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“Tails! TAILS!” Sonic shouted as he kept shaking the bars of the crib. He couldn’t stand this. It was unacceptable that he was still in this thing. Sonic’s resolve was so strong that it currently wasn’t even the same time he woke up anymore.

It was already morning. That’s right. He stayed up the whole rest of the night, shouting and shaking the bars. It wasn’t until the sun shined through the window and onto his crib that he grumbled and slid down the edge of his babyish prison, planting his face onto the pillow and groaning with his diapered butt in the air, still covered by the car pajamas.

Lucky for him, it was a mere five minutes later when Tails sauntered into the room with a party horn in his mouth. He blew on it, making a loud noise that got Sonic’s eyes to widen. He shot up and gasped as he looked over at Tails.

“Tails…! W-What took you so long to get here? I was screaming and calling for you all night!” Sonic snapped.

“Oh?” Tails closed the door and walked over to him. “So, I’m guessing you got enough sleep when you were knocked out at the park then.”

“Y-Yeah… I-I mean no! That’s not the p-!” Sonic began but stopped to yawn. When he finished the babyish action he grunted and shook his head. “I… uhm…”

“Heh,” Tails giggled. “I couldn’t hear you anyway. The other adults and I had a party practically all night. Though we did end it responsibly by finishing at around 10 PM. Then we slept.”

“Other… adults…?” Sonic felt rage shoot through his system. “Adults…? Tails, you’re like… 8. You’re not an adult. I’m way more adult than you!” Sonic snapped. 

Of course, timing as glorious as it was, saw him farting in his crib at that exact moment. Sonic blushed and his eyes widened. He giggled nervously and sat down. “Th-That was… I mean, everyone does that.”

“Sure. I know.” Tails nodded. “Though, I do want to clarify something Sonic… being an adult has nothing to do with age. It’s how you act that gets you treated a certain way. I thought about this the whole time while partying and I want to be able to look up to you again but I can’t with you the way you are right now. I figured I’d spend the rest of today with you to try and teach you how to be responsible but I think a better course of action is in order. I want to see how well you handle yourself in a certain environment.”

“… Certain… environment…?” Sonic blinked.


“TAILS! WHAT IS THIS?!” Sonic snapped, blushing as he stood before the next fresh horror awaiting him in this awful place.

“This is a daycare center.” Tails happily pointed at the building. Something told him that Sonic already knew that and was just being rhetorical though.

This daycare center was pretty big. It had nice, soft colored bricks and a white sign over head with rainbow letters indicating itself as the “Small Town Daycare Center”. It seemed rather humble.

Sonic was reacting to it like it was a freaking prison though. Understandable, considering his current position.

“Tails… you can’t be serious.” Sonic had calmed himself just a tad so that he could speak more coherently with his fox friend. It was hard to imagine that a few days ago he was clearly the one in charge of him. “I’m not going to a daycare.”

“Well, you have to.” Tails said straight on. “I’m not allowing you to move on with this mission until you proof to me that you’re mature enough to handle it.”

“Since when are you the boss of me?!” Sonic snapped with his fists clenched, causing Tails to pinch his nose. “OW!”

“Since yesterday.” The fox was stern, if anything else. “Listen Sonic, I know this sucks but come on dude. Yesterday you were doing everything in your power to get me into a position like this just to satisfy your own bruised ego. Even then, you still couldn’t do it. Spend some time here, face your punishment, do what the nice lady says, and it’ll be over before you know it.”

Sonic was rubbing his nose, not at all convinced or satisfied with that answer. The fact that he couldn’t even bring himself to admit that what he was trying to do the day before was wrong spoke volumes to the fox boy though and Sonic was just now starting to realize that. If he truly only had to prove that he wasn’t backsliding by staying here for a day then so be it…

“Fine.” Sonic sighed, putting his hands on his hips. “What are the conditions?”

“You behave.” Tails pointed his finger at Sonic. “You do everything you’re told. You don’t complain to the point of needing extreme punishment. Most importantly though, that diaper you have on… it stays clean.”

Sonic raised a brow and his mouth hung open for a second. The two of them stood there in awkward silence for a bit before Sonic shook his head and inquired, “… Y-You seriously think there’s a chance I’ll USE this thing? Dude, I was actually about to ask you why I’m even wearing a diaper.”

“Sonic. I know you’ve probably pushed this out of your mind but you’ve had several accidents over the course of the fewvdays we’ve been here. I think this place brings out the babyish side in you but we’ve reached a point where it’s not solely an issue with this place. You need to prove to me that you’re gonna be alright going forward.” Tails reiterated.

