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Remaining teams: Gon and Killua, Meliodas and King, Alvin and Simon, and Juniper and Ray Ray


“Portal’s done! Everyone get on through that shit!” Manzo shouted and pointed at the finished escape from the Arctic Circle. 

All the remaining people inside the destroyed plane began crawling out of it in their new winter garb, sauntering on over to Manzo and overlooking the portal.

“So… no more hotels? What about breakfast?” June asked, tapping her foot.

“Uh… I’m sure you’ll be able to pick up a boxed lunch or something when we get where we’re going…!” Manzo chuckled.

“…?” June raised her brow but sighed. She knew by now it was pointless trying to get through to this guy.

“All aboard!” Manzo smiled and stepped on through.

Gon sighed and began stretching his legs from side to side. “This is going to be good. I can’t wait to dominate again.”

Killua looked his boyfriend over and smiled. “Hey… uh… Gon. Can I ask you something?”

“You just did.” Gon said back, quickly.

Killua winced. He hated responses that he couldn’t argue with. “Right… d-do you think that our relationship is for the best?”

Gon stopped and stood up, looking over at him. “Why ask something like that? Don’t you want to be together with me?”

“Of course I do!” Killua yelped. “I spent the majority of this competition fretting over whether or not you felt the same way! I just…”

“…?” Gon was confused. Still, he smiled and went over to Killua feeling peppy a split second later. He leaned in and whispered into his ear. “I know what you’re worried about. It’s your family isn’t it?”

“Eh…?!” Killua blushed and wiggled away a bit. “O-Oh… no. Not really… although, I do wonder what Illumi would think of this… probably not much.”

“He’d think you weren’t much?” Gon asked, confused.

“No. I mean, he wouldn’t think much of it. I don’t think he’d care.” Killua scratched his head… then began scratching it harder. “DAH! I’m so confused! I’m so happy now that we’re together but something’s bothering me. Is it that I just can’t believe it? Am I worried about what other people would think? Why would I be? I’d kill anyone who teased me… well not KILL but… maybe electrocute or something…”

Gon watched Killua freak out with a smile on his face. “Don’t worry Killua. I feel the same way too.”

Killua looked at Gon, standing as the confused one now.

“I think I get it.” Gon chuckled. “You’re still convinced that because we’re together now, something about our relationship is going to change in a way that you might not be happy with. What do you think is gonna happen? We’ll be an old married couple that yells at each other and wants a divorce?”

Killua stopped fretting and pouted. His hands went into his pockets and he grumbled. “Idiot. That’s not it…”

That totally was it.

“HEY YOU TWO!” Manzo shouted from inside the portal. “Hurry and get in here!”

“Oh snap! Everyone left without us!” Killua yelped.

“Haha! Your crisis got us left behind!” Gon teased. Killua growled and shot behind Gon, giving him a quick wedgie! “HIIEEEEEEEEK!”

“Shut up and get in there, sub!” Killua snapped with a smirk and slapped Gon’s butt so that he stumbled on into the portal.

When Gon fumbled out, he smashed into King and toppled on top of the poor fairy.

“Owww…!” King growled. “Personal space?”

Meliodas laughed. He had to. King falling down was always funny.

“S-Sorry…” Gon sighed and stood up before Killua came in from behind him, giggling at Gon’s special Sesame Street briefs from Aunt Mito. 

“Nice baby briefs by the way.” Killua added.

Gon blushed and pouted with annoyance at Killua, shoving the underwear sticking out of his pants back in. “They were a gift from Aunt Mito. Don’t make fun.”

“Where are we anyway?” Killua ignored that last bit and looked around.

Out in front, Simon was having the biggest nerd-gasm ever. His eyes were sparkling with excitement!

“It’s… IT’S JAPAN!” Simon screamed at the top of his lungs. He zipped all over the place, practically hugging the signs and posters all about.

Alvin watched his younger brother zipping about in excitement, noticing how quickly the solemn look on his face had vanished. Standing with his hands in his pockets, he ended up cracking a smile. Sometimes he forgot that Simon was a kid too.

Kids often made mistakes… and being Alvin meant he made way more mistakes than most people…

Oh boy…

How was he going to apologize to Simon now?

Before he could think of a proper way to do it, Simon zipped back over to Alvin and grabbed his hands, eyes sparkling as he jumped up and down like a school girl.

“Come on Alvin! Take off those winter clothes and join me in the sight-seeing! There’s manga and anime stuff and flashing billboards and the FOOD! Japanese food! I wanna see Eiichiro Oda and Hayao Miyazaki and the TOKYO TOWER! EEEEEEK!” Simon actually squealed. It was anime nerd Heaven.

Alvin giggled and sputtered his lips. “Alright, alright. We’ll go.”

“Not just yet.” Manzo said, holding up a finger. “We’ve got a challenge to do?”

“Already?” Ray Ray asked. “We didn’t even eat breakfast yet?”

“You can eat later.” Manzo muttered. “The budget is running really dry right now so I need to wrap this up as quickly as I can. You’re getting your food but it’s gonna be after we do this. Even if you lose, I promise I’ll feed ya. Right now though, we’re going to a sectioned off place in the middle of Tokyo! Follow ME!”

