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Donovan was clipping his toenails while licking his lips when the camera turned on and faced him this week. The raccoon remained oblivious to this until his peripheral vision caught sight of the camera lens and scared him into standing up.

“BWAH!” Donovan fell over and hit the floor. “Owww…” He grumbled and scratched at his head. While scrambling to put his shoes back on he blushing and began doing his host thing to the camera. “H-Hello everyone! Welcome back! Uh… losers… w-we’ve got em… uh… here they are from last week!”

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles sulked as they sauntered onto the stage. 

“Heya guys. How was your week?” Donovan asked.

Tails had what looked like a permanent frown on his face. His week was terrible. Not only did he have to endure all the humiliating comments from people online who witnessed his naked and diapered exploits, but he also had to fret over the fact that he had to come back and do this again this week.

“Fine.” Was the fox’s answer.

Sonic spoke up next. “I learned never to underestimate just how much pain people can and will cause you regardless of how much you fight for their right to not be ruled by a tyrannical madman.” The hedgehog raised his finger as he spoke this aloud.

His week was tremendously bad too. The dick measuring contest did not see any comforting comments headed his way online. The fact that he was smaller than Tails really did get the memes going. He’d recite them to you but he was brain bleaching them out of his mind so hard right now, it’d be impossible to recall them.

Knuckles stood with his arms crossed and growling. “I… don’t go online much so… thankfully I was spared most of this.”

Sonic and Tails sighed. If there was ever a time they wished they were technology challenged, it was then. Sometimes you just couldn’t help but fall for the allure of Twitter and Instagram.

“That’s good.” Donovan clearly wasn’t listening, as exemplified by him looking to the side and digging into his ear. “Anyway, it’s time to reveal who the big loser is. Ya’ll ready for this?” The raccoon suddenly got super lively and pointed at the camera. 

The numbers started to spin and showed up on the screen.

Sonic - 10

Tails - 7

Knuckles - 2

“Congrats Sonic. You suck.” Donovan stuck his tongue out playfully.

Sonic’s eyes widened and his jaw practically hit the floor. Shadow belted out a hard laugh where he was sitting and held his gut.

“AHAHAHAHA! You’re in the loser column Sonic.” Shadow grinned brightly.

Sonic turned to face Shadow with his eyes narrowed. “Yup. So are you, idiot.”

Shadow immediately stopped laughing and looked to the side before grumbling and pouting with a bit of a blush on his face.

“You’re all losers so buck up and bask in the glow of your embarrassment together.” Donovan gleamed before pointing to the side. “Exit’s that-a-way. Except for you Tails… you stay.”

Tails had a very disgruntled and unamused look on his face. “Yes… I’m aware that I have to stay.”

Following behind him was the distressed Silver the Hedgehog, who was already in the loser column, and Cream the Rabbit, who, admittedly, didn’t look as though she was freaking out but on the inside felt as though her heart was doing gymnastics.

“So…!” Donovan shot on over to Cream and put the mic into her face. “How does it feel to finally be standing here in the limelight of this intense showdown?”

Cream gulped and began to produce a tiny amount of sweat on her forehead. “Well, Donny, I… hopefully I can just do my best and have as much fun dealing with the requests as they come. I’m happy to be of service.” She smiled and did a nice little bow before everyone.

“Aww~!” The crowd clamped their hands together and cooed, thinking she was adorable. They had to admit though… it’d be even cuter seeing her blush.

“How wholesome.” Donovan smiled and spun the mic towards Silver. “What about you? How does it feel to be back here again?”

Silver picked his head up, showing off his half-open eyes, and answered by belching into the mic and dropping his head again.

“... That you can say so much with so little is impressive.” Was the raccoon’s response. He turned to face Tails and caught the fox glaring at him. He found it best not to repeat the question with dear old Miles.

It was time they got this underway.

The crowd cheered when they saw the screen begin to shift. Their first challenge was coming up.

“I can’t wait.” Rouge said with her arms behind her head. “It’s going to be interesting seeing how these three hold their dynamic.”

“Yeah… although, I’m wondering what the finale for all of this is going to be…” Espio muttered. “Its doing well in the ratings but if this show is just an experiment for future projects than I can’t imagine they planned far enough ahead to account for the drop in ideas that would most likely happen.”

“He’s got something up his sleeve. I can feel it.” Rouge responded with her head in her hands. 

Either way, the first challenge was on screen.

Judgement Kazzy - I’m feeling lenient today, so let’s try something that can potentially have a happy ending. 