Sonic pouted with his arms crossed. It wasn’t a very adult reaction.

“I’ll be off searching for Eggman with the device we planted in town and use the scanner to see if any activity picks up.” Tails said, turning to walk off.

“Fine… wh-what if he shows up though?” Sonic asked, showing a bit of concern.

“It’ll be alright. I’ll take care of it.” Tails said.

“Pfft! Tails, dude, come on man. You can barely take care of me.” Sonic said with a smirk.

“Phrasing.” Tails said with a wag of his finger. “Unless that’s you finally admitting to me being your caretaker.”

Sonic stood with a smug look on his face for a split second before it vanished and was replaced with a shrunken pupil, small mouthed, blushing look of surprise. Yeah, it did kind of sound like he was chastising Tails because he wasn’t good at taking care of him. That was quite the Freudian slip.

“Wh-Whatever! Shut up! Just go!” Sonic wagged his fist as the fox laughed his way off the porch. The hedgehog groaned and faced the building again, sauntering on inside. This wouldn’t be too hard. He’s faced plenty of robots, monsters, and interstellar beings. 

How rough could a daycare be?


“Okay everyone! I’d like to introduce you all to a new friend who’ll be staying with us!” The daycare teacher happily exclaimed with her hands clamped together with happiness. All the various animal and human children looked on with mild interest at this new ‘friend’ as it was quite the strange one.

Sonic the Hedgehog was standing before them in a pair of light blue, denim shortalls and a canary yellow shirt underneath. The shortalls had a small pink flower design on it too. It was quite funny looking on someone as big as him. That wasn’t even going into the weird pudginess of his butt. What was going on underneath there…?

Despite that, Sonic had a grin on his face and his arms were crossed. He looked really confident.

“His name is Sonic,” The daycare teacher continued. “His friend Tails contacted me and told me all about him. He’s a bit special due to being a lot older than you all but I’m sure he’ll be a good addition to our little club. Do you have anything to say?”

Sonic cleared his throat and smiled a bit more. “Oh yeah. Name’s Sonic. I’m 15. I’m superfast and super cool. No one can out pace me and you’ll soon see why that’s awesome the more we get to know each other. That is all.” He said, blasting a double finger point at the kids. 

None of the kids looked convinced, instead, remaining confused still. Was he trying to play himself off as cool dressed like that? How big of an idiot did you have to be to even try? Did he think they were all stupid because they were daycare toddlers just barely out of diapers? Some of them were literal babies but he certainly wasn’t talking to them.

Either way, when the introduction was done, the teacher chuckled and went off to get things ready for their activities.

Sonic walked up to the toddlers and pointed at himself. “So, guys, what do you all do for fun? Whatever it is, I’ll humor you. You guys look really cute.”

A young cat boy named Tony sauntered up to Sonic and rubbed his chin. “You’re 15…? Why are you here? My older brother is 15 and he’s not at a daycare.”

Sonic blushed, surprised by how clear this boy could talk. He was about 4 years old but that was enough for his thinking ability to go past the obvious. 

“W-Well little guy. The reason is… I’m here to watch over you… I’m a helper.” Sonic began before Tony asked a genuine follow-up question.

“Then why are you dressed all babyish?” He asked, pointing at Sonic’s clothes.

“Uh… t-to get into character…?” Sonic suggested before he yelped when a girl had begun poking his butt.

“You’ve got a diapee on!” She exclaimed.

“Wha-?! N-No… it’s… a harness...” Sonic muttered, unsure of that being the story he was going with.

“What’s a harness?”

“Is it a type of diapee?”

“He’s got a diapee on! He does!”

“I DO NOT!” Sonic shouted. “Listen you little brats, I’m no-!” Sonic began before his tail was yanked by the little girl, Gwen being her name. Sonic let out a little shriek as it was yanked back roughly and let go. His tail snapped against his butt and made him stumble and fall onto his face, his diapered rump sticking straight up.

This was the signal for all the adorable tykes to gather around the bulbous thing and start poking, prodding, and slapping it.

“Yup. He’s got a diapee on!” They all said in unison, prompting Sonic to poke his head up and zip to his feet.

Embarrassed and angry, he turned to face them with a reddened face and his finger pointed at them. “Oh, shut up! Th-That means NOTHING squirts. Hahahaha! H-Hey… y-you know… s-some people when they grow up still need to wear diapers… I mean, I don’t NEED to though! I’m choosing to… to blend in…! It’s my way of MOCKING it… c-cause it’s not cool but I AM… so there…!” Sonic was blushing, had snot dripping from his nose, and was covered in sweat as he kept his fake confident look on.

