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Sonic was snoring loudly on his little racecar bed, provided to him ever so graciously by Edna, the woman whom still clearly saw him as the little child that dawned her doorstep all those years ago. Still, he couldn’t complain too much if he was having this nice of a nap on it. 

That was, until he was woken up by the annoying sound of a drumstick being beaten against a cowbell. How droll.

“WAKE UP LITTLE ONE! RISE AND SHINE!” Edna shouted at the top of her voice, a smirking young Tails, still fully clothed, standing next to her.

Sonic screeched as his eyes widened and he shot out of bed, blasting hard into the ceiling and falling to his butt on the bed. His eyes rolled and his head swayed as he tried to clear the stars in his vision. When he shook his head to get them to go away, he instantly looked ahead at Edna with rage crossing his face once more.

“Edna! What’s with the yelling? I was having a nice nap too…” Sonic grumbled.

Tails intervened, “If you nap all day, we won’t have time to investigate.” The fox shrugged. “Or I suppose that would be the common response, but I already found time to set up a beckon both outside and inside of the village. If there’s any strong activity from Eggman, I’ll be able to pick it up on my handy dandy Miles Electric here.” He held up his handheld device for clarification.

Sonic looked Tails over and pouted. “Are those… new clothes…?”

Tails blinked and then tugged at the blue dress shirt he had on. “Oh. Yeah. Donna brought some over for me.”

“… What about ME?” Sonic leered at him.

Tails sweatdropped and giggled a bit. “W-Well…”

“I told her not to bother.” Edna smiled. “I already have outfits for my little man. He’s all good.”

“Are MY clothes done yet?” Sonic asked, his voice raising a bit.

“They’re still all wrinkly. I won’t have you wearing them and getting soap residue on your body. Wait until the day is done and they should be ready.” Edna said. 

“It doesn’t take much longer than a full night’s sleep for clothes to dry. If they’re not ready yet, fine, but I shouldn’t have to wait an entire day more.” Sonic sat with his hands at his sides, looking up at her.

“It’s alright. I only say that because we’re going to have fun today.” Edna clarified. “I was kicking around whether or not to take you to the park or to the pool and decided that the pool would be the best thing for all of us.”

“A… A POOL?!” Sonic’s eyes got bigger at the mention of a place with heavy, deep water! He shook his head to get rid of the obvious fear dawning his mug and gulped instead. “I… w-well… I do like relaxing under the sun. I suppose that’d be a good way to do that.”

“Yeah.” Tails giggled. “You always do that while I play in the water with a floatie by myself. I always liked trying to impress you by showing off new water tricks.”

“Oh. Sounds like I missed some fun times. Well, then. Let’s get you out there for some breakfast.” Edna said with a smile.

“NO!” Sonic quickly intervened. “I’m NOT wearing these footsie racecar pajamas anymore!”

“Why not? Children never have any problems eating breakfast in their pajamas. I hear it’s a past time when watching cartoons in the morning too.” Edna raised her finger up, in a pose that made it seem like she was stating an obvious fact.

Tails laughed and Sonic grumbled a curse under his breath. Was she for real?

“Look, I agreed to wear them for the night because nothing else was available but not anymore.” Sonic said, waving his hands about.

Before he could continue, Edna had grabbed at his crotch!

Sonic’s eyes got super huge and his pupils shrunk. A blush crept onto his face before he freaked out.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Sonic yelled.

“Checking to see if you had an accident silly.” Edna shrugged his screaming off. “Nope. You seem dry. I guess you weren’t trying to hide anything after all. Alright. You can take them off then.”

“Th-Thank you…” Sonic grumbled. He stood up and stomped past Tails who was currently cupping his hands to his face, trying not to burst out laughing. Sonic had to do everything in his power to keep from smacking the fox boy.


Now that they were at breakfast, Sonic was regretting his decision to get rid of the pajamas.

Donna was here and she was sitting fully clothed with Tails and Edna. 

Sonic, meanwhile, was sitting at the table gripping his fork and knife, in a pair of Muppet Babies briefs and a t-shirt that barely fit him. It was white and had rocket patterns on it.

