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Why hello there.  Did somebody ask for a chapter that was 23 pages long? 


 Donovan was chugging on a pineapple soda when the show was still waiting to kick its second episode off. He barely had time to react when the camera turned on, zoomed in on his refreshed face, and surprised him so much that he spat out his drink. His throat burned due to the lingering effects of the carbonization. The embarrassing belch he let out in front of the camera followed by the thin line of drool didn’t help to make him look any more dignified as a host either. 

“... Ahem... h-hello...! Welcome back to Bad Luck Bananza!”  Donovan giggled a bit to himself. “I’m your host, Donny... wait, no. Sorry. Donovan. M-My auntie called me Donny... always pinched my cheeks when she did it. She did it in front of people at school too. When I was getting wedgies they made fun of the fact that my name was on my underwear but not her. She said it was cute. Now I’m hosting television shows! TAKE THAT HAROLD, YOU JERK!” 

The Cameraman was making a gesture with his hand at this point that was basically, in a sense, telling Donovan to cut it out and get back on task.

Donovan blushed again and rubbed the back of his head. “Ah-ha. Apologies folks. Anyway, it’s been a week and the results are in! Our contestants are back from their break of feeling the effects of the humiliation and dreading the next round of playtime.”

He pointed towards the Sonic cast that were currently all seated off to the side. The expressions they wore were pretty mixed. It was funny to look at considering who they all were.

Shadow, Amy, and Chip in particular looked rather downtrodden. All week they had to deal with posts on Twitter and Instagram, highlighting the best and funniest moments of last week’s torture. It was genuinely upsetting in a way that almost made them want to quit… however, they all realized that this was apart of the mind game. Deal with something harsh, then quit when it smacks you down.

Well, not on their watch.

Shadow in particular was of sound body and mind when it came to making sure the constant ridicule never got him down. He did this by sleeping with his pillow clamped against his ears and saying “Lalala~!” to himself whenever he felt the negative comments start to invade his brain.

Chip got through it by drinking herbal tea. Ironically, it upset his stomach. Amy merely took to responding to a lot of the ridicule, which is never a good idea. It took some coaxing from Sonic of all people before she realized that she was making the situation worse, not better.

“Step right up you three,” Donovan began, watching as they shuffled towards the center like hunchbacks. “It’s time to see the results of the voting.”

Shadow, Amy, and Chip bit their lips and looked up at the screen, awaiting the heavy verdict.

“Remember, the one who loses is officially being given the first point,” Donovan wagged his finger. “That’s bad in this competition. The more points you have, the bigger a loooooser you are. So, last week’s big loser and the very first one of the competition… IS-!”

He happily spun around and pointed at the screen. In a flash, the results from the patrons displayed themselves to the excited crowd. 

Amy and Chip sighed in relief. Shadow’s eyes widened and his pupils shrunk.

Shadow - 14

Amy - 4

Chip - 5

Shadow’s mouth hung open and his body shook as the stadium rocked with their cheers, jeers, and patented laughter. He was so upset, he felt his body want to relent. Usually when it did that, his bladder got a little out of control though, so he stayed vigilant. It was hard, especially since Sonic was back there, laughing the loudest out of anyone in the stadium.

“AHAHAHAHA! Of course it was Shadow! WHOOO! You sure showed them, eh my man?” Sonic clapped his hands, grinning like an idiot as he delighted in this display of sheer failure from his rival.

Tails merely shook his head. Sonic was in a glorious position where the randomization hadn’t clamped down on him yet. So was he, but he was remaining humble, just in case karma wanted to have its way. 

That said, on the inside, he found it pretty humorous as well.

Charmy was swinging his legs back and forth on the bench, grinning and sweating a bit. “Heheh. Wonder how I’ll fair~!”

“You’ll do fine. You’ve probably ate through a ton of humiliation and embarrassment just trying to be good at pranks.” Espio stated, feeling like his honesty was for the best here.

Charmy smiled. “Thanks. I’m pretty good at eating it up, yeah!” He said back, giving a thumbs up. He then thought it over and blushed when he realized what exactly that meant. “Wait…”

“NOOO~! DAMMIT! GRAAAAH!” Shadow finally lost it and began stomping his foot on the floor when the singular point went up to his name on the board.

Amy and Chip turned and sat down while Shadow took an extra minute to scream and curse before finally turning to take a seat. He practically slumped over the bench with his butt sticking up, lazily flopped there like a carpet that was being hung out to get the dust beaten out of it. It looked rather sad.

Not as sad as Silver did when he stepped up to the center of the arena though. Even with the confident Blaze and the now hyper-active Charmy by his side, he wasn’t feeling all that good about this.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for Round 2! Say Hello to our contestants for this round. Silver the Hedgehog, Blaze the Cat, and Charmy Bee!” Donovan screamed into the mic, managing to get a thunderous roar from the excited onlookers. 

Charmy flexed and bounced about the place, grinning like a doofy child. Silver was busy fiddling with his fingers like a scared toddler. Blaze stood with her arms crossed and her eyes closed… though she was unable to hide the blush on her face. 

She wants to let you know that she wasn’t camera shy at all. Also, she’s not afraid of heights. Not even a little bit… yeah…

“So, I guess, before we start, I’ll ask you guys how you’re feeling.” Donovan smiled, walking up to them and twirling the mic before Charmy’s face.

“Oh ho ho~!” Charmy smirked and swiped the mic from Donovan, surprising the raccoon. “Let me tell ya somethin’ brother~! The Bomb-Shell Bee is gonna put the smackdown on the competition! I’m going all the way! We’re gonna dominate Summer-Slam! We’re gonna dominate RAW! We’re gonna dominate Hell in a Cell! It’s going down and you’re invited to face the wrath of my BUTT in your BUTT!” Charmy shouted this while putting on as gruff a voice he could.