It was a small walk really. Around the corner of the nearest flashing tall building was their destination.

It looked like there were four moving walkways with flashing lights on the ground. On top of each walkway was a booth with two seats in them strapped to the walkway. In the booth was also a panel that had a green light and red light in it. 

“Welcome one and all to my super fancy Japanese Game-Show!” Manzo said, suddenly standing in a suit. “Each team must enter their booths and wait for further instruction please.”

The remaining contestants did just that.

“I’m finding this to be a pretty fairly ridiculous situation so far.” King muttered as he sat down.

“Don’t fret. Teasing you with whatever this’ll end up being is gonna be fun.” Meliodas laughed. King growled and blushed, wondering what he could do to embarrass Meliodas again.

“I’m so hyped.” Ray Ray sat down next to June, practically bouncing in his seat.

“Don’t get too bent out of shape Ray Ray. We need you at peak physical condition for this… whatever’s happening.” June responded, sitting with a look of caution.

Manzo stood in a booth that was also tied to its own track but this one was facing the competition instead of facing forward like all the other ones, even though it was going to be following them so that he could keep up.

“Now then. Everyone seated?” Manzo asked.

Simon grinned and nodded. Alvin sighed.

Gon put his arm around Killua and hugged him close, giving him a thumbs up.

“Alright. Now let’s play Truther and Daring!” Manzo shouted. “It’s pretty simple. One team is selected to try and dare another team to do something. When it comes time for them to perform a dare, the person chosen will get launched towards an open crowd to act upon it and launched back to the booth when or if they complete it. A completed dare gives them the ability to advance while the one who initiated the dare gets shocked in their booth. However, if they fail to complete the dare, the failing booth will get shocked and the one who initiated the dare moves forward instead.” Manzo pointed at them all. “Got it?”

“Sure… but where’s the truth part come in?” Juniper raised her hand.

“Those are the lightning rounds. They happen at random once for every team.” Manzo grinned with his hands behind his back. “You’ll be given a series of questions that you have to answer and for each one you lie about, you get shocked. If you pass, you get a point. You won’t be in any danger of falling behind so long as you finish fast. You could lie your whole way through if you wanted. It just means more electricity coursing through your veins.”

“Sick bastard.” King muttered under his breath.

“Alright. We’re finished with the explanation. Let’s DO IT!” Manzo pressed a button on the console of his and rotated between the four teams.

It landed on Juniper and Ray Ray.

“You guys get to go first. Who do you choose?” Manzo asked, dancing on his booth with happiness.

Ray Ray began to ponder as he looked his teammates over. “I… choose… eh….?”

Juniper rolled her eyes. “You know this is a group effort ri-?”

“Gon and Killua!” Ray Ray shouted, raising his finger. June sighed.

Gon looked over at them, excited to take up the challenge. Killua didn’t seem anywhere near as jazzed.

“I dare… Killua to have a pie throwing contest with Gon and he needs to WIN!” Ray Ray said.

“Oh?! COOL!” Gon grinned evilly as he and Killua were suddenly launched out of their seats in the booth over towards the Dare Completion area!


They both landed hard on the concrete with their legs and butts sticking up. The onlooking crowd snapped a few flash photos of their landing before they got up.

Soon, a chef karting a bunch of pies came out and stood before them. “10 Banana Cream PIES!”

Gon and Killua looked at the chef then at one another with a sly smirk before shooting over and grabbing 5 each!

They immediately jumped back and landed across from one another. This was all being put on display by the jumbotron where Manzo was broadcasting the show to the crowd and the other contestants by the main game area.

“Give it up Gon. You remember what happened the last time you tried to pie me in the face!” Killua snapped.

“YOU pied ME in the face and I tried to get you back!” Gon shouted, grumbling with anger. 

Killua made a sly cat face. “Oh? Is that what happened? I forgot. I remember pieing you twice and that’s it.”

“RAAAAGH!” Gon snapped and rushed head long at his boyfriend, tossing one of the pies right at him.

Killua grinned and zipped along the area, making after-images to try and confuse Gon. 

Gon looked around and snarled a bit before smiling and chucking his second pie. “OVER THERE!”

“HURGH!” Killua yelped when the pie hit his face! Dead center!

Gon: 1, Killua: 0

“YES! Gotcha!” Gon snapped, grabbing his third pie and hoisting it back.

Killua tumbled back a bit before yanking the pie off his face and spinning the pan. He then shot forward and tossed it at Gon’s feet.

“Whoa!” Gon jumped and tried to make his way over it but ended up landing in the center of the squishy pan instead. “YEEK!” He slid and zipped about on one leg before he spotted Killua ahead of him, holding a pie up.

“AAAGH!” Gon yelped before he got pied right in the face! He slipped off of it and fell onto his butt!

Gon: 1, Killua: 1

“Oh, poor baby. Fall and go boom did ya?” Killua teased.

“URGH!” Gon managed to hold onto the remaining 3 pies he had and spun them about on both his hands and his head. With a massive smirk, he shot over to Killua and thrust his head forward!

“Nice try!” Killua jumped to dodge… but Gon was prepared for that! Gon jumped too and managed to get the pie on his head to smash into Killua’s butt! “AAAAAAGH!”