He was blushing supremely hard as Tails and Donna sat and talked with one another. The two of them would occasionally glance at Sonic, giggle, then go back to talking about grown up stuff. Whenever Sonic would catch wind of a thought he recognized or could add to the conversation, he began to speak only for him to trail off once he realized he was being ignored; like an actual toddler with nothing important to add to the conversation.

It was then that his food was placed in front of him by Edna.

It was a pancake with a smiley face drawn on it with the syrup. The teaspoon of butter was used as a little makeshift nose for Mr. Flapjack. 

Sonic growled and poked at it with his fork. He eventually started to cut into it and began eating, hating how childish it looked. He made sure to spread that syrup around and ruin that haunting face of his meal first and foremost.

It didn’t take him long to finish eating. Tails and Donna stood up from the table when they were done and glanced at Sonic.

“Oh. Mr. Hedgehog… uhm…” Donna began.

“What?” Sonic asked, his lips smacking roughly as he was on his last bite. His face was covered in syrup and pancake bits. Tails and Donna’s mouths were clean but that’s because they knew how to eat properly like proper adults.

Tails sighed and walked over to Sonic, grabbing the napkin and hoisting it up. “Your face is really dirty. Come on man. You know how to eat better than that. I’ve seen you do it… sometimes.” Tails actually had to think that one over before he got to wiping Sonic’s face.

Sonic closed his eyes and let Tails do it before his buddy slapped his back playfully.

“There. Good as new.” Tails grinned.

“Yeah. Sorry about that. Thanks bud-URRRRRP!” Sonic stopped and burped loudly. He looked over at Tails and giggled. “Whoops. Guess you just slapped that belch outta me. Haha…”

“Yeah. I just burped you, you mean.” Tails said, slyly before he turned and headed to the living room with Donna.

Sonic sat there with an embarrassed expression as he contemplated that. His response came way too late.

“Sh-Shut up! N-No you didn’t…” Sonic choked out before slamming his fist to the table in anger. This caused the milk he had next to him to topple over and spill on his lap. “AGH!”

Just then, Edna walked in and saw the accident. “Oh my! A wetting spell at the table?” She walked over and hoisted Sonic up under his armpits. 

“N-No! I didn’t wet! It was milk! Honest! Look!” Sonic pointed at his crotch. It was dripping white liquid.

Edna nodded and set him down. “Oh, I see. You were playing with yourself and you lost control. That’s fine too. Children get curious after all. Clean yourself up with the bathroom towel. We’ll be heading out to the pool with our bathing suits anyway so it’s no big deal.”

Then she left.

Sonic stood there shaking and blushing.

Playing with himself…? 

Did she think the white liquid was…?

Sonic gritted his teeth and felt heat fume from his head! 

“I… I’m really starting to feel like that Egghead right about now. Never wanted to just DESTROY so badly in my life… man…!”


Finally, they were at the pool! 

It was a public place to show off and have a little fun under the sun. Tons of people were around but not enough to make it an uncomfortable, overly crowded affair.

Tails stood in his blue trunks. Donna had on a fully violet one-piece swim suit. Edna had on a light blue one with flower designs. 

“This is excellent. I can relax all I want here.” Edna smiled. “What a way to do it too. Under the sun with no repercussions.” She was practically beaming.

Sonic wasn’t.

“Why… Why am I… wearing a SPEEDO!” Sonic snapped. He yelled this aloud in fact. It was a little yellow speedo with a white smiling star on the butt. It had a caption that said ‘I’m a SHINING STAR!’ for added embarrassment too. How wonderful…!

“It’s what I felt was appropriate for you sweetie.” Edna smiled.

“Speedos are loser swimwear for losers.” Sonic exclaimed, putting his foot down. “I ain’t a loser.”

“Sonic, come on now.” Tails spoke up. “Who designates what swimwear and underwear are for losers and winners. They’re just clothes.”

“Easy for you to say.” Sonic growled. “Fine. Whatever. It’s not like I’m going in the pool anyway.” Sonic went over to the lounge chair and unfolded it. He put on a pair of sunglasses and sighed as he laid himself down against it.

“Okay… I guess he’s not swimming.” Donna muttered.