“Alright!” Donovan gleamed. That was just a fancy way of him saying he was gonna sting you with his incredibly sharp and dangerous stinger. Well done on the excitement though. “What about you miss?” He held the mic up to Blaze.

Blaze opened one eye to glance down at it. “Hmm… yes… well… all I have to say is that this is quite the test of resilience and… perseverance. If I’m able to pass by in a manner that I find acceptable, whether the audience deems me a winner or a loser matters not.” 

“Wow. Powerful.” Donovan smiled.

Blaze nodded.

That was fucking lie. She was scared as hell. Why didn’t she go potty before this?

“What about you sir?” Donovan put the mic up to Silver, who was covered, nay, drenched, in sweat.

The white hedgehog gulped and then looked out at the crowd. He stammered a bit and started to gurgle and babble nonsense.

“W-We-Well auhah..baba...D-Doan… Donova...Dolan-man… make-a-me… hu-humiliate challenge.. Da winner… butt potty dance piddle piddle blushing. Dookie smarties and stardust with the top off. D-Don’t f-forget t-t-t-takoyaki sauce on the ghslomvaurvmzlwn…” Silver spoke utter drek like the court jester he felt he was right now.

Donovan eventually took the mic away from him as the crowd was starting to laugh a bit too hard at it. Silver’s weird jittering and eye-twitching was starting to freak him out too. It looked like he was getting something slowly shoved up his butt.

“Now to begin! Our first challenge is coming in! I hope you three are prepared!” Donovan shouted and pointed at the screen. 

Charmy puffed out his chest. Blaze opened her eyes fully and put her arms at her side. Silver… kept panting and jittering. Seriously, it was like there was a taser in his stomach.

M - A simple tricycle race. The losers get a free complete home remodeling making their whole house look like a super cute nursery.  All beds replaced with cribs and all dinner chairs replaced with high chairs and such.

“Why do they get to add conditions like that?!” Charmy snapped, suddenly a lot less psyched when reading the conditions added.

“It’s fine. I won’t lose anyway.” Blaze said.

Charmy gasped. Did he just sound like a loser there? “Well… neither will I!” He huffed, steam spewing from his nose.

Silver fanned his face down to calm himself a bit. He even put a hand to his beating chest and sighed. “Okay… let’s get this done. I can ride a trike! No problem!”

Donovan, with a clap of his hands, managed to get the stage to re-model itself into a little track for the contestants. 

They each got a trike meant for a little girl, which didn’t do much to delight any of them.

Charmy sat down and managed to snuggle a bit well on the seat, due to his size. Silver and Blaze, however, had a tougher time and looked positively ridiculous.

Donovan stood calmly before raising a flag and swinging it down. “GO!”

Instantly, the three of them began pedalling with all their might down the makeshift obstacle course that had been laid out for them. The crowd was cheering on the name of their preferred favorite while Sonic and the others just cheered in general, not necessarily on anyone’s side.

“I’m in the lead…” Silver grinned a bit, heart pumping as he realized he was past Blaze by an inch and Charmy by a couple feet. The bee was sitting cooly though. He wasn’t too worried because in actuality, he was conserving strength for the final push. Vector taught him that.

Blaze was about to ignite her wheels a bit when she suddenly saw holographic blocks with question marks appear in the track. “What are those?”

“Drive into them and find out.” Donovan shouted aloud.

Blaze and Silver, thinking this a trap, skirted around them.

Charmy, however, drove right on through. 

“I did it!” Charmy grinned, giving a thumbs up. 

Espio face-palmed and Tails giggled… until he noticed that Charmy’s trike was doing something odd. It looked like it was glowing a bit.

“Eh?” Charmy tilted his head. “A picture of a blue shell appeared on my trike’s handle-bar…” He muttered before noticing the button at the end of the handle. “Hmmm…”

With that, he pressed the button and out of nowhere shot a holographic blue shell! It spun forward and zoomed ahead of both him and Blaze before hovering above Silver.

“Hmm…? What… the…?” Silver raised a brow right before the shell slammed down onto his trike! Sparks flew and Silver yelped as it spun out of control. “WHAT WAS THAT?! AAAAH!”

Donovan giggled. The item Charmy picked up sent a discharge along the floor to Silver’s bike, punctuated by the visual of the blue shell. They should have listened to him and grabbed the item.

Charmy laughed and pointed as Silver spun out of control. They were halfway around the track by now and the loud crash followed by the girlish scream behind them told Charmy and Blaze that things were between just the two of them now.

Another set of items was coming up.

Blaze, knowing what they did now, immediately zoomed right on through and saw the picture of a traffic cone. “Hmm…?” 

She was in the lead so… maybe the item she got accommodated for that?

“I’m on your purple tail!” Charmy laughed as he suddenly put his foot to the pedal and let his conserved energy run through! He even blasted into another item. It was a little green boxing glove!

Blaze sighed. “I guess I’d better just see what it does…” She relented and pressed the button, dropping the item behind her at the same time Charmy fired his!

The boxing glove that the bee shot out was a springy weapon that bounced off of things easily. Including other items. So when Blaze dropped her traffic cone, the boxing glove smacked into it and bounced back towards Charmy!

“Uh-oh.” Charmy’s eyes widened as the glove smacked into his trike and made him skid as though he were on an oil slick! He tried to spin the wheel to get it back under control until he shot into the traffic cone.

Surprise, surprise. It turns out that the traffic cone was a land-mine.


Blaze grunted and shut her eyes as she crossed the finish. She immediately put her foot on the break and sighed with content. “Haha. I win.”