Each contestant must ask their crush on a date. If their crush says yes, nothing bad happens to the contestant. If their crush says no, the contestant must receive an atomic wedgie.

Silver, Tails, and Cream all blushed in unison.

“Crush…?” Tails muttered, scratching at his muzzle. 

“Haga...haga.. Ighamal...habhgwuafiogerlalw…” Silver’s eyes crossed and sweat poured down his red face.

Blaze raised a brow at Silver’s reaction. “Wow. What’s with that reaction? He must really have someone he likes.”

Rouge and Amy looked over at her, slightly confused by how oblivious that statement was but didn’t say anything. If Silver went through with this, she’d find out eventually.

Cream, meanwhile, pressed a finger to her nose. “M-My crush…? Hmmm…” She gulped and shuffled her feet cutely with her hands behind her back.

Charmy sat and blinked, staring out into space and wondering who Cream’s crush could be. He’d been crushing on her for such a long time but he didn’t have any delusions of it being him.

Tails scratched the back of his head and tapped his foot. He had no problem doing this challenge but there was just one problem.

“I don’t… have a crush.” The fox muttered to himself. This was bad. There had to be something he could do…

Silver fidgeted and found himself turning around and slowly approaching the bench. Blaze looked on in wonderment before she stared ahead at him in surprise when she realized he was literally standing right before her!

“B-B-Blaze…?” Silver muttered, shaking and swearing he felt a bit of pee shoot into his underwear.

“...? Y-Yes…?” Blaze gasped, finding that her heart was rapidly starting to beat faster. 

“D-D-D-Do… d-do…” Silver began muttering over and over again, eyes starting to swirl as he began jittering as though he was short-circuiting. He had a visible wet patch on the front of his pants now. 

“...” Blaze bit her lip, anticipating what he was about to say. The crowd was as well. Everything was very hush-hush.

“D-Do...Do… Doooo… you… want tooooo...go on a d-d-d-d-date with … with… me…?” Silver belted out, heart pulsating so hard and fast that it was making him shake like an overactive vibrator.

“... Sure…” Blaze said, eyes sparkling a bit.

“... S-Sure? That… you said y-yes?!” Silver gasped.

Blaze nodded.

Silver’s eyes re-crossed and he stopped shaking. “Akgnowogqoglajqofrok…”

Silver .exe has stopped working.

He fainted onto his back, hearts in his eyes and a goofy grin on his face. Blaze looked down at him and placed her hands in-between her legs, grateful that she didn’t wet herself as much as he did… 

She totally did but it wasn’t visible on her pants. Phew.

Cream gulped and decided she had to go next. She spun around on her heel and marched on over to the stands before looking up at the boy in front of her.

She was staring directly at Charmy.

The bee blinked in confusion. What was she doing standing in front of him?

“Ch-Charmy… uhm… d-do you want to… have a play-date with me?” Cream asked, holding out her hand.

Charmy blushed and steam shot from his helmet. His face was frozen in stunned silence. “... Wha…? W-Wait… y-you… w-w-wanna… go on a play-date with ME?! Wait… then… I’M your c-c-crush…?!”

Cream nodded.

Charmy held out his hand and grasped it. With wide, beaming eyes the bee smiled. “Yes. I’d love to go on a play-date with you.”

Cream blushed even more and smiled back. “Oh? Yay!”

The crowd was swooning now. This was just too adorable. They didn’t even care that the rejections hadn’t happened yet. There was still one more person to take care of though.

Tails approached the bench next, rubbing his chin with his finger. “I… have an idea…”

With a smirk, he spun around, got on one knee and grinned to himself with a hand to his chest.

“Yo, Sonic. Wanna go out for Pizza with me?” Tails asked.

The crowd was shocked. The contestants on the bench were stunned. Donovan’s mouth was agape.

“Well… I don’t have a crush so I just figured I’d ask out the person closest to me.” Tails grinned, a sparkle in his teeth. He thought it was a rather clever solution. “So? What do you say?”

Sonic raised a brow, then smiled. “Yes… if you had asked to go out for chili-dogs. Pizza though? I dunno about that. I’ll have to decline.”

Tails had a dumb shocked smile on his face. “... Eh?”

“So, you know what THAT means!” Sonic grinned, patting Tails by his sides and spinning the fox around so that his butt faced Sonic.

“... Wait! HOLD ON!” Tails frantically gasped and started to try and pull away. It was no use though. Sonic reached into the back of Tails’ pants and yanked the Piplup Pokemon briefs up into a huge wedgie that crushed Tails’ poor front and made the fox let out a fox wail at the crowd.