The kids just stared at him. They didn’t buy it at all.

“What are you talking about?”

“That didn’t make no sense.”

“I think there’s something wrong with his brain.”

Sonic got an angry vein on his forehead. “Fine! Whatever! Don’t believe me! Jerk faces…!” He trailed off and grumbled. 

The kids began giggling and all turned away from the uncool boy. Sonic’s red face got even redder, this time with anger. How DARE they ignore the coolest dude in the room!

Sonic looked down at Tony’s butt and saw his small child-like pants sagging. He grinned and decided it was time to embarrass one of these brats. He had to assert himself as a boss or else…!

Sonic reached forward and gripped the hem of Tony’s pants.

The instant Tony felt it though, his eyes widened and he spun around, thrusting a fist into Sonic’s face with a scream! “AH! SPIDER!” He shouted in terror!

He gasped when he pulled away, all the kids looking at them now.

“Huh? Not a spider…?” Tony looked confused.

Sonic looked confused. Then his eyes crossed and he smiled like a dope. Then he began drooling and his eyes began rolling. Then they fluttered as he fell over and hit the ground, his big butt sticking up yet again.

The kids looked confused for a split second but then realized what had happened and began laughing and pointing at the dumb hedgehog. What a moron!


Sonic had refused a bandage and decided to nurse his face with his hand to ignore the pain. He was currently sitting in a circle with the other kids.

“Alright, it’s Musical Chairs Time!” The daycare teacher exclaimed with happiness.

Sonic smirked. He was in his element with this game. 

The music started and he circled the chairs along with the other kids, looking cool as a cucumber.

When the music stopped all the kids scrambled to a seat. He ended up on one of the chairs with his hands behind his head, looking super smug.

The kids were almost impressed by this but didn’t pay too much mind to it. They were here to have fun, not ogle Sonic. Sonic didn’t seem to think so though. Two more times this happened, until something unexpected took place.

Sonic went to snag an empty seat and sat down… which resulted in a huge FART sound!

Sonic blushed and heard giggling around him. He stood up and saw a whoopie cushion on his chair. “HEY! WHO PUT-?! WAAAH!” Sonic gasped when he was pushed out of the way and Tony took his seat.

“Hahaha! I put it there when I got off my other seat.” Tony giggled. “I didn’t think anyone would sit on it though.”

It wasn’t bad luck that Sonic got that seat. He was just going too fast. All the other kids saw the cushion and avoided the chair but Sonic went for whichever open seat he saw, specifically to show off. Now he was out of the game because he got off the seat like a dumbass.

“HEY! That’s cheating!” Sonic snapped and threw a tantrum.

“What? No, it isn’t.” Tony said.

The daycare teacher put her hands on her hips. “Sonic. No one cheated. You got off your chair and he took it. Be a good boy and sit and wait with the rest of the kids who missed a seat.”

Sonic growled and gritted his teeth. “NO! I’m not gonna let something that unfair go unpunished! PUNISH HIM!” Sonic demanded and pointed at Tony.

The daycare teacher snapped and put her foot down. “Stop shouting and demanding things of me! You’re 15! You’re at least 11 or 12 years older than them! Be more of a role model!”

Sonic growled. “Hmph… fine… but only after I pinch his dumb cheek to get back at him!” Sonic reached for Tony’s face and Tony reacted by scooting back and shooting his leg up into Sonic’s crotch! “HMMMGH!”

Sonic bent forward and farted for real that time. The kids began laughing as he grabbed himself and began hopping over to the losers with teary eyes. The diaper did squat to protect his private area!

“You suck…!” Sonic said, his voice several octaves higher. Tony laughed.


Musical chairs sucked but Sonic wasn’t deterred. These kids were going to respect him!

It was free time now and the kids were all getting to pick whatever toys they wanted. The boy toys that Sonic wanted were all taken and he was left contemplating whether or not he wanted the teddy bear or the plush bunny rabbit.

“Hmm… I guess I’ll take this Teddy Bear…” Sonic reached down to grab it but little Gwen snagged it first!

“HEY!” Sonic gasped, appalled by the fact that he was slower than her. He wasn’t. Not really. He just didn’t make up his mind fast enough… well, in that sense he was the slower one after all.

“I got the teddy! Yay!” Gwen said happily, hugging it.

“That’s mine! I grabbed it first little miss.” Sonic said, pointing at himself. He really was irked by the fact that he was so slow on the uptake.

“Wha…? No, you didn’t.” Gwen was confused. She didn’t even see his hand on the bear. She was right. He didn’t even touch it.