Gon laughed and spun himself upward, grasping his two remaining pies and twirling them. “Time to end you!”

With a double spin he shot his last two down at Killua… and missed when it phased through the blurry after-image.

“What the-?!” Gon yelped right before he got pied in the back of the head! “AAGAH!”

“Silly Gon!”

Gon: 2, Killua: 2

Gon shouted as he fell forward and bounced on the ground before skidding to a stop. He managed to get the pie off the back of his head and angrily rushed at Killua with the remains of it.

“WHY YOU-!” Gon shouted and tossed it. Killua jumped and pressed a hand on his head before smashing his third pie into Gon’s face! “HMMGH!”

Gon: 2, Killua: 3

Gon stumbled forward with his butt sticking out. Killua landed and yanked back Gon’s shorts and undies before dropping the next pie in and letting the undies snap back against Gon’s butt!

“MMGH!” Gon yelped and jumped before falling onto his butt with the mess squishing about all over him.

Gon: 2, Killua: 4

Gon got the pie in his face off of him and snapped. “DAMMIT! I WANNA WIN THIS TIME! YOU JERK!” He screamed and flailed his arms about like a baby.

Killua landed in front of Gon with a grin as Gon began to cry and whine about his now obvious loss. The boy found it so adorable.

He leaned in and planted a kiss on Gon’s mouth!

Gon immediately swooned and turned to jello, leaning forward with heart eyes and a runny nose.

“Now take your last pie like the sub you are.” Killua ordered.

Gon felt a stirring in his shorts, poking at the front as Killua talked to him like this. “Y-Yes master…!” He gurgled right before Killua smashed the last pie in his face.

Gon fell over and planted the ground, messy all over and a bit wet down below too.

Killua shook his fists in the air with a wide grin on his face. “Can’t beat me just yet, can you?! HAHAHAHA!”

Gon: 2, Killua: 5!

Killua WINS!

The two of them were launched back to their booth, with Gon swooning and drooling in a euphoric state. Killua snapped a few pictures of that with his phone, finding it irresistibly cute.

“You two completed Ray Ray’s dare, which means you advance a space!” Manzo said, pressing the button and having their booth move forward. “As for Ray Ray’s booth…” He grinned and pressed a button on theirs.

Both Juniper and Ray Ray were sent several volts of electricity into their bodies that saw them jittering and wiggling about in pain. When it stopped, Ray Ray was currently in the middle of peeing his pants and June’s hair was frazzled like the Bride of Frankenstein.

“… I dun goofed…” Ray Ray muttered before falling over.

Meliodas and King: 0
Gon and Killua: 1
Juniper and Ray Ray: 0
Alvin and Simon: 0

“Next.” Manzo said, pressing a button and having the random dare device land on Meliodas and King.

“Ah. A challenge is it?” King smirked. “Hmm… who do I want to dare…? I know. Alvin and Simon!”

“What?” The two of them reacted with surprise.

“I want you two to have a Diaper Wrestling match with one another… as in, you two wrestle and the loser gets diapered.” King smirked. “And I want Alvin to win. If he doesn’t win, then I lose.”

“WE lose.” Meliodas snapped, tapping at King’s head. “Don’t go making decisions by yourself. At least run them by me.”

“Right… sorry Captain.” King muttered.

Alvin and Simon shared a glance at one another. 

Was this a bad thing? Maybe not. It might be a good way to blow off some steam and share some frustrations about one another.

“What’s stopping us from trying to make it so Alvin loses on purpose?” Simon asked.

“The lie detector will be able to tell if the performance is fake. If it is, then King and Meliodas win.” Manzo stated.

Simon sighed. Guess they were going at it for real then.

The two of them got launched back over to the crowd where a makeshift wrestling ring had already been set up by, presumably, the world’s fastest gatherer of materials ever.

When they landed on their butts and bounced a bit from the pain, they quickly had their shirts, shoes, and socks taken off so that they were left standing in their shorts.

The crowd began cheering as the two chipmunks stood steady and began circling each other.

“… Well… having fun in Japan so far Simon?” Alvin asked, trying to break the ice a bit. The more he looked at his brother the more ashamed he was starting to feel. Witnessing how insane Mokuba actually was and how much Ray Ray had been trying to get in a word edge wise about the misunderstanding just left him in a pretty unfavorable light. More so than usual even.

“I’d say so…” Simon responded, taking off his glasses and handing them to the person at the side. “How about I make it better by beating you?”

Alvin raised a brow but then smirked. He took that as a cue to attack, so he did!

“You?!” Alvin rammed right into Simon’s gut with his head. “Beat me?! HA!” Alvin wrapped his arms around the now pained Simon and lifted him up. 

Simon struggled and tried to wrap his arms around Alvin’s head but lurched in pain when Alvin jumped and slammed him onto the mat.

“HOOOGH OHHHHUGH!” Simon grunted and fumbled about on the mat before he was grabbed again by his older brother and swung around by his legs.

“Come on Simon. Show me what you got!” Alvin laughed and tossed Simon away. Simon yelped and bounced against the ropes before flinging back at Alvin and catching a clothesline to the neck that made him smash onto his back on the mat.