The crowd laughed and clapped, hollering in excitement at Tails’ humiliation. They got to see a wedgie after all.

Tails’ feet dangled and kicked as he was suspended off the ground. His eyes crossed and teared up as he bit his lip and clenched his fists, feeling the pain radiating through his body as Sonic laughed and bounced him a bit in an attempt to get the underwear up and over his head!

“W-WEDGIEEEEEEE~!” Tails screamed. “AAAAAAUGH!”

Sonic whistled as the undies got over the fox’s head and latched on his forehead. 

“Excellent.” Sonic smiled. “By the way, I accept your invitation to a date when this is all over. Just not the one you wanted. That okay?”

“Screw you… I want to break-up…!” Tails wheezed as he stumbled away from Sonic like a waddling penguin.

Tails had a visible wet patch on his pants now too, only it wasn’t out of fear but out of pain.

Donovan laughed and clapped his hands. “Excellence incarnate. I loved that.” He wiped a tear from his eyes. “So… how about we move on…?”

Anonymous - I'll also be a bit nice. Time for a nice, relaxing shower. I mean, it's in front of everyone, with no real covering except maybe shampoo bubbles, but otherwise, pretty nice.

“Ah. A nice show-WAIT A SECOND?!” Silver gasped as he stared at the screen. 

Tails looked down at his pants and grumbled. The sad part was that he kind of did need to get clean…

Cream sighed. “Okay… well… so long as there’s something that I can cover myself up with.”

With that, the three of them were presented with the rotating floor slowly bringing up a shower stall built for three. It had a nice little stand where there was a nice rag and some soap in a bucket for them. 

It looked like it would make for a nice shower.

“Ready to get squeaky clean folks?” Donovan asked.

Silver, Tails, and Cream tilted their heads and muttered something under their breath.

They approached the stalls and started to strip off their clothes. Tails blushed and unsnapped the undies off of his head against his butt. “YEEEP!” He yelped and jumped, rubbing his undie clad bottom down a bit.

Silver shimmied out of his pants and took his shirt off, blushing as he felt Blaze’s eyes glaring at his backside from where she sat. She gulped as she got a nice eyefull.

Silver stuck his hands into his Donald Duck briefs and started to slowly take them down. He was doing this because he was shy but it looked to the audience that he was putting on a titillating strip tease. Unfortunately for Silver, that just made things worse for him. 

Cream stripped her dress off and stood in her Minnie Mouse panties, blushing as she looked around at everyone. Her eyes caught a glance at Charmy who gulped and tried to play coy about the fact that he was clearly watching her.

Cream hurriedly turned the shower on and tried to strip her panties off as fast as she could before stepping under the water. “AUGH!” She gasped as the hot water hit her. She may have set it too high in her attempt to get some steam kicked up so that it would cover her butt.

Tails stumbled awkwardly out of the rest of his clothes and turned the shower on at the same time Silver did. They managed to get the water and steam going before stepping under the water and grabbing their rags and their soap.

In unison, the three of them began to lather up and started to clean themselves down. Tails was blushing with a serious look on his face and his eyes closed. However, he also hummed a little happy diddy to himself. 

He couldn’t help himself. He even began swishing his big little butt back and forth. It was just what he did when he was in the shower.

Silver scrubbed himself down and tried to make as much bubbles as he could. He wanted to fully encase himself in them.

Cream was scrubbing with the rag being used like a makeshift towel against her bottom. It was a cute little dance that Charmy watched and blushed in response to it. “Hohoho… she’s cute…!”

Silver could hear the camera flashes going off and the laughter all around them. He went to scrub even faster! He was shaking the soap up and down his body too fast for him to reliably keep a solid grasp on it.

He didn’t either.

The soap flew from his hands and fell onto the floor right where Tails was in the middle of doing his dorky shower shimmy.

The fox was singing and tapping his foot to the music playing in his head, having successfully drowned out the audience that was watching him. His tactic to avoid embarrassment was working… that was until he stepped on Silver’s discarded soap.

“WHAAAAAAAOOOO~!” Tails screeched, eyes shooting wide as he slipped and found himself suddenly suspended in mid-air.


The fox’s foot ended up hitting the knob and turning the water off as his head bashed against the floor! 

Stars exploded in his field of vision and his eyes began rolling in their sockets. His rag and the soap he had fell off to the side.

The steam in Tails’ stall dispersed when the water was turned off which revealed his naked front to the audience. He was on display, fully naked to everyone now.