“It’s fine.” Edna waved it off and plopped onto the lounge chair across the other end where Sonic was. “If he wants to nap more, let him. He’s a growing boy after all.”

Tails shrugged. “Oh well. Let’s play Donna.” Tails ushered her along and plugged his nose before cannonballing into the pool. Water splashed on Donna which made her giggle a bit. She followed Tails on in.

Not too long into Sonic’s lounging, a shadow loomed over him. He tried to ignore it but eventually it got to him when he realized that whoever it belonged too wasn’t planning on moving. He lifted his shades and sighed with exasperation. “Yes…?”

A young wolf and his kid brother was standing before him. The older one looked to be about 12 or 13, about two or three years younger than him. The kid looked to be about 6. 

“You stole our seat.” The older wolf kid said.

“What? No, I didn’t.” Sonic denied this and immediately put his shades back down. “Now go away before I demolish you, bub.”

“No! We have our towel and sandals here. It’s ours!” The wolf boy snapped and pointed at the ground.

Sonic sighed harder and sat up, taking the glasses off and laying them at the small table beside him. He then stood up and leered him in the face.

“I usually go easy on kids but since you’re within my age range I’m gonna let you off with a harsher warning. Alright?” Sonic was pretty snappy. His mood wasn’t the best and this guy coming here to stir shit up with him wasn’t making him feel any better.

“You? Let ME off with a warning?” The wolf boy growled. “Yeah right.”

“Beat him up big brudder!” The younger wolf kid said.

Sonic grunted, chuckling a bit when he heard that. “Uh. Yeah. Beat me up big bwuda!” Sonic teased. “As if. You seriously don’t know who you’re getting it on with so I suggest you leave me to my sunbathing and find a new lounge chair. Got it!”

“No. This was ours.” The wolf boy reiterated. “I think I’ll just make you leave.”

Sonic rolled his eyes. He turned to set his towel down too. “You’re not gonna do a thing. You physically can’t touch me. I’m too strong and too fast for-!” Sonic turned back around…

The wolf boy swung his fist back and slugged Sonic across the face the instant his face was in range again!

Sonic spun around like a ballerina and giggled dumbly.

His eyes were rolling and stars spun around his head as he wobbled about and drooled along the edge of the pool.

“I’m sowwy fer stealin’ yer spot. Stupid me! Here! Wet me go gets a new one. Ah! Here’s a nice big wet one for silly ol’ meeeee~!” Sonic giggled like a toddler before spinning about and falling backwards into the pool!

The wolf kid stuck up his nose and reclaimed the seat while his little brother jumped up and down with excitement. The wolf kid patted his younger brother on the head and then got up once their stuff was put back there. He then dived into the water and fished Sonic out of it.

Tails and Donna were busy playing and didn’t see this altercation go down. Edna was already asleep. They were unable to see Sonic’s limp, unconscious body, being carried over to Kiddie Pool.

“Excuse me sir. This kid escaped. I found him sleeping by my lounge chair. You can have him back.” The boy said, tossing the sleeping hedgehog into the pool. The guy by the door shrugged. He didn’t care. The people inside of it would though. This Kiddie Pool in particular was rather special.


“Ohhhh… what the…?” Sonic groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head with confusion. “Wait… what happened…?”

He looked up and saw a ton of little kids in swim diapers crawling about the place. Sonic then looked over at the few that were staring at him and made a face. “What are YOU looking at? Go play somewhere else!”

The kids turned and waddled off as per his command. Sonic stood up and snarled at his sagging speedo.

“Even this dumb thing can’t stay on me right.” He snapped and tried fixing it. When he grabbed at his crotch for one instant, he heard a voice spring out at him.

“Stop it right there young man!” An older female lemur approached him with her hands to her hips. She overshot Sonic in height by a long shot. He had to turn his head upward to get a good look at her. 

“Oh… h-hello ma’am… I’m…!” Sonic began before she spoke up.

“Were you touching yourself down there young man?!” She snapped. “Don’t be so indecent in public! What’s the matter with you?!”

“HUH?!” Sonic blushed and began stammering. “N-No! I wasn’t! I was just fixing them because they were sagging!”

