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Sonic stood over Amy with his arms crossed. He looked down at her and taped his foot with a slight smirk on his face, obviously feeling rather good about himself.

Why wouldn’t he? What he was currently looking at was particularly hilarious. Amy was bouncing up and down while on the kiddy potty and yelping as the mess in her panties felt terrible. 

“AAAAAUGH! Come on! This isn’t right! Get me out of this thing! I’m gonna get a rash if I stay like this!” Amy snapped.

Sonic giggled. “You want me to clean you up? Really?”

Amy stopped bouncing about in the kitty potty and blushed. “W-Well… okay… uhm… I guess I see the problem there… but you’re the reason I’m STUCK here with this mess under me. So you gotta fix it!”

“You were the one planning to invade our sleepover and sabotage everything.” Sonic fired back. “Why? Just because you weren’t invited? It was just supposed to be us guys.”

“Yeah but why couldn’t it be guys and girls?” Amy pouted.

“Because it wasn’t SUPPOSED to be guys and girls!” Sonic said back. “There’s nothing wrong with that. I wouldn’t have cared if you didn’t invite me to an all-girls thing!”

Amy looked to the side. “Well… that’s because you always section out times where you want to hang out with me.”

Sonic sighed and rolled his eyes. “Geez. I wonder why? Could it be that if I don’t, you do stuff like this? I dunno, I’d say you’re learning a valuable lesson here Amy.”

Amy grunted and managed to stand on her feet, with the kiddy potty stuck to her butt. “Okay, okay… FINE.” She relented, it looked like. “Just leave the bathroom so I can flush these panties down the toilet and clean myself off. I’ll wave the white flag when I’m done. You win.”

Sonic blinked and raised a brow. Amy blushed and puffed out her angry cheeks at him with her fists clenched.

“What? Not good enough for you?” Amy asked, feeling like she was being more than reasonable, even though she was the one currently at Sonic’s mercy and also the one who escalated the situation.

Sonic scratched behind his ear with his fist on his hip before turning around and heading out the door. “Okay. I’ll be waiting for you right outside the door. Tell me when you’re done alright and I’ll open it up for you.”

Amy gave a soft smile. “Yeah… I will.” She looked to the side before adding. “Sorry about all this.”

Sonic gave a smile back as he closed the door.

… When he did, Amy’s soft smile turned into an evil, wicked one. “Sorry? Blegh. Yeah right. Hahaha~!” 

Of course, to her she hadn’t given up one bit.

With a grunt of pain and massive discomfort, she grabbed at the bottom end of the kiddy potty and tugged at it the very best she could. It was suctioned around her plump bottom and it sucked quite a lot trying to get it off. 

Eventually, though, she managed to get to a point where she felt it coming off. With an audible ‘POP’ the kiddy potty got taken off and flopped to the floor. The sigh Amy let out was quite loud and relaxing. It made Sonic chuckle on the other side of the door when he heard it.

Amy then got to work. Sonic could hear all the sounds that came with her cleaning herself up. The water was running, the soap was scrubbing, and the toilet was flushing. It was a very thorough cleansing from the sounds of it. 

Then the door was knocked on. Sonic perked up and looked towards it, finding that to be an obvious signal that she was ready.

“Are you coming out now?” Sonic asked with a raised brow. 

“Yes. I need you to open the door though. My hands are a bit full since I’m gonna be carrying some of this cleaning supplies with me…” Amy said on the other side. “Also, don’t look down… I had to flush my panties and my shirt barely reaches down enough to cover myself.”

Sonic blushed lightly but then cleared his throat and put his hand on the doorknob. “Yeah sure. I’m cool with that. You ready? I’m opening the door…”

Amy was grinning wickedly on the other side with her hammer raised above the frame. She was on her tippy-toes and about to swing down with enough force to pound Sonic through the floor. “Oh yeah, sweetie. I’m ready alright…!” Amy was feeling rather proud of herself. Get on Sonic’s good side. Appeal to his sense of heroism and then WHAM…!

Sonic opened the door! Amy’s heart beat faster…! She was gonna get revenge!