Simon jerked about and fidgeted like an electrocuted fish before flumping in pain. He curled and uncurled his toes and began to drool a bit.

“Hahaha!” Alvin laughed and grabbed Simon by his head, yanking him up and dragging him over. Simon slumped forward with his arms dangling out in front of him, wondering what was currently happening.

“It’ll be over soon bro-bro.” Alvin grabbed Simon by his shorts and yanked him up. Simon yelped as his shorts gave him a bit of a wedgie. He was then twirled and then slammed hard onto the mat again!

Simon fumbled and slumped onto the floor, moaning on the mat and fidgeting.

Alvin laughed and pressed his foot against Simon’s butt, feeling himself gleam with bright happiness. “Oh ho ho ho ho! I win Simon! Hehehe. Man, that was cathartic!”

Simon’s eyes widened when he heard Alvin say the word ‘cathartic’ like he was the one in need of a stress reliever. 

Something snapped in him at that moment. Simon suddenly found himself standing up at attention and pressing his foot down hard before leering at the chipmunk in front of him. Alvin’s eyes got bigger the more Simon rose. It was like he was witnessing Godzilla rise out of the ocean.

“… Okay. So, I guess you’re ready for round t-OOF!” Alvin grunted when Simon blasted a punch into his gut! “HAAAAAAUCK!” Alvin lurched, grabbing his stomach and drooling out his mouth. 

Simon didn’t wait to follow up. He grabbed Alvin by his head and spun him around, running him towards the corner post and thwacking his face against it!

“AAAAGH!” Alvin’s head bounced off it and he stumbled about in a ballerina twirl.

“What was cathartic?” Simon asked, wrapping his arms around Alvin’s torso and lifting him up. Once Simon got Alvin dangling over his head he smashed his back down against his knee!

“AAAAAAAAAAGUH!” Alvin screamed, tears spewing from his eyes. “OOOH GOOOOOOD!”

Simon lifted Alvin again and began to bend him over his head. Alvin started to squirm about and flail.

“Was it the part where you were beating on me?” Simon asked. “Huh? Are YOU the one who needs a break from me?”

“N-No! NO! I’M SOWAAAAAAGH!” Alvin yelled in pain right before Simon flipped Alvin over and body slammed him onto the mat!

Alvin’s body and face smashed against it so hard that he bounced back up onto his feet and then toppled backwards.

Simon grabbed him before he could hit the mat… but then Simon raised him and slammed him down onto his back anyway!

Alvin’s body began jerking and thrusting weirdly now. He started to seep a bit of urine into his shorts as the pain soaked through both him and his underwear.

Simon reached down and tugged off Alvin’s shorts, leaving him laid about in his Wonder Woman briefs. Alvin’s eyes were rolling in their sockets and he was seeing stars spin around his head.

“W-Whoa… d-do universe spins fast…” Alvin said, more drool ebbing out the side of his mouth.

Simon raised Alvin up by his armpits and leered at him.

“Hmph. Wanna nap now?” Simon asked.

“I-uhhh-!” Alvin tried to speak before Simon put him into a dragon sleeper. “GUGH! GAAAGHAKK!”

Alvin struggled and sputtered about, more pee seeping down his legs as his face turned blue and red, making a nice violet color. His eyes began rolling back and his vision blurred.

“NOOOOOO~!” Alvin managed to gasp.

“Say nighty night! Go on! SAY IT!” Simon shouted, using his foot to take down Alvin’s briefs next. The camera’s went off as he was now butt naked.

“N-Nighty… night…!” Alvin muttered before going limp. His arms dangled and his eyes fluttered. 

Eventually his eyes closed and he stopped moving. Simon let him go and Alvin smashed onto the mat. His wet crotch jerked up and down for a split second but then he stopped twitching soon after.

Simon grabbed his glasses and put them back on before grabbing a pink diaper with fairy princesses on it. He raised Alvin’s wet butt and planted it on the diaper before taping it up and swatting the front of it.

Simon put a foot on Alvin’s stomach and raised his fist.

“1… 2…3…!” Manzo shouted. “Simon wins!”

“AAAAGH!” King screamed, yanking at his hair. Meliodas grumbled, annoyed with his arms crossed.

Alvin and Simon were catapulted back to the booth where theirs managed to advance a space. Simon landed in his seat, wearing his clothes again while Alvin landed with his wet diaper bottom sticking out of the seat. He was drooling and unconscious, beaten soundly by his nerdy younger brother.

“And the Chipmunks advance while Meliodas and King get the shock of their lives.” Manzo pressed the button.

“YEEEEEEEEEEP!” The two of them jittered about as they were electrocuted. 

Meliodas and King: 0
Gon and Killua: 1
Juniper and Ray Ray: 0
Alvin and Simon: 1

King fidgeted as he gripped the booth, wetting his pants where he stood and blushing at the puddle around his feet.

“Hahaha! Serves you right!” Meliodas grinned before he grunted. “Oww… what the…?”

King looked over at Meliodas and grinned. He reached over and yanked back Meliodas’s pants and looking on down. “Lookie there. A big smelly mess! Someone couldn’t handle the shock too!”