“Duuuuuhhhh…” Tails drooled as his eyes kept rolling. His leg twitched a bit.

“Oh crap.” Silver looked over at Tails before spotting the large screen as it zoomed in on Tails’ naked crotch. This got a huge round of laughter from everyone. The white hedgehog gulped. “My bad Tails.”

Eventually, the showers were all turned off and the three of them were handed towels to dry themselves off with. Silver sighed as he wiped his matted body down and looked over his still drying Donald Duck briefs.

“Uhm… do I have to put my wet briefs back on?” Silver asked.

“Yup.” Donovan said. “Same with Tails and his Piplup briefs. I hope you two enjoy being itchy down there.”

Silver sighed and grabbed the briefs. He shimmied them on and had them snap against his butt, blushing and stealing a glance at Blaze.

Amy had Blaze’s head in her lap and was fanning her down. Blaze seemed to be hyperventilating at having watched naked Silver for so long. She enjoyed it quite a bit.

The fact that he got such a reaction made Silver giggle like a toddler. 

Cream put her dress back on and gave a thumbs up at Charmy. 

Charmy gave one back, trying his best to ignore the tissue in his nose that Espio had to give him when the bee got a perverted little nosebleed.

Tails nursed the little lump on his head as he got re-dressed. He glared over at Silver and muttered a curse under his breath.

“You’re doing great buddy.” Sonic called out to Tails. “You’re so kind, showing your ding-a-ling to the crowd again. How generous of you.”

Tails responded by flipping Sonic the bird, pouting like a rebel. That made Sonic laugh.

“Next.” Donovan chimed in with a hand wave.

Winter Moonlight - A wedgie tug-of-war. Each contestant plays tug-of-war with each other contestant (SvC, CvT, TvS - one round for each pairing) where they have to tug a rope that is tied around their underwear. Each contestant can decide whether to tie the rope to the front or back of their undies, whichever they think will work better.

Donovan dropped a rope in between the three of them. “Alright you guys. It’s time to play Wedgie Tug-O-War!”

“Oh boy… how fun…” Tails sighed.

Silver and Cream gulped.

Ding Ding

Round 1 - Silver vs. Cream

Silver held onto the rope and watched as he latched it around the front of his undies. “I really don’t want to wet these anymore than I already have. Hope this doesn’t hurt.”

“Ready?” Cream asked, her own rope tied to her panties in the front. 

“Ready.” Silver said.

“GO!” Donovan shouted.

“HRRRRRK!” The two of them began pulling on the rope and gritted their teeth in pain as their undies started to slide forward. “PAIN!” They both shouted and stamped their feet a bit.

The intense atmosphere was heated almost immediately. The crowd cheered for whoever they wanted to see win. Silver felt his undies start to rip a bit. He puffed out his cheeks and then grunted.

It was then that Silver got a nasty idea. He smirked and put his power into play. He used his psychokinesis to increase the pull he had on the rope and tugged on it rather roughly!

Cream yelped as she was suddenly pulled across the line! “WHAT?!”

“HA! I wo-!” Silver began before Cream’s head smacked against his. The two of them flopped onto the floor with swirly anime eyes.

Ding Ding

“Silver wins!” Donovan raised a hand. 

Cream shook her head and got up. “Hmph. That wasn’t fair.”

Silver giggled and rubbed the back of his head. “Sure it was. It’s my power after all.”

Ding Ding

Round 2 - Cream Vs. Tails

“I hate it whenever I have to do something rough right after I just did something rough.” Cream sighed, tying the rope to the back end of her panties.

Tails giggled. “Tough toenails, Cream.” The fox giggled. This was going to be in the bag.

He gripped the rope and licked his lips, ready to tug as hard as he could and send Cream screaming past the line so that he could claim vict-!

“BEGIN!” Donovan shouted.

“HUP!” Cream grunted and gave a hefty, harsh tug that sent Tails off his feet and rocketing past the line. It happened so fast that his pants got left behind!

“YEEEEEEP!” Tails screamed as he shot over Cream’s head. Cream shut her eyes as Tails crashed off to the side. The sound of a screeching cat went off when it took place.

“Whoops.” Cream scratched her head. “I meant to give a light tug at the start.”

Ding Ding 

Tails laid on the ground with his butt in the air and stars circling his head. He let out a pathetic little fart before slumping to the floor…

“Alright. Next up.” Donovan smiled.

Ding Ding

Round 3 - Tails Vs. Silver

The two of them leered at each other as they held onto the rope. 