“Sagging? Speedos shouldn’t sag on a person… unless they aren’t a good fit for you.” She added. “Those aren’t YOUR speedos are they?”

Sonic blinked then smiled. “No. No they are not ma’am. Thank goodness, I don’t have to explain.”

“Oh, don’t worry. It’s very clear what’s going on here.” She said. “They don’t belong to you. You stole them to get out of wearing your swim diaper.”

“Ahaha. Yes. I stole-WHA?!” Sonic did a double take. “NO! I didn’t steal these! I… I DON’T WEAR SWIM DIAPERS! WHAT?!”

The woman shook her head. “What happened to your swim diaper young man. Tell me.”

“I told you! I don’t HAVE one! Why would I?!” Sonic demanded an answer and she pointed at the sign. Sonic tilted his head and gasped when he read it.

Only toddlers with swim diapers were permitted in this particular Kiddie Pool!

In order to get in he would have had to have had one!

“N-No! Miss! This is a big misunderstanding! I’m here because… uhm… wait…” Sonic couldn’t remember. How DID he get here?

“Ugh. Enough.” The woman grabbed Sonic by his ear and began to tug him off towards the nearby cabin.

“OWW! What the-?!” Sonic began to resist.

“You’re getting a new one put on!” She insisted.

“NO! NO I’M NOT!” Sonic snapped and turned to run… but she still had a grip on his ear. When he did, he twisted a bit and ended up falling onto his back, banging his head onto the ground. 

Sonic’s eyes turned into anime swirls as he was lifted like a baby and taken to the back while he was vulnerable. 

Once there, the disgruntled woman tossed his speedos to the side and lifted up Sonic’s legs before putting the swim diaper with Sesame Street characters onto his person.

When she was done, she set the dizzy and wobbly hedgehog down and patted his butt to send him on his way.

“All done. No more stealing or else!” She said, wagging a finger at him and slapping his butt.

That woke him up the rest of the way alright. Sonic jumped and grabbed at his butt, rubbing it up and down with a mutter of disdain before turning back to the woman. He was about to run back in and grab the speedos but she had closed the door already, making it so that his face met with the wooden door instead!

Sonic stumbled back with a cute giggle and derpy smile before he shook his head again to get back to normal. He then blushed once he realized his state of dress.

“Th-This is bad… I gotta get out of here before anyone but a toddler sees me like… THIS!” Sonic gulped and began tip-toeing over towards the exit. He looked through and saw Tails and Donna in the water by the big kid pool as well as everyone else. Not a single person had left. If he was fast enough though, he could run and make it to the lockers. 

“Y-Yeah… then I can just stay there until it’s time to leave! It’ll be boring but no one will see me in this thing…!” Sonic smirked, delighted by his plan.

The toddlers behind him were getting really curious though. He was so much bigger yet he had on a diaper too. They approached him and began poking at his diapered butt and tickling his sides a bit.

“PPFFFFT! HAHA~!” Sonic belted out then covered his mouth. He looked about in fear and saw that no one had noticed him again. With a flare of anger, he looked down at the kids. “Get off of me! I’m trying to make a run for it! Move back!”

Sonic pushed them away lightly and backed his way out of the kiddie pool… unknowingly stepping on a beach ball that had bounced in his way!

“AGH! AAAH!” Sonic slipped back and fell on top of it, which made it roll. His body fell over and he tumbled like a ball himself towards the edge of the big kid pool. Everyone was looking his way now!

Sonic gasped when he stopped at the edge and realized they were all staring at him. He blushed and quickly stood up. “O-Oh hi… th-this isn’t what it looks like…! I was… I was just…!”

That’s when the younger wolf kid from before ended up walking behind Sonic. He stared at his diapered rump for a second and decided to grab his tail. He yanked it back then let it snap against his butt when he let go, causing Sonic to yelp and fall forward… 

“Uh-oh…” Sonic’s eyes got big as he realized he was about to fall in.

Fall in he did. A big splash happened and Sonic hit the water.

“AAAAAH! HELP! C-CAN’T SWIM! HELP MEEEEEE!” Sonic screamed and flailed about in the pool. If all eyes weren’t on him before, they were now.