Charmy, meanwhile, ended up crossing the finish line… skidding on the floor with his trike having exploded. He was still holding onto the handlebars though, despite the fact that they were attached to nothing. His eyes were crossed and he was covered in soot. Worse still was the fact that his pants were blown off, which showed his Applejack tighty whities off to the crowd…

“There’s the game! Let’s look at the results…” Donovan chuckled. “Well… I mean, the results kind of speak for themselves though.”

Silver laid on the floor in a pile of broken trike parts and drooling with swirly eyes. “Mommy… did I break’ed mahy new trike? Ohhh…”

When everything was cleared up, Blaze stood with a smile on her face. Silver wobbled next to her, dizzy and groaning. Charmy stood with a pout and his arms crossed, scraps of his pants wrapped around his waist to act like a skirt to hide his underwear.

“Welp, Silver, the renovation team we have on staff is headed over to where you currently live in our time-line and through a portal in time to your residence in the future. We’ll be switching things out for cribs, high-chairs, and basically everything fit for a nursery. How do you feel?” Donovan asked.

“... I… plead the fifth…” Silver whined, trying not to tear up. Maybe sleeping in a crib won’t be so bad. Babies find those things secure for a reason. It might even be comfy…

It’ll be hard getting out of his high chair every morning though.

“Next.” Donovan raised his hand.

Jake Smith - All three contestants eat food laced with laxatives. They are all then put into diapers and have a competition to see who can hold it the longest. The person who messes first (hopefully Charmy) has to wear big baby pampers with Elmo on them for the rest of the episode. The person who messes second has to wear embarrassing pull-ups/training pants for the rest of the episode (but hey it’s better than baby pampers). And the person who holds it the longest gets undies after filling their diaper. Who ever gets last also is the one who has to change the other two.

“Huh? Why hopefully me?” Charmy muttered.

“I guess people just think you’re a good fit for diapers.” Donovan smirked. 

Charmy blushed but then gasped. “Wait... h-hold on… that challenge sounded like something really messed up.”

“M-Messy is more like it…” Silver groaned.

Blaze sucked in her lips, fidgeting and trying to keep her cool.

Suddenly a table was flung up from below the floor, along with three chairs, and food laid about on the table-cloth for the lucky participants.

“Here you guys go!” Donovan slapped the table. “Have a seat.”

Blaze, Silver, and Charmy pulled their seats back and plopped down. They looked the food over and gulped. Grabbing a spoon, they poked at the slop in front of them and winced.

“What is this?” Blaze finally summoned up the courage to ask.

“Octopus Fritters~! With Fast-Acting Laxative Sprinkles!” Donovan explained.

“HRMPH!” Silver’s cheeks bloated out as he tried to keep from throwing up.

“A-Are you sure…? These don’t look like fritters.” Charmy tapped the tentacle sticking out of the weird, curry like, brown slop. “I’m pretty sure fritters don’t have raw tentacles… in them…”

“Get eating. Ready? GO!” Donovan shouted.

Immediately, the three of them started to dig into their dishes. The audience found this amusing enough but the other contestants watching on the side lines weren’t as enthusiastic about watching this.

“I can’t believe they’re scrafing that down.” Knuckles groaned.

Amy sighed. “I’m glad I don’t have to. My poor tummy.”

“Charmy’s pretty resilient.” Espio stated. “I can always, at least, give him that.”

Charmy slurped down the tentacle in his bowl before groaning and feeling a huge pang in his gut. He slumped over and banged his fist on the table, whining a bit as the rumbling in his gut got to him.

Blaze whined as she gripped the table, sweating as her eyes darted back and forth. The fear and humiliation was getting to her. It was making the already upset stomach she had rumble far faster and greater than she was ready for.

“HOOOOGH!” Silver’s eyes crossed as he held his gut. “NO! NOOO~!” He whined and fell off his seat, rolling about on the floor as the loud gurgling was picking up on the mic.

The three of them tried to do whatever they could to keep the urge to mess themselves under control.

Blaze stood calmly, clamping her legs together to keep herself calm and composed. When she felt a huge pang, she’d tremble and wiggle a bit.

Silver, meanwhile, was holding his bottom and dancing in place. He would groan and swoon a bit, wiggling his butt about as he trounced about the area, trying to hold it back. Eventually, he farted though. 

“Eww~!” Tails playfully waved his hand in front of his face.

“AAAAH! WHY MEEEE~?!” Silver danced about, fists clenched and screaming.

Charmy hummed happily to himself, bending over and stretching. “In order to keep from messing one’s pants, stretching calmly and exercising your gut to be stronger is clearly the best-HAAAAGH! OH GOD! OH NOOOOOO~!” 

It wasn’t working. Charmy grabbed his butt and started doing the wiggle-butt, potty dance that Silver was doing.

Eventually the two of them bumped into each other. “I-I can’t HOLD IT ANYMORE!” The two of them yelled.

That’s when their eyes widened and they heard a loud blast of messing take place. The two of them blushed and sniffed the air, feeling around their bottoms…

… Their butts were fine.

They turned to look at Blaze.

She stood there, teeth clenched, tears streaming down her face, and legs clamped together. Her fists were clenched tightly and her face was blushing super hard as the laughter and pointing came her way. 

She had messed her pants. 

“I don’t think my method was the smartest way to handle this.” She muttered before sliding to the floor, anime-crying and sniffling.

Donovan laughed and grabbed her hand, leading her over to the privacy tent where he was to hand her a Elmo diaper. “Wait in there for whoever manages to win.”

“Whew… that’s a relief.” Silver laughed. He then gasped and clutched his tummy. “OH NO! DON’T GET RELIEVED! DON’T GET-AAAAUAUGH!”