She swung the hammer down when the door was opened, shouting as she did so, “GOTCHA NOW!”

The hammer smacked onto the floor.

Amy blinked and then turned to look to the side. Sonic was standing there staring right at her.

When he opened the door, he moved to the side to get out of the door’s way…!


Amy blushed and chuckled nervously. “Oh… uh…! S-Sonic, listen… I’m still all for that truce!” She said, waving her hands about, the shirt she had on doing barely anything to cover her naked front.

Sonic wasn’t looking at that though. He was staring right at her with his eyes half open, seemingly rather unamused. 

“Ah… haha…” Amy chuckled and then decided it was best she bolted and come back with something more efficient. She tried to make a run for it, but ended up bashing into the hammer out in front of her accidentally. With her eyes widened in shock, she fell forward and smacked her chin against the top of her weapon.

Her eyes crossed and stars exploded into her field of vision before she slumped over it. 

“Durrrrr… I’m a smartie…! Da pwan worked like a charm… dahaha…” Amy muttered with drool seeping out the corner of her mouth, eyes rolling in their sockets as she went limp.

Sonic sighed. “She never learns does she.”

With that, he reached down and picked her up, hoisting her over his shoulder and carting her down the hall, her naked butt facing out front. 


“Come on. Come on!” Tails grunted as he tugged and pulled at Blaze’s legs. The cat was unconscious so she was of no help here. Tails didn’t want her sticking around the inside of the wall like this though. He made this house for Sonic.

Eventually she made a delightful sounding “POP” when she was thrust out of the opening in the wall and made to land behind the fox, sprawled out in her soaked panties. She looked really happy with that dumb smile on her face and those eyes of hers glazed over and crossed the way they were.

It was at that moment that Charmy came sauntering into the room with a completely naked Cream the Rabbit hoisted over his shoulder. Cream’s eyes were rolling in her head as well and she had a cute little bubbly smile on her face to match it. 

“Oh boy… she’s really heavy…” Charmy muttered. He tried to make comments about the weight to stave off the fact that he was blushing heavily from carrying this naked girl. 

Tails looked over and saw Charmy scuttle in and lay the naked rabbit before him, right by Blaze.

“You okay?” Tails asked.

“Oh, I’m fine.” Charmy sighed. “I’m more worried about her.”

“She’ll be okay… well… she might be okay. I dunno.” Tails rubbed his chin, rethinking it a bit.

At that moment, Sonic came in next. He had Amy over his shoulder. She was naked from below the waist but still had a shirt on at the very least. Despite this, she was laid down by Blaze and Cream just as readily as the other two had been, with Sonic sighing and wiping sweat from his forehead when he was done.

“Are we finished here?” Sonic asked the other two.

Tails shrugged. “I would think so. They seem incapacitated. I wonder what they thought they’d get out of this though.”

Sonic grumbled. “Amy just wanted revenge. That’s all.”

“Revenge? For what?” Tails asked, astonished.

At that moment, Cream began to mumble and grumble. She slowly lifted her head and rubbed her throbbing skull before she looked out before her and saw Charmy smiling down at her.

“Hey! You’re awake! Thank goodness.” Charmy said with a bright smirk.

Cream looked on in confusion for a bit before her mind began registering what was going on. Her eyes then immediately bugged out before she looked down at herself and began to blush heavily once more.

“AAAAAAAAAAUAGH!” She screamed aloud and flailed about, startling Amy and Blaze and waking them up from their naps simultaneously!

The three of them were sitting up with wide eyes now. Cream was scrambling to cover herself with her hands, her face reddened, while Amy and Blaze looked around with confused expressions. 

“Eh? What? What happened?” Blaze asked. “Did we win?”

It was then that Amy felt a breeze go by down below. She looked down, saw her naked front, and the tugged her shirt down more before blushing and gulping.

“Nope… doesn’t look like it…” Amy muttered with a nervous chuckle.

Blaze yelped when she also noticed her state of dress and pressed her hands down to cover herself too. Taking a look at Amy, who was doing the same, and Cream who was curled up in a naked ball, it was clear they had failed rather massively.