“Just give it to me!” Sonic snapped. He needed something to go his way today, even if it meant snagging a worthless teddy bear. He grabbed it and began pulling on it.

Gwen didn’t let up and began pulling against it as well. “NO! Give it back! It’s MINE!”

“NOOOOOOUUUU~!” Sonic began whining as he pulled along. Gwen gave one tough yank and managed to get the bear out of his arms. Sonic stumbled and fell over, smashing into the building blocks next to Gwen and felt the stinging pain of them all bashing against his body when he hit the floor.

Gwen blew a raspberry at him. “Meanie!”

Sonic began steaming from his head. He shot to his feet and turned around, ready to lunge at her.

“WHY YOU-!” Sonic began to rush in but was stopped when the daycare teacher yanked onto his ear from behind. “EEEP!”

“That’s it young man! I’ve had enough of you and your snappy behavior!” She snarled and pulled him by his ear over to a chair. The kids around the area spotted this rather easily and realized quickly what this meant.

Sonic yelped, tearing up as he felt it in his gut what was about to happen as well. “H-Hey! Hang on! Please, just hold on! You can’t do this to me! I’m the oldest-! AAAH!” Sonic screamed right before she sat down and flung him over her lap!

The kids began giggling as they began looking forward and watching the scene ahead. Sonic was gonna get a spanking!

“AAAH! NO! NOOOO!” Sonic was already tearing up at the mere idea of what was about to happen. He couldn’t react to her yanking his shortalls and diaper down. His bare butt was out in the open!





“AHAHAHAHAHA!” The kids all laughed and pointed as the much older kid was spanked. This was quite the confidence boost. They all felt the reassurance of knowing that no matter what, they’d never be as much as a loser or as much as a baby as this guy.

When the spanking was done, Sonic shot from her lap and began dancing about, rubbing his butt as his shortalls and diaper sagged below him.

“YEEEEEEEP! OWWWIEEEE! MY BOOOTIEEEEE~!” Sonic gasped and shouted aloud, hating how much this hurt! He was even speaking like a baby!

The kids kept laughing at him before the daycare teacher stood up again. “Alright kids. Enjoy your playtime. Sonic’s going to have naptime a little earlier than the rest of you.”

“WHAT?! NO, I’M NOT!” Sonic said, his voice cracking. 


Yes, he was.

“AAAAAAGH! LET ME GO! DAMMIT! I WANNA-ULP!” Sonic was silenced when a pacifier was shoved into his mouth and strapped there. 

His entire body was tied to the inside of a crib and he was down to just his diaper and yellow shirt now. He wiggled about and began to thrust up and down. The kids were all playing around the room. A few of them went up to the crib to tease Sonic as he was forced to lay in his crib.

Sonic kept scrambling about and wiggling his diapered front about in anger. He didn’t want to stay here or accept this nonsense. The kids eventually got bored of watching Sonic squirm the same exact way over and over again and left… and eventually, even Sonic got tired of it as well, calming down and laying there with nothing else to do.

He sucked on the pacifier and watched the mobile turning around above his head. Thoughts of how stupid and unfair this all was rang out in his head. The same thought repeated over and over and eventually his eyes began fluttering shut…


“Is he awake yet?”

“It’s such a big, poofy diapee.”

“He’s slept past nap time. He must really have been tired.”

A bunch of the kids were crowded about Sonic’s crib now. One of them was even poking Sonic’s diaper.

Sonic had woken up and looked shocked with himself the instant he did. He felt refreshed and like he had just woken from a nap. He had taken the nap after all!

The kids all backed away from Sonic’s crib when he woke up, no longer interested now that he was up. Sonic began doing that tedious squirming about like before yet again.

Only, this time it was from a desire to leave the crib to take care of bathroom business! He had to pee like a racehorse!

Sonic’s eyes widened and he looked about, bouncing about with the pacifier gagging him so that he couldn’t scream out. He began squirming and sweating in fear. He even felt himself fart and his tummy rumble a bit from the fear.

He couldn’t let this happen though. Tails said he had to keep the diaper clean and he played that off like it was a ridiculous notion. If he actually used it… no… no that wouldn’t happen. He wasn’t actually a baby!

Eventually though, he was trying to press his legs together and tried to keep his tears from falling. His squirming and moaning increased and he kept farting too. Why was his tummy so rumbly? He must have been really afraid…


… Oh no! NOT THAT! 

Sonic’s squirming was reaching an all-time high. He realized just now that he had to do more than pee! Going number 1 in this thing would have been bad enough but there was no coming back from going number 2!