The hedgehog screamed as he felt his body disobey him by squatting down and messing himself. He gasped and face-planted the floor.

“Oh… Oh hey! I w-AAAUGH!” Charmy gasped and messed himself immediately after. He panted, blushed, and fell to the ground…


“Give it up for the diaper and pull-up duo.” Donovan said, gesturing to the diapered Blaze and the Cookie Monster pull-up dawning Silver.

“Hmmph…” Silver snapped. “I’m not even embarrassed. At least it’s not a diaper.”

Blaze snarled at him. “Shut it! As if there’s that big of a difference!”

“YES MA’AM! NO DIFFERENCE!” Silver whined, tinkling a bit of pee into the pull-up from fear.

Charmy grinned, standing in his torn pants skirt and underwear still. “Ahahaha~! Take that. I keep my undies!”

“You cried when you had to change me into a pull-up.” Silver said.

Charmy blushed and looked to the side. “Aha...w-well… I’m not IN a diaper so…”

“Well, you’d best keep your mouth shut because the karma stick might be bopping you next.” Donovan warned.

Judgement Kazzy - All three contestants must go wedgie bungee jumping. It’s a lot like regular bungee jumping, but you use your underwear instead of a bungee cord. Use of flight or telekinesis to make the jump less painful is prohibited.

“Okay everyone, step into the teleporter.” Donovan smiled and tap danced his way over to the new machine that rose up from the floor.

“Where’d that come from…? Where’s it taking us?” Silver asked.

“It’s going to take you guys directly above Griffon Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in the world.” Donovan said. “There you’ll be tied to a railing by your underwear and made to bungee jump off the falls.”

“Ahem.” Silver and Blaze pointed at their diapers.

Donovan blinked for a second before realizing the issue. “Oh… I guess you’re just going to have to use your diapers as a bungee.”

“Uh. What?” Blaze raised a brow.

“Diapers aren’t meant to be used for bungeeing. They’re gonna snap apart and we’ll fall and die!” Silver shouted.

“Well, you should have thought of that before you failed the last challenge.” Donovan wagged his finger at them. Charmy laughed.

“No. That’s not fair. I’m not allowing that to be the solution.” Blaze put her foot down.

“Alright! Fine. How about this. Instead of wearing the diapers for the rest of the challenge, you get your underwear back and have to wear the diapers and pull-ups for the rest of the day when the challenges end.” Donovan smiled.

“... That’s actually a WORSE punishment than what the guy asked for.” Silver’s jaw dropped.

“It’s either that or you risk plummeting to the bottom of the falls when your diapers snap.” Donovan stated.

Silver and Blaze sighed. Charmy merely stretched.

“Go on Blaze. You’re a winner, girl.” Rouge called out.

“You got this kid.” Knuckles called out to Charmy.

“Go get em Silver. I know you’re at least more mature than Shadow.” Sonic said. Shadow snarled and turned his head to face the annoying blue boy.

Eventually, when the three of them were re-dressed in pants and underwear, they stepped through the teleporter and made it to the sight of the railing.

“Alright… brace yourself Blaze… come on… you can do this…” She muttered, tying her Strawberry Shortcake panties to the railing and clamping her hands together. She then made a jump like an Olympic diver, straight down. “Oh… I can tell immediately that I’m going to regret this…”

“No telekinesis… okay, okay. I can… DO THIS!” Silver snapped, tying his Star Wars briefs to the bar, running, and then leaping right off. “I CAN’T DO THIS! HELP! I’M GONNA DIE! AIEEEEEEE~!” He screamed as he flailed about while falling.

Charmy, meanwhile, was shaking in fear. “Th-That’s a lot of… w-w-water… c-c-can’t fly eh? Haha… I-I’m used to flying though… f-f-falling isn’t… what I do…” He gulped.

He then slapped his face and huffed. “NO WAY! I’M NO COWARD!”

Charmy rushed and stopped at the edge, on his tippy toes. The scraps of his ruined pants began to become undone.

“This… This is gonna hurt… a lot… but I’ve gotta d-do it…! RAAAH!” Charmy screamed and then let himself drop, unable to stop his pants shreds from blowing away in the wind when he did. “OH CRAP! NO! THEY CAN SEE MY UNDERWEAR!” Charmy screamed and covered his front as his Applejack undies stretched due to the bungee.

Indeed, the crowd could see his undies and delighted at making fun of him for them.

Eventually, though, the bungee limit of their undies was reached.


That was the sound of their underwear shooting up their butts when the stretchiness reached the height of its power.

“MEEEOWWWWWW~!” Blaze teared up and cried feeling her panties ride up her bum before sending her bouncing back up.

“AAAAAIEEEEK! MY GRAPES JUST BURST OPEN!” Silver shouted with tears and a newly found high-pitched voice. He shot back up too, thanks to the bungee.

“AAAAAH! HURTS! HURTS A LOT!” Charmy cried as he fell. His eyes widened when he realized where he was falling to as well. “OH NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!”

A large boulder that was sticking out of the side of the falls was in his way!



“OOOoo~!” The crowd, the host, and the other contestants winced at what they saw happen.

Charmy’s face and body just went splat against the hard rock. His underwear waistband snapped off, leaving half of his butt exposed. The bee picked up his derpy face and drooled as his teeth showed several gaps in them.

“Dasss how you facemesh kiss a wock! Next time on Humiliation with Charmy, I’mma do a booty dance den poop myself for all da kiddies out dere~! Duuuuuhhh~!” Charmy’s eyes crossed and he fainted.