A lifeguard was about to go in and get him but Tails, overhearing the voice of his best friend, swooped into action first. The fox swam over to Sonic and dived under once Sonic got submerged. He then lifted Sonic up by his armpits and dangled him just above the water.

The crowd of people began clapping and Tails grinned.

“Thanks. It was nothing.” The fox boy smiled. “Are you alright Sonic? What were you thinking? You know you can’t swim!” He scolded him.

Sonic dangled in Tails’s grasp, fidgeting and looking ahead in terror.

Tails was confused by Sonic’s expression until he heard it. The loud hissing sound.

Tails looked down and saw Sonic’s swim diaper expand with more than just pool water. It tinted yellow and began soaking through, making it so his diaper sagged way more than it already had.

Sonic was wetting himself from fear. Everyone was watching him do it and it was super obvious due to the prints on the diaper disappearing and being replaced with a yellow sheen.

Tails said nothing and set Sonic down. “Well… looks like you can’t wear that swim diaper anymore either…”

Sonic stood with an embarrassed expression on his face. The crowd was a bit silent but murmurs and eventual laughter kicked up around him. 

Sonic then jumped when Edna’s hand reached his shoulder.

“Young man. Did you just have an accident? In a swim diaper no less?”

Sonic looked at her like he’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “N-No… no ma’am I… I d-didn’t, I… I mean… it… it’s all HIS fault! STUPID BRAT!” Sonic snapped and pointed at the younger wolf kid again.

The older wolf kid poked his head up from his seat when he saw Sonic march towards his younger brother. He was about to go stop him but as soon as Sonic got close, the younger wolf kid snapped.

“You’re a big doodie face! Go away!” The wolf kid then shot a vicious punch to Sonic’s crotch! The swim diaper offer zero protection and Sonic made a goofy, cross-eyed, cheeks puffed out, small mouthed face when the pain circulated through him!

Sonic grabbed himself and fell over, tears in his eyes and his wet diapered butt sticking up. He ended peeing the diaper even more…

“Come. We’re leaving.” Edna said.

Tails had to drag Sonic along since he was indisposed.


When they reached the house, Sonic was in the bathroom stripping out of the wet swim diaper while Edna watched, tapping her foot.

“Edna! Go away! I can handle-OW!” Sonic yelped when she slapped his wet bottom.

“Don’t talk back to me mister. I saw what happened today. No big boy clothes for you. You’re wearing your underoos and pajamas and heading to bed early.” She wagged her finger at him.

“WHAT?! It’s only SIX!” Sonic gasped.

“Too bad.” Edna walked out of the bathroom and let Tails walk in.

“Hey Sonic.” Tails smiled.

“Sheesh… she’s not letting me have my clothes back Tails. Can you believe that?” Sonic winced. “Can I borrow some of yours.”

“Uh. No.” Tails shook his head. “I’ve actually been put in charge of you now.”

“… Say what?” Sonic raised a brow.

“Tomorrow, you and I are going out together for some fun. She said I’ve gotta keep watch over you at all times though. Won’t that be awesome?” Tails giggled.

“… Tails… you DO know that she doesn’t have any actual authority over me or us right?” Sonic began. “We can disobey her if we want.”

“She’s letting us stay here and she’s not giving you your clothes back. I’d say she’s got some pretty heavy sway.” Tails said. “Besides, I just TOLD her I’d watch you. It doesn’t mean I’ll actually have to treat you like you’re a toddler. Right?”

“… Yeah. Yeah I guess so.” Sonic crossed his arms. “It might be fun getting a chance to just hang with you too.”

“Good. That’s the Sonic I know… now here. Step into these.” Tails held up a pair of TMNT underoos. Sonic blushed and realized he was standing here naked. He quickly lifted his feet up and stepped into them. Tails then pulled them up onto Sonic’s body and patted his head. “There we are. All better. Best get those pjs on and get to your room before Edna screams her head off at you.”

Tails then turned and left, leaving Sonic standing there dumbfounded at what Tails just did.

He just dressed him a bit.

Sonic began wondering if tomorrow actually was going to be a good old fashion day out with his best friend after all…


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