“WHAT?!” Meliodas blushed and grabbed his butt. His face went extremely red when he felt the mess that had piled in the back.

“WAHAHAHA!” King laughed and pointed… right before Meliodas tackled him and started to beat the snot out of him. “WAAAAGH! AAAAAGH! EEEEEEEEEK! AAAAAAAAAAAH!”

The sounds of King screaming as he got pummeled rang out before Manzo pressed a button over their booth.

“It’s time for the TRUTH section for Meliodas and King! Are you guys ready?” Manzo asked.

Meliodas held up a drooling and black-eyed King, looking over at Manzo before smiling and dropping him.

“Sure. Let’s do it!” Meliodas laughed. “Bring it!”

“B-Bring it…” King moaned…

“Alright. The questions will appear on screen. Answer truthfully or get zapped.” Manzo said.

First Question: What’s the last time King has wet the bed without interference from the competition?

King blushed and recoiled. He was taken by surprise by that. The clock was ticking though. “Uh… I… th-the last week… scary movie… nightmare…!”

The green light rung.

Second Question: Has King ever gotten turned on by being dominated.

King flushed a deeper shade of red. “… Y-Yes… I imagine Diane doing it lots… okay…?!” He choked out. The other teams began laughing. Meliodas did too.

Third Question: Does King have a problem with premature ejaculation? If so, how long can he hold it in?


“Answer King. We need to hurry or else we’ll lose when the time goes out.” Meliodas smirked.

“…. Ffffffff…. Urrrnnnn… I… I DO b-but I swear I can last at least 2 minutes!” King shouted and then got immediately electrocuted. “HAAAGHAH!” He fell over but crawled his way back up. “I-I mean… i-if you round up…!”

“15 seconds.” Manzo said.

“F-Fine! 10 seconds is my current max! I can’t help it! I see a pretty girl and I squirt in my pants! HAPPY!” King shouted.

Fourth Question: Is Meliodas a Boxers or Briefs guy?

“Briefs!” Meliodas said. 

“And time!” Manzo said.

“THAT ISN’T FAIR! We knew that already! He’s been in his underwear plenty! YOU FU-AAAAGH!” King yelped when he got electrocuted again by Manzo. For fun that time.

Meliodas and King: 1
Gon and Killua: 1
Juniper and Ray Ray: 0
Alvin and Simon: 1

“Next person.” Manzo pressed the randomizer and it landed on Gon and Killua.

“Oh ho! Excellent!” Killua grinned and cracked his knuckles. “I feel like jumping into the fray with an epic dare. I wanna see Ray Ray try and survive getting massive constant wedgies by a Gorilla!” Killua said.

Ray Ray’s eyes widened and he leered over at Killua, shocked. “A-Are you… you monster…!”

Suddenly, Ray Ray’s seat launched him across the sky. “AAAAAGH! YOU BITCH!”

Ray Ray was about to land but was snagged out of the air by a tall gorilla. It huffed in his face which made Ray Ray tinkle a bit in his already wet pants.

“H-Hello…” Ray Ray gulped before putting on a brave face. “A-Alright! LET’S GO MAGILLA!”

The instant he said that, the gorilla gripped his Digimon undies and yanked on them like a sling-shot! 

“AAAGH! DAMMIT! FUUUU-AAAAGH!” He screamed before it began twirling him around. He yelped and screeched as it ping-ponged him about before twirling and wrapping him up like a rubberband ball. “WEDGIEEEEEE! EEEEEEK!”

The onlookers watched this gorilla mess with and play about with Ray Ray for so long. It was kind of amazing. 

Killua knew Ray Ray had Wedgie PTSD so he was waiting eagerly for him to scream out his submission. However, all Ray Ray would say is “WEDGIEEEEEEE!” over and over again, every single time the gorilla yanked his undies about.

It played jump rope with his briefs. It bounced him like a basketball by the waistband. It even used him as a flail around one of the street signs.

Nothing but him yelling, “WEDGIE!”, “WEDGIE!”, “WEDGIEEEEEEE~!” over and over.

Finally, the allotted time was up! 

Ray Ray ended up being slingshotted by his underwear back to June, landing in a supremely wedgied mess with his briefs wrapped around his body, over his head, under his chin, tied around both arms, under his legs, and somehow in-between his toes.

Manzo chuckled. “There you have it. He’s made of tougher stuff than you think.”

Killua crossed his arms. “Hmph. It was worth a SSSSSZZZZZZZZZRRRK!” Killua yelped as both he and Gon were electrocuted next. They both tried to control their bladders but they ended up failing rather hard. Both of them wet themselves almost immediately with Killua fumbling his head into Gon’s butt when he fell over.

Killua screamed as a lustful blood geyser shot from his nose, making him spin in mid-air before landing on his back, twitching.

“Good job!” Juniper winked.

“Ohhhh… I… I can’t… feel… butt cheeks…” Ray Ray moaned, the undies masking his face.

Alvin, eventually, began to wake up. He rubbed his head and sat in his soaked diaper with a look of confusion on his face. “Ohhh… w-what happened…?”

Simon looked over at him for a split second and then looked away.