That’s when the boulder broke apart and he plummeted the rest of the way, smacking hard against the water and floating there like a wet sack…

“... Okay. Re-igniting the teleporter.” Donovan pressed a button on his console and managed to get the three of them back.

Silver landed on his knees, cupping his crotch, before falling over and smacking his face on the metal floor. Blaze, meanwhile, just bounced around, trying to pick her panties out of her punished bottom.

Charmy laid there, eyes rolling and stars circling his head. He was soaking wet and it didn’t go unnoticed that a bit of the wetness on the front of his briefs was a tad yellow…

“Looks like you guys might need some time to recover. We’ll be right back after these messages.” Donovan said to the screen.


“Hey everyone! Welcome back!” Donovan smirked. “Boy that sure was a long 2 and a half minutes. Probably would have been a literal instant if you were a patron and had access to the commercial skip feature. In which case, I literally didn’t leave the screen. Ain’t television magic~!” Donovan grinned, splaying his arms out… he then scooted back once he realized he was too close to the camera.

After clearing his throat into his fist, he turned to face the contestants for this round. “So… you three feeling better?”

Silver sat, teary-eyed, and still holding himself. “Just peachy…” His voice was still high-pitched.

Blaze was embarrassingly inspecting her butt. It was one thing that she was gonna have to wear a diaper for the rest of the day when this was over but to do so with a burning butt… not only did that suck but it was pretty ironic considering her powers.

Charmy sat in his ruined Applejack undies with an ice-pack on his face. “I hurt. I hurt a lot. I think there’s like five of you in front of me… also when did you become dancing banana…?”

Donovan blinked at Charmy before facing the camera again. “Well, as you can see, they’re fine and ready for the next challenge. Bring it on up.”

KILLSWITCH64 - The three contestants have to confess the most embarrassing moment of their lives to the audience.  If Donovan's lie detector discovers that someone isn't telling the truth, the person in question will get a dozen spanks with a paddle and have to go again.

Donovan smirks and holds up his phone with the lie-detector app on it. “I am ready baby. Line up. Let’s go~!”

He stuck it out to the three of them and watched them squirm where they were.

“No one wants to go first? Okay. I’d be happy to push us in the right direction.” Donovan proudly beat his chest before spinning and pointing at Blaze. “You go first.”

Blaze sighed. “Alright then. I’m honorable… I’ll say that-!”

“Also it can’t be something you just went through here.” Donovan quickly added.

Blaze made an annoyed, scrunched up face. Of course that caveat would be added. She slumped a bit and looked to the side a tad before blushing and clearing her throat.

“Alright… so… in the Sol Dimension there’s this young girl named Marine and she’s… rather eccentric. One day I caught her messing about the place where I live and I told her to calm down. She told me she was jazzercising. Or something.”

Amy smirked. Cream giggled.

“I told her that was a made up thing and she informed me it was real. I told her, strict, actual discipline with training my way was far more efficient. She didn’t believe me so I decided to offer her a free lesson. She… ended up pantsing me. She smacked my butt… She… g-gave me a wedgie… I chased her around, tripped, fell down the stairs… landed on a cactus… shot up in pain and fell out the window onto the ground below and passed out…”

Everyone was giggling all around her now. She was blushing as she continued.

“I… w-woke up… tied t-to a puppet string and Marine was using her new invention to make me dance in my underwear in front of everybody. Okay. I’m done. Next. Move on.”

Donovan pressed a button and a paddle came from the ground and gave her a light swat. “MEOW~! OKAY! I peed myself when I was knocked unconscious. My panties were wet!” Blaze shouted, eyes closed and fist clenched.

Now the audience was roaring. What a delightful tale.

“Good job Blaze. Luckily, that was only a little white lie.” Donovan smirked.

“Ugh… I didn’t lie… I just… neglected to tell every detail. MEOOOWW~!” Blaze yelped again when the paddle struck her once more.

“That’s called lying, Blaze.” Donovan laughed.

Blaze said nothing more and looked to the side.

“What about… YOU!” Donovan pointed right at Charmy.

Charmy put a finger under his nose. “Ahaha~! I don’t ever fail so I never end up in embarrassing situations. You can move on.”

The room was silent for a second. Then, all of a sudden, two mechanical hands sprung from the ground, grabbed Charmy by his legs and flung him to the ground with his butt sticking up.

“Hey! Wait… what…? WHAT-?!” Charmy screeched right as the paddle came out and began battering his big butt in front of everyone. “HEEEEEEEEK~ ! OWWWIEEEEE~!”

“Wanna try that again, Charmy?” Donovan asked.

“AAAAAAAH! OKAY! OKAAAAAY~! STAAAAHP!” The bee cried as he flung his arms up and down. He panted when the hands stopped and his butt sizzled.

He stood up and grabbed his butt, teary eyed and sniffling a tad. “Okay… s-so… I did this awesome prank one day on a kid at the park who I hated… he hated me too so it was fine.” Charmy added that last part as to not come off like a jerk. Luckily, it was true. “So, you know, I tied his shoelaces together and wanted to make him fall… but when he took a step forward he noticed immediately and just untied them… so I went to push him into the rope trap I set…”

Espio sighed. He knew where this was going.

“I fell into the rope trap when he moved to the side… I got launched up into the tree and went through some sticks and the branches tugged at my clothes… b-but I came out fine.” Charmy smiled.

The mechanical hands sprung up did a double palm thrust to his butt, leaving two red handprints on it.

“GUUUUUUUHHHAAA!” Charmy choked out, cross-eyed and fidgety. “... O-Okay… I… lost… ALL my clothes… flew through the air like a frisbee in my Powerpuff Girls briefs and landed in a garbage can… then… I… uh… I peed myself…”

Charmy’s face was beat red as he continued. “Th-They made fun of my butt… took my undies off… spanked me… DREW on my butt. Put a diaper on me. Shoved a suppository up my booty. I cried and screamed and then went poopy on myself! IT’S NOT FUNNY! STOP LAUGHING!” Charmy screamed out at the crowd as they were hollaring in laughter, half-way through that.

