossible for them to touch you.”


Species: Cartoon

World of Origin: Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

“Roger that.” Bloo said, dragging Luffy over next.

The two of them looked the stretcher over before deciding how to put them on there. Luffy was put on, face down, with his butt sticking out. Then Boruto was flopped on top of him, face up, with his tiny wee wee exposed for everyone to oogle at.

“Hup hup hup!” Mac and Bloo got to each end of the stretcher and lifted it up, carting the losers away.

Midoriya and Inkling Boy swung about and danced with each other in the ring as their buddies looked on, sighing with exasperation in their breath.

“THAT was awesome!” Ray Ray shouted. “I didn’t know Midoriya was so cool! Let’s go celebrate with them!” Ray Ray said, hopping off his seat and scrambled down to meet them in the ring.

“Yeah… this might be the start of something truly special.” Mega Man smirked and followed after him.

Bakugo grunted. “So… what do you think?” He asked, turning to Killua.

Killua smiled. “I think… we might be in for a good ride…”


The next day, Midoriya and Inkling Boy sat and had lunch together again, this time in a much more peaceful manner.

Sort of.

“Everyone won’t stop staring at us.” Midoriya commented.

Inkling Boy giggled. “Well… we DID just take out two of the strongest up and coming heels at the school! We’re big names now! Let em look! AHAHAHA!”

“The boy isn’t wearing any pants or underwear.” Someone finally commented from behind Inkling Boy.

“EH?!” Inkling Boy gasped, blushing as he looked down. Indeed. His bikeshorts and briefs were gone! “EEEEEEP!” He whined and tugged his shirt down. “C-C-Come on! L-Let’s just eat in our rooms!”

Midoriya sweat dropped. “O-Okay…” He had to smile a bit at that. 

As the two of them got up, they stopped when two figures rushed by in diapers, screaming “WE’RE IDIOTS!” at the top of their lungs. With a chuckle, Midoriya took a snapshot of it with his phone.

The two figures were, of course, Monkey D. Luffy and Boruto, rushing the halls with their baby diapers on and screaming the line “WE’RE IDIOTS!” over and over again. They were also holding their crotches and wincing which meant they were desperate for the potty. Oh well. 

There was only 10 or so more hours until the day ended. Maybe they could hold it until then.

The thought crossed Midoriya’s mind right as he noticed both their diapers starting to sag and leak.

Maybe not.


That was fun! It was also a lot longer than I thought it’d be. Please tell me your favorite part in the comments. Also, vote on what the next story will be! See you soon!



That was fun! I think making this an anthology was a good idea. I liked the clothing lost exposing their silly undies and small privates. I also liked the little Mac and Bloo cameo towards the end. Good job!


My personal favorite part was when Boruto acted like he was going to surrender, tried to attack, and failed miserably. I’m a sucker for that trope.