“Let us continue!” Manzo smiled and got to work.

The teams all looked continuously determined now.

Through a series of humiliating trials and blasphemous dares, the four remaining groups managed to chug onward!

“I dare Killua and Gon to make out with beehives shoved down their underwear!” Ray Ray shouted.

Cut to Gon and Killua, sitting and blushing with an onlooking crowd and beehives shoved down their undies. They tried leaning in for a kiss but the stinging made them scream and bash their heads together! They went cross-eyed and fell over, failing that one.

“I dare Meliodas and King to do ballet in dresses and panties while dancing on top of hot coals.” Alvin challenged.

Cut to, Meliodas and King in matching pink tutus trying their best to dance over the coals. King screeched when his bare feet kept having to touch them and eventually he shot into Meliodas, smacking into him and getting him to fall on his butt…!

“YEEEEEOWWWWW!” Meliodas shrieked, jumped up and ran to stick his butt in a fountain. He sighed as King followed suit and do the same with his feet. They failed that one…

“TRUTHER time!” Manzo shouted. It was Gon and Killua’s turn.

Question 1: Did you ever spank yourself to see if you liked it Killua.

Killua blushed and rubbed his forehead. “Y-Yes… only a couple times… ever since I was 6…”

Gon laughed.

Question 2: Your most painful crotch shot, Gon?

Gon blushed and stopped laughing. He looked at the smirking Killua and gulped. 

“I… uh… well… I was messing with one of Killua’s yo-yo’s at the edge of a cliff… I shot it forward and it came back… nailed me in my balls. I grabbed myself… then fell backwards off the cliff… Lost my shorts… lost my shirt… then my crotch landed on a hard rock…!” Gon teared up with pain just remembering it.

Question 3: Who’s the dom in the relationship and who’s the sub?

“I’m the dom.” Killua said proudly. “He can’t handle my kisses.”

“CAN TO!” Gon snapped.

Killua kissed Gon on the cheek. Gon’s heart eyes returned immediately.

“Sesaas aabansahbabaahflsah…” Gon spoke gibberish and swooned before he fell over, getting wet again.

Question 4: Is it possible you could switch the dom and sub roles every once in a while?

“Yesp!” Gon managed to choke out.

“What? NO! I don’t have anywhere near as little self-control as-!” Killua began before Gon stumbled back up and yanked open the front of his shorts and undies, flashing what was inside to Killua.

“GAAAAH!” Killua’s nose bleed sent him rocketing out of the booth and smashing into a mail box!

The dares returned soon after that.

“I dare Ray Ray to twerk in his wedgie undies in front of some old british men!” Alvin said.

Cut to Ray Ray, stomping out before a bunch of British guys and stripping his clothes off. “HEY! Old dudes with mustaches, top hats, and monocles! Look at this!”

Ray Ray turned around and showed them his butt.

“What is this? A stripping child here in our cultural visit to Japan?” One of the old guys said with a super snobby voice.

Ray Ray then began to do the booty shake for them. “LOOK AT MAH BUTT!”

The old British dudes spat out their tea in unison. “Oh, my word! I say!”

Manzo laughed as he watched this. “I looked for the most hilarious stereotypes I could find. It’s great, isn’t it?”

“I dare King to read through several passages of Fifty Shades of Gray!” Killua snapped.

Cut to King, sitting and reading the book in question. “Ugh… man… it doesn’t take much to get me going but I can’t stomach this. Look at this shitty writing. His pointer finger circled my puckered love cave. “Are you ready for this?” he mewled, smirking at me like a mother hamster about to eat her three-legged young.’ UGH! This is in an actual book! Somebody who actually exists sat down and wrote this! HOLY FUCK!”


“I dare Juniper to eat off a sushi buffet with wasabi coated in all of it.” Meliodas grinned.

Cut to June, shoving the sushi in her mouth and smashing her fist onto the table repeatedly to choke it down. She gasped and fell over, throwing up. That was a failure…


After a constant stream of constant back and forth humiliations and dares, the scoreboard was now..

Meliodas and King: 5
Gon and Killua: 7
Juniper and Ray Ray: 5
Alvin and Simon: 6

“TRUTHER time!” Manzo said, lighting up the booth with Alvin and Simon.

The two chipmunks yelped and turned to look at one another. 

“You guys ready?” Manzo asked.

“Yes sir.” Alvin said with a sigh. He was wet and covered in bruises but he was ready.

Question 1: Alvin, how great was it getting beat up by nerdy Simon? Are you proud?

“Proud?!” Alvin yelped. He looked over at Simon who was staring straight ahead with a pout on his face. Alvin gulped. “Uh… p-proud is a … strong word… m-more… surprised?”

The green light dinged. It was the truth.

Simon fixed his glasses.

Question 2: Simon, how often do you enjoy losing to Alvin?

Simon leered ahead. “Sometimes I do. There have been a few times where I get carried away with myself and imagine I’ve been dominated by someone. Nothing too much else there though.”

The green light dinged. It was the truth.

He said it so casually. 

Alvin began sweating and looked down at his button. “Uh…”

Question 3: Alvin, do you have issues with self-esteem and submission? Do you think losing to Simon would be like being sissified?