“Good job Charmy. I think that’s quite enough.” Donovan said. He turned to Silver. “What about you?”

“Oh…?” Silver blinked. He looked to the side. “Well… I dunno. I honestly don’t think I can reliably say which embarrassing moment of mine is the worst…!”


Then the hands came out and swatted Silver’s butt repeatedly. “AAAH! WAAAAAH! OKAY! I GUESS I CAN! STOP!”

Silver muttered a bit under his breath before speaking again.

“Okay… so… I was walking… like on my way to a party… then I… I mean, it was a good long walk… I think it was a Tuesday… The sun was out and the temperature was decent. I had a feeling there was going to be a good amount of people there… and there was… uhm… I had a burrito for breakfast… and some milk I think…” Silver droned on..

Then the mechanical hands came out of the ground and SLAPPED Silver thunderously hard across the butt. His booty wiggled so much that it looked like jello.

“HEEEEP! OKAY! So, I got to the party and I made a bet with this guy that I could lift something huge for five minutes without getting tired. When I went to do it… I spread my powers to my whole body but in the wrong way… so I ended up lifting a truck but my clothes along with it!” Silver blurted out. “I was butt naked in front of the whole party.” He teared up, covering his face with his hands and blushing.

The crowd was starting to kick that laughter up again. He continued.

“I was so mortified. I wanted to cover myself but then I’d lose the bet… plus the truck was right over me. Eventually I got so embarrassed I started… just… peeing! That’s when I screamed and went to cover myself but… the truck dropped… right on top of me…” Silver explained with his hands now dangling before him.

“Did you die?” Charmy asked, like an idiot would.

“Nope. I spent the rest of the day acting like and thinking I was a baby.” Silver mused. “They took care of me… diapered me… pampered me… I sucked my thumb and it felt sooo good…” He blushed and swooned a bit before gasping and slapping himself. “That’s the truth though! HONEST!”

He even put a hand up to salute as though he were a scout. The metal hands didn’t come back out so it was fine anyway.

“Good, good. You all did… well enough.” Donovan rolled his eyes with a smirk. “I think Blaze told hers the best though. You two boys aren’t good at not lying.”

Silver and Charmy flushed red.

“Time to move on.”

Anonymous - I'll go for an easy and classic one. Each contest must go streaking around the stadium in their birthday suits. The person who gets first place can tickle attack the two losers.

“OH?! Is THAT going EASY on us?!” Charmy snapped and was about to fly at the screen to punch it, before Silver grabbed him with his powers. The bee flailed around and screamed in anger. “Oh THANK YOU for your ENDLESS GENEROSITY! You’re lucky you’re anonymous you… piece of…!” 

“You know what you gotta do.” Donovan said.

Silver and Blaze looked at one another. Charmy slumped in defeat and sighed as Silver let him go.

With whoops and hollers of excitement, the three of them began stripping their clothes off in front of the audience. 

“Mmmgph…” Charmy pouted and blushed as he felt all the eyes on him. He eventually was butt naked and covering himself.

Silver shivered as he stood all nude. His red face was covered in sweat and tears.

Blaze wiggled a bit as she stood with her hands in between her legs and her arms wrapped around her body. “W-What now…?”

“All around the stadium guys!” Donovan shouted. “Be sure to do whatever you want to them audience!” He shouted.

With that, the three of them just… bolted about the place. They began to flail their arms and started to run into the stands, streaking like the losers they were. The winner would be whoever could last the longest without stopping.

Blaze went in between the aisles and swished her tail about the place. One little girl stood and shouted at her. “Cluck like a chicken and shake your butt!”

Blaze blushed but immediately began doing so, knowing that the winner had to stay ahead of the pack… it hurt her pride SO much though.

“Buck buck buck buck~!” Blaze clucked and wiggled her bottom about.

Silver was across the aisle, running naked too.

A little boy stood up and shouted at him, “Shout about how you’re an idiot while doing ballerina moves!”

Say no more. Silver spun and began to dance like a ballerina while naked. “I’M AN IDIOT! I’M A DUMMY! I’M A DUMB DUMB! I’M AN IDIOT BUTT!”

The boy didn’t say anything about getting creative with the name calling but he shrugged and accepted it. He was humiliating himself after all.

Charmy was swishing naked in the other part of the stands as well. A young guy stood up and shouted, “Do naked cartwheels and let people slap your huge butt!”

Charmy was about to fire back about how his butt wasn’t huge but he didn’t want to make the guy mad. He instead instantly started to do the kartwheels. He let it all get shown off before he tripped and fell on his face.

This was the perfect opportunity for some spanking because the kids and teens all reached over to give Charmy’s butt a good swat!


“Say you like it!” The guy who gave Charmy the order told him.

“I… I LIKE IT!” Charmy blushed and kicked his legs about. He couldn’t handle this anymore.

Blaze was bucking like a horsie now, with two children on her back. She was managing to cope with the humiliation by reciting poetry to herself. It was the only way.

Silver, didn’t have such a method in his back pocket. When he was dancing, some baby tugged at his tail and let go which caused it to snap against his butt. Immediately, he lost what little concentration he still had. “WAAAAGH!”

He flailed about and fell over the railing, smashing onto his face against the hard floor below. 

It looked like an infant just… knocked out Silver. 

That was hilarious. Everyone laughed and pointed at him.

Charmy was crying by this point though. He couldn’t take it anymore.