“Hey. Don’t worry. It’s all good.” Sonic said as he approached the three of them, hands waving about to try and calm them down. “Look, we just retaliated when you attacked us. We don’t have any intention of embarrassing you guys further alright. Just give up and we can move on from this, alright?”

Amy, Blaze, and Cream looked ahead at Sonic and then looked between the three of them.

“No way!” Amy shouted.

“I refuse.” Blaze stated calmly.

“GIMMIE SOME CLOTHES!” Cream demanded.

Sonic, Tails, and Charmy all sighed. 

“Well then… how do we settle this…?” Tails asked, out of the blue.

“I’ve got an idea.” A voice came from behind them all. 

Turning around, they saw Knuckles munching on a stock of beef jerky. “I wanted to come across one of you so I could do it myself but there was no one except this chao.” 

With that, he held up Cheese and showed his dizzy, swirly eyed self to the other girls. Apparently, Cheese had tried to take on Knuckles and was left with less than satisfactory results.

“CHEESE!” Cream gasped and stood up, exposing her naked self again before she quickly re-covered herself with her hands, blushing and smiling to play off her embarrassment.

“Don’t worry. He’s fine.” Knuckles said, laying him down on the table nearby. He stood up and cracked his knuckles before approaching them. “He just wasn’t properly prepared to face me. But maybe you guys are. So what do you say? How about we resolve this with a brawl!”

Ah Knuckles. So simple-minded. It was a rather clean idea though. It was certainly much less complicated than what they were doing before.

“Alright… I accept.” Amy said with a grin, her fists clenched. “We’ll demolish you.”

“One of us is gonna have to sit out.” Tails quickly interjected.

“Forget that. I’m fighting.” Knuckles said quickly.

“Wait!” Amy raised her hand up. “Let US decide who we fight. We’re at a disadvantage due to having just gotten our butts kicked anyway right?”

Sonic raised a brow. “…I guess. What’s your game though?”

“Game? Oh, that’s easy. If we win, we get this house and all the stuff in it!” Amy exclaimed. “Not only that, but you guys have to be our naked maids.”

“Naked maids eh…” Sonic said. “Alright… well… if WE win…” Sonic reached over and took out the prank bag that was brought over. “You guys are gonna let us put you in diapers. That way you’ll look just the way you’re acting. Like babies.”

Amy blushed and growled. “Diapers? Is that all?”

“Yup. That’s all you’ll get to wear… well, maybe a shirt.” Sonic said. “And of course, you’ll be OUR maids instead.”

Blaze grumbled. “Quite the challenge this is. I suppose that’s also one way for us to join the party.”

Sonic looked to the side. “An even easier way would have just been to wait for a party where everyone was invited but whatever…” That was stated with more of a mumble. No need to make them angrier.



“Alright! It’s time! We’re raring to go at it once again, this time in a more controlled environment with fighters at the ready!” Sonic shouted into a remote controller, using it more as a mike. “It’s time for the first match!”


“Alright. Time to get it going!” Knuckles said with a mighty grin and his fists pushed together. He stood before Blaze who was still in just a shirt and her Hello Kitty Panties. She didn’t have anything to wear underneath so it was a bit of an unbalanced feeling going into this.

Due to that, Blaze came right out of the gate with an intense flare in her soul.

“Alright. If it’s a wrestling match you want, it’s a wrestling match you’ll get!” Blaze snapped, flaring up with a ton of heat. She made her fist choke up with flames and then she shot like a dart towards Knuckles.

Knuckles saw this coming and spun to the side, grabbing her leg before she could redirect herself. He then grinned and slammed her onto her back!

“HUCK!” Blaze gasped and flopped onto her back, spread-eagle before him.

“Gotcha!” Knuckles went to jump and slam onto her but Blaze rolled out of the way and watched as Knuckles butt bounced on the carpet. “OW!”

“Haha!” Blaze smirked and quickly wrapped herself around Knuckles, squeezing roughly and intensely. “Now that you’re in my grasp, I’m not letting go!”