Alvin blushed, his face covered in sweat. “I’m… I uh…”

“Answer the question. We’re on a time limit.” Simon said calmly.

“… L-Look. S-Simon… I mean, yes. I… I would…”

The green light dinged. 

Question 4: Do you trust your brother like a brother or is he an obstacle in your way? 

“… …” Alvin looked ahead and sweated onto the booth’s counter. 

There was a heavy silence in the air. Alvin wasn’t answering. He didn’t know the answer.

Manzo looked over at them. “… I can extend your time to 10 minutes in exchange for one of your points.”

Simon slammed his hands on the booth, stood up and left, sniffling and running off, anger boiling over.

“SIMON!” Alvin gasped and shot up. He got out of the booth too and ran after him.

“Hey!” Manzo shouted.

“YES! Take one of our points away! Move on! Whatever, I don’t care! SIMON, WAIT UP!” Alvin screamed and rushed after him.

The others looked at them go and felt uneasy. Manzo cleared his throat and began to move on, taking one of their points away.


“SIMON! SIMON!” Alvin rushed along, pumping his fists and tearing up as he ran along the streets of Tokyo. Suddenly, all the happy and peppy locations around him felt cold and clammy. It was a desolate feeling in the pit of his stomach and he couldn’t stand it.

He ran towards the area where he saw Simon run before checking around the place. Then he spotted an open door and a staircase. Alvin gasped and ran into the building, rushing up the steps and making it to the top, gasping and panting.

Alvin huffed and puffed before looking ahead and spotting his younger brother, hugging his knees to his chest and crying at the edge of the building. He was overlooking Tokyo, a place he wanted to visit so badly, with tears streaming down his face.

Alvin looked down and walked on over to Simon. He stood behind him with his hands at his side, feeling down and unable to keep himself from letting a few tears fall too.

“I… I don’t know… what to say…” Alvin muttered. 

Simon didn’t say anything.

“… But that’s only because I don’t think saying sorry would be anywhere near enough at this point.” Alvin said, wiping his face. “I was… I was hesitating to answer that question because I was doubting myself. I didn’t know if I actually did think that badly about you because I’ve been treating you like garbage the whole time we’ve been here.”

Simon looked ahead. “… You know… I’ve always wanted to come here. I’d prefer it if Theodore was here as well but getting the chance to vacation with you sounded like a fun time too. Yet, here I am.”

“… I’m sorry.” Alvin muttered. “Pranks and stuff are one thing but this… this doesn’t feel right.”

“Oh?” Simon said sarcastically. “You thought that there was a chance that this did feel right then?”

“I didn’t say that!” Alvin snapped.

“Then what do you mean?! I want to win, sure, but the whole reason I signed us up for this was so I could spend time with you! Just the two of us!” Simon snapped. 

Alvin looked on, stunned.

“We were drifting apart and the only way we communicated was by arguing and pranking. I guess I was being selfish too.” Simon muttered. “But it’s fine. You can go back and see if you can win yourself. I won’t get in your way.”

“You’re NOT in my way!” Alvin shouted. “Stop it!”

“Don’t tell me what to do!” Simon yelled aloud.

“I’m your older brother!” Alvin shouted back.

“By FIVE MINUTES Alvin!” Simon snarled.

“So, what?! I don’t want to see you like this, regardless!” Alvin started to get a bit unhinged.

“Well too bad! You failed! Now go away!” Simon wasn’t budging on this.

Alvin bit his lip and clenched his fists.

“No.” Alvin leered at the back of Simon’s head. “You’re NOT in my way and I refuse to do this without you. I… the reason I have so much trouble owning up to my feelings is because there’s a part of me that thinks it’s wimpy…”

“Heh. Always wanting to be super macho eh?” Simon grunted.

“No… I… well, that’s probably part of it but… I mostly just wanted to make sure I could come off as super strong and as powerful as I could be… because I wanted to be someone you could look up to.” Alvin finally admitted it. He swallowed a lump in his throat. “And I… I took it too far… and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have wrote you off when my secret was revealed and I should have had more faith in you… and I want you to come back… with me…”

“… …” Simon looked down in front of himself. “You do? But if you’re so strong and powerful then why do you need me?”

Alvin stood there with the wind blowing by. He bit his lip again and blushed, feeling his heart race.

“B-Because… because you… you’re my brother…” Alvin spoke up. “You’re my brother… and I love… you…”

Simon sat there in silence. 

“… Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear it.” The younger boy lied.

Alvin knew it was a lie but relented anyway.

“… I said you’re my brother… and I love… you…” Alvin stayed steady on the ‘V’ in love as he drew it out due to his embarrassment.

Simon sniffed and wiped his face, standing up and facing him. “I love you too Alvin.”

Alvin smiled.

“I’m also sorry… for uh… all the bad stuff I might have said and done… you know?” Simon shrugged.

“Well… you know…” Alvin chuckled and looked to the side.

The two of them stood there in silence for a bit before Alvin rushed forward and pulled Simon into a hug.

“A-Alvin…!” Simon yelped, blushing a bit. “Th-This isn’t… necessary…”

“Aha. Who’s the one acting all macho now?” Alvin said with a whisper.