“AAAAH! STOP! STOP! PLEASE!” He stood up and started to bolt… but someone stuck out their leg and he tripped over it on his way up.  “POOF! OOF! WOOOF!” Charmy made weird noises as his head bashed against the steps on his way down. He fell over the railing and landed hard on the ground, moaning and farting.

“Time’s up.” Donovan said, pressing a hand on his stop watch. “Seems like Blaze was the only one still going there. Congrats.”

Blaze sighed and yelped when the weight of the kids made her slump to the floor. “Ugh… I still hate this.”

The three of them eventually collected themselves and put their clothes back on. It felt like they were changing quite a bit here. Only Charmy didn’t have any pants to put on so he was left in torn Applejack briefs.

“On to the last challenge…” Donovan smirked.

Kaito Hyako (AKA ShredderWG) - Silver has to use his psychokinesis to use objects to first strip himself to his undies, then hang him by a wedgie while psychokinetically spanking himself with tennis racquets. 

Blaze must incinerate all her clothes except her underwear, and then if she wants any clothes after this round she has to go ask for them from strangers in shops, but she isn’t allowed to use money to buy them

Charmy, the big baby he is, has to pee-pee his pants and then dress up in a onesie and tell the whole world about his experience in daycare with Tails.

“DUUUUUUHHH?!” All three of them made this really dumb sounding grunt from their mouth. It almost sounded like the grunt from the Home Improvement opening.

Donovan smiled and raised his hand. “First… Silver. Get going!”

Silver saw that the spotlight was on him. The poor boy gulped and tugged at his shirt collar. “Well… at least it’s gotta be a more creative way to strip…” He said in a squeaky voice. What was he saying? This was terrible.

Silver put out his hands and started to move nearby objects. What he managed to nab was old chewed up gum from the nearby trash can, some shreds of Charmy’s pants, popcorn bags, and metal plates that had been tossed into the garbage.

He made this all float about and saw the gum stick to his shirt. He used his power to make it tug over his head so that his shirt would come off. Afterwards he used the metal plates to slice at his belt and make his pants fall. He then used the popcorn bags to wrap around his pants and yank backward so that he’d fall on his head… but in doing so make it so that his legs were sticking up.

He then used the shreds of Charmy’s pants to slide his pants off the rest of the way, leaving him sat there in his Star Wars briefs.

“Okay… a-and now… to make myself… f-f-float…” Silver gulped and began to rise… He saw that Donovan had some tennis racquets ready to go, off to the side. Of course he did. They knew these dares and requests before hand. 

Silver quickly made them float and got them to spin around him. He then let them hover by his butt before his beating heart made him let out a shaky sigh. “This… is gonna hurt but…”

Silver then dropped the psychokinesis on every part of his body except his underwear. He instead made the undies he was wearing yank upward while his body dropped, leaving him in a tremendously painful psychic wedgie!

“AAAH! WEDGIEEEEE~! EEEEK! IT HURRTTSSSS SO BAAAAAAD! MOMMYYYY~!” Silver screamed this aloud before the spanking even started.

Then the spanking started!

“AH! AIEEE! YEEEP! NO! PLEASE DADDY! I’VE BEEN A GOOD BOY! NO MORE SPANKIN! AAAAH!” Silver cried and whined, calling out for imaginary parents to stop spanking him even though he was doing it to himself. Seems the humiliation had snapped his brain in half…

Blaze and Charmy watched this with wide, terrified eyes. Silver had lost it… they might lose it next!

“Blaze?” Donovan smirked, wickedly at her.

Blaze looked around and then gulped. She slowly… pressed her hands to her body… and incinerated the clothes she was wearing aside from the Strawberry Shortcake panties she had on.

Immediately the crowd whistled and cat called her. She fidgeted and blushed at that.

“I c-c-can’t go around asking for new clothes… ask strangers but not use money…? In fact, I’ve gotta put a diaper on after this and wear nothing BUT that now that my clothes are burnt… hahahaha…!” Blaze’s eyes crossed and she began dribbling her lips. She was so humiliated!

Charmy saw her do this and put his hands to his head, fearful that he’d break too!

“Alright Charmy… your turn!” Donovan approached the bee with a diaper and a onesie. “Go on… go pee-pee on yourself like the baby you are.”

The word ‘baby’ kept echoing in his brain. Charmy stared at him with wide eyes and shrunken pupils.

The crowd chanted “Baby!” now too!

The bee’s knees knocked and he felt his bladder involuntarily open. 

With a stupid, cross-eyed, smirk he peed himself. “Duuuuhhh…. Ohhhhhh…”

He stood, wobbling in a puddle and his now christened underoos before he shook his head to clear away the cobwebs. That’s when Donovan shoved the diaper and onesie at his face.

“Put them on… now.” Donovan laughed.

Charmy blushed and grit his teeth…

Then he did just that.

With the onesie on, and his diapered butt obvious and crinkly, Charmy’s eye twitched. He knew there was one last thing he had to do… recount the days of him trapped in that daycare with Tails and tell the entire viewing world about it.

The bee blushed hard and began to giggle like a dumb baby. He swooned and began seeing stars float around his head. He was so humiliated, it was starting to make him go dizzy!

“I… went to a daycare where Tails was trapped and tried to prank the brats who got him stuck there… but dumb-butt me fell into all of them myself! Haha! I got trapped in the daycare with him! We were the oldest kids there but we had the most diapers changed! We watched Barney, wore baby clothes… had to go pee and poopy in them… got spanked… slept in cribs… ate food in high-chairs…!” Charmy’s eye twitched as he recounted all of this.