Silver grunted and Tails growled at him. 

“BEGIN!” Donovan shouted.

“HUP!” Tails snarled and gave a harsh tug immediately! He tried to scoot back as he kept his grip onto the rope.

Silver grunted and started to feel his strength get challenged. “Oh… you’ve got more in you than that last fight suggested.”

“Yup!” Tails smirked. “There’s nothing stopping me now.”

Silver blinked. “Hey uh… you do realize you forgot to put your pants back on right?”

Tails laughed. “No way am I falling for…” Tails stopped and then looked down. “... EEEEP!” Tails gasped and went to cover his front.

Silver smiled and yanked hard on the rope which caused the undies the fox had on to shoot forward and for Tails to follow suit. The fox screamed as he soared over Silver’s head with his undies ripping off!

“NOOOOOOOO~!” Tails screamed as he flew through the air with only a shirt on and nothing covering his crotch. He fell into the stands and crashed into a guy delivering drinks and popcorn to people…

Ding Ding

Silver grinned and twirled his rope around. “Haha… classic.”


The three of them stood next to one another soon after.

“Alright! You guys are doing great. We’ve got one more challenge for you all and then a surprise announcement to end the show on.” Donovan said. “You guys ready?”

“Yes.” Silver nodded.

“Yes.” Cream nodded as well.

“CORN FLAKES AND DONUTS MAKE THE BEST CHERRY SOUP!” Tails raised his finger and drooled all over himself, eyes rolling and birdies chirping as they flew around his head. He had a dopey grin on and a gap toothed smile. He looked like a streaking hillbilly since his shirt did nothing to cover his junk.

“Excellent!” Donovan clapped his hands together.

Desperation21 - I think it's time you 3 make a mess in your pants. I'll be nice enough to offer a diaper. Only one though so you'll have to either fight over it or just make do with your undies

Donovan grinned and dangled a nice, white and pink, Hello Kitty diaper before the three of them. He then tossed it to the floor. 

“Fight over it and get it on… one of you. The other two need to go in your pants.” Donovan laughed.

“Hmmgh…” Silver and Cream eyed one another. They then jumped to try and grab it at once. When the two of them got their hands on it they started to tug and pull, violently. 

Tails stumbled a bit and rubbed his head down. “Ugh… wh-what the…?”

Cream snarled and yanked the diaper from Silver’s hand but it flew and smacked into Tails’ face!

The fox gasped and fell over onto the floor, rolling on the ground before the diaper was kicked into the air and landed behind the fox, completely unraveled.

Tails stumbled back to his feet and wobbled before falling back, yet again, and landing his butt onto the diaper. He groaned with his eyes rolling before he fell back and laid on the floor, which caused the diaper to fold and latch onto Tails’ front…

Silver and Cream looked on in shock. How unlucky…! Or lucky…?

Whichever one it was, Tails was it.

The fox groaned again and started to sit up. He got to his feet and then looked down at the diaper that had latched itself around his waist. The fox poked at it and got the tapes to fully close onto him when he pressed his fingers there. “Huh…?”

Tails blinked.

“Wait… AM I IN A DIAPER?! What’s going on?! AAGH!” Tails turned to run but bashed his head against the camera and fell over onto the floor, unconscious.

Silver gulped. “Uhm… w-we can maybe still take the diaper off and-!”

Tails then messed himself. His diaper bloated out and a smell filled the room as the unconscious fox voided his bowels as an after effect of the blunt force trauma. 

Silver and Cream sighed. 

“Okay… in our undies the mess goes.” They said in unison.

The crowd cheered and pumped their fists as Silver and Cream bloated their cheeks out. They gasped and grunted, faces going red and as they shimmied their butts about, pushing as best as they could

Eventually, they felt their tummies rumble and they found themselves squatting down and whining as they had the urge to go. A little push was all it took when you were embarrassed.




Silver and Cream messed themselves in unison and fell on their chins, groaning as they felt a bout of embarrassment wash over them.

Donovan and the crowd all cheered and clapped their hands.

“Excellent. Good job guys. You’re done for this week.” The raccoon smirked. “Now, time for my announcement.”

“Good job Silver!” Blaze called out.

“Cream, you mess yourself the cutest out of anyone ever!” Charmy shouted. Espio rolled his eyes.

Chip munched on some popcorn and licked the salt off his lips. “Man, after the first day, watching all this is just the best show ever.”

Donovan stood up proudly and put the peace sign up.