The fear of going number 2 made Sonic finally go number 1. Oh, how ironic and cruel fate was!

The whizzing sound was loud enough to be heard a bit away from the crib. Sonic’s murmuring under the pacifier was loud enough as well. The diaper was being saturated and it was tinting yellow.

Eventually, the daycare teacher came over and looked into the crib with a smile on her face.

“Well… looks like you’ve finally woken up. Have you calmed down n-OH MY!” She gasped. She was about to go on about how odd it was that he took his nap earlier than everyone and woke up long after the kids woke up from theirs but the fact that his diaper was so obviously wet now was clearly the thing more deserving of her attention!

She reached in and ungagged him. That immediately got her an ear full of Sonic’s mouth.

“You dummy! I wetted my diapee because of you! Meanie face!” Sonic snapped and stuck his tongue at her.

“Ugh! What an unruly child!” She snapped, reaching in and unstrapping him. “I’m definitely telling your big brother just how bad of a baby you’ve been.”

As soon as the restraints were taken off, Sonic blasted out of the crib and fell over the bars, smacking onto the floor.

“AAAGH! I can’t believe it!” Sonic gasped, shaking with rage and embarrassment. He stood up, holding his butt and growling. “Y-You… I hate you!”

“Hmph. The day is almost over. Your big brother should be here any minute now.” The daycare teacher said with an annoyed look on her face. “You won’t be getting a very positive report.”

“NYAH! Like I care!” Sonic said, making a face with his hands. The instant he did though, his tummy growled. He yelped and grabbed his butt, dancing in place before a shiver went up his spine. “P-POTTY!” 

He turned to try and find the potty but gasped when he saw the kids blocking the bathroom.

“H-Hey! MOVE IT!” Sonic snapped, dancing about in place and griping his diaper butt. “I GOTTA GO!”

“NO!” Tony said. “You’re a meanie face!”

“Yeah! You don’t order us around!” Gwen snapped, pointing at Sonic.

“Th-This is STUPID! I’m NOT A BABY!” Sonic snarled and saw the door. “Aha! I’ll just go outside then!” Sonic grinned.

“You’d better not.” The teacher said, putting her foot down, which scared Sonic. He gulped but backed away.

“J-Just kidding…” Sonic muttered, then turned and ran out the door. “EEEK!”

The door was burst open and Sonic ended up tripped over the steps! He fell to the ground and yelped as his tummy rumbled. Not only that but the surprise that caused him to trip was right before him. 

He saw Tails.

The fox boy was here to pick Sonic up only to see him run out the door and fall on his face.

“What’s… going on?” Tails asked, eyes narrowed.

Sonic poked his head up and smiled nervously. “OH! T-T-T-Tails! H-Hi! I’m …just… going potty…?” Sonic said, pupils shaking as he let out an even louder fart.

The kids looked on as they crowded by the door and headed outside to watch the show.

Tails crossed his arms and tapped his foot. “I’m guessing you failed to follow my instructions eh?”

“N-NO! I followed them! I d-did!” Sonic said, shaking and fearful, his sodden wet diaper sagging. Tails’ eyes trailed down to it.

“Uh-huh.” Tails muttered.

Sonic winced and grabbed at his wet diaper. “I… no… this… this was a prank! O-One of those brats poured water in my diapee while I was taking my nap!” Sonic accused, pointing back at Tony.

Tony gasped and then snarled.

“Diapee? Nap?” Tails raised his brow.

“I-It’s true! I…!” Sonic began before the kids began shouting at him.





Sonic blushed and grit his teeth while grabbing his butt and farting more and more. He looked incredibly fearful.

“… I’m inclined to believe them Sonic. Looks like you failed. Big time.” Tails said. 

“T-Tails… no… p-please…!” Sonic began backing up, holding his bottom.

“You know what that means…? You’re officially… a BABY!”

Sonic eyes widened.

The instant Tails said the word ‘BABY’ his bowels had enough.

His body began moving on its own!

He squatted down right then and there.

“What?! No! Why am I squatting? I can’t make a dookie here! S-Stop!” Sonic whined. He couldn’t though. His body was forcing him to do it NOW!

Sonic gripped his fists, his eyes crossed, and he made an “O” shape with his mouth as he began grunting and made the loudest, biggest mess the kids had ever seen in his diaper right in front of them all. 


Tails watched him mess his diaper and saw it bloat out before everyone. 

“I guess I’ve gotta get some plans ready for construction on a nursery…” Tails sighed.



Life is so funny when you see the blue hedgehog being the baby it really is.