Eventually he bent down and stuck his face in between his legs while wiggling his butt out at the crowd. “Duuuuhh~! We were just wike some dumb babies! Hehehe~!” He then grabbed his legs and rolled forward before sticking a thumb in his mouth and drooling. His eyes were crossed too. 

Seems Charmy just snapped as well. He couldn’t even hear the laughter of the crowd this time. The laxatives eventually kicked back in as well...

Donovan clapped his hands. “Excellent job you three!” He turned to the three of them and watched as they danced about and babbled nonsense, like a bunch of babies who were being let loose at playtime.

“Sheesh. They got wrecked.” Knuckles commented.

“Was it any worse than how we got wrecked?” Amy asked.

“Hard to say. Shadow managed to not die of embarrass-OOF!” Sonic began before the black hedgehog tackled him.

“Well, don’t worry about them for right now.” Rouge interjected. “Keep your eyes on the screen. The randomization is going yet again!”

The numbers were indeed spinning and what they landed on showed up just seconds later.




3 is Knuckles the Echidna

1 is Sonic the Hedgehog

2 is Miles “Tails” Prower

“... Welp… it looks like next week is when I die.” Tails sighed before closing standing up. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a last will and testament to write.”

The fox walked off while Knuckles sat there grinning. “Ha. Finally, my turn eh? We’ll see how well you can handle your old rival then.” Knuckles smiled, leering at Sonic.

“Oh…? C-Coolio Knuckie! C-Can’t wait…” Sonic’s eyes rolled and a few teeth of his were missing. Shadow had him by the collar of his shirt and he was reeling back for a 14th punch to the face.

Next week, it was time for the Team Sonic round.


Loser Score Card:



It’s that time again. What challenges do you have in store for Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles? Also, who is the big loser of this particular round?



After much thought, I’ve come up with the most horrible, cruel, embarrassing challenge any living creature on the planet should have to go through! I dare each of the contestants to give Donovan a kiss.


This ones a race for points (totally arbitrary numbers chosen by a random dice roll by sdcharm), each contestant must ask random strangers to trade them some number of points in return for an article of the contestants clothing. Until they are in there underwear, then the contestant must ask for wedgies in return for points until their underwear rips off. At that point the final challenge is for the contestant to ask for points for a stranger to spank them. The contestant with the most points wins the prize of every group humiliation (the ones not named to specific players) of the previous two rounds


Whelp, we have three athletic boys here, so why not an athletic contest? Fencing! But, instead of boring old points let's have them score points by cutting their opponent's clothes off. The person who isn't in his birthday suit wins! (Though I suppose a draw isn't out of the question)


Each contestant must try to force each of their opponents into the most embarrassing pair of underwear they can think of. The one who wins the challenge (i.e. the one who doesn't get forced into the undies) thinks they'll get a prize, but they actually get punished by the two losers, who get to decide between them the most embarrassing punishment they can come up with.


This will be a race Each contestant will be striped to just their briefs then they must be put into a hanging wedgie were they must mess their briefs from both ends (pee,poop) before they can get down next they have to run a lap in the same messy briefs with the wedgie still in after they finish their lap they go to the gyms dirty bathroom and clean up by giving themselves a swirly in nasty pee water next and final challenge is to wait till everyone is their and each contestant must take off their underwear but on pampers then put their dirty briefs in their mouth with duck tape over and the the first one to take their briefs out of their mouth their chances of being in next weeks 3 have double 2nd place gets a get out of I challenge the next time they are picked but still have to do the rest that week and first place gets a free choose who takes my place this week card meaning the next time choose he can use this card and pick who replaces him that week


The challenge begins with an all you can eat buffet. All three contestants have one minute to feast on everything they can get their hands on from a buffet consisting of greasy hamburgers, extra cheesy and greasy pizza, as well as a variety of other greasy fiber filled food (All completely loaded with laxatives and diuretics). Then, they will all be diapered up. Each contestant then has an hour to mess, wet, and do whatever else they can to fill their diapers. Whoever has the heaviest diaper at the end wins and gets a free change. The two losers must then sumo wrestle wearing just messy diapers, with the winner then getting changed. The ultimate loser must then get 100 spanks with a paddle on their messy diaper, get 5 strangers to sign their messy diaper with a sharpie, and ask nicely to the camera before they get changed.


Dress-up time! The three boys have to strip naked, and three of the girls will get to dress them up like their own personal dolly using items from the girls' own wardrobes. Amy gets to dress up Sonic, Cream gets to dress up Tails, and Rouge dresses up Knuckles (Blaze gets a break since she's probably still nursing her pride from last week). The audience gets to vote on who did the best job. While the girl who does the best job won't receive a physical reward, I will certainly remember the winner, and gaining the favor of one of the patrons could have a big influence in this game... (I realize you've got quite a bit lined up already, but I trust that you'll limit the number of these used in the story if it gets to be too much. Also just want to say that I'm really loving the series so far! I've found myself looking forward to the day a new chapter gets released)


A repeat of the 'most embarrassing underwear' show-and-tell challenge. Each of them has to reveal their most embarrassing undies and explain why it's so embarrassing to them. Anyone who lies/cheats will be found out by a hidden lie-detector, and the forfeit this time is that they get a huge wedgie and spanking in just their actual most embarrassing undies. Hopefully this gives Shadow a chance to return the taunts that Sonic threw at him during his challenge.


I'm going to edit down some of this since I don't think I can do anything that requires them to put bodily waste in their mouths. That's too much for me.


A wedgie tug-of-war. Each contestant plays tug-of-war with each other contestant (SvK, KvT, TvS - one round for each pairing) where they have to tug a rope that is tied around their underwear. Each contestant can decide whether to tie the rope to the front or back of their undies, whichever they think will work better.