She kicked up the heat and Knuckles began to screech a bit with his legs kicking about. This was fire!

“YEAH!” Amy cheered and fist pumped.

“You’ve got this Blaze!” Cream snapped. She was still clearly angry.

“Oh-ho!” Sonic said into his pretend mike, “Knuckles is in a bit of hot water!”

“Cool it with the fire puns.” Knuckles snapped at Sonic, grunting in pain. He was feeling the heat but the strength behind this hold wasn’t there. Knuckles began pushing and pushing against her bonds which made Blaze start to sweat with worry.

“HYAH!” Knuckles pushed back and broke through Blaze’s hold. Blaze gasped and stumbled a bit. She was about to go for another grab but Knuckles quickly turned around and delivered a lariat to her face that saw her flipping back and smashing onto the floor with her legs up.

“OH! Down she goes!” Sonic shouted.

“AH!” Amy and Cream gasped in unison.

Blaze groaned a bit before Knuckles reached down and lifted her up and over his head. 

“Body slam baby!” Knuckles shouted and tossed her down! Blaze bounced once again and flipped in the air before smacking onto the floor on her face. Her panties sagged a bit now too.

Knuckles smiled and lifted Blaze up by her tail. “And now! Super toss!” Knuckles grinned and spun her around with his arm before throwing her clear across the room and watching her smack against the wall! Everyone winced a bit when they saw that.

Blaze’s panties were down to her ankles now. She slid down the wall, coming out of her shirt too before hitting the floor naked and on her back. Stars and birdies circled her head as she laid there with her tongue out. “Mr. Wall is a good kisser…! Hehehe… I feel soooo silly…~!” She said with a happy dazed look.

“Aww… that’s it I guess.” Knuckles pretended to pout. He actually found that exhilarating.

“Well than… moving right along.” Sonic shrugged.


Cream was doing some stretches with a determined, angry look on her face. She was already without any clothes to wear so she was handed a spare shirt from Charmy’s back. That was it though. She was still naked from the waist down since Charmy’s briefs didn’t fit her due to his big butt. Tails, Sonic, and Knuckles were bigger than her so their underwear wouldn’t fit either.

Cream approached Charmy in the center of the carpet with a growl and a blush on her face.

“Alright. The two toddlers are going at it!” Sonic shouted. “Let’s GO!”

Charmy smiled as he stood, fully clothed, before her. “Let’s have a good match. I won’t hold back.”

“I won’t either.” She said with a leer at his eyes. “Don’t look down.”

Charmy blushed. “I-I’ll try…”

“HIYAH!” Cream snapped and charged ahead, headbutting Charmy’s gut!

“HOOOF!” Charmy’s eyes widened and his cheeks puffed out when Cream did that. He stumbled back and fell over. Cream went to charge and wrap her arms around him… however, Charmy shot his legs up and wrapped them around her face, squeezing roughly to make her uncomfortable.

“AUGH! GRRRMPH!” Cream got angrier, leering down at Charmy and swinging her arms out at Charmy as best she could.

Charmy had to keep her away from him though. He then used his legs to flip her up and over before slamming her onto the floor.

“UGH!” Cream’s eyes crossed and she grunted out a wail of pain. She didn’t stay on the floor for long before she jumped to her feet. She was about to turn around but Charmy didn’t wait either. He was up and wrapped his arms around her chest before she could do anything. “AH! Let me go!”

“Okay!” Charmy smirked and flipped her up.

“AUGH!” Cream shouted and kicked about.

“Come on!” Amy clenched her fists and jittered with anticipation. “Do it! BEAT HIM!”

That wasn’t happening on Charmy’s watch though. He shouted and flipped Cream over his back, smashing her on her head on the floor!

“OOOH! NICE!” Sonic commented. “Look at that folks. An amazing slam!”

Cream’s eyes turned to stars for a split second as her legs were sticking upward. They flopped to the floor as Charmy stood up and turned around to face Cream…

… He then blushed and covered his nose. She was laid out, spread-eagle before him yet again! Looks like he just broke his promise to not look down but he couldn’t help it this time.