Simon winced but his lips sputtered and his eyes glistened before he began crying into Alvin’s shoulder, hugging him back.

Alvin chuckled and rubbed Simon’s back. “There you go. Just let it out.”

Simon cried rather hard. “I’m so habby! I daught dat you HATED ME!” Simon gasped, unable to speak right through his tears.

“There, there. Big brother’s here for you.” Alvin said.

“Only by five minutes.” Simon repeated, while blubbering.

“Still older than you. Still my job to comfort you. You’re not getting out of this.” Alvin laughed and stood there, rocking him a bit.


“ARE YOU SERIOUS!? COME ON!” King snapped and tugged at his hair. “I could have totally done that if my dumbass captain didn’t stand there laughing at me!”

King’s pants were wet again. Ray Ray dared King to look at a stripper about to take her top off and not cream himself. The instant the dare came their way Meliodas began laughing and King was blushing super hard.

Eventually, King had to confront the stripper. 

“Just think of Diane. I belong to her, not this woman!” King said aloud.

Thinking of Diane was a bad thing to do. He ended up imagining the woman was her. The instant she went for her top, King screamed and jerked back, flooding the front of his pants with his cream and falling over with a red face. 

It was a mere two seconds before the premature humiliation-gasm. Meliodas fell over laughing until he peed himself.

“SHUT UP! YOU SUCK! I HATE YOU! ALL OF YOU!” King screamed, tugging at his hair and crying. “FUUUUCK!”

Manzo had gone around the horn and done every team again. This was the final round and the Chipmunks had yet to return. 

However, Alvin and Simon soon came rushing in, holding hands and jumping into the booth.

“How much time is left?” Alvin asked.

“I gave you guys 10 minutes. You have 5 seconds left to answer the-” Manzo began.

“I DO! I TRUST SIMON WITH MY LIFE!” Alvin shouted.

The green light dinged. He was telling the truth.

Meliodas and King: 5
Gon and Killua: 8
Juniper and Ray Ray: 6
Alvin and Simon: 6

“Alright. And since we did a round while you were out, you guys have one last dare… but we did it without you so I guess you can dare yourselves.” Manzo shrugged.

Alvin smiled. “Simon! Punch me in the face! I dare you!”

“… A-Are you sure?” Simon raised his fist.

“Positive. Give me a big old wallop right here!” Alvin pointed at his cheek.

“… Okay!” Simon swung his fist back. Alvin went from smirking confidently too smiling like a derpy idiot when Simon punched him off the booth and shot him against the wall of a building in between the crowd.

“Duuuuuuh…” Alvin slid down the wall and landed on his butt. His wet diaper got even wetter and his tongue stuck out the side of his mouth. His eyes were rolling and galaxies were circling around his head.

Simon laughed. “Oh, dearie me. He keeps forgetting not to underestimate how hard I can hit.”

“That’s another point.” Manzo said. “With that, the game’s over. Final score!”

Meliodas and King: 5
Gon and Killua: 8
Juniper and Ray Ray: 6
Alvin and Simon: 7

“Aha! Looks like Meliodas and King are DONE!” Manzo shouted.

“Ah dammit.” Meliodas grumbled.

“WAAAAAAAAGH! WHY DAMMIT WHY!” King screamed, yanking at his head. 

“Don’t worry. I promised you guys food regardless so I hopefully can send you off in style while you eat.” Manzo smirked and smashed his fist on the middle button of his console.

Suddenly, Meliodas and King’s booth sprung to life and clamped over the two of them! 

“HEY! WHAT THE-?! WHAT’S GOING ON?!” King screamed.

When the booth opened, it transformed into a double baby carriage. King and Meliodas were in diapers and had baby bonnets and booties on.

Both were sucking on pacifiers and blushing as the straps tightly tucked them in.

King spat the pacifier out and gasped. “NO! Not like this! Come on!”

The baby carriages turned around and began to head the opposite direction of everyone else, down a line of people that had mushed Japanese food in baby jars. As the two went by, the people happily shoveled food into their mouths.

“NOO! RUGP! I DON’T WANNA-URP! GAH! Delicious. BUT NOOO!” King screamed about before more food was put into him.

“Oh man… this diaper isn’t going to last long with wasabi going down my throat…” Meliodas winced, blushing as they were carted off…

Manzo waved goodbye before facing the final three.

“Well, we finally have our last three teams.” Manzo smirked. “The budget is officially gone so the final challenge tomorrow will be… quite a doozy. We’ll say.”

“Oh?! Awesome!” Ray Ray said, gripping his fists and trying to fix his underwear. “Do we get special badges or something?”

“Sure… whatever. Also, lunch is on me.” Manzo said, pointing at himself. “Just enjoy the sights, have fun, and rest up because tomorrow will be the beginning of an epic finale. One of you three teams will be eliminated at the half-way point of the final challenge and then we’ll watch the final two race to the end!”

Gon Freeces and Killua Zoldyck.

Juniper Lee and Ray Ray Lee.

Alvin Seville and Simon Seville.

It was time to get the finale under way.


What was your favorite part of this chapter? 

Next week, the beginning of the end. 


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