“Next week will be the final bout of humiliations for our contestants!” Donovan smirked.

“WHAT?!” The contestants and the audience were surprised.

“That’s right. The current losers and whoever is deemed the ultimate loser of this round will be competing against each other next week and the ultimate loser will be crowned and humiliated… while everyone else will be given a cash prize!” Donovan smiled. “Okay? Get hype!”

Rouge and Espio stared at the stage. “Hm… I never got picked.”

Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Chip, and Charmy turned to face the two of them. “Good for you.”

Silver and Cream held their butts as they walked off the stage. Sonic had to drag the unconscious, drooling fox away himself.

Next week it was going to go down hard!


Loser Score Card





Alright guys! Ultimately I think this little experiment was a success. I’m running out of steam on this one though so we’ll close it off next week. Then a little epilogue will come out to show the aftermath. I need your suggestions just one more time for the grand finale! 



Alright, I had some clever ones, but since it's the last one screw it, strip fight. The one who collects the most clothing from their opponents win. Donovan's clothes are worth extra, and underpants are worth double.


Will say i was hoping rouge would make an appearance but oh well story was great regardless. For this challenge the winner will be decided by whoever can make a mess in their pants first. It would be strange to do that on purpose however so to persuade our players whoever soils themselves last will be registered incontinent for the next month


I am curious to see which is stronger: brute force or psychic power. I dare Silver to give his fellow losers the largest wedgies he can using only his psychokinesis. After that is over, I dare the other contestants to team up and give Silver the worst wedgie they can. (I’m including this challenge in case not enough people make requests. If you don’t want to do multiple challenges by the same patron, or you’re just tired of writing about wedgies, feel free to skip this.)


Personally I think Bad Luck Bananza could use a stronger marketing campaign. Luckily we have some contestants who have no choice but to help us! All contestants have to go out in just a pair of embarrassing underwear and distribute flyers for the show as a means of free advertising for the finale. Whoever can get the most people to agree to watch the show gets a miniskirt to wear and cover up their undies, while the others keep theirs exposed.


Also I'm glad you decided to do this! It was really fun getting to participate in these stories, and I'm glad you feel like this was a success. Hopefully you can find a way to do something similar to this with audience participation in the future. I will say I'm a little sad that Rouge never got a chance in the spotlight, since she's not a character commonly featured in your stories and I was excited at the idea that she could be humiliated just as much as some of your other characters, as well as the idea of her being in embarrassing underwear. I really hope she gets a chance at a large dose of embarrassment in a future story, perhaps alongside Shadow or Knuckles. But all in all, you did amazing work on this series, and you should feel proud!


Since its the grand finale, how about a world "tour d'embarassment" First up, the north americas, contestants go for some more standard high school style embarassment. Each contestant gets their underwear attached to the rope of a flagpole. Each contestant gets 10 seconds of pull time and can split it over any contestants rope. South america, the pinata challenge, each contestant stands under a pinata filled with syrup, the other contestants get 15 seconds to try and stickify the pinata boy. Europe, tomatina fight, this ones like a snowball fght, but with big juicy squishy tomatoes. Everyone plays on a raised podium and has to knock the opponents off.... in to a pit of flour Africa, the stampede, somehow stampeding fans have managed to corner the contestants, contestants definitely wouldnt want to get caught in the stampede. They might lose their clothes, or get spanked, or any number of crazy humiliations to the wild horde of fans. Can they outrun them? Asia, the ninjas of the tickle. These ninjas want to tickle the contestants in to submission, maybe till they laugh themselves unconscious or maybe till they laugh their bladders loose. They wont see these ninjas coming, but maybe they can run fast enough to escape.....or not! Australia, the big dack, this ones a battle to steal each others pants. But since thatd be too easy the contestants will be constantly and randomly bombarded with mega tv screens blasting snapshots and clips of their past humiliations and the laughing audiences. Can they keep their heads? Finally, antarctica, the big freeze. Contestants are gonna be in their most embarassing underwear and have 1 minute to strike their best hero pose before they freeze. Or they could spend part of that minute screwing with another contestant to make their pose humiliating instead


Absolutely fine if you skip this one. Also assumed its sonic and co on earth and not one of the other worlds


I'd like to dare each contestant to wet their pants and then receive an atomic wedgie. Let the wet feeling on the back of their head remind them of their shame


Since we're here at the end I'd like to request one last humiliation from everyone. Just give yourself the biggest atomic wedgie you can. And since Rouge and Espio never got a turn how about all contestants join in on this one. May as well earn that cash prize