Cream groaned and opened her fluttering eyes. She then yelped and covered herself yet again. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK!”

“I’m sorry! We’re fighting! It’s not my fault!” Charmy said, waving his hands about.

“RAAAAH!” Cream snapped and shot up, charging blindly at him. Charmy was about to back away but decided not to. He shot forward and grabbed her shirt, flipping it up and over her head! “MMPH!”

Charmy slid underneath her, getting another unintentional good look, before going up behind her and wrapping his arms under her armpits and his legs under her the back of her knees. He had her locked up!

Charmy fell back with Cream in this hold. Cream wiggled about, trying to get out of it by waving her front about to no avail. Charmy got one hand out of the grasp and wrapped it around her neck, keeping her close to him. He wasn’t slamming her anymore. This was a full-on body and choke hold!

Cream flailed about with her shirt eventually coming off when it was well over her head from all the moving around and squirming. She was unable to break free and eventually the choke hold made her eyes flutter and drool. 

Then Charmy heard some cute light snoring coming from her. The bee smiled and finally let up. He let her go and watched her flop to the floor, sleeping and drooling in a heap. 

Charmy smiled and blushed again, looking down at her naked form. “Sorry Cream… you look really cute though…”

That was the best compliment he could add here. What do you say aside from that though? There wasn’t much he could do to comfort someone who was just knocked out and left naked like that.

Amy stood with her jaw hanging open… she then grunted in anger and stepped forward, feeling the rage build up within her. “Alright then… you wanna try me?! BRING IT ON!”


Tails stretched a bit and jogged in place. “Okay Amy… I’m ready to go. Show me what you’ve got.”

“I won’t lose. You’ll find that I’m the hardest of the three to beat!” Amy said with a grin right before she charged at Tails with a shout. “Not only that but you’re Sonic’s side-kick! This’ll be easy!”

Tails smirked as Amy drew closer to him. He swung his fist back and watched as Amy swung hers back too.


Amy punched and missed. Tails had swung to the side.

Tails, swung over and whacked his tails against Amy’s naked butt!

“YEEEP!” Amy jumped and grabbed her bottom, landing and rubbing her bum down before turning towards the fox, who still had his fist pulled back.

Tails then shot it forward.


Stars exploded in Amy’s field of vision.

Then everything went dark.


The boys whistled as the girls were laid out in a row before them.

“Okay guys. Ready. On my mark.” Tails said, waving his hand up.

Sonic, Knuckles, and Charmy stood ready.

“Get set. GO!” Tails swung his arm down. 

Immediately, Sonic grabbed Amy’s legs and lifted them up. Charmy did the same for Cream and Knuckles for Blaze.

They then unfolded a diaper with their free hand and put it underneath their bottoms before laying them down onto it. They were going rather fast too. They didn’t want to lose this little last minute diaper changing competition after all.

With a quick powdering they then taped the diapers on the fronts of the three sleeping ladies.

“I WIN! AHAHAHA!” Knuckles exclaimed with his hands raised.

“Ah damn. Second place.” Charmy snapped his fingers.

“OH, COME ON!” Sonic snarled. “No fair! Amy’s butt is bigger than the other two!”

Charmy and Knuckles giggled and faced Sonic before they cheekily replied to his excuse making in unison. “Hey Sonic? Guess what? YOU’RE TOO SLOW!”

“Screw you guys!” Sonic snapped and began chasing the two of them around the room. Tails laughed and pointed at the scene before him.

Amy, Cream, and Blaze merely laid there, sleeping like diaper babies.


Grand finale incoming. How will it all end?



The reason why I did not vote this time is because I do not know if what I am going to write next would count inside one of the options that there is in the voting of now, for what I will limit myself to comment: Hopefully Cream surrenders and accepts that she is very silly and very pathetic, that she does not hide her nakedness never more, and also reveals to all the boys all the panties she has and all her shameful secrets giving thanks for all the mocking and all the humiliations and she gave many kisses to Charmy.


Very fun chapter, especially with the girls losing their clothes. Wish the boys had wager to make THEM the naked maids, heh. Anyway, still a fun chapter.